Legit storytime

Legit storytime.

High functioning alcoholic.

Am average but likeable worker during the day. Get heavily drunk straight after work.

Get home to laptop at 7pm and have nothing better to do than work.

Line manger and director see me working every night until midnight. See my drunken rantings as 'passion' and 'honesty'.

Sitting here drinking the second bottle of port straight from the bottle when line manager emails asking to renew contract due to expire in January.

That the work Ive done this year justifies a 20% increase.

better quality port for me.

Should I stay as a high functioning alcoholic or try and go straight?

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Op here.

When I say a 20% payrise, that equates to around $90 a day.

I am in a well paying but stressful industry. Hence the route to alcoholism.

4 of Tier 1
12 of Tier 2
21 of Tier 3
because of alcohol
Now there is
2 Tier 1
1 Tier 2
0 Tier 3

of all the substances you could abuse, why choose one of the shittiests?

Google kava op

Switch to kratom...


Dude just smoke weed all day, at least you won't be killing yourself.

Drinking that much is toooo much. I barely drink but I smoke like 10 times a day +

It took me years to quit drinking. Been sober for 5 years and recently made the mistake of finding this shit called kratom. Now I'm addicted to that. Probably more benign than alcohol but it sucks balls being addicted to any substance

There's really no advice I can give you. You'll only quit when you're ready, after probably failing to quit literally countless times and hitting rock bottom a few of them. All I can tell you is it's possible, and after 5 years I have zero desire to drink anymore. Kratom on the other hand seems like it'll be much harder to kick. I'm honestly hoping they make it illegal

Switch to weed only.

4 of tier 1 is all you need so long as you treat them right.

meh, its easiest available and accepted by society

Googled it. wtf. How have I not heard of this before.

Coffee family... cmon man.

for real the shittiest drug on earth, right along with cigarettes

Is smoking really that better for you? Long term I mean?


Acts on the mu-Opiod receptors.. Like Tramadol but far less addicting

You need to get a woman before you drink yourself to death. Port is heavy stuff, tastes good but its the stuff you take in moderation, not everyday.

WTF is Kratom. Tlel me more

>Like Tramadol but far less addicting
It's as addicting as heroin especially when you get into extracts. It's probably more damaging because of the stimulants which a pure opioid doesn't have. Though it's due to them that it's unlikely to stop your breathing

Probably stop for health reasons.

Stay far away man. If you can quit drinking by substituting it might be the lesser of two evils, but do you really want to trade one addiction for another?

Okay, so
Tier 1: 2
Tier 2: 4
Tier 3: 2

Is literally a legal high
Lets you chill
Gets you high as fuck
After it you‘ll be down
Don‘t get addicted its very easy
As long as you don‘t sit or lay down you won‘t feel the effects

Switch to vaping weed, if you want to get rid of that stress, stay productive, and get healthier

Then don't do extracts when they are a waste of money.

Also, nice facts to back up your statement.

I'm in the same boat man. Except I haven't gotten a raise in a few years. Owners know they can't find anyone to work 1/3 as much as what I do for double. I would leave but I can't make as much anywhere else.

>then don't do extracts
But this is the problem. If all anyone sold was opium poppy pods then you could make some tea and relax and yeah you'd be addicted but you wouldn't be killing yourself any time soon. But like any addiction that's not good enough. People will process the latex out of the pods and boom you have morphine and heroin and all that shit. Kratom to extracts is the same thing. Won't be long before they're selling pure 7OH which is 17 times stronger than morphine

"But it's just a plant!" Yeah so is opium. This is the problem with kratom and it's why it's going to be illegal. You want sources, read r/quittingkratom and the thousands of horror stories of people who have wrecked their life.

The thing is, you can keep going like that to a point, but when everything goes to shit, it's going to happen so quickly you'll come to 10 years later going "what happened?"

But no one stops when things are going well, let's be honest here. So my advice is to keep doing what you're doing, since we both know it doesn't matter what anyone tells you, including me.

When people shit on kratom remember it helps dealing with opium addiction. In a country like USA where 30% of the people are on opioids there will be money lost if kratom becomes a thing

People dealing with an opioid addiction need professional help, they do NOT need to help medicate themselves and substitute with another addiction. There's highly effective drugs that work for opioid dependency like naltrexone that won't make you lose your hair and tear up your anus the way kratom does

This guy's telling the truth about Kratom, that you won't find any of the over zealous Kratom 'adherents' talking about. If you believe them, there's no downside at all, perfectly safe, perfectly non-addictive, I've even heard one of them say that Kratom's not even a drug. OOOOOOO K.

its your life, if you want to continue being a drunk work-a-holic then do so.. but it sounds lame and if you make it to heaven it makes for a shitty story of how life went.


Is it a new drug that will be illegal in a couple years?


sorry for the all caps but too lazy to erase.

kratom every morning and fast. It works great. 3-5 gram serving. weed at nite. good luck bro

It's already illegal in many countries, the US is the last big holdout due to lobbying and it being a huge industry here with lots of money to support the pushback. It won't last forever, DEA is waiting for support from the FDA to ban it and FDA made a public statement against it just a couple weeks ago


Kratom and extracts are two different things like coke and coca leaves. Gets some alcohol powder and snort it u stupid fuck.
nice poison you got there

I was actually thinking of suboxone. There's many different ways to treat it, luckily I'm not so bad yet I need any of them and I'm hoping to be able to kick it all on my own

I just don't think heroin addicts need to be turning to natural heroin analogues, only people who benefit from that are the kratom vendors, and who do you think is fighting so hard to keep kratom legal

You know there's a problem or you wouldn't be posting here. I understand the situation you're in. I had a weed problem for years before quiting. Honestly probably better than an alcohol problem, not that my lungs would say that. Regardless, it took me years of knowing there was a problem to take action. I was lucky because I quit during a good time in my life rather than waiting for my life to be destroyed, but still I regret not becoming sober sooner. The real benefits were not the health benifits from stoping (though there were big, especially on my pocketbook) but the benefits that came doing something good instead. In the end, only you know when it's time for you to stop. It's up to you OP. Do what your heart tells you.

The extracts are new. The plant itself has been used for thousands of years. Thailand for example has a long history of use with no societal problems from Kratom, until it was made illegal during the opium era. Opium was taxable while kratom was not and grew in peoples gardens.

Yeah same here trying to cut down though, booze only leads to bad things long term. I’m depressed as shit and pretty sure 5 years of heavy boozing is largely to blame.

whatever you do don't take these faggots advice unless you want to become a useless stoner who watches anime all day

Weed, yes. I'll vape weed and run 1 mile every single day.

There are some studies of it reducing tumor growth in humans and mice.

Vaping it isn't that bad on the lungs, hardly noticeable. I feel like I might have slight asthma when I'm running more than a mile but I like to be high.

To you and all other anons here, if you are struggling with booze or you just want to stop, read The Easy Way to Stop Drinking Alcohol by Allen Carr. Stupid name, I know, but it changed my life. 4 years now, no desire to drink at all.

No. Vaping may lead to an incurable disease called "popcorn lung." Studies are mixed but anecodes from doctors convinced me to stay away from vapes

No user popcorn lung is BS

Just be a chad ask for a raise, or be a Chad and threaten to quit.