Warhammer Fantasy Battles General WHFB

Dead games are fine too edition.

Link to last thread: >1d4chan
1d4chan.org/wiki/The_End_Times (Compilation of all the End Times changes)
1d4chan.org/wiki/Category:Warhammer_Fantasy (All pages marked WF on the Veeky Forums wiki)

>Warhammer Wikis
whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Online_Wiki (Warhammer Online wiki with lots of background articles too. Also AoR is not ded: Veeky Forums for details.)

>Resources(Armybooks, Supplements, Fluff, Crunch)

>9th Age

>Total War: Warhammer

>End Times: Vermintide

>Mordheim: City of the Damned

>Bloodbowl 2

>Man O' War

>Third party Miniature manufactures

Other urls found in this thread:


Vlad did nothing wrong

Reposting question from previous thread because I'm curious about WHFRPG

> Not them but what do you mean by FF goo? I've only played their SW games. Also are the systems themselves worth playing in their own right?

>tfw you're about to sell some old magic the gathering cards off for cash money.

What warhammer related purchases should I make?

Vlad should have stayed dead and buried.

You'd need to give more info about what you want.

I'm caught between magnetic movement trays/ magnets and a 40k starter.

>mfw got three verdant catacombs 4-6 years ago for FNM prize rares.

(ain't got no good camera, so you'll have to imaginefy)

Chaos Warshrine guy
left hand is open hand, not the sword
head is swapped for helmet-less Stormvermin head
that's my Skaven Warlord

he was cool for some time, but my army is steadily going full-Skryre, and he needs some techie bits
how should I Skryre-ify him?

Break his head off, put it on a space marine.

You can also glue 40k bits to his back.

AoS is getting points costs
oh, the stupidity of GW and its fans

I won't even comment on that
oh, wait, I just did...

Are points inversely proportional to the amount of money each model costs?

Only for tournaments, you can still play without points and use warscrolls too

Meh, It's an assload of usable points systems up until now.
My group will continue to ignore these ones as well.

All they really need to do is publish a PDF of WHFB 8th with some tweaks akin to 9th (or even publish 9th) and say something like "but in some realities, the old world still existed..."

hey guys, im running a game of WFRP set in endhammer (i posted here earlier) and i have a friend that after watching this, youtube.com/watch?v=Vf3Wj_d-aOE was wondering if there was anything like that he could play. after a few moments of thinking i realised he could be a bloodbowl player, and i was wondering if anyone had made stats for a bloodbowl player in WFRP 2E. If not how would you guys handle this. I was thinking he would use his constitution and armor as his weapon and fight by grappling and tackling. Also id just like to add that im totally on board with this, i gave the player the condition of making it fit the sitution and he did

>GW only announced points system
>WHFB-general already dead

I can't wait to forge a narrative!

>tfw using stormfiends for the first time.

9D6 is ridiculous, I can't wait to bring these to a tournament.

That was horrible.

the video or the concept?

Really tempted to back this kickstarter just for the vampire model

The concept.

Why not man? im not gonna have him rolling around like fucking sonic the hedgehog, but correct me if im wrong, bloodbowl is still a canon sport within the WFB universe. The idea of a bretonian Bloodbowl Chav disillusionned with his noble life style traveling the world to beat the shit out of people and become a hero using his bloodbowl skills sounds pretty good. The problem comes in with implementing it, its a fun concept i just dont know how to do it.

There's no bloodbowl in whfb, bloodbowl is an alternate reality.

really? i mean i know that Bloodbowl took place in an alternate reality, but i thought it was still a sport people played. Like i know people dont fight wars with it, or over it, but i thought people still had "Freindly" games of it casually.

Ha ha oh wow

Don't listen to that boring guy, blood bowl is the shit

Ignore this nigro.

Yeah really, the idea of a guy who grapples in spiked full plate is bad ass but I can't imagine someone wanting to do it for an entire campaign.

Even masked luchador characters get old eventually.

>knights of the questing beasts
>troy horse siege chariots
>flying ships
posting what glorious bretonnia could have become

You can deny this, but now none literally will care about WHFB or 9th Age since AoS is become tournament game.

Would a Mierce Cnebba be good as a Terrorgheist?

Had you bought the Marienburg skyship and the Empire's meme god not been popular, that could have been a reality.

1) People will care about Fantasy lore, because unlike Age it has a clear setting.
2) Just because it has tourney rules doesn't mean it'll be popular. GW is notorious for terrible balance, and interest in all GW products is waning as it is.

>Had you bought the Marienburg skyship and the Empire's meme god not been popular, that could have been a reality.
What did he mean by this?

The damage is already done. Pretty much every tournament in the US at least has swapped to KoW. People are finding themselves incredibly happy with the product, and no-one I've spoken to has any intention of going to AoS even if they staple on point costs.

slav go home.

>it has a clear and dead setting.
>GW is notorious for terrible balance, and interest in all GW products is waning as it is.
So? 40k is still playing in ETC so will be AoS, when 9th Age will be BTFOed.

it's like saying LotR is dead setting because it's no longer updated and it has its final end described (as prophecy, but still)

or sayin our world is dead because we already know how Ragnarok will unfold

9d6 shot mean 7 wound on average.
Then the space marines have a 3+ rerollable. Which mean you'll probably do 1 or 2 wound, so not even Killing a standard dude

How is a setting "dead" when nothing ever advancing is the norm?

The problem with Age lore is it is advancing without allowing the setting to catch up.

There's no maps of the Realms, characters are getting entire story arcs while other things go barely mentioned, and everything is seen through the eyes of one of two factions; Sigmarines or Archaon's.
>40k is still playing in ETC so will be AoS, when 9th Age will be BTFOed.

9th is not a product, dumbass. Its just a balance for 8e. It can't be BTFO because it doesn't have a profit margin because it isn't being sold.

With some luck they will backpedal the entire setting too

>Age point values
>"Take as much as you want from any faction, plus 25% Core. Does not have to be the same points as your opponent's list"

seems legit

Are treemen any good in 8th
they seem decent enough except for the fact that i dont really see use for it in anything but a melee heavy list

I haven't really read the AoS rules as such. How the fuck does not having the same points as your opponent even work?


Bit of an understatement.

Even IF GW was willing to admit they made a mistake they have spent so much money on making all these shitty AoS models they will keep selling them.

Also GW is too incompetent to be trusted with WHFB anymore, basically all new fluff after the early 2000's has been inferior.

It is far more likely that GW has lost those tournament bases forever. AOS is nothing like WFB and basically there is nothing new to bring them back into the fold.

Points AOS could create its own tourney scene, but it is unlikely to replace what exists now.

He is making a joke based on the fact the AoS rules do not even attempt balance and exist only to facilitate models sales.

That is why there are no limits and you can take whatever models you like from any army.

Just don't be a cock about list construction.

Sorta, all treemonic legion units blow in 8e because GW thought the wood elf book should revolve around elves.

yes. they are quite tanky, they have some shooting and even WE need an avil from time to time. as long as you keep them away from flaming attacks, they rock

oh, and Lore of Beasts buffs just make them obscene

meh, D&D 5 brought back not only 3ed-style rules, but also Planescape-like cosmology. Blizzards of Tabletop can admit mistakes and go back to better stuff, so there's hope.

they are quite stronk in 9th. 9th shines for Forest Spirits all round

Its a lot cheaper for them to do that though.

Not only is GW actively spiteful towards its former long term fans but it has hundreds of thousands or millions invested in moulds that nobody likes. Its going to want to try and make more money out of them.

>It can't be BTFO
It can ETC just replca 9th AGe by AoS and that's all.

AoS does not have point values and either relies on the players alternating on deploying units until they feel like the game could feel balanced or play a scenario where the forces are not supposed to be necessarily equals.

>Just don't be a cock about list construction.
The problem is you can't trash talk when you win if there's no army comp rules to fall back on.

Beating Banner Lions in 8e with Tomb Kings is cause for celebration. In Age, without a proper balance mechanism then everything comes down to "clearly player 1 just didn't put enough good models on the table".

Except Age is literally there to be something to play that isn't Age.
So it "wins" no matter what because many, many communities have no Age players.

Not to mention that what some people think is 'being a cock' others innocently and honestly think is entirely reasonable.

Seriously, by the number of posts one could think you'd have learnt how to communicate in written english.

Just look at AoS shills flipping out over points.

Some say "Oh teh noes, the return of a billion mandatory Slaves!" and others say "Ermagerd, not the armies packed full of large models and heroes!"

That alone tells you that people's version of what kind of list is a dick move to bring is entirely subjective and contrary to each other.

Having a proper points system with balanced counters, advantages, and disadvantages at least makes everything viable so the only list you have to worry about is your own and how it reacts to different situations.

But Age is a clusterfuck where any problem is solved by "bring more and/or bigger models" and when playing alternative scenarios (because the main battle is just a boring punchup in the middle) entirely fuck over entire lists.

Seems to me that any game where you have to rely too much on your opponent not being a cunt is open to massive abuse.

Feels like GW being so incompetent in redressing the awful balance issues in eg. 40k that they came up with a system so they put that onus on the players.

Would be great if every single player was an experienced and fair game designer.

>That guy in the Age thread saying playing with no point or balancing system is like being unplugged from the Matrix

Holy shit, Age really is the MLP of Veeky Forums.

Nobody is forcing them to play with points among friends or at a wargaming club but its god damn vital for pickup games and new players. These morons act like they are FORCED to never take fun or fluffy lists.

>its like Pandoras box
>pretending competition is bad
>muh core tax, how dare I have to play an actual force instead of a gang of super dudes
>muh morpheus pictures
>points mean only equal pitched battles all the time

It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

I remember seeign a link to a gallery with a bunch of awesome WHFB concept arts here a few months back. Anyone still got it?

The site is down

fortunately I saved all of them expecting this would happen

do you need all of them or only the ones for a specific faction?

I need the crazy Empire ones. i remember there was a bunch of awesome war machines, or something

It may take a while, but I will post a link here.

cool, thanks!

since I'm at it I'm uploading all the 300+ images

first 150 here imgur.com/a/k3bQl

>Few hours into GW announcing point system for Aos and AoS outselling WHFB and on par with 40K

>WHFB general already dead


great, thanks!

Where's the data to support this?

Because according to their stocks, there IS no sales increase on anything.

part 2 imgur.com/a/U7gBf

last part imgur.com/a/Lk3H2

>Units other than Knights or peasants
>big centerpiece models
>unicorn headed giant chariot/battering ram
>best air force in the old world

This could have been glorious

>all those fabulous Wizards for all colleges
>all the incredibly badass named characters
>insane ornate machines
>four riders of the apocalypse
god, this would've been soooo glorious... where did it all go wrong?

Bretonnia is coming to AoS tho, so just wait a year.

100% updated plastic kits.

oh, so Bloodbound were designed back then, even... but they weren't so overdesigned though

yeah, heard that one. before End Times, I did. guess what?

jeez, how do I gloo metal minis? my superglue gel won't hold them

omfg faggot, for the 7415215741 times stock are not related to sales.

go check what a second offering is and you'll understand why the PSR went down faggot.

you heard before end times that Bretonnia will come as a full airborne force for AoS? wow nice one.
that's literally fresh from today. Hasting - SadPanda etc

ah, oh, I take that back then. praise the lady ok

They saw the concepts for the Sigmarines and said "THAT, make an entire game for that!"

They also figured no points and no restrictions means people would want a sea of everything.

'Tis time for this rift betwixt our communities too heal, with the advent of points 'tis time too come home and nestle in the lightning wreathed bosom of Sigmar.
Will you not take our hand in friendship /WHFBG/? Will you not stand with us as brothers and free men?


So you're throwing out conjecture and claiming its data then.

How cute.

And they will almost certainly ruin them just like everything else, so what?

I don't see any way to.

Two different games, no possibility for lore overlap, and a LOT of bitterness combined with extremely autistic fucks on both sides.

The only thing we share is models, but every two months that connection is diminished. Before long it'll just be the Daemons, making Age as much Fantasy as both are to 40k.

They'll be Bretmarines.

No. Your game is unclean, abomination of steel and death, and must be purged

what do you mean by that?

So, /whfb/ what are you currently working on?

I don't get why they don't just put the 8e rulebook up for free download, say that Fantasy and Age both exist as separate universes, and give a flimsy fluff explanation for Sigmarines and Orkmarines.
They could only gain money from it, and having a fanbase at war with itself is TERRIBLE for business.

My untouched IoB Skaven. For a tabletop Vermintide game, which we don't have rules for yet.

Anyone have some scans of the new units in End Times: Nagash? The only pdf floating around is screencaptures off of a tablet version, and obviously the mouse-over links don't work. Not the whole book, just some quick snaps at the special rules.

Would be much obliged!

You wound me, but I am eternal and will return.
Remember that the Gates of Azyr are always open to you, so do not lose hope.

heh, what a coinsidence, I'm working on Vermintide minis too! making packmaster with things-catcher and a couple of single-model ratling gunners

People are not ready, brother from another dream, we could have been 2 universes walking as one, but circumstances set us in opposition: we will keep ours in denial of the executioner's axe and yours will be sewn from the spoils of ours; many of you will see us as primitive and close minded, many of us will see you as mindless and uncritical, both will see the other as malevolent and in the end it was but the last will of a madmen that dictated our inimicy.

My feet will never move, but if we can't be one, we can try to be close, my hand will be oustretched

holy shit fucking off yourself you autist

Yeah, we don't have to be cunts to each other.

We both hate the shitposters, Agefags aren't happy about models getting chopped, and we're all critical of GW's terrible decisions.

We don't have one General, but its not like we give the 40kfags shit for playing a game we don't like.

assembling some eternal guard
kinda annoying to put on bases for some reason
at least they're easier to rank up than fuckin glade guard

>no possibility for lore overlap

They are different eras in the same universe. They share the same lore.