Why hasn't anyone made a juice board game yet? It would translate perfectly to real life.
Why hasn't anyone made a juice board game yet? It would translate perfectly to real life
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I don't know what this is but I already love it.
Real men play Poppo
I'm a Suguri player because I only ever got the game due to Suguri being in it.
Suguri a cute.
>released in 2013
>still supports vista and XP
I'm not complaining, but for what pvrpose?
Isn't there still a lot of japanese people still on XP? That might explain it.
Because there's nothing to do in that game that isn't covered by other board games with a better premise.
>probably an arsonist
Well, it's not wrong.
Syura wasn't THAT bad
I never did make that mariepopo deck with "cloud of seagulls" for every card
fucking gulls
The best part of Syura was getting her Hyper as Poppo.
I really like Mixed Poppo, even if she's pretty shitty as a character.
this game felt weird to me honestly. It had all these characters and references, but it is just some indie game
I like the characters, but am I supposed to know who they are?
Because it's purely for cancerous weebfags, and weebfags don't leave their mom's basement.
Yeah, they're all characters from Orange Juice's other games - a few of which are on Steam now.
They're crossover games for an indie game company with a long history of doujin games in Japan.
Because it's Monopoly.
I never remember getting my ass kicked by a seagull in monopoly
I've seen them pop up from time to time, but even those seem mostly like reference games, and/or don't have a lot of substance. To be fair, a tiny indie studio making anime games probably doesn't have the resources to make a full length game, and even if they could their customer base might not like it.
I get the feeling a lot of their works just don't make it across the ocean
Or getting mugged by an infant goat.
mariepoppo is suffering incarnate
If she played 40k, she would probably play scatbike eldar
I have never played a game that lets me troll people so hard by simply winning the way the character was intended to win.
you've only scratched the tip of the iceberg
What is that game even about?
And rage. Lot of rage.
Mainly rage.
Sounds unfun.
I will always go fast.
Go fast, die fast. It's the only way to live.
Hi Sonic.
It's an acquired taste.
I'm probably too casual for that.
No it's not; it's Mario Party.
Oh it is very fun when you play Marie Poppo Ubiquitous the same player 3 times during one game.
Poppo is life
Poppo is love
Remove midget.
Poppo is also pain and suffering
Big difference between "supports" and "works on".