I'm looking for a very specific character. I need a minotaur pirate that wears armour, plate preferably.
Character art thread
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I think I actually remember the one you're talking about, but this is the closest I can do for you rn; lost year's worth of charart collecting with my last harddrive.
I requested this once before, but I'm looking for pirates/sailors/swashbuckling types but without any gunpowder technology.
Kinda like pic related
Best I can do
If anyone has dark haired elven male rogues I would appreciate it
Here's the only one I have.
and one for you, too
While we're at it, I got a pretty straight-forward one- people with katanas. Any and all. that should be easy.
I don't have much, but I'll help with what I have.
Requesting a plain looking storm cleric. Brown skin if possible, because I'm a degenerate.
Here we go then, got quite a few for you.
I have none of that, I'm afraid.
Whoops, don't know how "auto" got in there.
Well since we're requesting art, could someone find a demon hunter with scales like a snake or lizard instead of skin? Preferably with a bow, bonus points for having a pet Phoenix
Does this kind of work?
I'll look, but that's kinda specific. Doubt I'll have it.
Also, my last katana user.
Thanks m8, it's alright if you can't find it (though it doesn't really need to have a Phoenix, and it could just be a tiefling)
I don't have a whole lot of race variety, but here's a teifling that might help.
That's actually pretty awesome! Thanks!
I'm going to request something of my own. Bird people, with polearms. Here's an example of what I'm looking for.
I need pictures of old men with rifles. Well, a firewand, but who's counting
Bonus if he looks scholarly or is in desert wear.
I've got this one.
How many pictures do you have in your library, or how much space does it need, if one may ask?
The sheer amount of pictures I already got out of these threads does make me somewhat curious.
I've been collecting in these threads for a few months, saving things I think are cool. I have a little over a thousand pics that take up about half a gig. I'm still sorting through some user's 4gig dump from a while ago though.
Any way you can share the whole thing and help an user out?
I've been doing the same thing but I recently lost my hard drive
Sure, working on it now. I'll upload mine and the other user's. What I have left, I mean. I delete as I go to remember where I've been, so its missing some pieces. Probably about a thousand. Its gonna take a very long time though.
Pictured: One of my favorites.
I'll post it in one of these threads tomorrow, or very late tonight. The upload is 8% done in like an hour and a half.
thats a hat family
Shit, so it is. Thanks
Anyone have any good character pics of Lamia, or at least women with semi-angular faces and long black hair?
Does anyone have a picture of a monk or acrobat with a flame-styled outfit?
I need male Drow.
Why would a pirate wear plate? Does he want to die?
>The finest crafted training robot an ancient civilization could produce now stands still in the center of the training arena it used to educate nobles.
>Registers anything that steps into the arena as an opponent.
>The old safety dampers in its blades and servos were the first things to go, ages ago. It's all lethal now.
>If anyone saw it and said "Training Mode Deactivate" then it'd just shut down dead.
>Remember that "finest an ancient civilization could produce" bit? IT itself is the treasure at the end of the dungeon, if you figured out how to deactivate it.
>>red glowing sword
>>motorcycle boots
>>more buckles than necessary
>>skin so black you can't tell the difference between skin and black leather
>>wounded and dripping blood
I'm not sure if it's possible to be more edgy.
Needs a trenchcoat.
A sleeveless trenchcoat.
Chain shirt wearing soldier with dual swords? I've had a lot of trouble finding art for this particular character, anyone have anything?
A sleeveless, hooded trenchcoat.
Anyone got pictures of magical researches without modern technology? Kinda like pic related
Wait....we need to go back a little. We'll keep the hooded part and make it a one-sleeved, hooded trenchcoat with skulls for the buttons.
Closest I've got.
best I found.
dual swords, but not chain shirt. Best I have
To the user here, the transfer is done. My folder and whatever's left of some other user's. My stuff is sfw, but the other user's is not.
Anyone can feel free to download.
If it asks for a decryption key, just hit decrypt. I didn't use a key.
Also, let me know how the link works for you.
I think I fucked that up. Here's a link that works better.
You're my hero
May all your hits be crits
Anyone got any Dragongirls that aren't Animu crap?
Requesting female butlers, like chicks in butler suits.
Does this tickle your fancy, or were you referring to more dragon than girl?
Probably the only dragon girl I got that isn't pure wank material.
Not OR, but that tickles me in ways I didn't think possible. Thanks.
>her breasts start below her armpit
Does anyone have the picture of the irish pit-fighter girl with the bloody nose, bowler and wife-beater? Looking to give someone inspiration.
aint no bras in fantasy, theyre going to sag.
That's not sagging, that is her breasts start below her armpit.
This is the best I've got.
Does anyone have a human female with an uncomfortable amount of scars, especially on her face? Bonus points if she's laughing/happy or at least not looking aggressive or pissed.
That's the exact one. You're a saint user. A SAINT!
Is this good friendo? Sorry if it ain't!
No that's good. That's the level of fucked up I want.
I do want someone who has has been put through the ringer and still isn't super bitch Xena killing machine.
I know it's probably not what you're looking for, both in thematics and "not looking aggressive or pissed," but the Sisters of Battle have quite a few that fit.
Glad to help!
Anyways, if anyone has any sort of alien jungles or strange and unnatural wilds I will be very thankful
best I got
Like with people or just the environment?
Any and all techy loli art you got, lads. Give me all of it.
Oh I don't mind either way, friend. I would rather the latter, but I ain't picky and don't want you to bust balls over it! I'll take what I can get
Requesting androids and robots of all shapes