Hey Veeky Forums my AdEva Campaign ended after over a year of friday night robot action. Kinda Feel empty now.
Also Eva Thread?
Hey Veeky Forums my AdEva Campaign ended after over a year of friday night robot action. Kinda Feel empty now
How'd it go, OP?
you will (not) find a similarly satisfying group
They saved the world at the end, Got their Happy ending after a year long fight against Templers,Engels and themself
Yeah i guess so
story time?
How much tang did you drink afterwards
>Happy ending
Clearly you had an incompetent DM, everyone knows that real Evangelion ends with TUMBLING DOWN
Yeah Story time. Will greentext because i suck at english as a German Fag
Waaaaay to much
So Story time
>NERV Hamburg
>Pilotes are little Shits. Posterchild with Daddy Complex
>Maximal Tsundere Neo-Spartan
>Smartass Manufactured
>Stoner Visonary who thinks he's an Artist
>OD is like biggest dick to them from the Start
>They don't get a Big house
>They get a small flat for all of them
>With only 32 Puddings in the fridge
>And no Money for the First Night
>So Pilotes are kinda pissed and yeah
>PB (Posterboy) try to hit on Manu
>Manu don't want any of this shit
>After a verbal Beat down PB takes first stress and swears to never hit on a girl again(yeah right fag)
>After some more Banter Sirens Hit
>First Angel Attack
>Nobody has a Plan
>Fight goes like they had no Plan
>2 Evangelions down, almost 3
>Angels finaly dies from a lucky roll
>With only 32 Puddings in the fridge
Truly the most horrible of abuses.
In my experience, most eva games end with a happy ending.
At least, those that don't end with fucking time travel erasing everything you did so that there were no Angels at all. Fuck those games.
Well, technically speaking, Instrumentality is happy ending... right?
But that's wrong.
If there's no chance at averting the disaster, the whole thing is pointless.
The players need to have some chance at averting tragedy if they are to care.
>So little dip shit Pilotes saved the World with the help of Lady Luck
>Really sucky rolls that night
>Next Day they feel like Heroes
>OD shows them their not
>But at least gives them some money to get by
>A week passes and they start to get the Hang of living together
>But then school times happend
>Normal Class stuff for a while
>Then suddenly new class mate shows up
>Enter Derelict from Polen
>Reserve Pilot for them
>But they don't know yet
>PB starts Curshing hard
>Then gets rejected hard because sjw-Tier Manhater girl
>at least Neo and Manu got along pretty great with her
>PB hatches a Plan
>He's not good with Plans...
The Pudding thing became a running gag later on
>PB ask Viso for some help
>Trys to get everyone into a club later
>After some nice words to Manu they get Derl to come along
>Everything went smooth as ice
>Then they got drunk
>Like really drunk
>and it would be a really bad time for an angel attack at that moment
>so you can guess what happend next
>Right Angel Attack
>So drunk Pilotes vs Second Angel
>Some Lucky rolls later they defeat him without any loses
>OD is really happy
>Like happy enough to hoose them all down with ice cold water because of their drunkness
>Turns out they don't like cold water after a fight
Yeah. If they don't have something to fight and win for, the game will end fast because nobody goes to a game to suffer the whole time...well most games at least
>mfw my DM is running AdEva for the second time.
>mfw in the first campaign was known for lots of intrigue.
>mfw I heard the story about one of the players digging up the dead parents of another player, only to find them not fucking there.
>mfw we're only beginning to discover the level of dickery and are scrambling to do something before its too late.
We're all going to die
>tfw using When Suddenly... to cockblock the pilots
OD is love, OD is life
>dug up the dead parents
Did he hate the other player so much?
>Some weeks pass
>Pilotes slowy start to like each other
>Even Derl starts to loose some of her "All man must Die" Attitude
>Then the Thrid Angel happend
>in the Middle of the night the Sirens go off
>Pilots get ready to fight against the Angel
>It's really bitchy fight too. A lot of movement tricks and AoO for the Angel
>Players try there best
>But again Lady Luck hates there guts
>Manus head get's blown of
>Neo looses both of her arms
>PB runs out of Power
>and Viso can't to shit because support Charakter
>First Berserk
>Viso vulunters
>Get's first stress breaks and becomes kinda obsseds with fire as a result
>All are rushed to Emergency
>No one died that night
>But there Pride was broken from there on
>>PB ask Viso for some help
>>Trys to get everyone into a club later
>>After some nice words to Manu they get Derl to come along
>>Everything went smooth as ice
>>Then they got drunk
>>Like really drunk
>>and it would be a really bad time for an angel attack at that moment
>>so you can guess what happend next
>>Right Angel Attack
>>So drunk Pilotes vs Second Angel
>>Some Lucky rolls later they defeat him without any loses
>>OD is really happy
>>Like happy enough to hoose them all down with ice cold water because of their drunkness
>>Turns out they don't like cold water after a fight
Now I'm not saying it should be EASY, AdEva should be difficult. But at its most brutal it should be "Dante Must Die". It should never be a case of failure being an absolute certainty from the word go.
Whoops. Had the greentext highlighted for easier reading, forgot that quick reply now auto-greentexts.
Remember kids, proofreading is important!
>Play a game with lots of secrets.
>No one knows each others class from the outset.
>Over the game, we get hints and throw out some of our own.
>Then there's a leak, and we suddenly know there's a Manufactured in the party.
>No one volunteers.
>Last week an npc confronts someone about being a clone.
>Person admits to being Manu.
>Another person admits to help them feel better.
>A third person incredulously admits to being Manu.
>The player of the fourth person can't stop laughing because they also turned in Manu.
>The only person who didn't make a Manu has so many organ replacements, they might as well be one.
People playing secret manufactured is never not hilarious.
One time, I caught two people doing it during chargen, so I pretended to do the same. Left hints that maybe my character was when she wasn't.
Then she turned out to be Lilith's heir.
I faked being the Rei enough that I became the Rei.