How well your pc fare against the standard edgelord-marysue like pic related?
How well your pc fare against the standard edgelord-marysue like pic related?
>with the robot
Might be able to step on one or get a hit with the head vulcans, but probably fucked.
>without the robot
Completely fucked.
Wasn't aware Santa Fe is such a shithole.
Gender pronouns change halfway through this b8
>hates government
>loves military
maybe they're genderfluid! ever think of that, shitlord?
Reminds me of this
I wanna play a pally that worships this.
Both D&D characters get stomped fairly hard.
Anima Warlock(Fightmage) would just kill it with fire, or light, because DEUS VULT.
Anima Tao is Jackie Motherfucking Chan who WANTS trable.
Also, there's already a more edgelord mary sue badguy in the actual fucking setting.
>Double Trips
>If he just met that thing with no prior knowledge.
Not a chance.
>If he got to read the description.
Time to make a plan and work on manipulation. It would be very difficult, but he's talked his way out of some pretty terrible situations before. Like avoiding smiting from four major gods and two minor ones, convincing the most powerful archlich in the land not to kill the party, walking away from the herald of the apocalypse without a scratch after accidentally insulting him.
I'm leaving this here so you can check it later.
My PC is a robot doctor living in the barrens.
so... pretty well?
I mean, robot doctors are like THE weakness of hedgehogs, right?
It really depends on what model.
Do you run on chaos or on animals?
I think electricity?
Shadowrun is really unspecific as to what actually things run on.
OC Cringe thread?
Only if you post a plan to defeat them or analysis on how well your party or the average party would fare against them.
For Bloodedge, I feel a bard could do something with music? Music seems to be his weakness.
It is if you reall don't like Adobe.
chek ur privlege shitlord
I have the strangest feeling the kid who made OP pic is from Santa Fe...
Shouldn't he listen to more modern bands, to keep the joke consistent?
Is he Light rail avenger?
That's the beginning stance for perfect storm.
My D&D Cleric could maybe handle him? Sniper rifle could be dealt with by using that wind spell that gives all ranged attacks a miss chance. I feel like that OC has an evil alignment, so I could use Castigate and literally shout scripture at him until he dies.
As for my Stars Without Number character, either shoot it with the Void Carbine or shoot it from his Free Trader ship with the Multifocal Lasers.
I purposefully make my PC the one who looks the edgiest on paper to prevent edgelords from feeling special, then I play him like a straightfaces likeable guy
"Yeah this is Damian Helmsblade, our Dhampir Hematheurge Magus / party cook."
I dunno.
Reminds me of my WoW RP days where people with that roleplay addon which let them add in bios. A bunch of times it'd include "theme songs" which were always some kind of Breaking Benjamin or My Chemical Romance piece.
Yes, that's the joke. But since Minions are a (relatively) new thing, it doesn't make much sense to list bands from the late 90s to early 00s.
What are the current bands edgy kids listen to? I have no idea.
Yeah I know it's the joke, I just like talking about cringey stuff.
For current edgy bands, I'm not sure. When I was in high school the popular edge shit was Asking Alexandria and Paramore. Panic! At the Disco was the slightly softer option for kids who just wanted to be new era mall goths.
This was "edgy"? Oh man. I always thought they were just a popular mainstream band with a cute girl as the singer.
Nah, Paramore isn't edgy. That guy just doesn't really know music that well. Asking Alexandria is correct though. Another good example would be Black Veil Brides.
It's like you've never met a Republican.
>not realizing they are practically the same thing
I just thought Paramore could be considered cedgu because all the people I knew who were into it lumped it in with stuff like Asking Alexandria and Linkin Park.
I really don't know much about modern alt rock.
I'm gonna need a day to work that one with my current player character.
This isn't the first mention of the Sonic Military I've seen, but Sonic University is news to me.
>Nothing personal, Sonic
On the subject of mmo RP
>Run at it with an oversized axe
>Get shot.
>Resurrect and reapear closer
>Repeat process till in melee range
>Murder profit.
And the moral of the story is a default mmo RP character of the character your playing can kill any edgelords you need to see die pleading.
My experience is that kids like that tend to latch onto songs from before their time. It makes them feel more mature, I guess? I had a lot of Nirvana shirts at my highschool in the mid 00s.
And on a side note on resurrection in those MMOs.
Eat your heart out Jesus!
>superhero games
Low-sueness edges can get handled fine
I'm just starting but I'm having some practice.
Ahh, the parodies.
This is a real live deal.
But nobody, with at least some It knowledge, likes Adobe. Their business practices are shady and their products are literal superhighways for malware and viruses.
>Black Veil Brides
Mother of god, it's Motley Crue! So they had kids and those kids formed a band? kek.
You know after awhile you realize that people only do these for lulz sake and then they stop being funny.
This one is pretty real deal.
I have yet to encounter a Mary Sue who can survive a minefield. Well, not one made by a DM at any rate
My PC is a Jedi Consular, so one mind-trick later and Shadowdagger will go home to rethink his life.
Is that a panty hanging from the antlers?
My beholder mage would probably just teleport him to the plane of infinite broken glass. Doesn't look like he can teleport, I think that would be the end of him.
hah... I get it
Doesn't sound all that unlike the usual Matt Ward fare, does it?
yeah, the real things are barely anything in comparison.
But it is. On shadows.
I have no clue if it's serious or not. That's the saddest part.
One character is a persona user, one pilot a giant robot, the last one is at DBZ levels with reality warping abilities.
2/3 I'd say.
>sniper rifle and knives
>against something that you need a mounted energy weapon to even scratch
>packing one of his own as a hand weapon
>not just that, his literal body is a fucking weapon
>fightan for JUSTICE with vaguely-defined Force bullshit and the biggest guns any sentient can carry
>also a retractable lightsaber built into one cyberarm, because surprise motherfucker
Brah if you're gonna edgelord-sue, at least go the whole hog
... huh?
>stanless steel
>the of touchest battles
I don't even wanna know
Depends on if it's a DMPC or not. Crunch wise, of course everytime, but there's always DM fiat.
laffed audibly
My character is a hologram.
As far as I hear it's THE last word in edgelord "nothin personnel" combat.
>Edgy-Sue vs Drunken Fist with Siberys Dragonmarks of Passage
"I hate wizards. They manifested the thiefs ego and put it in a walking pile of dung again."
The funniest part is that because of this picture, I know the entire layout of his home and that he's probably from a poor, rural area in the Midwest.
Ladies and gentlemen, our winner
the only way to truly beat a mary sue is with another mary sue
whatever this shit is way more creative than half the phb ripoff gods Veeky Forums vomits out in every worldbuilding thread
>"Now, where were we?"
Yes, I was quite shameless last game. Good thing everyone else was too. The joys of not taking any-fucking-thing seriously.
I saw these guys at download about 4 years ago.
At first I was like "Oh cool, an all female band" for at least 45 seconds.
Thank you so much for reposting this image. I was looking for it for a while.
It's a trailer, isn't it? I think I remember you or someone like you coming in and saying he recognized that specific model of trailer.
The decor of the place certainly makes it look like the residents are trailer trash. Who just keeps a ten gallon bucket out in their living room like that?
why is there a bucket sitting in his living room?
A convenient trash bin for snacks that can be emptied into the proper bin.
Right next to the still-in-box car battery.
Whole hedgehog.
I used to have buckets in my room all the time. I used them to fill up my aquarium.
Am I the only one who finds it disappointing that kids idea of "edgy" hasn't changed since 1986? It just feels wrong somehow.
Ah, that brings me back... It was a simpler time, then.
Does your party stand a chance against this family of well trained ninjas?
Sakura cucked him back.
This whole shit is BBEG tier.
You tell me:
Fucking perfect. 10 out of 10.