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Warlock vs Magical Child Edition
What tiers would the new archetypes fall under?
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Pathfinder General - /pfg/
Warlock vs Magical Child Edition
What tiers would the new archetypes fall under?
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>What tiers would the new archetypes fall under?
Do they cast 6th level spells?
Tier 3.
Do they not?
I guess implement powers can get you close enough to a spellcaster to squess into T4.
>What tiers would the new archetypes fall under?
Brute should get a tier all to itself, somewhere south of commoner.
He's sharing the same spot as the Kineticist more or less.
>Two posters before this post, including OP
I smell a samefag.
Jesus would be a charlatan/evangelist
Sadly, it was just OP and poster 1, trying to start a discussion
>Implying Veeky Forums isn't just 5 people and 100 sockpuppet IPs.
Wes Schneider was using settlement rules from a previous edition.
The GMG has settlement rules, but it doesn't include a way to determine the highest level NPC in the area. The best you can do is go by the highest level of spellcasting available in the city, but it doesn't include how many lower level NPCs with class levels exist.
It also depends on the power level of the campaign setting. Eberron has much fewer high and mid level NPCs while Faerun has more.
The Inner Sea Primer gives more clarification for Golarion.
At least the sock puppets are subtle.
Now now, friend. We wouldn't want to discriminate against our sockpuppet friends. They deserve as much respect as anyone else.
I honestly don't get why they keep adding magical classes at all. Wizard, Magus, and Summoner can pretty much be sculpted to fit any kind of magical character concept you could think of. Everything else feels kind of superfluous...
Cuz the game's based on having a multitude of classes, not a small amount.
Because coming up with new nonmagical classes gets really hard, but you can make magic up.
Because Paizo hates martials.
You have to use magic to have your PC do things you see in comic books and other media in this system, or be very high level.
Yeah, but why make a class that a Wizard can do better? Like... Witch, for example, is just a Wizard with some re-useable spells. What's the point, just make it an Archetype. Magical Child is pretty much a summoner with a incredibly pointless 5-round transformation sequence that you could probably do easier with an "Alter Self" item...
>Eberron has much fewer high and mid level NPCs while Faerun has more.
Eberron has plenty once you get outside the main area. There's one city down on that dragon continent that has the average commoner as somewhere around 11th level, I think. And it's run by a bunch of level 25-30 NPCs.
>nanoha vs. madoka
Well that's just mean, it wouldn't be in-character for her at all, I think. It's not even a visually interesting or appealing image, Madoka's crying.
I mean, as long as we doing it like that, a Swashbuckler is just a Fighter with a few unique feats.
So we really only need two classes. Fighter and Wizard. And, like, Magus to cover half-casters.
Do you want to play that game? It has a name. It's Numenera.
Clearly Nanoha is a Blaster Arcanist
>Magical Child
>Not Patron Goddess of Magical Girls
Much better, thanks for that.
I'm not a fan of pics that are summed up by 'character artist doesn't like gets wrecked by character artist does like.'
Then again those might be by the same artist given the composition and subject but w/e.
>Not Sakura
I would challenge you to a duel sirrah, but I have a game to get to.
We all know Sakura is the strongest Mahou Shoujo in fiction but she's also a fucking pacifist.
Nanoha would be at 2nd in terms of powerlevel
Madoka is at 3rd, (inb4 she's jeebus) her powers, despite being reality-warping and godlike, only work against witches.
Next would be the Symphogays
And then Sailor Moon, Cutie Honey and the PreCures
Although not Mahou Shoujos, Lina Inverse and Megumin would be on par with Nanoha in terms of destructive potential
What are some good sources of flat damage similar to power attack?
Also, are there any items that cast spells on you, similar to contingency?
Lastly, any ways to get spirited mount quickly. It's a hell of a feat investment.
Weapon Specialization, if you have an effective Fighter level
Doing nothing at all in the party is more useful than being detrimental to your party.
Yes, it stack with Power Attack.
If Jesus hurts your feelings, then replace mentions of Jesus with a guy with level 3 and 5 cleric spells and such (possibly a few level 7s) like curing the blind and sick and raise dead and such, then you can participate in grown up conversations about fictional beings.
>Spellslinger Wizard
>Myrmidarch Magus
>Warlord with Eldritch Heritage feats.
>Sorcadin into Eldritch Knight.
>Time Thief 3rd party class with Master Craftsman and gunsmithing/tech weapon feats.
>Megumin would be on par with Nanoha in terms of destructive potential
kek. no. Megumin's explosion is on par with Nanoha's Starlight Buster.
Except Megumin can only cast once per day while Nanoha is pretty much casting it at-will
Really? I don't recall that. This is one of my pet peeves about Eberron actually, Secrets of Sarlona and Xendrik provide stats for mid-high NPC type opponents you could theoretically but nag you about how these guys are rare, special, above the level of NPCs that generally exist...
I only have a very vague understanding of Eberron beyond the kewl powerz so correct me if I'm wrong.
A much better analogy is to look at the obscure Monte Cook book, Arcana Unearthed. It split spells into Simple, Complex, and Exotic, Exotic were specialty spells you generally need a feat or class feature for, Complex were fancy wizard spells of various sorts, Simple were the baseline. Simple amounts to basically what witches can cast, while wizards can generally cast Simple and Complex tier.
The witch is basically an arcane caster that trades Complex spells for an at will disabling effect.
Ok can someone stat some zelda bosses ? maybe ganon (ocarina of time), bongo bongo and volvagia preferable.
The picture is a parody of an iconic scene in which Nanoha is in the position Madoka is in.
>Patron Goddess of Magical Girls
>Domains include Lesbianism
How else do you explain why 90% of the casts in mahou shoujo shows are gay?
Mami is a Spellslinger
Kyouko is a Zwei Sentinel with Piercing Thunder and Thrashing Dragon
Sayaka is a PsyArm Warsoul with Sleeping Goddess
Madoka is a Chosen One Paladin / Oracle
Homu is a Gunsmoke Mystic with Riven Hourglass
Lucifer Homu is Antipaladin
Guys, we should bully DSP into making a Vigilante archetype who initiator stat runs on Charisma.
Okay /pfg/, a friend of mine's been given teh okay to have an owlbear companion for their hunter in an upcoming 9th level oneshot.
I'm looking to help them minmax the fuck out of it--feats, spells, DSP is allowed and encouraged.
forgot pic
There's a DSP ranger archetype that grants their animal companion the Primal Fury discipline. iirc.
They've got their heart set on (melee) hunter, sadly.
Its more lesbian subtext.
It's in the Dragons of Eberron book. Io'lokar, City of Knowledge.
>From the highest to the
>lowest, the Io’lokari are unequaled warriors, brilliant
>sages, powerful spellcasters, and masters of the arts of
>a dozen races.
>Most NPCs in the city have levels in three or more
>classes—a primary vocation (often handed down from
>parent to child), secondary vocations taken from interest,
>and a spellcasting class (typically adept or sorcerer).
>Children here take their fi rst class levels by early adolescence.
>The Io’lokari are the masters of vocations both
>great and mundane, and all reap the benefi t of their
>advanced society. A lowly clerk living in the Freeward
>might well be a 7th-level expert/8th-level adept whose
>accumulated knowledge would make a Morgrave professor
Several levels to it.
First level is typically 11th level characters.
Second level is generally 12th-15th level.
Third level is generally 16th-17th level.
Fourth level is generally 18th-19th level.
Fifth level is 20+.
Some of the city leaders:
* Elf diviner 19 / dragon prophet 5 / warrior 1
* Human fighter 12 / ranger 5 / dragonrider 5
* Elder Stone Giant sorcerer 8 / paladin 10
* Half-elf paladin 12 / fighter 14 / wizard 3
* Gnome bard 12 / wizard 5 / seeker of the song 5
It's a pretty ridiculous place, full of very high magic fantasy, and if they really felt like it they could roll over most of the planet without much trouble.
Did you totally forget about AI YO?
Vigilante (Stalker) is Tier 4
Vigilante (Avenger) is Tier 4
Vigilante (Brute) is probably lower end of Tier 5
Vigilante (Magical Child) is Tier 3
Vigilante (Cabalist) is Tier 3
Vigilante (Zealot) is Tier 3
Vigilante (Warlock) is Tier 3
Vigilante (Mounted Fury) is Tier 4
Vigilante (Psychometrist) is high Tier 4, maybe Tier 3
Vigilante (Wildsoul) is Tier 4
Vigilante (Gunmaster) is probably Tier 5
Melee Hunter?
Okay, Hunters aren't rangers - they're better but for functionally different reasons. Namely, sharing teamwork feats with his companion to get more attacks than would be possible.
First off, get Ring of Ferocious Action + Stick Together teamwork feat.
You and your companion now have Pounce.
Build yourself into a dexterity-based crit-fisher. Use DSP's deadly agility feat and improved critical. Do the same for your animal companion. Grab Seize the Moment teamwork feat.
Hunter's animal companions know Ranger skirmisher tricks. Grab Entangling Attack and that other Trick that lets the animal companion get a free AoO if an enemy attempts to target an adjacent ally.
Remember that animal companions can learn monster feats.
Awesome Blow + Minotaur's Charge on a large charging animal companion is awesome.
Snatch and Crush is great if you can Enlarge your companion. Snatch is a free grab attack. Crush is a free pin attack.
some good advice, much appreciated! i'm assuming other things like flanking (outflank, broken wing gambit, etc) and such are good to follow through on as well?
I think yuri's as hawt as the next guy but it annoys me when people try to present possibilities as certainties.
>It's a pretty ridiculous place, full of very high magic fantasy, and if they really felt like it they could roll over most of the planet without much trouble.
The giants and dragons too.
Anyway, that's totally frikkin bizarre. Star Trek-ish, in fact. I already knew Eberron was a place with weird POWER LEVELS?!?
Are magical children any good? I wanna play a cute witch grill next time.
Unchained summoner spell list without an eidolon.
DSP Aegis is a much better magical girl.
Eh, they have a spell list and some stuff... but why not just play a summoner, witch or even a bard instead?
Sounds like a cute variant class, although just a plain witch or whatever is probably fine unless you and your DM likes the social/combat division, but I'm not sure I understand what they were going for. Specifically, why did they pick summoner of all things for the magical girl archetype?
Doubtless, there's a summoner magical girl franchise somewhere, but I offhand can't think of any. I'm sure this makes me an uncultured boor, but ... yeah.
Rydia? She doesn't really transform back and forth...
Card captor Sakura.
Except she was arguably a conjurer wizard instead thanks to some of her ridiculously strong abilities being comparable to 9th level spells.
Well aren't you edgy
>Specifically, why did they pick summoner of all things for the magical girl archetype?
Because you've got it backwards, user. They made a generic summoner archetype, then stuck the magical girl label on it to get some extra sales off of the weeb market.
Pic related, weebs been baited.
Magical girl should obviously be a Kineticist-Vigilante hybrid class.
Ah that makes sense.
are you implying that magical girls are some kind of horrifying shit amalgam
well the basic class is Batman/Superman and they're certainly maligned too, it is for an intrigue themed campaign
At the very least, it was obvious enough that I will pirate the book long before I even consider thinking about possibly MAYBE spending even a single cent on it.
As a general rule, anybody who implies something should be Kineticist-like means, "It should be like a Kineticist, if a Kineticist was good."
Stop shitposting about Eberron while Anonymous, Forrest.
>Mami is a Spellslinger
No, gunsmoke mystic.
>Madoka is a Chosen One Paladin / Oracle
Hell no. Warlord.
I asked him a question, and he replied. How is that shitposting?
Do warlords like... fire energy bows of fading amethyst flame that rain down on people? is that a thing? Or is it just a joke because Madoka usually does fuck all and warlords who do fuck all themselves are GR8?
Nanoha's an E.Flux Mystic with a standard Aegis Dip.
She doesn't fucking run out of blasts after 4-5 shots, and it's supernatural tech weapons anyways
Linked Striker ups your enhancement bons by +2 (AND +2d6) once you hit.
Collision is a +2 bonus enhancement that adds +5 flat damage
If the reason you want "flat" is so it multiplies, you can say the increased weapon dice of making the weapon bigger and/or virtually-bigger are there as well. 1d6 averages out to 3.5 after all.
Warlords can in fact do the former with the right maneuvers (and/or items, there's various ways of doing energy bows), AND the latter, with gambits and things like golden lion effects.
Rework this how?
Why are people suddenly so fucking keen on fixing a level 19 ranger?
Because the dude is fabulous as fuck
Rebuild him as a Nature Fang druid. It's literally just a T1/T2 ranger.
Mage hunters are actually one of my favorite RPG concepts and one of the things rangers do well in 3e, so its pig disgusting to see someone trying it without any relevant class features and barely any relevant magic items to begin with. Favored Enemy Arcane and Shooting Star ACFs have some decent stuff for it, magebane arrows and weapons (+1 equivalent, but counts as bane) seems obvious.
If you like Path of War there's a PrC for it.
What's in pow that'll suit?
Wow nice. Paizo made a slayer talent just for killing catgirls, HAHAHHAHA
The Mage Hunter PrC, its got martial adept maneuvers and up to sixth level spells.
Depends on how much of the original build you want to retain.
PoW:E has the Ambush Hunter archetype for rangers, which gives you an animal companion with limited initiating on top of your own initiating.
Any PoW class or archetype can get into the Mage Hunter PrC for access to magus spells, some pseudo-spellstrike stuff and maneuver advancement.
For actual mage hunting, I like Harbinger with Riven Hourglass, Shattered Mirror and Mithral Current. Oddly enough, works best with the April Fool's Day Edge Lord archetype so that you can get the katana support up and running in a timely fashion. I would probably move into Mage Hunter after 8th level in that case.
Set CR to 14, keep stats and levels as is.
Also, fuck off already.
How about you give actually helpful advice
Is it true there is a place in Golarion that, if you were to throw a bomb into it, everyone would die?
Goddamn this archetype is pretty fucking strong
How about you fuck off already?
I think you could really improve the character if you stopped posting it in every fucking thread.
How about you fuck off yourself you colossal turbotard
I've always wondered what would happen if you threw a compromised Numerian fission reactor into the Pit of Gormuz.
What does pfg think?
That was 7 years ago, by most standards that's old enough to ignore since so much has changed, like your wife's son going from a little squalling infant to the star of the football and basketball team.
Also Frank is a fucking egostitical colossal piece of cumstained shit
Didn't expect to find cuck humor here, nice.
Is the card game any good?
How is it for single player?
What's the best base set to go with?
Can't be very good, otherwise people would at least occasionally talk about it.
say i'm a starting DM, how can i make my players invested?
also i've created some pretty interesting classes, while they seem to want to adhere to the "almighty book"
More detail would probably be helpful. Generally speaking though, you can't really force people to play something they don't want to play.
>starting GM
>created some pretty interesting classes
Chances are the classes are not nearly as great as you think.
the issue is not that they don't want to play, but rather that they either don't trust me, are rule freaks or just plain lazy...
i'm trying to build a pretty entertaining campaign: i've prepared a fuckton of branching paths to let them do whatever, but the still look for clues, as a kind of meta-game, as if finding my intentions is the real objective.
in a previous campaign one of the players was the dm and he keeps trying to be as much of a nuisance as possible...
i mean i made interesting npcs...
btw, long time player, first time DM...
i know what i'm talking about
Personally, I would not play a DM's custom classes. Chances are, your players have narrowed down what they want to play months or years in advance, and don't want to change their ideal character to please you.
read this i tried to be inventive, making some pretty enticing examples and the most variation we had was a true neutral knoweledge paladin
i mean read this everyoone is pretty pumped, but setting up a session is a pain because everyone keeps talking "over" of the game