Why don't other non-Blood Angel chapters put their librarians into Dreadnoughts?
Why don't other non-Blood Angel chapters put their librarians into Dreadnoughts?
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Because then BA would have one less thing to keep pretending they need their own codex instead of vanilla codex with chapter tactics.
Because Librarian Dreadnoughts are stupid. The whole concept of a Librarian being powerful was because they could shoot mind lasers and increase their own strength magically. Dreadnoughts are already naturally stronger and can shoot lasers.
Entirely this
but if you have a librarian, and he almost dies but can still serve as a dread, why the fuck not?
I was under the impression that Grey Knights do this.
Dont Blood Ravens aswell? I mean they have the biggest librarian hard-on of any chapter
It's not a question of why, it's a question of why is it so special for BA?
>Being lumped into Ultramarines and friends: The Codex
Nope. I'd rather have the art, model pictures and Lore be entirely of my army instead of blue faggots.
Marines in just the right level of fucked up to be interred into a Dreadought are rare. Librarians are rare. The odds of a marine being both is low enough that most chapters might have one very rarely.
The question is, why do Blood Angels have so many Librarian Dreadnoughts? Are they deliberately blowing their librarians up or something?
>muh special red faggots are way better than those blue faggots
The Blood Angels are the most literal faggots behind the DA. Sanguinius was a fucking woman.
Don't listen to the lesser legions, user, you're right.
Because the codex doesn't proscribe it.
Doesn't matter.
Everyone deserves their own Codex instead of being overshadowed by another army that was arbitrarily chosen as the favorite.
It's because of the unique position in the chapter Librarians maintain thanks to Mephiston overcoming the black rage. Librarians are seen as key to the chapters quest for a cure and though they are not particularly populous or influential in chapter politics because of this, experienced librarians are seen as even more precious, so the Blood Angels will go to great lengths to preserve them.
Because when his head pops from daemons, not only would you be done a librarian, but now a dread, too.
>playing a canon chapter
>"my" army
You're right, my vanilla chapter does deserve its own codex instead of being overshadowed by BA who were arbitrarily chosen alongside DA and SW in 2E as favorites.
It's insanely difficult to become a Librarian.
>Be born Psyker
>Pray to the Emperor an Inquisitor takes notice of your abilities before you get on the black ship
>Survive Psyker school
>Pray to the Emperor that a Chapter takes notice of your abilities
>Pray to the Emperor that you survive becoming a Space Marine
Then you should be good to go.
Because prolonging the life of a psyker simply increases the amount of time that he can be a danger to you
The Ultramarines are your captors, not us.
Don't only the GK actually pick from the telepathica with everybody else checking neophytes/scouts/etc. for psychic potential?
>keeps trying to deflect onto Ultramarines, who share all their units and even their chapter tactics with all the other vanilla chapters
Pot meet Faggot McBloodkettle
>Because when his head pops from daemons, not only would you be done a librarian, but now a dread, too.
Yep, this is how you get Hellbrutes people...
I'm actually not sure when it comes to Chapters acquiring talent for Librarians. I'm surprised it would be GK's because I thought they have to delete the memory of anyone who sees them.
Didn't expect the shitposter to post in this thread.
Why are you even posting about things you don't know then?
Well they need to be good at it, their entire force is psykers after all because reasons.
>The Dark Angel was about struggling with gay thoughts
>But not actually succumbing
Dark Angels aren't gay. We only think gay battle brother. Really though, replace gayness with chaos and apply it to the Lion. Whole chapter is just foreshadowing via refrences.
Yeah the unit section is about the only thing they share, have fun never learning any Lore about your chapter lmao
Depends. We also may be hiding the fact that we're all sadists.
Now I can't stop seeing Dangels as one massive Pray Away the Gay Camp.
Thanks asshole.
Being codex adherents chapters, both Dark Angels and Blood Angels wouldn't be so different fluff-wise from the C:SM. Sure, they have their Death Company and their wing units, but in the same way WS have Storm Wardens and no Dreadnought and the Salamanders have the Firedrakes.
However, since they received a codex back in 2nd edition, they needed original units that other chapters may actually have while losing units that they would most likely have.
This way they lack, for example, centurions, while having Sanguinary Guard or Black Knights as original versions of the Command Squad/Honor Guard.
The same would have happened to the White Scars, for example, losing the option of taking Dreadnoughts but gaining a Keshig unit and/or bike as troops while having their chapter tactics reduced to just HoW +1S. GW can't really into chapter tactics for the chapters with their own codex
The Librarian Terminators fall in this same category. Most likely other chapters do the same thing (as rare it is for a rare librarian to suffer the almost but not quite enough deadly wounds to be interred in a dreadnought). For example I could see Space Wolves do the same, with their whole "Our psyonics aren't really psyonics" thing. However they needed another unit do differentiate the BA codex from the vanilla one, so now in the crunch only BA have librarian dreadnought
>hur dur the Ultramarines are your captors
>except they're not because you have your own unique lore
Get your shit together, moron. Read the thread before posting.
>grey knights
Why not put librarians or Alpha psykers in warlord titans? (pic related)
I'd rather ask why Space Marines don't have Tech Dreads.
Actually this is canon, only that Psi Titans have instead psi-domes on their backs with psykers in them that operate the dome-mounted psi-cannon.
Loyalists think they need their own codex just to not have to share colors with each other.
Meanwhile all 9 traitor legions plus every renegade pack of filthy pirates are still waiting for ONE update. Fucking ONE.
This is why SM players should just be punched in the face and robbed instead of sold gamebooks.
Black Templar, please go.
>misspelling Best Templar
>harboring psykers
Guys I found the witch.
Librarian Dreadnoughts are an iffy concept to begin with. Reminder that the Psyker-game, even for Astartes is not some bullshit "I have superpowers now," thing, it's an incredibly dangerous gift that the Librarians have actively cultivated their own psyche to handle. Dreadnoughts, as we know them, tend to lose a great deal of memory and some processing power, can you imagine how much this would fuck up a Librarian's mindscape if the writer just thought about it for more than ten seconds?
They could've justified it by ramming the Librarian's mind with implants and have those implants rammed up into build in data storages that copied their memories into them in case they'd forget how to use their Warp powers.
Oh yes, it's definitely possible to do, but the procedure would be very rare and difficult to pull off, the Librarian would likely need a decade or so to re-build his subconscious mindscape after getting used to being effectively dead.
Agreed. That would also make them even rarer than they should be, and thus only the Chapter Master would authorize the use of them due to said rarity.
The whole concept of Astartes is an iffy concept to begin with. Reminder that the Marine game is not some bullshit "I am a superhuman fighter now" thing. It`s an incredibly dangerous gift that Astartes have actively cultivated their own psyche to handle it. If the writers just thought about this for more than ten seconds... (sigh)
I would say it really depends on how ducked upon what was fucken up the Libbey at the time was when implanted.
You would be shoving the libbies with a full brain casing nor the muh brain got shot in half capt. normal candidates who it's OK we shove tactical chips to cover that with fighting procedures.
But that libby with no lungs anymore as he just got eviscerated, quick hook him up to the dreads life support casket he doesn't need that body anymore anyway.
So the cannon is canon...
>Apothecary dreads
>Hold still brother, I must administer this medicine
Old topic though
Pic related. Psi Titan as seen in Epic.
Man, the buggy versions of CM were hilarious.
Also good thing the CM project is not canned and now it looks really good. Wondering if they released a new version that is playable.
The what now?
Chapter Master game.
It allowed even for Dreadnoughts to ride on bikes and Terminators to have jump-packs. Not to mention jump-pack Dreadnoughts and biker Termies.
But then it was all fixed...
Ah right.
It makes me mad desu
The amount of logical fallacies in this post is amusing. You are aware that the simple act of casting a minor psychic power invites the attention of malignant Warp spirits, and that being a Psyker forces you to perceive the raw, corrupted tides of the Immaterium with your mind's eye?
Don't tell me you're one of the 40k fans that thinks shooting lightning out your eyes is a reasonable answer for a Librarian to combat all situations, at which point I'd like to point out only an incredible unstable individual would do that, likely to be corrupted by the Warp.