Welcome back to a slightly early edition of Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Chapter 9.
As always, you are Admiral Roarke Susan Starwind of the Iron Kestrels (although your admiralty is a matter of convenience to appease a subordinate Captain), pilot of the Knuckle Kaiser and master of the starship Rhinehawk.
Previous Threads: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com
Master Pastebin: pastebin.com
Upgrade Menu: pastebin.com
Last time, you were romantically successful and gentlemanly with your date and increased your mixtape file substantially. Now that you've had some time to relax, however, your responsibilities as a Pirate Admiral dictate you get back to work.
You take a shuttle back to Colony 3 of California Station, humming 'Killer Queen' and becoming increasingly disconcerted with how long it's taking the unsettling woman you met near the music store to reply to your message.
It isn't until you land on Colony 3, enjoying the artificial evening sunlight and finally having some proper information about the Green Skulls, that your PC beeps at you to alert you of an incoming message.
As expected, it's from Lt. Alice "Clemmy" Farragut again.