What is your favorite color combo? Any mono players here? I like blue/red and mono red...

What is your favorite color combo? Any mono players here? I like blue/red and mono red. Thinking about doing some stuff with white/green. Also is blue op?


Blue/White. No fun allowed.

So just defend and counter?

Partially. Blue/red is OP

Essentially White/Blue revolves around stopping you from doing anything and making sure what you do pull has minimal effect. I won't always play it in casual games unless the opponent is cool with it.

Green/Black, I love dicking around with my graveyard.

Combo would be w/b, but I'm a mono white guy. Ramping up to having 100s of 4/4 soldier tokens is always great

White/Red. Best flavor, plus a nice balance of aggression, buffs, and combat tricks.

Colorless. Artifacts, Eldrazi, and the occasional colorless non-artifact creature that came before the Eldrazi were released.

Doesn't colorless seem kind of boring?

Nah, to me it's like the void. A canvas that isblank and therefore has infinite potential. To be honest, it's mostly this concept that has led to my favoritism of colorless cards, and my playstyle has actually only been built around it to support it. I was ecstatic when the Eldrazi started coming out.

I belong in the trash.

That's p cool user. I would like to play magic with you.

Green/anything but I like Blue and Red most as secondaries.
I love green but it needs another colour to really shine when you are not playing craterhoof elves.
Simic and Izzet should have a child for me to worship. Not Temur though, they are not sciency enough.

How would white/black work?

Golgari. Ramp, recursion, great removal for all types of permanent, solid creatures.




Or tempo flyers.




Why is Red so bland? What happened at Wizards?

Its more complex themes don't fit into a combat-based game.

Its less complex themes of fire, dragons, goblins and being angry, do.


Blue/Black > Blue/Red > Black/Green > Red/Green imo.

I want to pursue my craft to it's end without being burdened by nonsense.

Rakdos, Golgari, Orzhov
Jund, Abzan, Jeskai, Sultai, Mardu

I'm a big fan of white/blue/green, flicker is probably my favorite deck archetype

I'm a big fan of U/B/G but I don't actually like playing sultai very much. I like using blue's upkeep manipulation and counters to secure green's ramp. Black is there to dick over people trying to counter the above.

my brother.

Counter everything and win the game off a Sphinx's Rev for 15

I love this meme

>Sphinx's Rev
Mill yourself now.

>No Dimir
As a GW player I'm not complaining. But why?

just never done any black/blue stuff outside of Mimeoplasm.

There's also a stigma against Black/Blue in my playgroup as being degenerate combofag scum.

Blue, Blue/Green, or a specific White/Red deck. Actually, White/any tends to work pretty well for me, although White/Blue tends to be a poor matchup.

Blue is just counter, bounce, and whatever other strategy I have in mind. I basically learned to play the game with Blue, and so I think I play very "Blue-ish" even with other decks.

Blue/Green is counter, bounce, mana-fetch, although with quality creatures. I like it very, very much, but it is quite difficult to get the good quality creatures that the deck works best with. Just some random big stompies generally don't work out very well.

White/Red is generally going to be some first strike with red burn, combined with instant protection-from-color. Works exceptionally well, and first strike + Lightning Bolt will kill most stuff and keep the creature safe, even with weenies. Instant protection keeps creatures alive when burn wouldn't save them, and the burn can be aimed at the opponent if it's no good against their creatures. One of my favorite deck types, especially considering it's so simple and easy to put together.

Most of my other White decks behave in a similar way: good White creatures with the other color's creatures, along with instant protections to save them and whatever the other color does well. White/Green tends to be absurdly good at keeping stuff alive, while White/Black is great at killing off enemy stuff. White/Blue, sadly, isn't something that works well for me. It always feels like a Blue deck with unnecessary White, a White deck with unnecessary Blue, or just the two not working that well together.

I've actually not played Magic in a long time.

Good fuckin' taste.

Why the EDH deck wasn't Boros Legion flavoured pisses me off to no end. We could have gotten a new art reprint of the OG Boros Guildmage, but instead we get Kalemne and fucking Anya.

GU or GR, but strangely enough not UR.

I sine wave between RW and UR.

my old deck was red & blue for counters and direct damage, so that I could feel like a wizard instead of a summoner

sucked shit though

dude wtf is up with these really annoying google captchas that take like three minutes to solve



For when you absolutely want to play a solo game.