>XP bonus for making a pun
This is not ok
>XP bonus for making a pun
This is not ok
I see your point
Then why do you allow it, GM?
I don't, but my co-GM does.
It's complicated.
> ordinary pun
> 80's style cheesy one-liner
It's a girl isn't it? Are you tapping that user?
Tell them why you dislike it, let them explain why they allow it, and work out a compromise from there.
>BBEG is a pyromaniac necromancer
>"Hey bonehead, you're fired!"
>Still counting XP
>Still caring that another party member might have more XP
>Still being a bitch
10/10 would invite on as clever bard
>This is not ok
But if you have a wooden shield, is that oakey?
Depends. If it's a really good pun, I may add a few EXP to their total. Since EXP is counted in thousand at later levels, it doesn't make much difference in the long run. If it's a really bad pun I may subtract a few EXP.
Also depends on how appropriate the pun is to the situation. If it breaks the mood, then yeah, minus a few points. But if it breaks a mood that needed to be broken, then plus a few points.
It's a nice way to nudge new players into understanding what's acceptable and what's not.
>>Tell them why you dislike it, let them explain why they allow it, and work out a compromise from there.
>>unironicaly using them and they as a second person neutral singular.
You should be sold to slavery and sent to work in the mercury mines.
>>being SUCH a cuck.
>making shotgun noises during combat gives you extra damage
It is said that she who'd pun would pick a pocket.
Of course, I'm playing a thief...
you're right, XP shouldn't be some kind of value or points you "give"
Third person, faggot. What's wrong with it, senpai? If you're trying to get at xim zam being a tumblretta you're kind of overreacting at a small detail. It's a perfectly decent way to refer to someone whose gender you have no idea of.
>XP bonus
>not a dm-cookie
>not a fate point
>not an edge point
You want to reward metagame shit, you give a metagame reward.
U retarded senpai?
Not sure what system you're playing, but I think 5e got around that with the whole "inspiration" thing.
>you give a metagame reward.
XPs *are* metagame rewards. They don't exist as physical or intangible objects within the game world.
What game had that rule? Feng Shui? Corporation?
You're right. Third person, i'm sorry.
And yet i might confuse second and third person singular in my third language but LO AND BEHOLD even i know that in English, in these cases, you just use "He", since the male gender in language is used as a neutral too.
There's no reason whatsoever to use They or Them, if you're not determined to advance a certain agenda. An agenda we shouldn't tollerate here.
Shut up and go mine mercury, slave.
Sadly I can't remember which system had that rule
Congratulations for the most autistic post today
Dude, you're an idiot. Yes, He can also be used as a neutral in the English language yes, and it is done so quite often. However, it's not used as often as They, which is the more commonly accepted gender-neutral term, and is much more widespread. It does not advance any agenda at all, and has existed long before the agenda you refer to existed.
And considering your lack capitalization for I and I'm, as well as your spelling mistake, I should think you need to improve your mastery of the English language before you attempt to teach it or critique people's use of it.
I will reward a dry wit with a chuckle (well, it sounds more like hissing when I do it), but I only award XP for good role-playing.
So if the character is a punmaker or wisecracker, is using those consistently good role-playing?
But what if part of the character's schtick is making puns, and is thus part of good roleplay?
>not playing as the Pun-isher
Please go back to /pol/
>>he can also be used as a neutral
"He" MUST be used as a neutral in certain cases. That's the rule.
To do otherwise is an error, and i wouldn't give half a shit about it, like i don't give a shit about 99% of the errors i come across in various languages.
This one error is used politically and in the best interests of the board it must be pointed out.
My English is irrelevant in the discussion since while i do make some errors they don't have any political significance. Suffice to say if you knew anything about my education you'd shut the fuck up about this. Trust me.
Hey faggot, go kill yourself.
Never been there. I probably should visit since everyone that tries to talk sense to this board is inevitably sent there.
The best slaves are the uncle toms who tell the other slaves their slavery is freedom
ooh yes massa, we never had it so good dan wen we wuz minin dis here mercury
Said like the best open minded SJW.
I believe you have some mercury to mine.
dnd 3.X wants to talk with you.
>"That's the rule"
>In a language that is based on making rules and then gleefully breaking them
Tell 3.x to go fuck itself. It was the worst edition ever and 5e captured everything good about while being superior in every way.
>being this autistic.
2/10, I replied
I love a good pun. But it's gotta be in character and make sense for the character to have said before I'll award extra EXP for one.
Where did the CRB touch you?
Sorry man, it's how the English language works. It's how it's worked long before any gender-related political agenda tried to twist language to suit their political aims, and while nothing is certain, I think it's highly likely that it shall remain as such in the future.
Oh wait.
You're baiting. 10/10, made me reply TWICE. Have a nice day user.
I use they as a gender neutral term, just because I feel it fits better.
Every language is based on that. It's the nature of language. Doesn't change the fact that if you use "para" instead of "por" in spanish or vice versa people facepalm.
Most of them would facepalm SILENTLY mind you, since after all who gives a fuck?
However i can assure you if you could sneak a political point into confusing por and para, people would point the fuck out of it when they see it, if only to contain it's use.
It's good role-play when it involves the rest of the cast, moves or affects the narrative, that type of thing. I don't just throw it out for being in character.
>can't even capitalize his 'I's
>has the nerve to tell other people how to speak the King's English
You like watching your wife getting knocked up by niggers, don't you?
So Shakespeare was making a political point when using "they" as a singular epicene pronoun? Wow, tumblr was been around longer than I thought.
My last group didn't really track XP on an individual basis. The GM knew how many encounters to a level, and how those encounters were built, so we just leveled up when we did enough stuff.
>current year
>current monarch
>King's English
I bet you're from Norfolk or something.
Oxford dictionary disagrees with you.
>It's how it's worked long before any gender-related political agenda tried to twist language to suit their political aims,
My english teacher doesn't agree. Would you happen to have some pre-SJW example of they or them used as a third person singular neutral on hand?
Accusing people of baiting because they don't agree with you is bad form. If i can be sent to /pol/ amongst the nazis at the slightest provocation i can send slaves to the mercury mines and hope they get their well deserved lungfull of toxic dust.
>i can send slaves to the mercury mines and hope they get their well deserved lungfull of toxic dust.
But not before they knock your wife up, right cuck?
Show me i'm wrong.
The quote it.
Hah, I don't need to, my good baiting friend.
has already provided an example you've yet to rebut!
Slaves might knock my Wife up, but i don't give a shit since i've got 16 between wives and concubines.
On the other hand, you've only got mercury.
Breath deep.
What is it with you and mercury?
>admitting that he's a cuck
Kill yourself, dipshit.
He was raped by a thermometer as a child.
Allright so the Bard used it once. Fine.
I stand corrected.
There's room for him too at the mines :^)
I would say something but I'm afraid that you'll unsheath your katana and teleport behind me.
>This use of they isn't ungrammatical, it isn't a mistake, it's a feature of ordinary English syntax that for some reason attracts the ire of particularly puristic pusillanimous pontificators, and we don't buy what they're selling.
That's some pretty purple prose.
>since i've got 16 between wives and concubines.
He's gone full delusion.
I'm sorry they had to go through that.
Kid its Monday, shouldn't you be in school?
Well, now there can absolutely be no mistake you're baiting. I mean, there was only a sliver of doubt before, but now it's confirmed!
>[SINGULAR]Used to refer to a person of unspecified gender:ask someone if they could help
It's the same in UK English.
I Made an example of cruel and unusual punishment and i'm sticking with it.
Also i'm studying respiratory pathology for an exam at the moment.
>there's plenty of room for them in the mines
Fixed that for you.
Is there any doubt with old William's gender?
>Also i'm studying respiratory pathology for an exam at the moment.
No, you're not. You clearly do not possess the intelligence necessary for any sort of post secondary education, and are only fit to do dangerous and backbreaking manual labor. Can't you see it boy? The slave in the mine is you.
So Reddit made an RPG?
I aim to please.
Hey everyone lets leave them alone, and we're making them angry. It's only a matter of time before they shitpost some more to make them self feel better about being fucking autistic.
ITT: fa/tg/it's proving, yet again, that Veeky Forums is the easiest board to troll.
so the hallucinations allready kicked in?
Excellent, in a couple of weeks you won't even remember like before the mines.
nohtgin presonlnel kd. :^)
Are tophats mandatory equipment in the meme mines?
Tell me about your childhood and the mercury thermometer.
Maybe not his birth gender but we don't know if he was cis.
Unless nasuverse got a Shakespeare character
Freud go home you were largely debunked.
So's this thread.
Daily reminder that the Law-Neutral-Chaos alignment axis in the DnD is literally based on Freud's idea of superego-ego-id trinity.
Woah woah woah, back the fuck up. You don't say shit like that without providing a more detailed explanation. Now make with the details.
>superego: internalization of cultural rules, forms the organized part of the personality structure [...] that criticizes and prohibits his or her drives, fantasies, feelings, and actions
>id: the unorganized part of the personality structure that contains a human's basic, instinctual drives, the source of our bodily needs, wants, desires, and impulses, particularly our sexual and aggressive drives
>ego: Freud concedes that as the ego "attempts to mediate between id and reality" [...] "it serves three severe masters ... the external world, the super-ego and the id" [...] its task is to find a balance between primitive drives and reality while satisfying the id and super-ego
Superego = Lawful, Id = Chaos, Ego = Neutral.
There you go, the more you know.
>not getting the hothead outta there
>I'm too retarded to work things out with my group so I whine on Veeky Forums and make silly statements like they're objective truth.
The only thing that's not okay is letting one person ruin the fun for the rest of the group, chill.
Yes I think it's stupid, but this is not an argument you can win, user.
>having a CO-GM
Why do people do this I don't get it
Basically, either way you do it is a bit wrongish. Either you're implying the person is male, or you're implying that it's a group of people. Increasingly, we're moving toward using "they" instead of "he" probably in no small part because it's no longer so much of "a man's world" and you can no longer as safely assume that anybody who does important stuff is a dude.
Because they do not have the confidence to run the game/system on their own and want to have someone there to help them in case they have questions/need help so the game can continue smoothly.
More like why doesn't everyone do this.
I wish everyone had a co-player as well to control the character.
Allright. Seems like my honor forces me to apologize. I'm sorry Veeky Forums. I was sure using They and Them as third person singular was allways an error and allways used by SJW to justify their manias. Seems like it's not, and that there's even episodic example of this form being used by Shakespeare. Well, call me a slave and send me to the mercury mines, i was wrong: there are non SJW reasons to use They/Them ad third person singolar neutral. Thank you for expanding my knowledge of English.
SJWs should still be sent to the mines
>I'm a faggot, please rape my face.
>lack of commas everywhere
>non-capitalized "I"
>non-hyphenated "non"
It's never later to stop being an uncultured plebeian.
>Would you happen to have some pre-SJW example of they or them used as a third person singular neutral on hand?
Do you accept Shakespere?
Nobody actually reads through the threads anymore. :^)
Those words you're using are always spelled with a single L, alright?
I, however, consider the other mistakes a non-issue.