Is noko still a thing

Alright Veeky Forums, should I get left or right?

Also, what are some good expansions to get with this? I want to have small skirmishes but also want to be able to ramp it up

the right one will have different shit than the left one, but ultimately it's a far better composition

that being said, it depends on if you can handle the autisim of flying episode 7 ships with other sets; because so far FFG are stupid fags for stopping precisely at barebones with everything you see there.

FFG really hasn't made any other episode 7 expansions? The fuck is their problem, they really need to cash in on that.

And alright. Is there any actual hangup in the game that makes mixing timelines hard, or is just aesthetically weird?

What do you mean by
> stopping precisely at barebones with everything you see there

Not OP BTW, just someone who started X wing with a FA starter, a Decimator, and Phantom.

>Liking episode 7.
>Wanting more of it.

EP7 was great, get over it

The right one has updated rules and a better damage deck, the left one has Luke Skywalker and R2-D2.
A lot of people recommend getting the new set as your actual Core Set and the old set as a functional expansion, and they aren't wrong.

That's actually not a bad idea at all.

Any other expansions that sound like a good idea? Kind of had my eyes to the Millennium Falcon, because it's the Millennium Falcon. Also maybe the Slave 1?

It wasn't, but I don't expect millennials to have taste.

Avoid A-wings if you don't also get the Rebel Aces expansion, avoid TIE advanced if you don't get whatever imperial expansion fixes them. E-wings are overcosted and haven't been fixed yet, one of the Scum&Villany ships is pretty bad and hasn't been fixed yet.
Most everything else is playable.

>a >37 y/o man is posting on an anime image board
Fucking get a life gramps.

>Complaining about millennials

Opinion discarded

This. Aces for either faction plus the new core are good starting points. Buy one of the ships' separate expansions [A and B Wing, Interceptor] and you have a strong competitive base

>underage b&

>greasy Gen X'er who wishes it was the 90's
>"everything was better when I was a kid!!!"

>Millennial tier meme reply.

It really wasnt. I could not stand to watch it when I bought a copy.

Only thing that made it tolerable was seeing it in theaters with my friends. Even then, could not bring myself to watch it twice in theaters.

We didn't really get any other new stuff they could really use in episode 7, there's probably an Upsilon shuttle in the works. But apart from that and the t70 and Tie/fo there weren't any new ships that could fit into Xwing.

A good next step from the core set is the aces pack (most wanted pack for scum) of the faction or factions you're interested in.

But really you can just pick ships you like, the game is balanced enough that nothing is unplayable. Though some things are tricky to use and need a list built around them.

Right. Tfo and t170 expansions for sure

>assblasted your buttbuddy died
Get out Chewie, vent somewhere else.

>This. Aces for either faction plus the new core are good starting points. Buy one of the ships' separate expansions [A and B Wing, Interceptor] and you have a strong competitive base

Special Forces Tie, also. Backward firing arc and all that good shit. Nothing else for rebels, though. Which sucks.