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HAHA Bone Norman

Did Kai have any positive impact on Danai Liao-Centrella?

I noticed he bequeathed his favored mech to her.

Well he probably didn't rape her if that's what you mean.

they had pretty much no relationship beyond "you're the new liao-named protag, take the liao protag mech"

So, I haven't actually been into Battletech since just after Alpha Strike was released. Has anything interesting happened since then or has the game been in stasis?

It pretty much surprised everyone in-setting that he left her his mech, too. They were pretty much noted to have had barely even met each other, let alone any meaningful interaction.

In other note, thanks in part to eBay being pretty much retarded (and to me actually forgetting that I had paid for it), I just yesterday received my Salamander Mech from Shimmy's Kickstarter years upon years ago. I'm pretty sure I'm the very last of the KS backers to get delivered.
>It will take me a month to figure out how I even wanna pose this thing, holy fuck.

Things have been pretty quiet storyline-wise (if that's what you're referring to) since the 3145 jump, which was happening right around that time. In non-storyline news, we got Interstellar Ops and Handbook House Kurita at long last. Otherwise, it's been mostly microproducts.

Also, Alpha Strike has had a lot of updates, if that ruleset matters to you at all.

Since AS, there has been (I think) the 3145 TROs and era books, the 3150 TRO, some Historicals, the PDF of Interstellar Ops and then everything kind of ground to a halt relatively recently with the TTS series.

Oh, and AlphaStrike Companion was released somewhere in all that too.


I posed mine in 3D, then used that as reference to pose the model :D

I actually almost included one of these as a choice for players in a campaign I am starting. I couldn't bring myself to do it because they have almost nothing going for them, and the weapons layout is awful.

Just reposting this from last thread for posterity. Honestly it's a pretty tempting thing; plastic MWO minis for $9 a pop. If Piggy were smart they'd actually colab with this dude and get CGL in on it too, because there is a hell of a market out there for minis of MWO sculpts.

I would make fun of its tiny little hands. Then I realize that it can actually reach down and pick up things from the ground without going completely prone. It seems like something that any mech with hands should be designed to do but almost none can by their appearance, so bravo.

I've always thought that humanoid 'Mechs should have usable hands as often as possible, and chicken-legged 'Mechs should be the ones with gun/flippy arms and no hands. I've thought that way ever since I started playing this game, and there are only a few humanoid 'Mechs I like that don't have at least one fully usable hand.

That looks kinda like a thud. Is it?


Thunderbolt IIC, featured in TRO Prototypes

Huh. That makes sense. Looks pretty good

Is the Combine going to attempt to retake Vega in the future?

After being soundly reamed by the Bears, who have an entire Galaxy there the last time they tried?

I don't see it ending well. The Dracs have never beaten the Bears and are unlikely to start doing so any time soon. I guess if the writers need the Dracs to fall completely to wrack and ruin and don't want to follow the seemingly inevitable Julian-inspired resurgence plot line having them get side-tracked with GIB BACK VEGA BURRS is one way to do it.

I figured at some point in the future they were going to try and take it back like they did Dieron

>the new Kanrei going full irredentist


>Dracs can't beat da Bears
This makes me wonder... with all the IS factions getting gutted and chopped up, and losing at almost everything they do as of late, do you think that maybe the plan for the next "phase" of the game is to have a lot more small factions so there is more player choice or something? I mean I look at the FWL, and the LA, and the Suns even, and it's like CGL wants to start having everything fall apart/break up into smaller pieces. Am I on crack?



But look at the factions that it ISN'T happening to. Then look at who the top CGL boys like, then reconsider why this might be happening

>with all the IS factions getting gutted and chopped up, and losing at almost everything they do as of late
Aside from, y'know, the CC, who are just wrecking face forever.
>and it's like CGL wants to start having everything fall apart/break up into smaller pieces. Am I on crack?
I'll believe that's their plan once it happens to the CapCon and MoC, but until then I'm pretty sure it's just a way of carving other factions up into bite-sized chunks for the winning factions to eat piecemeal

"Don't talk to me or my son ever again"

Point. I keep forgetting we have a few juggernauts puttering around that won't ever get gutted till someone's pushing up daisies.

They like the Dracs? Since when?
Besids, it's the CC's turn to have some shit dropped on them, and it looks like the Thuggee Cult is gonna deliver per some hints in TRO 3150.

The dracs are *about* to get fucked, they've just been given a brief respite by forever '45

CGL owns the models regardless if piggy made it or not. Ultimate authority is with CGL.


>Aside from, y'know, the CC, who are just wrecking face forever

I thought the lore implied they were heading towards problems down the line?

I notice Daoshen is seeking an agreement with the Oriente while Ilsa is fostering closer relations with the Anduriens.

And as I recall, it mentioned Ilsa was a shrewd manipulator and that the Magistracy has offered troops to the Aunderians and has troops stationed in the Confederation to relieve the native Capellan units for their invasion of the Suns.

It also mentioned that the woman the notoriously unstable and violent Thugee cults venerated self immolated, which seems like it could be the trigger for something unpleasant.

>no MAD for the other parent

Well I would've had a Mad Cat 2 and the original with the 3 as the child, but hey.

>They like the Dracs?

From a military standpoint, aren't they currently throwing the majority of their forces into an attempt at conquering the Federated Suns while leaving a great deal of their interior exposed?

I remember reading that there were areas of the Combine near the Raven Alliance that were coming under attack from that clan and that the warlord of the neighboring district had relatively few forces to confront said aggression given most were part of the Combine invasion force.

Do they? Cause isn't Piggy licensing the ability to make vidya from Microsoft? So actually... we'd need to get Micro$oft to agree to it too. Which would never happen.

Yeah didn't the RotS whip their asses then force world concessions?

Whatever piggy makes, do or screws up, CGL has the ultimate authority to say yes or no to selling minis or anything battletech related.

CGL owns the rights to every single mech model ever made by piggy. Microsoft has no say, they own the video game rights not the intellectual property.

>Yeah didn't the RotS whip their asses then force world concessions?
Before the DA, yeah

>From a military standpoint, aren't they currently throwing the majority of their forces into an attempt at conquering the Federated Suns while leaving a great deal of their interior exposed?

Yup. And that military is not just over-extended but heavily ground down by the advance. A lot of their wins have come courtesy of the Wolf Dragoons too.

On the other border you have the Bears, who are shitty with the Dracs for a variety of reasons including them seizing a bunch of RotS worlds and who have done nothing but build up their assets with the odd curb-stomp of the Dracs since 3085.

With a Republic now under the command of Devlin Stone, who the Bears revere. And Julian commanding a resurgent Suns.

I do not see this ending well for the Dracs. Like, at all.

Minimum is the Bears attacking in support of the RotS to reclaim the worlds the Dracs seized, giving Julian a chance to push back the Drac advance. With a Black Dragon/Loyalist showdown for good measure, at the worst possible time.

Possible- or at least plausible- is a four way rape train of the Bears, Snow Ravens, RotS, and Suns leaving the Dracs completely fucked. Also with inevitable civil war at the worst possible time.

The Dracs are doing well at the moment. But the foreshadowing of what's about to go down has been pretty clear, and it's only a matter of time before the other shoe drops.

Gotcha. Wasn't sure how the rights worked exactly. So yeah, if there's a guy doing plastics already, and the quality is good, since IWM can't say shit about plastics (which is why the box sets are as they are) they should go for it. But they won't.

AFAIK PGI owns the actual representations of the 'Mechs they created for MWO. CGL has the rights to, say, the Cicada the way it looks for BT in its art and IWM has the rights (in perpetuity or essentially so) for making that a physical product as a miniature.

To get minis made of the MWO versions would require something like PGI agreeing, Microsoft signing off, it being approved by CGL and then finally handed off to IWM. Possibly with CGL cut out, but the rest of the chain likely holds.

And at every step everyone wants a cut of the profits, or might say no for their own reasons.

Hence no official minis. Probably ever.

I feel like this scenerio HEAVILY depends on what's with the homeworld clans. If we get the bears VS homeworld thing that might be coming, that changes the game re: the dracs
>capcha 3052


I thought they were also watching their borders against Jade Falcon, (possible) Wolf Empire and Hel Horse's aggression?

From what it implied, they weren't doing all that great in the scramble for the Rasalhague worlds Clan Wolf abandoned.

To add to that, if they're serious about assisting the Republic in restoring it's borders, they'll possibly be in conflict with the Falcons, Horses, Wolves, several renegade Republic factions and more than one Great House before long.

The Bears aren't really that interested in expanding, though. In the past all they've shown is a desire to mercilessly fuck their enemies up, after which they go back to turtling and building more Leviathans. They've already *got* almost all of the former FRR- they took most of that from the Wolves in the 60s- and are easily top five, arguably top three for manufacturing bases in addition to being the pre-eminent military power of the setting.

The RotS can probably count on Bear assistance with the Dracs at minimum, given the Bears will go into near-religious rapture at the news the great hero Devlin Stone has returned. The opportunity to again humiliate the Dracs will just be icing on the cake.

Depends on how much help the RotS wants/needs. The Bears are very much behind them and one of the Bears' primary contributions to every major plot arc since their introduction has been some variation on "fucking up the Combine's shit."

This isn't to say they're necessarily going to go on a rampage all by their lonesome. I mean, they could, and they've got the forces available to lay waste to the Combine unless Xin Sheng-level asspulling happens in the Dracs' favour.

More that the Dracs are in an increasingly vulnerable position, surrounded by enemies who are increasingly gaining strength and desire to hit back.

I'm actually super excited by this prospect as a Dracs player.

The faction shines the brightest when it's getting buttfucked and forced to do some high risk shit.

>The faction shines the brightest when it's getting buttfucked and forced to do some high risk shit.
Explain that to the OF fedsuns fans, please. They whine more than anyone about things not going their way.


Honor soon, fellow Drac!

>"fucking up the Combine's shit."

To be fair, I'm imagining it would be harder this time around as the Combine has recently had a war with a Clan (and destroyed them) and I believe one of the events detailing a combat deployment of the Tenshi had them raid a Rasalhague world and handily defeat a Rasalhague-Bear Garrison, making off with valuable technology afterward.

I assume the Combine would also have a contingency plan for war with their Rasalhague neighbors given it's been a recurring thing for them.

I've been assigned a Falcon in the SLDF campaign I am in. So far, I've tried both the 4Nb-PP and 4Nb-PP2. I actually like the PP2; it has paired well with the Phawk in my lance.

In complacency lies death. Everything coming up FedSuns means that they have no taste for defeat, knowing nothing but the honey of victory. Meanwhile, Dracs appreciate victories more because after the ashen taste of defeat it is that much sweeter.

Life is much more interesting when you take setbacks in stride and see them as character-building opportunities.

The Dracs have the majority of their military on the Suns border and couldn't have stopped a Lev-II-led task force. A Lev-III-led task force is gonna be even worse, and the Bears have both.

If the Bears want to stomp their shit in solo, the Dracs can't stop them. Re-routing their troops to try would open them to a Suns counter-attack, and there's the whole brewing civil war between Toranaga's Black Dragons and Yori's loyalists.

The Dracs have gone well for a while but the cracks are really beginning to show.

>Re-routing their troops to try would open them to a Suns counter-attack

I thought the Suns would be busy with the Raven Alliance (they've seized several Suns worlds) and the Capellans afterward?

It had to be the Introtech Falcon; the non-Intro ones aren't too bad.

Which is kinda funny when you realize the faction that takes defeat with stride is the traditionalist tyranny and the other one are supposed to be the free thinking heroes.

Suns has put more effort into resisting the Dracs, and the Drac border troops would probably be weaker. The Capellans just kinda swooped in and beat up some March Militia and stuff.

>swooped in and beat up some March Militia and stuff.

And seized the capitol of said March and executed it's lord sometime afterward.

Caps have been dealt with, they were forced to start targeting Republic worlds after being BTFO by Julian.

The Dracs have seized several important worlds that the Suns will want back, including Robinson.

Reclaiming all the worlds the Dracs took may not be possible but a Bear attack and/or Drac civil war will really screw them up. Even more so if the Suns buy the Dragoons, who did a lot of the heavy lifting.

The Dracs are over-extended and ground down. Their advance is unsustainable and they can't hold what they've taken even before factoring in problems like the Bears, RotS, civil war, Ravens, or Suns' inevitable counter-attack.

Yeah, I'm just talking which units are over there and relative strength.

>The Dracs are over-extended and ground down. Their advance is unsustainable and they can't hold what they've taken even before factoring in problems like the Bears, RotS, civil war, Ravens, or Suns' inevitable counter-attack.

It's grorious, isn't it? The light that burns brightest dies soonest.

>The faction shines the brightest when it's getting buttfucked and forced to do some high risk shit.
Tell that to the taurians

The Taurians shine the brightest right after they get nuked.

What does /BTG/ think of melee assaults? I'm rolling up a fresh merc company after my last one ate it on their first mission, and my commander is getting a custom mech. Thought I'd try and pimp out a Pillager with TSM, and I'm not sure what faceruiner to slap on it.

>The Dracs have never beaten the Bears

More melee.

I've been working on a TRO mech that kicks for 40 damage on top of 60+ weapon damage. Too bad it's 2700 BV...

I need to give my torso cockpit mech a snappier name, though oddly, its current name fits the role much better than it did before.

currently sitting at 79/78 crit slots filled, according to MegamekLab. But I'm showing one open slot. wat do?

MechCommander 2 and MechWarrior 4 Davions/10.

Cut my teeth on Mechwarrior 4 and a Sidewinder joystick when I was in elementary, then rolled on to MW4: Mercs when it droppped. Fafnir was my pimp ride there.

So...yeah, I like 'em big.

Swapped the twin Gauss for twin HAG/20s. Suprised at how far the BV dropped. I guess losing the 15+ auto-PS check or fall is that big?

>15+ auto-PS check

Do you mean the PSR made for taking 20+ damage in a turn?

You lose the headcap ability, which means you don't have a 1/36 chance of instant kill per shot (which is one thing that makes the Hellstar so terrifying)

Shit, yeah, that.

Been too long since I've done this. better make sure I have some simple mechs in the mix to remind of how this all works...

Talons are an abomination against God and mech

2700 is high? I mean this TRO is pretty bleeding-edge, right?

It's not got talons

My gut feel is that it's a little high for this particular mech, due to the combo of TSM and one of the other weapons I think is overcosted and the combo of the two thus being even higher. Admittedly, I don't really think any mech over 2200 bv or so is really worth it most of the time.

Your BV will always be high because of your Jump Jets, but Gauss Rifles have a higher OBV than HAGs do, due to the concentrated damage potential.


>The faction shines the brightest when it's getting buttfucked and forced to do some high risk shit.

I agree. As a MoC player I'd like to see us get into that kind of trouble, or even wiped out entirely if it means some serious shit is going down.

Mornin /btg/

Who or what are we angry about today?

>scorpion sigil on the cup
Morning, Master Arminas.

Challenge: Find a better image to place on the Elementals mug.

I'm mad about "friends" who are actually cunts. I'm starting to see the merit in the Clan system.

Sounds like a typical gamer problem. We see more of them than the average human would I think...since so many of us are already 'cunts'.

literally any other clan, MA

These people are normies.

You have a problem with the Scorps? They're like the least annoying clan.
So aside from general clan annoyances what about them has your panties in a twist?

Normies. *chuckle* Can't live with em. Can't live without em. Suck it up buttercup.

I'm teasing you, user. Unless you're really MA or are you not familiar with him?

Nope. No clue who MA is.

He wrote one of the munchiest (and longest) AUs I've seen on the OF, and it was all about the Scorps.
We don't have any actual annoying scorpfags so I was teasing you since most /btg/ is familiar with MA. Really they're one of my favorite clans anyway, but for who they are.

Not even a dracfag but it would be nice to see the Bears lose something and the Dracs win something for a change.

I spend very little time on the OF and the time I do is usually spent reading fan articles.
That and I don't really recognize any initials of posters that don't namefag here. Thanks for the explanation though.

> no distant relative to bequeath you his mech


howabout Snap Dragon
it's snappy
it's Draccy