Eclipse Phase General

>Eclipse Phase PDFs
>Zone Stalkers
>Morph Recognition Guide
>Million Year Echo
>Firewall (Updated):
>Transhumanity's FATE (FATE Conversion)

>10 things you should know about Eclipse Phase
>Advice for new players and GMs
>Online character creator
>Eclipse Phase hacking cheet sheet
>Eclipse Phase xls Character sheet
>Package Character Creator

>3 new adventures for your use in convenient PDF form
>Ander's Sandberg's Eclipse Phase fanmade content, including several modules
>Farcast: An Eclipse Phase yearblog full of items, locations, NPCs, and plot hooks
>The Ultimate's Guide to Combat


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Old thread

Based on OP image...

An old item off the EP forums, but a good one.
The Self-Constructing Outpost - basically a colony builder in a mobile box.
Discuss what GLORIOUS SOVIET SPACE COLONY you would build.

A power supply and a shit ton of CMs, plus bots to shovel raw material into the CMs, and some nanohives for open-air fabrication.

throw bombs, not shit! Barsoom is the future of indentures and uplifts!

Klaatu has come to deliver the people of earth an ultimatum, to live in peace with the peoples of the galaxy or have their planet destroyed before they spread their violence to the stars. He is instead met with an entirely more complex situation.

And how does transhumanity answer?

CMs sound way too slow for fabbing large slabs and shit like that.

>people of Earth
They're dead.

Been there, done that.

>have their planet destroyed before they spread their violence to the stars

Too late, asshole. Good luck figuring out all those Gate addresses ;^)

>meets the scum
>dazzled with the glorious tales of post scarcity society by social engineer ancoms
>introduced to advanced drugs and harm free ultraviolence
>teach him modern love
>while the punny alien flat is dazed hack into gort
>jack the flying saucer, dump him on either mars or titan, whichever's closer.
>welcome to sol


Pods are mostly organic, even if they're force-grown clones. That looks more synthetic than anything.














So yeah, in general, art direction on Pods seems pretty consistent. The only big exceptions to the heavy lines or other obvious synthetic elements are some of the more animalistic pods (Ripwings, Novacrabs, Scurriers, etc) and for some reason the Jenkin, but that fucker is already pretty ugly.

The CMs are for fabbing the slab fabbers

I do see the pattern, but the fluff is also pretty clear on page 27 of the main rulebook.

>Pods: Mixed biological-synthetic morphs. Pod clones
>are force-grown and feature cyberbrains. Also known as
>biobots, skinjobs, replicants. From “pod people.”

So either that's wrong, or art direction fucked up and later chose to stick with the more android-y look for consistency's sake.

The ETI probe is in the sun, and is the size of a Gas Giant.


Well yeah, the fluff tends to evolve as they release more books for one, and for second it does explicitly say mixed biological/synthetic. Doesn't the terminology for saying how long it takes to make different morphs even say pods are "assembled"? Later works especially describe them as hodgepodges where different cloned bio elements are bridged with synthetics.

Also, the moon is made of femtocheese

apparently vac pods are super generic, so its good they build them handsome.


Speaking of Gates, I'd love to figure out how to move one, and change its dimensions, then stick it on a ship.


Moonlight across the galaxy.

I make it sound easier than it likely would be.

Okay. What's the spaceship for then?

retrieving that nob

You know with basic biomods it should grow back, right?

And even if it didn't it would certainly be easier to get a new morph.

Well, a healing vat would definitely grow that back, which would definitely be easier.

True. My real point is that the list of things other than finding the dick you lost "somewhere in the universe" is more difficult than pretty much any alternative.

its more out of curiosity than anything else. besides, its not my ship, its the gate mover guy's. I just have a fork stowed away on board that will probably try to start a mutiny, for science.

How many decades into the journey will you be staging this mutiny?

and you can get to neverland through the vulcanoid gate, but there are already rich venusian vacationers there

I haven't the foggiest, I'm not him. But if I know me my advice would to just keep things interesting and you won't have anything to worry about, I'm rather distractible.

Jenkins really are ugly as sin though

But think of the female Jenkin with the enormous butt and boobs! Put a nanny-bag over her head and feed her a Hither/Grin/Alpha/Juice cocktail and have some fun.
Or the inevitable scum salespeople who think it's fucking hilarious to sleeve Jenkins deliberately designed to look like The Happy Merchant and go around outrageously swindling people and seeing who's dumb enough to give them shekels. Which they then donate to whatever charity org they think would upset the most people.


>Strength Through Joy, the venusian charity to provide working genitals to martian and lunar synthmorphs, in an effort to raise morale within the inner system. It's primarily funded by venusian donors, with contributions from crowdsourcing efforts among the scum, and its also the most widely donated to charity on exotropia, though that isn't saying much. Remember, a happy workforce is an economically dominating one.

Why are all the factions evil?
Where are the paladins?

All of them and none of them.
There are none.

Dammit. Now I've got no license to kill people.

yet you will anyways, and marvel at how it does not stick.



Rereading Farcast, one thing that really stands out is how no matter where you go or what you do, you will not be allowed to live your life in peace. Every entry is a new terrorist cell or project or organization or person dedicated to destroying any barriers you put up to protect your way of life. You can't opt out of transhumanity, someone (or something) is going to force its way in and make you a part of the homogeneous slurry that is the rest of the Solar System, whether you like it or not. Their right to draft everyone into neverending culture wars overrides your right to be left alone, or to have anything to yourself.

It's an interesting alternate lens to view the world through because it takes the default assumptions of Eclipse Phase, mainly that transhumanism and the accelerated future are good and anyone who tries to resist them is evil, and turns them on their head.

>the homogeneous slurry that is the rest of the Solar System,
>It's an interesting alternate lens to view the world through because it takes the default assumptions of Eclipse Phase, mainly that transhumanism and the accelerated future are good and anyone who tries to resist them is evil, and turns them on their head.
Pretty sure that's because they're intended to be adventure plot hooks, not a representative slice of transhuman activities.

>transhumans aren't evil, user, that's just plot hooks!

Nice try, but you aren't going to peel me, freak. After I kill myself nobody will get my excellent brain.

Don't be a selfish brain-hogger, man. Think of all those poor indentures with sub-par brains! Don't you want them to have a chance to share in an excellent brain?

Of course, it's always 'muh property rights' with you shills, until someone wants their oily metal hands all over my precious gray matter



What kind of morphs and variants have you added to the setting?

None. I'm trying to remove them all.

heavy weapon mod cases

said it. There are already too many morphs that do the same thing.

they aren't races like in DnD, they're products, I think its fine that they overlap

Yeah this. The various IRL car brands also all do the same thing for example.

Be sure to use explosives. Rodriguez tried to off himself with a knife, but it didn't stick. I've run into what they turned him into three times now. He (well, she, now) always knows what we're going to do. I think the only reason we're still alive is that whatever confused abomination they created, it genuinely thinks it's trying to help us.

-Motto of 32nd Naval Infantry, Jovian Space Defense Force

Damn, poor bastard. I told him sealing himself in the glass ball was the better plan.

Martian variants of common elite morphs. Low-cost "bio pods" that are biomorphs (and a biological brain) assembled like pods (for those who want biomorphs but more easily manufactured). Stealth variants of common morphs, include low budget ghost variants. "Suit" morphs, that are both fully functional battlesuits and effective morphs without a meatbag, and a series of "suit core" morphs (synths) that can be placed inside a suit morph to enhance its functionality.

thats an incredibly bad plan

>"Suit" morphs, that are both fully functional battlesuits and effective morphs without a meatbag, and a series of "suit core" morphs (synths) that can be placed inside a suit morph to enhance its functionality.

Solid concept

though on reflection I've gotta say, better than using a knife, so you're not wrong

why would someone want a claw like that? It seems like it would be really cumbersome in daily life.

I presume it's for crushing. I mean, girl has like a jolly roger bra or bikini top on and two robot hands, I assume she's not doing a 9-to-5.

Just swap arms. presumably the mount has plug-and-play capability.

how do martian movies portray jovians and titanians, and vice versa?

I feel like there must be a "how does this faction view other factions" section which gives some guidance on this.

so do you guys really believe that the interdiction blockade around earth is operated by TAHI?

Just stick your head in a jailbroken disassembler.

Fuck that, I wanna live!

Not really, which is why we have so few insults used by non-Anarchist factions.

No, but if it was they'd be goddamned heroes

Is it stated anywhere in canon that Jovians usually kill themselves rather than be captured, tortured and forcibly uploaded, or am I remembering something that was never in the books?

There's a short clip of a political ad that basically paints one of the candidates for the PC as an anarchist sympathizer threatening our way of life. I would say most inner system peeps view the anarchists paronzingly, certain they'll see the error of their ways and come crawling back to capitalism soon. Titan on the other hand is a bigger threat because they have economic clout and access to a gate that's used for a lot of commerce. The hyper corps are spending a lot of effort trying to enter Titanian markets as well as memetic warfare to get the younger generation interested in devolution

I imagine that, in EP at least, the claws would be smart matter or be capable of extruding or unfolding into smaller digits (fractal digits maybe?) to handle most day to day tasks.

Really? If it is them, they're goddamned traitors for not helping us get ready to take Earth back. But all we seem to be training for these days are habitat-borne ops; no one in the Fleet seems to even be thinking about the kind of years-long commitment we'd need to make to really make a push for Earth, and if they were - well, I'd have heard. I wouldn't talk about it, mind, but I'd have heard.

If TAHI really is running the blockage, the only thing stopping us from taking Earth back is treason, or fear of the unknown. And we're not that afraid, not anymore.

Personally, I think the 'TAHI controls the blockade' rumors are just propaganda. Necessary, maybe, to counter PC propaganda that they're the ones running the blockade. The truth, though? I think the PC is going through extraordinary efforts to maintain the fiction that they're really in charge of the interdiction satellites, and either they don't know who really runs them - or they do, and it fucking terrifies them.

I don't think it's stated anywhere, but then, my opinion is that everyone - Jovian or not - tries to self destruct rather than be captured. The consequences for failure are too dire.

Good digits

One idea I've had rattling around in my head for more Eclipse Phase writefaggotry is something set during a Titanian occupation of a Jovian habitat, where the Scandis expected to be greeted as liberators bringing lifesaving, life changing technology and resources, but are instead shocked to find that the oppressed masses don't like having their soldiers shot and their streets patrolled by monsters. That the Jovians will fight for their right to live in hell.

That's one option for a "Titanians at war" story. But they're not gonna be able to pull something like that off in Jovian orbit - it's just not going to happen, the Jovians will break out the antimatter and KKVs before they allow a significant Titanian military presence in their system, and they'll be fighting on home turf.

So that means a Jovian-aligned habitat elsewhere. The best place is probably in the Jovian Trojans, which is far enough away from both parties that utterly overwhelming troop and fire support isn't available. Preferably the group being 'liberated' is a point of contention within the Republic - perhaps a religious group that doesn't like the Republic very much, despite broadly conservative beliefs and under-the-table support from the Republic's intelligence services? Or a conservative-nationalist group (Russian, maybe, or Chinese) that is somewhat pissed about the seventeen minutes war and its aftermath. That would work, I think.

An alternative to that scenario: Kronos Cluster, Saturn. High population, right in Saturn's back yard (thus a very good reason for Titan to be concerned about bringing them FREEDOM and CYBERDEMOCRACY), currently under the control of a bunch of Ultimate jerks who basically ran a coup on the Extropians in charge. There's definitely reasons for Titan to be concerned and get involved, either through proxies or attempting outright occupation, the same time, the autonomists who live there, even the ones not aligned with the Ultimates, are probably not going to be happy with a bunch of statists butting in. Not to mention Ultimates from across the system who will enjoy testing themselves against Titanian 'peacekeepers'.

Definitely some potential there.

I guess the problem is that they already know that, because jove is their big intimidating neighbor. I guess I mean to say that jovians aren't really misunderstood, they're known not to like the stuff they make their whole society about distaining

Its a hab full of protestants, but otherwise jovian compliant. The titanians only have training to deal with catholic biocon guerillas, and this is only making things worse.

There's no Jovian state religion, kiddo.

The Commonwealth could take on the Jovians the same way the Jovians are about to take over Hyoden: infiltrating and subverting it at every level, including top leadership. This may be the source of the rumor that TAHI or even the Security Council has been behaving erratically or is secretly infected with the exsurgent virus

History is full of conquering armies which genuinely expected to be greeted as liberators and were surprised when they weren't. In most of the books the rest of the factions treat the Jovians like they're living under an oppressive military dictatorship they hate. It's only a small part of Rimward that mentions Jovians actually support conservative policies (namely the part about how the state has trouble suppressing bioconservative terrorist groups because the population broadly supports them)

>Northern Ireland 10 AF
Limey cunts get off my board

Yeah, strictly speaking the government of the Republic operates as a Precautionist, security-based state. Their coziness with religion and other socially conservative policies is as much about keeping the people placated as it is genuinely part of the Republic's core ethos, it's the citizenry who lynch resleeve techs and go to huge masses at the Holy See.

Really groups like the Security Council are just in it to keep potential BLACK FLAG vectors down and ensure military readiness, exactly what you'd expect from a government built from the ruins of a couple national militaries sitting on government-backed industry whose voting base is conservative refugees after an apocalypse.

>The Commonwealth could take on the Jovians the same way the Jovians are about to take over Hyoden

They might be able to disable the Jovians that way (though I highly doubt it; the Jovians are paranoid at all levels, their intelligence community is very good, and they don't really present a lot of useful attack surfaces), but it's kind of irrelevant to creating a scenario where Titanian troops are trying to keep order in Jovian space - there's no way they'd keep that quiet, and there's no advantage to doing so in any case if they've already effectively disabled the Jovian government.

Prepare to be excommunicated you heretic fuck