Deldar in a nutshell
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k m8. That all you have to say?
Low quality bait, 0/10.
At least its not Lemon Fuss.
DE are actually a lot less emo than CWE. Craftworld Eldar are the ones who spend all their time lamenting about how they're a dying race. Dark Eldar don't give a fuck, and just do space-cocaine and fuck space-bitches.
Deldar strike me as being kind of into their hedonistic BDSM nonsense, not being melancholy over it.
Twenty years of being a 40k fag and I still have no fucking idea why dark eldar even exist. They do nothing in the lore at all and their core concept is both dubiously thought out and super lame, they're just rape eldar because apparently that saves their souls from slaanesh or whatever. Unsurprising they went literally over a decade without a real codex update.
>Low quality bait fishing for (You)'s
DE just fucking love life, its their Craftworld cousins who are the edgy faggots.
It's the regular Eldar who are whiny about it. The DEldar are too DARK and BROOTAL and need something EDGIER.
Dare I ask?
Probably about how people keep fussing over Leman Russ
And here I was hoping for something scandalous.
The kids you're mocking don't listen to that some any more. You're old, OP.
Craftworld Eldar
>Do you even know about Bushido? It's a code I totally follow.
>The worst of religious fundamentalism and austism athiesm
>No breeding
>Utterly structured and controlled lifestyle
Dark Eldar
>The only true meritocracy in 40k, no Chaos Gods to dick you over or anything that you can not control
>Free to do what you want, when you want, how you want
>Life is pretty much a Motorhead concert with sex, drugs and rock and roll.
came here to say this.
that's a 16-fucking-year-old song, OP
I Imagine Dark Eldar as a culture full of really violent Hedonism Bots.
Stale maymay is stale. Are we done here?
poor little billy
Actually Dark Eldar in a nutshell
Yeah, no joke, this. This so hard.
Lady Malys organized a massive raid force to steal an STC from the Imperium called Panacea, which would've cured millions of suffering people. Half the reason she did it was for shits and giggles, and it mostly just sits collecting dust in her treasure room.
When a rival Dark Eldar empire was rising up in the Webway, Vect forced an Imperial warship to crash into its capital, decimating its population. Then the Imperial ship exploded, and with it, its warp drive, which also caused an army of daemons to flood that section of the Webway.The first part would've probably been enough, even the explosion itself, but the daemon invasion is just hilarious overkill.
There's also a story about how when Iyanden was under heavy attack by Tyranids, the Dark Eldar showed up, saved them, and left. For years, the Craftworlders had no idea why they did it, and eventually tracked down the kabal responsible. When they asked why, the archon essentially said that he found their desperation of having to resort to armies of wraiths for defense, as well as their general suffering because of it being somewhat taboo, too funny for them to die out.
The Dark Eldar are pretty much THE troll faction. A good 70% of what they do is just to piss people off.
>The only true meritocracy in 40k
What is Catachan.
Are Dark Eldar currently viable to play?
A mass-producing Rambo factory, with attached Mars pattern adamantium balls.
>In Imperial Catachan
>It's not the commissar that executes troops
>It's troops that execute commissar
>What is Catachan.
Breeding ground for this kind of people.