Gf dumped me over

Well, Veeky Forums, I think I just lost a gf of 4 years.My fucking fingers are shaking typing this, I am telling you because only Veeky Forums can understand this feel. I fucking love MtG and all that other dumb shit just like you do just like eveyrone on this board does. It's a whole world of stuff I've been into since I was 15.

Tonight she came home from work and we had sex for probably the last time ever and afterward she thought it would be good to discuss marraige as pillowtalk.

She wants chidlren and it was fucking stupid that we never discussed this before and i told her that I didn't want children because it would encroach on gaming time. I play RPGs 3 times a week, I WOULD NOT have time for all this if we got married and produced small children. I have a friend who had a kid last year and he ended up quitting our group and now every time I see him HE IS FUCKING DEAD IN THE EYES. I talk to him and his voice is different. I swear to god, the look in his eyes is begging me to kill him and release him from torment. I don't want to end up like that Veeky Forums

My parents are going to be really pissed when they find out, this is the only girl they ever approved of and now they are going to find out I won't be giving them grandchildren and they will probably cut meout of their will and not invite me to thanksgiving dinner anymore.I can't even type out all the fucking consequences this is going to have. We had a 3 hour argument about this and she told me I'm a fucking Manchild. Well you know what bitch? I AM A MANCHILD AND IAM PROUD OF IT SO YOU CAN FUCKING KILL YOURSELF

I hope she's out fucking one of her work friends right now. I hope I am legitimately being cucked right now. I fucking hate cuck fetish but I want it now so I have an excuse for HER to be the bad guy because SHE is the one trying to ruin my life. FUCK women and their need to squirt spawn from their holes.

Veeky Forums I need advice from you on what to do right now. I can afford the rent by myself but it will cut into mygaming funds, but that's not that big a deal as I didn't spend that much anyways. I am really scared right now Veeky Forums. Is every woman going to be like this? I am 25 so it is getting to be too late, all my friends are married or in longtermrelationships. Am I better off alone?

Weak bait, but guaranteed replies.

>I WOULD NOT have time for all this if we got married and produced small children.

What about large or average sized children. Could you fit in RPG gaming around them?

Yes you are better off alone.
Role Playing GAMEs are just games.
You can love it, Shoot I love it.
But its just games.
I work and miss out on gaming sometimes because im too tired. I have had to quit my sunday group because of it, but I make time to game.
Sometimes my Tuesday group is canceled because a few people cant make it be it because a family member is sick or there is a school thing.
And it sucks, I get moody for the rest of the week because I didnt get to chill out and get outta my head space.
But its just a game.
Really dude, you fucked up

I feel like I've seen this thread before. Have I seen this thread before?

>tfw no gf
>muh women ruining gaming

/r9k/ ==>

>not wanting to raise a tiny precious human with a big imagination to play rpgs and magic with
>not wanting to painstakingly craft the perfect tabletop gamer from the ground up
>not wanting to experience tfw snowy christmas morning and your kid is poring over their new sourcebooks

get some better life goals my dude.

I think you have an issue of phrasing in particular user.

Perhaps you should take another look at kids, seriously talk it out beyond time and other temporal things. Maybe you'll look deep inside yourself and make the value judgement that being alone really does suck and it does. Maybe it's okay to lose a little of your Veeky Forums to build a family, maybe you can raise your kids to love the stuff you love.

There's a lot of maybes flying around and I'd say take another look at the issue instead of hoping something terrible happens as I have upon occasion caught myself doing really drill down to what it all means and what you are afraid of.

The hell is wrong with you? You love games that much, yet you are denying yourself the greatest pleasure a nerd dad could ask for. Imagine your 8 and 6 yo kiddies staring wide eyed in wonder as you spin them a tale of monsters, dragons, and princesses to be saved. They are totally engaged and connecting to you in a way you never imagined, and you pause long enough to look up from your youngest sitting in your wife's lap. Your eyes catch her's and she is absolutely glowing holding your child, and listening to you be the father she knew you could be. At that moment you realize, yep, all those late nights, and those terrible twos were worth it.

I thought this was going to be a 'woman tries to stop a guy enjoying his hobbies' thing. But no, you are just an idiot who cannot manage his time.

user, I think you need to step back, take a deep breath, and admit that you're being incredibly selfish and immature.

Which is a very good sign that you're really not ready for kids right now. In a few years, that may change.

Pretty sure OP is just trolling, but if not (and for anyone else not wanting kids) this user nails it.
As a child I remember my grandfather could come up with stories on the spot. I absolutely loved it and when I think of him my memories are full of stories he told me. How he found a horse and tamed it. He and his native american friend running from a bear. His time in nazi germany. All of these tales, true or not, were real enough in my mind. Story telling is an art and a damn gift if you're talented at it. Anyone can pick up a book and read from it and point to the pictures.

I don't know if you're better off alone... but she's better off without you. So are your non-kids.

But, then again, Veeky Forums would be beer off without your stupid bait thread, too.

Have you tried... no playing D&D?

>I didn't want children because it would encroach on gaming time

There are a lot of ways you could've answered this question well. That was not one of them.

You can't crit fail skill checks.
Rolling nat 1 on diplomacy shouldn't immediately break your character and his gf.

>i told her that I didn't want children because it would encroach on gaming time.
Fucking wow, OP. That is not the reasoning you use.

Do people actually believe this happened to OP? I can't tell if the serious replies are playing along or just that stupid. Am I the stupid one?

Holy shit OP the only way you could've phrased that answer worse was if you said having kids would cut into your
satanic rituals time and throw off your timetable for summoning the antichrist.

Correct answers would've been

>I don't feel like I'm ready to bring another human being into the world yet, I feel too young/not ready

>I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment, my friend has a kid and he looks miserable every time I see him

>Please no

>literally anything else

It's up to you now though, if you're wanting to salvage this you'll want to act quick and explain yourself better. But ultimately you'll have to choose between gaming and kids, I've yet to meet a parent who gamed who wasn't having shit go wrong. Usually their little gremlins are running around grabbing shit and being loud if the parent actually wants to focus on a game, or the parent is being responsible and watching their kid, but the game takes twice as long because they constantly have to do stuff with the kid.

Good luck

Man up and grow the fuck up you colossal faggot.

I shed a little tear. Thanks user.

My daughter is going to have a box full of capes and princess dresses and pirate hats and guns and swords and light up wands and we're going to act all out all the crazy dragon-slaying stories you can shake a stick at. And I'm going to tell her all the best bedtime stories, just like bard-dad. It's gunna be great.

OP is a fucking retard but like, some people are fine with being alone user. Not everyone has the emotional need of a significant other, that being said OP just ended a relationship over the pettiest shit you possibly could have and it's so cringe it actually hurt to read.

The woman wanted to make a life with you, and you accuse her of wanting to ruin your life. By giving you a family... instead of gaming 3 days per week.
user... what the fuck have you done? You had a woman that was cool with you and your hobbies, but you discarded her and any possible future children so you could ass-around for almost half a week, every week.

You are what gives this hobby a bad name.

Ur a putz. I have been married for 8 years and the only thing kids have ruined for me is the use of curse words. This is the definition of tg sadness you can't be happy because the idea of tiny waifu tg halflings conflicts with your friend time. But you admit she's the one and u have to shit on your own parade. Damn. You need go to back to her and apologize NOW. Be the hero u rolepay not the pathetic user crying to the masses. Pick the pieces of your heart up and get your waifu back before someone else does now!

What if it was a balance check and I was using her as a balance pole while walking across a tightrope between two skyscrapers?

>Have you tried... no playing D&D?
This baka senpai omaroshi

>My fucking fingers are shaking typing this, I am telling you because only Veeky Forums can understand this feel
If I was your girlfriend, I would dump you too. You sound like a big crybaby, not the kind of rugged man a real woman would be interested in.

Yeah, but he's got like a 10 inch cock, so there is that going for him.

This is the real tragedy here.

>some people are fine with being alone

And that is fine but reading the post and taking a guess I felt that OP had not looked into as deeply as he might have originally thought and that perhaps some soul-searching was in order.

Let me sum up my reaction in two words: wew lad

This user has the right idea. It might sound unintuitive that larger children would give you more maneuvering room, but the gaps from packing inefficiency may be larger depending on their relative size to your life.

Why are there so many people who want kids? Sure they'll grow up and be ok (only if you are a good parent), but for the first 5-7 years, they're parasitic sacks of shit.

Can someone explain why they'd want kids other than "to bring a future gamer into the world"?

Nobody is going to pull you out of this, user. You either do it yourself and fight, fight against everything around you or you let yourself slowly sink and die in a fetid heap of wasted flesh and bone.

We really do need another World War or a mass draft to change the lives of those who have never had to fight for anything.

>Pic related, it's something to aspire to.
>Mfw I broke the chains and am enlisting in a couple of months

Women need to have kids or they become ostracised by their peers as crazy cat lady

I can see how his post is selfish and immature, but how is not wanting kids in general immature?

Strangely enough, I want a "crazy cat lady" as my gf/wife. Someone who doesn't feel the need to be a part of a group outside of her and my small group of shared friends.
Unfortunately.....that's the ideal situation and I'm probably gonna get stuck with having to deal with some snot-nosed shit-stains more commonly known as children.

>I play RPGs 3 times a week
>I hope I am legitimately being cucked right now
>I am really scared right now Veeky Forums. Is every woman going to be like this?
>this is the only girl they ever approved of

Ha ha, oh wow.

Low functioning autism or bait? I'm undecided.

It isn't. It's the part where he doesn't want them because it would cut into his Veeky Forums time.

>I fucking love MtG
>I play RPGs 3 times a week
Confirmed scum or not real

Ok, I just got the vibe that posters in this thread were implying that not wanting kids was childish in general, not specifically for that user.

You mean omorashi

>it's just a game
Says the guy who spends 8 hours a day working for higher ups who play golf and go on cruises all day.
Maybe your life isn't a game, but you're a piece in someone else's game. Do you really think anyone else, your boss or co-workers value your time as much as you do? No, you're just a piece in their game.
But please, go forth in your noble cause, as you make a 5 figure salary and give a tax deductible portion to charity. You're an adult, you're too old for dreams.

You got dumped for being an infantile game junkie of a coward that don't want to move out of a comfort zone, user. You basically said that you care more about gaming than you care about your future with her or taking a chance at everything.

There is no hope for you.

Ayy lmao this guy. That happens when you donĀ“t story and decide to stay an eternal Veeky Forumsaddict.

Anyways, either the guy who posted this thread is a 5.5/10 meh troll or should genuinly consider suicide. Ruining the potential lives of future children and of your family and girlfriend over you clinging to your worthless existance is only going to make us having to pay for your shitty handouts while you sob and moan over the integrity of your games.

Now, praise Sigmar and vanquish thy foes in name of the Christian God or Christian-approved fantasy gods, and leave this cuck alone.

People who succeed in life typically work hard or is the product of someone elses hard work. Unless you have that golden ticket don't act like you're hot shit.

Lazy people should just accept their place in life instead of wasting their tiny amount of energy being jealous of others.

This was the only reply the thread needed tbqh.

you give loveeeeee......
a bad name (bad name)

As I stare into the abyss of OP's post, I feel horrified, because I feel I could be like that.

It's like a /r9k/ version of a Christmas Carol, but there wont be any ghosts to make things better. Ebenezer Gygax is gonna die alone in a bed as an old man regreting this life choice.

Oh look this thread again

The moment you lose that fear is the moment you have become him. The ability to be self aware and at least somewhat self critical is vital to not being a raging manchild like OP.

You'll be just fine user.

The worst thing about is it being real is just as likely/possible as it being bait.

Well than a for the (You)s I guess. Thought that one would've been a bigger hit.

This shitty bait r9k my life is a mess boohoo thread doesn't deserve a reply this good.

It was lazy.

Fuck you and nice trips

>The worst thing about is it being real is just as likely/possible as it being bait.

Isn't that called Poe's law or something?

Having to deal with the bullshit of a child from the ages of 0-7 or 0-9 isn't damn well worth that. If it was, everyone would be doing it.

user, everyone is.

And they've been doing it for ages.

>Tonight she came home from work and we had sex for probably the last time ever and afterward she thought it would be good to discuss marraige as pillowtalk.
>She wants chidlren and it was fucking stupid that we never discussed this before
Your girlfriend's pregnant, dipshit.

> B-but user it's to late, I got an abortion.

>You had a woman that was cool with you and your hobbies, but you discarded her and any possible future children so you could ass-around for almost half a week, every week.

I don't know about you, but that choice kind of makes itself. Why on earth wouldn't you always pick the second option every time?

>ITT: we learn Veeky Forums doesn't deserve love

Where do you meet girls like this? Every one I know hates kids and never wants to have any.
Fuck this gay earth.

Probably because you would stop developing as a person and can't handled being challenged.

And how is that an issue? Do you want a few shit-stains running around breaking your shit?

>tfw you want to have children more than a relationship and romance

you could adopt and be a single parent

It's not the same thing. When you reproduce you take a part of yourself and watch what it becomes. It's like a different version of you that has all kinds of potentials and experience you will never have.

It's the ultimate homebrew.

>user, everyone is. And they've been doing it for ages.
Welp, got me there, the point goes to you. It's just that it seems that there's a growing number of people that don't want kids. Personally, I'd try to avoid having kids for as long as I can so that I can actually enjoy life before gearing down for a hellish 10-18 years, so ideally nothing until I'm at least 30, more like 35, but I just find kids absolutely disgusting.

But D&D most certainly is a satanic ritual to summon the anitchrist.

i suppose, my paternal instincts haven't kicked in yet but raising a child from a bad start sounds like a good idea in the back of my head. i know i won't be mature enough for it until i'm in my 30s.

I'm 31, most other future prospects bores me and I never liked parties.

I like it how bait thread became a serious civil thread. I love you, Veeky Forums

Yeah, I'd like one. Don't know about two or more, but one would be good.

You're right, a lot more people have been not wanting to have kids. I'm guessin it's generational backlash or something.

>man up and give her a baby :^)




Do you know how hard (impossible) it is for a single man to adopt a child?

Or even become a foster parent for that matter.

Now that's what I call butthurt.

growing old with someone and raising a kid does sound nice, shame most of my "relationships" fizzle out fast or don't wanna develop into anything serious since no one wants to be tied down. yet when i mention how i'll jump at a job across the country if it comes up i'm suddenly a jerk.

no idea, what's the deal? i know it's hard for guys to get the child in the divorce.

Back to plebbit, normie scum. Not everyone's end goal is to waste their days raising a kid.

Too heavy handed memeing.

I just seem to have bad luck with drama in my relationships.

Kiddos are annoying kenders in their first years, but potentially they can become cool playas. Players of your dreams, man. Or even GMs. Did you think about it like that?

a MASSIVE CHILD is a superb thing, plenty of ass acreage for setting up a Catan

Do you Catan?

Or, or maybe, just maybe, people don't fucking want kids anyway. That shit is the worst excuse.
>oh, your kid could like what you like, user!
Fuckton of kids end up nothing like their parents. More importantly, raising a kid is a massive fucking responsibility, time sink, money sink, and energy sink. It's perfectly understandable why somebody wouldn't want one.

Seriously, fuck kids.

It's okay to admit that you don't have what it takes to be a parent.

Don't want kids? Ok. I don't force you to, zoggit. Just don't be a faget.

It's ok babby, I got you something for that butthurt :^)

Nice tumblr blog dipshit.


>2nd reply (46904639)
Probably generational backlash, as I've said before, I find then disgusting, plus every time my parents mention "me giving them grandkids" I feel less and less inclined to have kids. Let my sister give them grandkids.

>i told her that I didn't want children because it would encroach on gaming time.

If you said anything other than this you'd still have a gf.

I actually poisoned my girlfriend when she wanted to keep a baby. She miscarried.

Sure you did. ;^)

>all these asscrashed morons desperately trying to justify continuing to overpopulate the world
spoilers: your kid is going to be even more fucked over than you are, enjoy having to keep them living with you or throw them out and feel like a shit
Also enjoy the drain on time and money that you could be spending on things that make you happy, rather than something that screeches its fucking head off at 3 am on a work night or listens to shit music and tells you it hates you depending on how long you've had to put up with them

Your bait is pathethic.

You know it's true. But sure, keep lying to yourself, I'll try not to laugh as I hear the screeching coming from your baby stroller in the street. It's only polite.

Your bait is weak, just like your seed.

When did the baby hurt you user?

>Touching 3D women
You fucking cuckholds will literally never learn will you. Protip Women are incapable of love and only use you for their vile benefit.

>man up and give her a baby
Dudeguy, please, I flat out told him that he ain't ready for a kid.

That doesn't change the fact that telling your SO that you don't want something they do because it would cut into your children's card game is selfish and immature. Especially in the middle of a discussion about marriage.