Eclipsed Moon Quest Episode 128
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Quest Start
The night time streets are illuminated along their uncertain curves. Uneven rings and spirals matching the darkened yet polluted washed out stars above. In the distance and above is the black wrought iron lady, of latticed beams and tapering height. Seeing it, wreathed in light from this distance in this enchanted city reminds you readily of when you scaled a spire inspired by her to even greater height though presented in orange and white.
You are not Mikage Chiba. Alas you are but a mask for the girl and her previous need to escape herself. To that end you are most unfortunate to be no longer necessary...however your eventual dissolution into the whole like some of your sister masks has not yet come to pass. Likely because you of course are possessed of some unresolved personal issue, but it is true you are far more obviously together and nuanced than they.
To a titter of your own reserved laughter, you hurry along through the late streets of Paris toward your present goal. Somewhere beneath the city is a well of intersecting ley lines of the very earth’s supernatural power. As one whose soul is ruled and is in turn meant to hold dominion over that power you thought to snatch it up while you were here. You think it bares mentioning within your own mind again that you are in Paris, as you adjust the casual shoulder bag full of baguette you acquired from the closing sale of a bakery.
Perhaps we are ahead of ourselves, no? Who are we actually? Why are we now in Paris? My my those are a great and valuable set of queries to meditate on for just a moment.