Did you all enjoy Olympics?
LARP/Boffer general
>Did you all enjoy Olympics?
You've posted this same thread before and I still have no idea what the fuck you're talking about when you ask that.
I am confused.
Also: LARPTHREAD! Larp, WMA/HEMA, SCA, ACL/IHMC, rennfaire and reenacting all welcome!
Whacha doing? Recent projects? Upcomming events?
OP just shows up, starts a larp thread asking about the Olympics. Never any clarification what the fuck he's talking about.
>Did you all enjoy Olympics?
Are you from the future? The Rio Olympics aren't until August?.
My previous post stands: Whacha doing? Recent projects? Upcomming events?
I've recently acquired a good supply of 1/2in and 3/4in PVC and pool noodles, any good sites for building boffer weapons/shields?
check the belegarth wiki in the how to build section.
Also, pvc sucks for cores, use fiberglass or kitespar. Pool noodle foam is ok, but degrades really quickly. get some blue camp pad.
>pool noodle
Don't continue the cycle of dickswords.
Camp mat foam and carbon fiber kitespars, if your game disallows latex.
With a little time and care, you can make something legal for your game that doesn't look and handle like a foam dildo.
And make some sort of hilt if its a sword. It just looks better
I apologize, left for a bit. Olympics is an event that took place this weekend in Indiana.
Apparently the feast for spring wars was tainted.
I like this style. Any more similar pictures?
Ok... Which game? Which group? We don't know who the fuck you're talking about.
Generic NOT!Middle eastern? Sure
Here is the bronze guardian: Mythlore's NOT!Middle eastern Avatar.
Oh hey, it's the why.jpg guy on the left.
>yelling about phys rep
no one cares enough to git gud. it matters not if you look dumb, 99% of the people are looking dumb with you
And yet, people wonder why larp is laughed at in the US. We have a saying in the official larpthread: Shame them into upgrading. Dress better, improve your kit, and help others do so too.
Time to dump larp fail.
Just like the style of those, currently a wild-elf in a D&D-esque LARP in Canada. My buddy's just got me into, so I've been attempting to put together a serious costume.
Ah. This might catch your fancy then. Warhammer Fantasy is commonly used as inspiration. Heres a woodelf
>We have a saying in the official larpthread:
>official larpthread
please, stop, just stop gropey. This is the kind of shit that makes people hate you
also while we are at it let's see a few more pig disgusting shit tier dickswords so that the european guys can cringe and the US guys can feel shame or make up excuses.
>everyone who has fun differently than me is wrooooong
holy fuck i thought my hobbies were fucking dorky what is this?
Do you actually have full on battles and shit? how does it work? how do you score points or defeat an opponent? can you just beat the shit out of someone until the submit?
this is crazy enough to actually be kinda fun
its not about "having fun", its just about taking a modicum of effort to have the stuff you're doing look good.
Do you play 40K? then dickswords are the equivalent of turning up at an event with a completely un-painted Space Marine army.
Play Magic? its the equivalent of having an entire deck of ultra-rares, printed out on matte, cheapy printer paper.
Into alternative music? then its the equivalent of the girl who buys all their clothes at Hot topic, and wears a Joy Division "Unknown pleasures" t-shirt, but cant name a single song written by Joy Division.....
Take a little pride in your appearance. Make some effort not to have absolute shit for a costume. you dont need to have a perfect medieval outfit that would be right to do reenactment for the Companye Saynt George, but just a little effort. that's all.
>holy fuck i thought my hobbies were fucking dorky what is this?
larping, although the quality varies from country to country, from game to game
>Do you actually have full on battles and shit?
>how does it work?
which one?
>how do you score points or defeat an opponent?
again, which one?
>can you just beat the shit out of someone until the submit?
you can, but you aren't allowed
it's from years ago. I mean, like... 2006-7 I think. It isn't up for todays standards but still better than a simple dicksword
>holy fuck i thought my hobbies were fucking dorky what is this?
Live-Action RolePlay
>Do you actually have full on battles and shit?
Some systems do, some are much smaller. Can't speak for elsewhere, but in the UK there's a few big systems that can have battles with hundreds of people on a side, and it goes all the way down to little local groups with maybe 20 players total.
>how does it work?
You dress up as your character, and RP being them for however long a session is. Could be a few hours, all the way to some systems which have you able to be In Character 24 hours all event.
>how do you score points or defeat an opponent?
Mostly it isn't points-based as such.Think of it more like tabletop RP, but instead of rolling dice to see if you hit the guy, you try and hit them.
Generally they'll have a number of HP and you'll be able to do however much damage with a swing. Some places do locational hits so you can take out a limb or whatever, some don't.
The general rule is that people use foam-and-latex weapons, with some sort of solid core.
>can you just beat the shit out of someone until they submit?
Not generally, most of them have safety rules against that sorta thing.
>this is crazy enough to actually be kinda fun
Damn right, it can be awesome.
Olympics is the worst dag event. I've been the past few years and it's always horribly managed and lame. I did get to headshot this ugly ginger with a javelin a few times this year though.
>Olympics is the worst dag event
You know something is shit when it is considered shit even compared to other Dagorhir stuff
Dagorhir is very shitty, I agree. It was my first larp, but I've now moved on to SCA. I still come around sometimes and wreck dag newbies at their practices though
I can't really agree with you. I don't think that Dagorhir counts as a larp
They brand themselves more as 'battlegaming' now. It is more accurate I suppose, as there's really no role playing on a dagorhir field.
Battlegaming just sounds really corny and edgy to me though
well it's either battle games, or boffer fights or boffer tag.
Or maybe dicksword tag
To be honest, the better swords look shit too.
Ew I just noticed that punch shield..
Let's call it what it really is. Dicksword tag.
What LARPs do you play?
yes and as I said it's not up for standards nowdays. But still at least you can call them pretend swords, not just pretend bats or dickswords.
I could tell you a bunch of hungarian larp names that probably doesn't mean anything to you, although Chronicles of Demgard had a few international events.
Then there are a few croatian games but probably Izgon is the only one that might be heard outside of Croatia.
And there is Drachenfest, I go to that too
I've heard of Izgon before. Have any pics from events? How are they?
Izgon is basically a pervasive urban fantasy larp, But it's safe to say it's like a cold war spy larp but with aliens and magic. Secrecy is a top priority because you don't know who else plays and who else is after you.
Becasue of this there aren't that much pics that looks interesting or tell you much about the game.
Then again the game mechanics required you to go to places and take a pic of your hand as you touch buildings and stuff and send it through email to the organizer to get mana, do magic and various other stuff.
So if needed I can show a bunch of pics about hands.
Ok, thats right.
But you can geht a pretty "good" sword for just 50 bucks over here.obviusley, it's not the top of the mouintain, but Vetter then most swords in this thread.
it's just a response on the age old argument of "I DON'T HAVE MONEY" because as you can see the boffers on that pic uses the same materials, but with a little more effort in the making.
Obviously you could buy something better, or if you have enough experience make something better. It's just to show that even with minimal effort you can make better stuff than a dicksword
Ok, sorry that i missed the point that you made.
nah, it's an old and shitty pic from ears ago when every larpthread was about why or why not dickswords are better than boffers and what counts as a boffer and as a dicksword.
One day I have to make a better one.
Found it - its a Dagohir event apparently
That's really cool. I wish there was something like that here in the US.
There are a lot of differents kinds of larping. The size ranges from a handfull of people to 10000, though anything above 200 is rather rare.
As for what you do, there's an overarching plot most of the time (though everyone knows that no plot survives contact with the players). Then the're ambience conventions where you just dress up, play your character and have fun with the other players.
But wait, there's more!
I just don't have the time to explain any further. Maybe I'll be back later
have fun
I made this, what do people think.
These as well
there were people from the US on Izgon, playing in the US
Honestly? they look like shit, but mostly because of the way you put the powertape on.
After last week's SCA fighter pratice my brigantine finally gave up the ghost. I've got the plates cut out and punched the hIles in the leather welding jacket for the rivets. Final assembly happens this weekend. Pics when I get back to the workshop.
How hard is it to start a fun LARP thing?
I have 4~5 friends who are seriously down, we even have a few dickswords made already (we were bored). I got a pic related too to practice technique even.
Do I just go and ask the dudes in my IT classes if they're down?
depends on how serious about starting a larp game.
I mean, do you really want to spend time and effort to make a game that people enjoy, some times at the cost of your own enjoyment, or just want to have fun with sword like objects and hitting each other?
if anything it would be like a tournament or 3v3, 2v2 something like that. So I guess less role playing and more "foam HEMA"
then you just need a place where nobody will bother you and you won't bother anyone else. That's it.
SWV. Wow.
I have been corrected.
Purple Hair told me that this was the end-of-nero-cinci event, before CASTLE became a thing.
Is the "Witcher School" worth it?
Does anyone know some good larps in Indiana? preferably central
that's entirely depends on what you like.
But for me the ticket to witcher school costs more than the ticket to drachenfest AND the travel plus some spending money
Actually, it is the equivalent of none of those things. It is the equivalent of having fun in a way you don't agree with and therefore you have decided to be an elitist prick about it.
I built my dicksword in a way that allows me to have fun; because I would rather have a cheap, foam dicksword than have nothing at all.
Does your sword look better than mine? Fuck yeah it does. Feel free to go masturbate about how awesome your sword is. I don't give a fuck. Just don't tell me whether or not I can have fun with my hiltless dicksword.
holy lip-fucking butternutter christ that is amazing
Does an "Alice in Wonderland" type L.A.R.P. exist?
I'm pretty sure there is at least one chamber larp like that
Cheap isn't a good arguement when the better looking boffers use the same materials and end up looking significantly better.
Some friends of mine are really in to Dystopia Rising. I'm interested, but it's got a "contact safe" combat system, which so far seems like no fun at all. You need boffers, but also you can't hit people with them? It seems lame, but you can also use nerf guns so I thought it would be pretty neat to play if I just did a fully shooty character. Anyone play? Costuming seems way easier for a post-apoc, but I'm not sure it's for me.
So my daughter would like to get in to this (12yr), what stuff should I look to buy her? Armor, etc. She would want to be a 'elf' and likely an archer.
I'm really kind of lost as to what would make a good outfit.
How would you recommend getting into LARP? What is it really like? And what's the starting costs?
Really? What exactly are the better looking boffers made out of that are just as cheap as my dickbat swords?
Even if they are just as cheap, it still doesn't matter if I choose to make mine look like a dickbat. It is cheap, easy to make, and fun to use.
Well before you dump a bunch of money into your daughters larp gear, you should probably specify where she is playing, and then ask those people what gear she might need.
>How would you recommend getting into LARP?
By going to a larp near you. Literally any larp.
> What is it really like?
Fun. Past that it depends on what kind of larp you go to
>And what's the starting costs?
Anywhere from $0 - $infinity.