Regular Summary Guy Returns Edition
If you keep your 30k out of your 40k, I'll keep my 30k out of your 40k Sub-Edition
Previously on the Horus Heresy General I couldn't make the thread due to sleeping yesterday, there was a lot of talk on 40k things originating from 30k, Scoria related posting needs a break, Phosphex moats, and more in the old thread Red Book Links:
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) -
Other official downloads:
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List:
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List:
30k/40k Rules:
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents):
30k Black Library:
Yes I'm aware that this summary isn't that great.
Horus Heresy General
Other urls found in this thread:
First for best legion.
Bless you thread guy for answering my call
First for White Scars
Third for the McDonald's legion
Unfortunately, FW has pretty much given Loyalist WB the shaft despite even acknowledging that they can exist, since you can use the Orphans of Betrayal RoW. No special characters, no units, nothing.
Admittedly, their Legion rules are pretty generally useful. Much improved morale rolls and re-rollable sweeping advances are never remiss.
My plan for them is basically to kit them out as a regular Legion force, excluding any daemonic shenanigans except for Burning Lore (which is because my force is fluffed out as a Chapter that had a heavy focus on the Librarius corp).
You dishonour the Khan by your shamefull display!
You are cast out! Banished!
>Bless you thread guy for answering my call
No problem. Now I have a question for you guys. What got you into liking your favorite legion(s)? I started out like the Dark Angels, but what bumped up the Blood Angels to rivaling the Dangles was playing Chapter Master. Something felt right when I was playing the Bangles.
>that guy on the left
Why is smoke coming out of that skull?
Nice to find someone who also ghought about them!
I got drawn to the grey gold colour scheme and stronk believes.
Also the iconoclasts are great
Maybe they will work some stuff out to have more traitor-loyalists and loyalist-traitors outside of the SoH,EC,WE and DG.
Every Legion would profit from more cool rules to go against the grain of the main legion.
Traitor SW or loyalist WB could be fun as fuck.
I'm just buttmad about chaos dex like most 30k players. I just wanted space wizards damn it.
why is the most magical legion, serving the most magical god, doused with a magical spell that amped up the magic, and searching for magical stuff get a unit with the worst spell list?
Because Tzeentch needs you to suffer so it can add more flavor to his raisins.
When HH first dropped I was unconvinced and a bit butt-flustered that GW would shit up something cool again, but (ignoring some BL books) it turned out awesomely.
Especially the Emperors Children blew my mind.
Purple, white and gold is a kick ass colour scheme and especially the Phoenix Terminators were better than I could have imagined.
Just amazing details and design and so different from what we had with them in 40k and the regular space marines there.
Being so cool in 30k also underlined the fall from grace they would undergo.
I love my Noise Marines still, of course.
Now I am getting interested in SoH for similar reasons.
I mostly go for fluff and minis and how well the fluff interlocks with the rules.
Give me a small but cool mechanic and I am happy.
>Give back blessed numbers for chaos, GW!
Saygar Mazan brother, I will die an honourable death against the world eaters who stole the first that was rightfully ours
I started out liking Dark Angels because I knew I wanted a vroom vroom need 4 speed biker army, and was planning on using what was left of my dark vengeance to make an army, but then read scars and decided it was White Scars for me.
I'm considering adding a TS allied force when their rules are released depending on how good they are, and maybe even making a shattered legion by adding some Blood Angels, and having the Librarius mind-bois trinity.
I want 3.5 back....
I still have my two squads of metal/plastic thousand sons.
Phosphex moat got proposed because of Unification's Imperial Fist fortress wasn't the best it could be :^)
I love shattered legions for giving you another excuse to work on multiple legions.
They know their customers.
>The White Scar wasn't fast enough.
>Got trumped by a World Eater that didn't need to get his shit kicked in
>Luna Wolves
I love the first 3 HH novels and they fit my preferred strategy
>Death Guard
I also love a slow unstoppable wave of death. They're tough grim marines that just keep coming. Their fall to Nurgle is cool. The librarian in my army will be responsible for my company's fall to the Plague Father.
Also Phosphex.
>death guard
Mortarion is very disappointed you filthy witch-mind
I work with a servant of nurgle. He's fat, he smells bad, eats mcdonalds or bk twice on an 8-hour shift, maybe 3 on a 12 hour, but he's definitely not t5.
Tell me, brother, what is best in life?
How does Mortarion feel about Typhus these days?
Play DG, got into them for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the slow sledge hammer style to their game play, but also the grim stoicism and horror of the legion at its surface under-laid by a true sense of humanity and a will to suffer any horror for the good of others, which is what makes the legions fall from grace that much more tragic.
If I had to start all over again (because poorfag who can't just start a second army) I would probably do DA, for no other reason then I can Identify with their insularness and think tanks are cools, dreadnoughts are awesome, and infantry whose purpose is firefighting and not manfighting is the preferred way to play, and they having a RoW that revolves around Tanks and Dreads supporting firefighting infantry
Death Guard! Termies termies termies rocking everywhere (never cared lots about chem flamers and poison frags, and every legion does phosphex just the same).
And Iron Warriors! Because ranged legion, and I feel identified with very analytical, paranoid dudes that have no real talent but get shit done with what they're issued with, without complaining, and remain loyal.
And Ordo Reductor, because Destroyers of things obsessed with their gruesome job. "We reduce things .-."
Ride with the wind and such.
He is probably a bit resentfull.
dont forget the underground Deathstrike missiles..
I bet he is slow and purposeful at the very least. I heard of a guy surviving being stabbed because he was really fat.
goddamn phosphex is awesome, used by two of my favorites as well
Any BL authors who ate American? I'm sick of the lack of Oxford commas in these books.
Mortarion sends the venerable Captain Mordred to a Death Guard outpost and clean house. Without the Primarch's watchful eye, the former epistolary is free to feed these feelings of decay and glorious virulence he has experienced ever since the virus bombings of Istvaan III
I like that actually, makes them traitors among traitors kind of. Almost like traitors^2
How bad is it for me to stick a Warsmith with melee equipment behind some artillery batteries so he can jerk off and do fuck else with him all game?
Like WBin general, only worse.
Give him the void shield harness so he can actually protect the artillery.
Lee Lightner.
But it's still edited by the Black Library editors and conforms to their style guide, so enjoy your colour, armour, and oxford commas alongside a decent series immediately turning into shit.
Did you guys know that Horus Rising was released exactly ten (!) years ago - April 25, 2006?
Pre-Nurgle Death Guard
Pickelhaube helmets, chem-warfare, grim demeanor and general WWI feel to them.
Alpha Legion
I read the HH book Legion. Love spy/subterfuge novels and loved Legion.
Give him a servoarm and Battlesmith so he can help the artillery. Why bringing a warsmith in the first place, thought? He's pretty much a praetor with an extra option, who gives up a rerollable WT for -1 cover to a piece of scenery and, most importantly, grants a VP if killed
This is a very good idea, but would have to check if I can bring relics or not.
Gave him a servo-arm and lightning claws, because it is cool. Not too worried about the VP.
Relics are only to be used in campaigns aren't they?
How are the Sons of Horus as a legion competitively? Ain't really a WAAC dude but I'm kinda curious and always wanted to try that army.
Pretty sure they can be used with your opponent's consent.
Lucius didn't seem too bad of a dude in that book. He just needed a straightening out. Abby seemed pretty okay too. Tarik is love, and I pity Half Heard. The only thing that confuses me is the part where Papa Sang was said to have black hair. The art work shows Papa has blonde hair so did he dye it black?
He is described as both in different black library books. Then to top it off, in Unremembered Empire they talk about Sanguinius and the Emperor being able to look differently depending on the tastes of the people looking at them- basically you see the version you think is best.
who da blood angel dey cookin' in dis?
I wouldn't be surprised to see Sangy retconned to be bald, just like what they did to Siggy's blonde hair.
Friendly reminder that if you weren't present at the Siege of Terra you aren't really a loyalist
The Red Angel, a Blood Angel who let himself get possessed to prevent Sangy falling
I'm more concerned why those 1ksons are blue, I thought they repainted their armour after the rubric?
Breddy gudd right now.
Upper level of the mid-field.
retcons. also changed is that Ahriman doesn't get his new set of armor until well after the heresy is over
Or Tarvitz not being First Captain.
Yeah that's what I was reffering to, in ahriman exile he still has his red armour locked away but wears beakie armour. It's pretty gud mang
Wasn't Tarvitz shunned because he wasn't obsessed with advancement through the ranks?
> Checking local FLGS
> Running a map based, interactive campaign between loyalists and Traitors
> losses are a thing, dead marines stay dead, and reinforcement is only limited.
> Loyalist IW brings 1100 or so points (basically all under strength units) against 3 full, fresh detachments of DG, WE, SoH, totaling approximately 7500 points or so.
> Tile that IW holds on the Campaign map is labelled Fortified.
> GM sets up table. Guy is allowed to add fortifications, razor wire, bunkers etc to his hearts content.
> Guy spends well over 20 minutes setting up his fortifications. basically turning his deployment zone into a massive network of supporting bunkers. the rest of no mans land was turned into a maze of tanktraps, razor wire, and open ground.
> Guy tells the GM that he'd like to use his campaign asset
> Traitors manage to kill the IW's in the space of 4 turns. at which point his lone Centurion is getting skullfucked by Eidolon.
> Guy laughs, and tells the Traitors his special Campaign asset, which is triggering exploding Terrain when all IW models are removed from play.
> Guy proceeds to let them read the rule from the campaign pack, which wasformulated, by RAW, that rather then a single feature, it applied to all features. he'd picked Bunker, thus turning his 8 bunkers (who are exactly 7" from each other) to explode in a D6" range at S5 AP 3. (don't ask me why its AP3.
> Rolling is done
> Guy essentially evaporated most of traitor marines by blowing up his own deployment zone...
In the BL books, but in collectdd visions from 2004 he was named FirstCaptain of the Ec.
At least they did not take his command over the combined survivors away.
I'll go with its blonde enough that you can't grasp just how blonde he is
>ruining his glorious mane
Get your scissors away from the fabulous Hawkboy.
So marines who were on garrison duty aren't loyal?
This is no beakie.
Beautiful user, simply beautiful. Iron within, Iron without.
Sounds awesome.
How did his opponents take it?
Also, what are you playing?
I hope you'll join in too.
Well, let's wait until we're sure they're not going to retcon the rubic into the heresy timeline before making statements like that.
BL's HH series now confirmed for taking longer than the Heresy itself.
Should of made it clearer. I meant if your legion wasnt at Terra you aren't really a loyalist.
IH, Sallies, and RG get a pass because they basically didn't exist after Isstvaan V.
Holy fug that's beautiful.
> mfw Iron Caging before the Iron Cage was a thing.
Sounds like he decimated the traitors.
Perturabo would be bitter
He's still First Captain. Says so in the red books and in Flight of the Isenstien. In the EC captains are different than Lord Commanders
I plan on acknowledging FW's choice of model head at the same time I plan on reading the Beast Arises series. Which is to say, I don't.
Thanks for using my OC.
What if a Knight Errant is representing your legion?
>don't ask me why its AP3.
Because its a HH campaign and everything has 3+ saves.
Due to the Crusader Host, ALL Legions were on Terra during the siege.
Take that, you moral targeting traitor!
Thanks for shopping my shitty screencap from a lesbian loli chinese cartoon.
Simply beautiful. This user embodies the meme : "The Legiones astartes wanted to visit the IW. So, a guy walks into a bomb..."
>implying there were any Iron Warriors in the Crusader Host
>implying they hadn't gotten ordered off to garrison some asteroid everyone forgot about
>implying they're not still out there bitterly garrisoning a forgotten rock
I allways thought being First Captain ends you up leading the first company and generally being a bad ass.
Vision states that Lord Commanders generally lead more than one company, fits Eidolon.
Was Tarvitz more important in the terran days, if he was there?
Would be sensible that he got shafted by the restructuring after they met Fulgrim.
Is that from one of the books campaign stuff (I haven't read them all) or was it homebrew
"sir it's been 10 thousand years since we lasted recieved an astropathic communication, should we go out looking?"
Nice try lieutenant, we converted all of our ships into fortresses years ago
"Oh yeah, forgot about that sir. Back to decimating I guess"
I would prefer him having better rules.
Kyr's crew was present for the defending the Inperial Palace, but there are bound to be IWs out there still on garrison duty.
Tarvitz is acknowledged as becoming first captain pretty much everywhere except, ironically, Fulgrim (the book) where the post is held by Julius Kaesoron
I could accept that Sigismund, yeah.
He would have been more important back then but he was just a line marine at the time
To my shame, I started out liking the wolves, with that cool book they had with the ginger Wolf killing the Ork. Aftee the first HH novel came out, I started reading about the legions, and loved the White Scars, as the Mongols interest me, and I had never played a vroom vroom army before. As little bits of lore came out, I snapped them up. I'm one of those saps that bought scars in episodes.
Now I'm building an all scimitar 3k force.
What do you think of my Blackhield Chymeriae (+1 S/T) list?
Blackshield Reaver Lord w/ Jetbike, Iron Halo, Cyber Familiar, Digital Lasers, Rad Grenades, Power Fist, and Lightning Claw: 280 Points
Blackshield Reaver Lord w/ Jetbike, Digital Lasers, Power Fist, and Lightning Claw: 230 Points
Blackshield Reaver Lord w/ Jetbike, Digital Lasers, Power Fist, and Lightning Claw: 230 Points
15 Blackshield Maurauders w/ 3 Power Mauls and a Power Fist: 290 Points
15 Blackshield Maurauders w/ 3 Power Mauls and a Power Fist: 290 Points
10 Jetbikes w/ Power Fist Sergeant and 3 Plasma Cannons: 420 Points
10 Outriders w/ Sergeant, 4 Power Axes, and Meltabombs (on Sergeant): 330 Points
10 Outriders w/ Sergeant, 4 Power Axes, and Meltabombs (on Sergeant): 330 Points
2495 Points
>Tyranid main fleets begin showing up
>Suddenly all begin going to a random system and never returning for some reason
>Deathwatch kill team enters the system to try and find out what is going on
>All the planets are stripped of life
>Tens of billions of Tyranid ships are surrounding a single astroid
>A company of Iron Warriors have been fortifying their base since they were stationed there 50 years after the great crusade began
I just had a thought of giving a Command Squad all power swords and combat shields. The image of them banging their swords against their shields as a challenge to a charging enemy.
Too bad I'll never use that.
Say, are terminator-wings viable? I was thinking of doing a DG terminator list, but I find it's too few bodies unless you begin to leave out stuff like transports, anti-tank or anti-air.
Points: 2480
HQ: 450 pts
Calas Typhon - 200 pts
-Rad grenades
two Forge Lords - 125 pts each
-Boarding shield
-Thunder hammer
-Rad grenades
Troops: 1250 pts
Deathshroud squad #1: 460 pts
-4 Deathshroud total: 170 pts
--4 Meltabombs: 20 pts
-DT LR Phobos: 250 pts
--Armoured Ceramite: 20 pts
Deathshroud squad #2: 460 pts
-4 Deathshroud total: 170 pts
--4 Meltabombs: 20 pts
-DT LR Phobos: 250 pts
--Armoured Ceramite: 20 pts
Calas' squad: 330 pts
-8 Deathshroud: 330 pts
Heavy support: 780 pts
Aiolos Deredeo: 220 pts
Aiolos Deredeo: 220 pts
Armoured Ceramite Flare Shielded Spartan™: 325 pts
Typhon can help the deathstar with his psyker powers, and his chem bombardment can help reduce the enemy's numerical advantage, and the Deredeos can statistically kill both a Storm Eagle and a Lightning (I'm scared of kraken missiles) per turn. And the tanks provide eight TL lascannon shots per turn...but 19 dudes feel like too few, even if it's actually 40 2+/5++ wounds, and I lack any meaningful ranged AP2.
Wat do?
Somebody was asking about armies?
I play loyalist Night Lords that spent a great deal of time stationed with the Emperor's Children and campaigning with Blood Angels
If regular Night Lords are like Marlyn Manson's Sweet Dreams then these guys are Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics
I am really loving this new store of the IW. This, the iron cage and the whole "have faith"-shenanigans. IW seems to be better at trolling other legions with their superior math skills than Alpha Legion. Awesome.
I sslute you and your wallet.
Seems cool, but why are they not as spooky/classier than the main-legion?
They are just as spooky, just not as edge lord gore drenched. Their commander loves the sound of an enemy leader crying his surrender and pissing his pants.
They take prisoners and don't mercilessly slaughter. The fun part is scaring the shit out of the enemy
>with that cool book they had with the ginger Wolf killing the Ork
>'Wolf' only appears as part of ranks and actual wolves/wolf parts
>Wolf Guard Battle Leader can be fielded with an Assault Cannon
Ain't no shame in liking those wolves, user.
I hope they at least skin enemies that do not surrender.
General question: What do you thinkabout Hetalds?
I really like the idea but that they needto be your commander is a bit wierd.
Those were the days..
They were cool, and then they leaned too far into wolfiness. I remember my friends making a joke about my wolf lord wielding a wolf sword rising a wolf with a wolf tale, wolf teeth and a song about wolves.
He wasn't joking I think.
They weren't. I forgot about the wolf pelt cloaks.
Your points are off, the Forge Lords are 130 for that loadouts, and the Spartan with AC and FS is 340.
Ah, true. I miswrote those costs, albeit the sum is still 2490 pts. Dunno why I wrote 325.
Don't Iron Priests have wolf helmets now?
Those at least make sense. The guy killed a giant wolf, skinned it, and made it into a coat to prove how awesome he is. That's why it's called a wolf cloak.
Wolf Claws? Who the fuck knows, we can't just give you lightning claws for some reason.