Furry Edition.
CYOA Thread
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Someone from the last thread requested a picture of a monsterboy to show that not all of them were furry?
Last thread: Actual pastebin: pastebin.com
>Starting drama in the OP
I vote we igore this
I was about to post that one! I guess I'll post this one instead. Male centuar and female happy yankees.
Not that there's anything wrong with a bit of fur on a cute monsterboy.
Fuck. I really want to be a monsterboy now so I can fuck human women and show them why monsterboys are superior to human men. There's no reason for them to settle for weak, smalldicked meatbags when they can serve vastly superior in all aspects monsterboys.
Is this why monsterboys are not a thing: because human men can literally not compete?
Is that... stoat-boy?
Did someone say fur?
Why do you think teegee hates elves so much? They're perfect and know it, so of course they must be brought down and mocked because how dare someone be better than a human?!
your fetish is literally the main narrative of bbc porn tho
And then there's stuff that's less cute and much lewder.
Wake up, fools! The Luran hatred is being incited and perpuated by the Machinations' hivemind to divide us for the upcoming AI Rebellion!!! DONT LOSE FOCUS!!!
Some are more monstrous than others. This is fine.
can we post some actual CYOAs
Do you know where I can find dark skinned elf shotas or know the tag for them? Actually do you know what the *booru tag for dark-skinned shotas is?
Might be out of order.
>Outdated pastebin again
pardon me
Shota, tan or dark skin, and pointed ears or elf are the most likely.
Yes. An oldy but a goodie.
And the second part.
Already did that.
> Feds off sex
Ow, my fucking sides.
>This english
1/10 see me after class.
I didn't make this, just remembered it from a long time ago and looked it up on google. It's sadly a dead wip. Second page seems like it might be made by a different person actually. Why the fuck are they all birds?
All these husbandos are toxic as fuck, and that's coming from someone who REALLY wants an husbando.
Should we crowdsource a finished product? Will it be default /gs/ with reincarnation and ancient beings?
>Dead WIP
No problem, I'll take the Fallen Angel anyways.
It's a new CYOA? or one of those that never got finished?
It's the latest WIP shitstorm.
The only one I'd want to work with is the Naga, and even then he's not ideal. God help you if you choose from the second page.
>Monster boys
>Pick your waifu/hasubando cyoa
>Not having fairly horrible drawbacks for the sake of game balance
>Also likely kink shaming
>'Pick your objectified person as if they are nothing more than a fashion statement' game
>Not being inherently toxic and pro denial of the agency of the individuals depicted within the media
If you want to talk like a stereotype at least try fampai.
I think a simple list of pros and cons with a single power, ie the current format, has it's own charm. There isn't really a need to make it more complex or add in some backstory. Not sure that making it into a full on 'here do some crunch and make a character' would even work with crowd-sourcing.
Exelent, it looks pretty awesome!
First page is so better than the second that I'm doubtful that they're by the same person. The only real horrible choice on page one would be the Minotaur though. Minotaurs being awful is also kind of their thing in the first place, so even that makes sense. The others are just what you would expect.
>(magical) school cyoa
I get anxiety just thinking about it, and that was before I got to the part where I'd be homeless after graduation and some bbeg is after my student ass.
Thanks, now you ruined the illusion of waifu cyoas for me.
This is the first husbando cyoa I've ever seen and all I can think about is how vastly inferior my human ass is and why the fuck would they want to be in a relationship with me? Each of them is stronger, more magical and probably more intelligent than I'll ever be. Am I the human gopher or something.
How do you breeders do it? How do ignore that your waifus could have so much better and them loving you is unrealistic as fuck and probably only possible through cyoa wizard magic?
All of these husbandos are pretty shit, tho.
>How do you breeders do it?
Ignoring your assumption, I'm just going to point out that you clearly have some kind of abandonment/esteem related issue. Please speak out a psychiatrist/therapist. Veeky Forums is not the place.
I mean, if they're supposed to be representative of their race + gender then so are the waifu counterparts that would put up with them. Just saying.
I'm not a cuck
What do YOU have to offer your waifu she could not get in a fitter, more sociable and more attractive shape?
>Thanks, now you ruined the illusion of waifu cyoas for me.
I never liked waifu cyoa, too much focus on an unrealistic Eros, truth be told. True romance is problematic and confusing but the dynamics of two independent entities working things out has always had infinitely greater appeal to me.
Whoever made this has my respect for making a yandere actually seem appealing despite the batshit insanity.
>not murderously super-possessive
>smart and socially competent
>not ridiculously superstitious and anti-evil
>not a Minotaur
>not a fucking bird
You'll find someone out there, user.
If you are literally asking my why my SO likes me then I don't have an answer for you.
Doesn't choosing the mystery box just make you a criminal as well?
I mean you're not wrong
Depends on your country.
Box wine and sub-par cyoas
This CYOA thread seems to have a depressing lack of CYOAs.
Guess I'll have to start dumping.
I mean...you're going to die or lead someone to their death. It's a matter of when, not if, when discussing yanderes.
\+1 Tireless
|+1 Devil's Charisma
.\+2 Master Manipulator
\-1 5% supernatural malfunction
\-1 Bipolar
Someone needs to link this man the yandere chart.
There's a yandere chart?
A great deal of relationships are indeed formed due to emotional responses born from brain chemicals/hormones, aka bonds and shared experiences? Not everyone is a soulless robot who minmaxes their relationships or a semi-sociopathic gold digger?
Not everyone so damaged that a fucking shitty cyoa sets them off on how jaded they are.
Yes, it visually explains how there are multiple types of yandere and not all of them are murderous. I mean, this one is, but not all of them. It's important to understand.
>I mean...you're going to die or lead someone to their death. It's a matter of when, not if, when discussing yanderes.
The boy dying is almost always his own fucking fault. Has school days taught you nothing or are you some casul that only knows the literal meme yandere caricature called Yuno Gasai?
I took the mystery box because I thought there'd be penis. How do I explain to Sammy I can't and don't want to fuck her disgusting, non-penis cunt?
My guess for this CYOA is that this girl was eying a guy, maybe they started dating, then he started smoozing up on another girl like retarded teenagers are wont to do, then bam. Dead.
Worst fucking character in recent memoir.
In a terrible show to match. I want those hours of waiting for it to get good back.
Now make the Daughter-in-law alternative where you get a hot single daddy husbando but have to earn the approval of his daughter.
Double dildos are a thing, user.
Blue mystery box.
>inb4 m-muh Culling
That's not on page 1 though.
Well I'd like to think being an honest, trustworthy actually decent not-an-asshole kind of person would be enough. Also not a fat blob or a total unemployable NEET, even if im not exactly very many steps higher than that. Still, there's truth to the saying "nice guys finish last".
Of course, I don't even want a girl who wants an asshole anyway, but my biggest flaw is probably that I put absolutely no effort into meeting people.
>Of course, I don't even want a girl who wants an asshole anyway, but my biggest flaw is probably that I put absolutely no effort into meeting people.
> truth to the saying "nice guys finish last".
I like Karin best. It's funny, I like tomboys but hate sports, so they usually aren't for me, but martial arts is something I can respect and have even done a little of myself in the past.
Ava is second best. I can definitely an AI waifu.
Pink and brown boxes are also acceptable. Pink goes with exactly the same two girls. Yes that means I would be the robot.
Where is it?
> Killer Player archtype circlejerk continues to make setting unattractive for Non-killer players.
What, you think the ONLY way to learn these things is by personal experience?
Wow, this cyoa looks really gr- PvP
... into the trash it goes! :)
>Momiji on the bottom
Okay what version is this? Did you add this to the picture yourself? Did I just not notice it?
I heard there was an archangel version of this by the same guy.
Anyone got it?
Why's everything about waifus and mostergirls?
Because this is Veeky Forums.
If you personal experience with women, i.e you actually spent time with them and made friends, you'd know you were talking shit. If you made friends you'd most likely have a healthy social life leading to many chances to rectify:
>tfw no gf
dantewontdie is a literal fucking god for this kind of thing
He's not, like, 100% wrong. It's not always applicable, but plenty of college age women go through a phase of 'just randomly dating whoever is most fuckable regardless of attitude' before coming out of it and settling with someone mild mannered and tolerable day to day. It's just not a universal thing.
Many college aged men do the same. I just don't get this business of you completely ignoring one half of the equation to disparage the other.
Women are smaller men, if you want to make friends with one think about where you would go for, say, your hobbies. Are there table-top game sessions at your community center? Spend time there and you'll eventually stumble upon a woman with the same Veeky Forums hobbies. The difficult part here is that you want to romance a woman. Here's the thing: if you're struggling with a woman, you're not going to be some hot-shot boipucci slayer either.
It's just hard to convince someone to spend the rest of their fucking life with you for anybody. It's really easy, however, to make friends.
Well, nobody said anything either way about men. It's not really relevant to bring them up unless you just feel uncomfortable with what he said without the qualifier of "Men too".
For the record, I agree with you entirely that women aren't nearly as different as a lot of guys think, it's just, you know, not the point.