Made a kill team what you guys think? Also show me your converted kill teams?
Kill team
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>flat colour painting
The converting is nice (Is the far right from necromunda?) but why don't you do it justice with at least a wash. Washes are so quick.
Thin your paints
What rules you are using? GW-approved, custom, old, some better?
Been thinking about Killteam-minicampaing
Yeah a necromunda model, I'm pretty new to painting, not really sure how to wash?
I decided to get into Kill team because I don't want to buy a massive army. Because in Australia that cost is insane
Thin your paints OP
It has been mentioned, but painting models well doesn't require a lot of talent, just the right pants and a little patience. Sure, talent comes in later after a certain level, but for the most part it's easy once you know the techniques (a handful).
GW makes some decent tutorials and there are a bunch by other people.
What sort of pants do I need?
I know they aren't the best models out there, but I think they look alright. I know I could and should do a bit better though, thanks.
I know they could be a lot better but I think they look alright, I was actually pretty proud of the sergeants face, but it is a bit blurred in this photo. Thanks for the link!
They list them at the beginning of the video. But normally 14 or 15 will take care of whatever Astra Militarum Regiment you wanna do. From there, you're just adding detail, or changing armor colors. Which is $60-$65 in the US. That may sound like a lot, but those 15 paints will cover a lot of ground for other models, not just your Astra Militarum infantry.
For example. In that linked video 4 paints are dedicated to flesh tones for the face and hands. But from there on, you can basically paint any exposed flesh for most any models from there on.
been planning to start up a kill team force for quite a while, but there is too many armies i want to try
plastic crack addiction is torment
Dark Eldar True Born with a venom make a vicious kill team. Their broad access to very powerful infantry weapons make them tough.
1. buy wash
2. splash it roughly on your mini
3. done
seriously, there's no skill necessary
What kind of units can I use in a Kill Team? The points limit is 500? Or lower?
If I recall correctly, It's 200.
This usually means a squad or two and a light vehicle.
Can I use Elites? I've got an idea for a Black Templars one.
Yes. It's 0-2 Troops, 0-1 Elites, 0-1 Fast Attack.
Not a grea fan of the look of True Born.
More of a haemonculi guy.
standart is 200 points.
yes you have a single elites slot.
What do you mean with the look of trueborn? Since they don't have actual models they can be anything you like.
Can you use special formations in Kill Team? I'd like to use the Death Company from Deathstorm as my troop slots instead of a shitty tactical team.
never looked into their codex, only seen them at the lgs.
probably proxied some cabalite warriors as trueborn then.
Find the rules and check. Most likely you cannot but with no need for tacticals.
My WIP HoR Kill Team. Looking at the models I need to touch up/ repaint a lot.
>taking so many bikers
unless youre in a tourny you suck
>SM Bikers
>Plasma guns