>Harlequins make a mad suicide run on the Imperial Palace
>Try to get to the throne room
>All get killed except 1 by Custodes
>Last one gets captured at bases of the Eternity Gate.
Does this stop being cool because I kinda like it so far
>Harlequins make a mad suicide run on the Imperial Palace
>Try to get to the throne room
>All get killed except 1 by Custodes
>Last one gets captured at bases of the Eternity Gate.
Does this stop being cool because I kinda like it so far
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They needed to expand more on the Harlequin troupe, I couldn't mind if they were part of some ultra elite troupe among the Harlequins getting so near to the Eternity Gate. But some regular assholes with little exposition undercuts the reputation of the Custodes.
I don't dislike that it happen, its just how it happened.
IIRC 7 Harlequins manage to kill 12 Custodes which is borderline debatable on feasibility.
Them blowing through confused PDF was fine though,
1v1 or 2v1 is reasonable. 7v12 is just Eldar wank, even if they have the element of surprise, which shouldn't work past the first two or three Custodes as they're you know, CONSTANTLY ON ALERT SINCE IT'S THE FUCKING THRONE ROOM.
Custodes the guys that make primarchs back down, get kill out right?
iv not read this one, wtf happend?
>Them blowing through confused PDF was fine though
Totally, but the breakthrough to the Eternity Gate made it see like a pair harlequins were killing dozen of Custodes before being brought down with numbers and Constantin fucking Valdor stepping in at the last second.
Goulding is a chaosfag so it's not surprising.
Custodes power level is really all over the place, confounded more by the difference between new and old fluff.
Why were they making a run for the throne room?
>"Oh herro, Eldar Derivery. We outside your door-oh god, why do you have a gun? Please, please, please no plea-."
The Emperor's been stuck on the Golden Throne for centuries, watching helplessly as his well meaning guards keep gunning down Thai delivery guys he's sent for.
It wasn't Valdor, it was a new Captain-General Byeruth or whatever
To deliver a message to the Emperor from Eldrad Ulthran.
>Sup man, haven't seen you lately. How are you doing?
They were going to put a whoopee cushion on his seat and laugh at the fart sound.
HAHA! You know that's why he does it.
I think only Valdor can go toe to toe with Primarch's and even then it's only in training. IIRC he beat Horus' ass which earned him the respect of Leman Russ
Could depend on how they were killed too. It's weird if they get slaughtered in a small arms firefight, not weird if they step on a mine.
I doubt any of the pre-Warp primarchs would have survived an orbital strike, there's only so much power levels can protect you from.
Can someone explain to me WTF a Harlequin is?
killer klowns from outer space
>Can someone explain to me WTF a Harlequin is?
Sexy space elf ninja clowns
You could literally just google 40k harlequin. What the fuck is wrong with you? YOU COULD HAVE JUST FUCKING GOOGLED IT
I wanted Veeky Forums's view on them, not GW's official line you sperg
Custodes must be bored as fuck. They actually used to do missions but now they are reduced to guard duty.
You mean besides the never ending war with daemons under the golden throne?
A bad translation of Ellekongen, meaning the Elf King.
Veeky Forums thinks you should google 40k Harlequin.
If you want to go from there like asking "Is 7vs12 Harlequins vs Custodes reasonable?" now that's something Veeky Forums might have an opinion on.
By the way; The numbers seem reasonable to me. In a skirmish setting, they'd probably go down 1 to 1, but if a penetrating strike was planned, the defenders would lose more bodies total, but the attackers would hit attrition far faster.
In a normal scenario; You might not even have a kill, just a few wounded, especially on the Eldar side. Instead, the Eldar hit above their weight class and disintegrated when they got hit back.
Veeky Forums thinks you should shut the fuck up and stop trying to speak for everyone
Veeky Forums also thinks he should google 40k Harlequin.
Pay no attention to the man who's not behind the curtain.
trips confirm
>Eldrad entered the chatroom
>That bit where the Harlequin tries to justify why Eldar are smarter than mon-keigh despite the fall
>"The Fall of the Eldar had a beauty and grace to it. Mankind is just moronically hacking the branch it's standing under"
I know the Eldar are meant to be arrogant, but goddamn I wanted the Custodes to kill this bitch
2 murder clowns, not 7.
They were, IIRC, 8. 6 stood behind to distract the Lucifer Blacks while 2 made a made rush to the Emperor.
The two were a Shadowseer and Death Jester. They killed 12+ Custodes and dodged titan fire.
In the actual book they go into berserker mode the closer the Eldar get to the throne room, screaming and yelling that they won't let xenos defile their daddy.
>The Fall of the Eldar had a beauty and grace to it
That sounds particularly Slannishi to me
What do you nerds think has a harder recruitment standard, Gray Knights or Custodes? Are there any psychic Custodes, has any ever fallen to Chaos?
In their defense the 2 Warhounds at the Eternity Gate seemed surprised to see them after waiting around for thousand of years with nobody showing up.
So is the Custode blood games just a giant waste of time?
>>That bit where the Harlequin tries to justify why Eldar are smarter than mon-keigh despite the fall
>>"The Fall of the Eldar had a beauty and grace to it. Mankind is just moronically hacking the branch it's standing under"
>10k years later eldar are still on the verge of dying.
>imperium and humanity is spiteful enough to doggedly survive.
Difference between a ballerina and a boxer desu. The former is more graceful, the latter keeps on fighting.
The Eldar will rise again thanks to Ynnead. Humanity will not.
The Shadowseer makes it clear.
>The Eldar will rise again thanks to Ynnead. Humanity will not.
yeah sure they will. They should all kill themselves to make that happen.
The eldar believe it might happen. Doesn't make it true. Slaanesh has far more eldar souls than ynnead and it is the weakest god.
The emperor on the other hand counters the four gods on their plane.
So they want humanity to also join their suicide pact for a stronger god?
Tom Brady roller blades
Cegorach great jest is about having Slaanesh puke out the Eldar souls trapped in her. Then Ynnead would finish xir off.
Ynnead would then restore the Eldar Gods and the Eldar to life.
Man this is actually pretty hype, I love reading this. I wonder what the twist is gonna be though. Something like "Oh yeah, the eldar you just killed had the only technology ever forever ever capable of snapping the emperor from his eternal nap, but nah, you just had to kill them when they rushed your door with guns, you maniacs."
The Eldar were there to warn the Emperor about Chaos.
>Cegorach great jest is about having Slaanesh puke out the Eldar souls trapped in her. Then Ynnead would finish xir off.
He is probably going to watch Gachimuchi and laugh instead.
Imagine she was a space elf, and had an army.
Grey Knights. They're all psykers and more powerful than Custodes.
>Eldar players believe this
Nigga the Eldar and everybody else is gonna die. Abaddon will be given more MacGuffins and kill everybody in his way to allow Chaos to consume the universe. Just like Archaon did.
I'm more interested with the Black Templar Dreadnaught being protected by some kind of psychic shielding, supposedly by his faith in the Emperor. Do you guys think this is a retcon and we will get more mentions of faith working in 40k, or will it be some kind of plot twist? Similiarly the Ork making the chainsword work, it could be a definite proof of WAAGH fuckery or it's only so strong because the Beast's Orks are clearly different than other Orks and thus this is only applied to them.
Both are possible because it's obvious that the series retcons a few big fluff pieces, like the original Imperial Fists getting killed with only one remaining, but it could only be one time twists.
And Vangorovich already had some fluff, he assassinated the High Lords and had to be killed by a big Marine task force. Do you think they will keep that, most likely with some twist to it, or retcon it completely?
The 6 Harlequins were all slaughtered before reaching the Eternity Gate, most likely by Lucifer Blacks, and one by Beast and Vangorovich. It was a Death Jester and a Shadowseer that made it to the Custodes.
Grey Knights are all psykers. Even their weakest member can cast a lightning bolt that will turn power armor into a bubbling puddle of goop.
>grey knight strike team
>powers: smite daemons and 'roid rage
No lightnings were found.
>this was spoken by a Harlequin
Wow. Hot trash.
Well, no, it gets a little better. Spoilers even the Iron Warriors are disgusted by how heretical the Black Templars are.
How so?
No, it's just the Templar was actually a psyker.
>And Vangorovich already had some fluff, he assassinated the High Lords and had to be killed by a big Marine task force. Do you think they will keep that, most likely with some twist to it, or retcon it completely?
How do you think they explain away the survival of the Imperial Fists?
>All but 1 of the 1000 Space Marines dies.
The Iron Warrior guy is disgusted that the Black Templar Dreadnought who was once his friend worships the Emperor and rejects the Imperial Truth, since he himself is agnostic/atheist.
the BT in question was a iron fist who fought alongside the emperor and was bros with the iron warrior during the great crusade. The IW is disgusted that the BT is worshipping the emperor as a god now, when the emperor wanted to stamp out religion.
>Veeky Forums is the Rock
This is why Custodes should wear their armor.
Hard, or at least personal shields.
Have the Custodes gotten 30k stats yet?
Aren't Harlequins super elite among Eldar, just below Aspect Leaders and Autarchs? Why is 7 on 12 unreasonable?
It's like saying a couple Chapter Masters broke into the Black Library and made it all the way to the centre, fucking everyone up before they themselves got fucked up.
That's not that unlikely if those Chapter Masters happen to be Smashfucker Prime.
That's some good head canon, if an intruder were to enter the palace the custodes would show greater fury and zeal the closer the intruder advanced to the throne room.
Because imperialboos will bitch when ever they lose or take losses. Unless the losses are imperial guard or chapter the specific poster doesn't like. If not, it's because the enemy had plot armor and/or author was biased anyway.
But when marines shitstop everything it's funny and lore accurate.
Well it was kinda bullshit. They ran through a fuckload of Custodes into the Throne Room and the Death Jester killed 12 when he was encircled while the Shadowseer got dogpilled on. They couldn't use any psychic powers because the Emperor was unintentionally smothering them and when the Shadowseer was captured the commander punched her so quickly that she didn't even see it coming. It could have been explained better.
>whines about marinewank
>defends other types of wank and calls it imperialboo bitching
You are literally 110% retarded hypocrite right now.
Drink the Eldar coolaid faggots. Maybe then you can solo hive fleets like the Tau and Mauganra.
>things that never happened
>Oh my god you guys, I just had a vision!
>Lethria all your visions make no sense
>That happened literally 10 millennia...
Honk honk!
To be fair its no more ridiculous than Marneus Calgar basically murdering an entire Necron tombworld.
In the end the Eldar failed anyway, so I guess it changes nothing.
Marneus Calgar would likely murder-fuck the Black Library considering he took on 500 night lords with just peasant fodder with pitchforks backing him up and killed them all.
>To be fair its no more ridiculous than Marneus Calgar basically murdering an entire Necron tombworld.
With his whole chapter, deathwatch, and a fuckton of Guardmen, you moron.
>so quickly that she didn't even see it coming.
She almost didn't see it coming. Almost. Barely.
The Custodes are NOT faster than murder clowns.
against an entire tombworld? It seems like, from other fluff, you'd need an entire crusade force to take out a tombworld. And even then its basically a suicide mission.
I haven't read the book, how are the Custodes shown, apart from the debatable fight with the Eldars? Are they wearing black and still in armor? Old fluff said they abandonned it after Empy's fall on Horus' claw.
Warzone Damnos was badly written bullshit but that is besides the point. The point Calgar did not do it alone.
I'd argue you they aren't all one uniform size, just like every Human planet isn't terra tier defended.
Maybe, if you want to hand wave it, it was a smaller Tombworld? Or not all the forces had awakened? It doesn't seem that crazy
It kinda is, Slaanesh is the collective unconscious of all Eldar
It became Naked Oil Wrestling after a while
>not remembering the time Calgar held a fortress gate against a besieging Ork army on his own for a night and a day
>not recognising him as your spiritual liege and God of War
>Old fluff said they abandonned it after Empy's fall on Horus' claw.
Actual old fluff, or old fluff erroneously conflated with stuff that came after it? (e.g. quadriplegic Calgar, Ollanius Pius)
My point was that it was badly written. The two Eldar basically prance inside through the Eternity Gate even though so much was stacked against them, killing 8 Custodes in the hallway and the Death Jester kills 4 more inside.
>the Emperor is smothering their psychic powers, which fucked them at start, but it's not even mentioned afterwards even as they get nearer and nearer to Him
>the Shadowseer loses all of her abilities and doesn't use her special equipment, so she is basically just a highly skilled Harlequin at that point
>the Custodes were ready for them and set up fire zones all through the hallway yet they somehow all missed
>once the Death Jester gets encircled he is killed
>when the Shadowseer gets encircled she is just held down and the commander punches her so quickly she almost didn't see it coming
>the Shadowseer notes that the more skilled Custodes are a match for her 1 on 1 yet there are hundreds there
Not that it isn't believable, but it's described as if it were a couple of Eldar rampaging among PDF, not a Shadowseer and Death Jester fighting to breach through Adeptus Custodes lines
Its funny because the eldar already did this
>Custodes the guys that make primarchs back down
Custodes get laughed at by Primarchs and are said to be equivalent to GC era Marines which were weaker than modern marines because of the speed at which they were produced.
Custodes are whatever the plot wants them to be. They have no consistent power level
Is that official artwork?
Why the Eldar's face is so human-looking?
> inb4 unrelated post
It depends a lot on the artist on how they look, but they are more alien than fanart on Veeky Forums might make you think.
Yeah, looks like people have trouble drawing an elf with ayyy face.
Not sure whether the cover artist for The Beast Arises has done anything else for GW/BL, but yeah, official. And what said, it depends. Elves and space elves in GW art range from both more alien than the OP's to less.
I don't see issue with an elf or two managing to get to the big E. I remember in some lore bit some inquisitor did it alone by tricking the custodes.
The operative word here being "tricked", not fucking ramboing through the best soldiers in the Imperium, you know, the guys that would fucking say "u wot, m8?" to 95% of the cosmic horrors in the galaxy.
If you're referring to his bout with Dorn, it seemed to me that it was pretty clear Dorn wasn't fighting him seriously.
I mean, why do we have weight divisions in sports? Primarchs are YUUUUUUGE. Perturabo once flipped a superheavy tank and Ferrus Manus was famous for smashing tanks with his hammer.