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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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I have nothing clever to say, but i'm here first.
have a snek
So, with that being the reaction to a Messiah Bel, I'm guessing a Non-Messiah Overlord of Bel would be kind of a smite-on-sight kinda deal?
What are some good jumps for shrinking
not yourself but other things
i know marvel and MCU let you get Pym particles in jump and DC,Arrowverse and Young Justice could let you learn from the Atom but I'm looking for a perk that not knowledge or tech acquired in jump
Oh well, that's about what we'd expect, really. We'd be kind of freaked out if someone from another universe came and told us they were our son and to not genocide everyone because giving love and peace a chance is the only way to win against Chaos.
A messiah's work is never done, gah.
I listed the greatest examples I can think of in the other post but Dresden Files has entropomancy, which focuses and channels bad luck. Dresden used it to kill a vampire by fating a frozen turkey to drop from an airplane on it
Well, one big problem about Amazo Backup Memory is Young Justice user recently said it only works with scientific powers and the majority of probability manipulation seems to be supernatural in nature. Observer is...really hard to tell whether it's scientific or supernatural because of the primacy of the Azure and Boundary in Blazblue's metaphysics, which are essentially massive reservoirs of Seithr as well as the origin of life so it's really hard to say if Observation, an ability inherent to a mechanism that oversees this phenomena, would be able to be translated into tech. Guru and Mega-Bomb would be better bets but even the calibration of an entire probability manipulation ability/preprogrammed spell to that degree is itself a massive undertaking since few if any magic systems have that potential of complexity in the first place. Or Digitised Sorcery from Fate/Extra. Actually the Compounded Calculation Shard would be better due to the project's sheer complexity.
Even then there's no telling how long it could take to attain infinite precision, and this doesn't even get into questions of interchain metaphysics and jumps where time is a dragon.
Or a woman.
Or the invention of some asshole who likes making people fight in battle arenas.
Or an Outer God's dream
Harry Potter?
Pretty much.
Hope you're ready to punch God to death. Again.
Many times, considering his respawn timer.
I can work with that, thanks. Maybe point out the Megido Arc and other atrocities He's commited, or tell her about the truly good Gods in other universes? Sorry if I was being rude with the questions, by the way. Though I'm curious, why would YHVH react rashly to Messiah Bel? It's the same Great Will, right?
Applying evolution energy to 'domesticated' Grimm.
Thoughts on end result, and any other modification processes you'd want to apply.
Humanoid, sentient Grimm. It'd be interesting to see what kind of civilization and culture they would create. Actually, on that note, do we have perks that can grant them souls? That might help.
DROP IN: History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, First Jump Build
Location: Koryo HS (Rolled 4)
Age: 16 (Rolled 6)
Background: Drop In (1000)
Satsujinken (1000)
Dual Ki (1000, Could be assumed from Sei Dou Goitsu)
Weapons (1000)
Master’s Body (1000)
Hidden Weapons (950)
Probing Eye (800)
Speed and Agility (650)
Enhanced KI (500)
Sei Dou Goitsu (200)
Ninjutsu (200)
Go No Sen (150)
Master (150)
Sword, Electrified Weapon: |Blade Wire| (-350)
Headquarters (-450)
Data Book (-500)
Entrance Fee (-600)
Impossible! (-300)
Amnesiac (0)
being an amnesiac with no other powers makes this an efficient first jump, as knowing nothing other than the skills and abilities provided therein means that i’d take to killing/training easier (having known nothing better)
So what does the Calamity Device in Bastion look like, how much damage does it do, and how does it do it. I recently purchased it, and can't find any information about it.
...did we just make Spiral Grimm?
*how does it do it?
I am just ruining the Asterisk Economy, aren't I?
>the invention of some asshole who likes making people fight in battle arenas.
Who's this? Sounds vaguely familiar but I can't place it.
Because it's never actually shown in the actual game - the entire thing is based around the aftermath of the Device's activation (post-sabotage).
but essentially, it destroyed almost everything in that section of the world - reducing portions of the world to floating islands, turning people to statues made of ash, exposing old tunnels that were located miles under the earth and turning those same tunnels into sky islands-
It's an Apocalypse Bomb essentially.
Towards the end of the game Rucks makes a cannon that works similarly. Nowhere near the same scale.
...oh dear, I-I think we did. Huh, that's a thing, now.
Keep in mind, the Arc is built in the future. Might want to save that line for SMT2.
Ostensibly, DS God and mainline YHVH are the same being. But in practice, one is relatively (key word here, remember God's Thunder) reasonable, while the other is a tyrant who while not malevolent simply does not care for humanity beyond their use to him.
Looking pretty solid there snek
Put it this way: Originally the King of Bel entity was a being who ruled over the world, and God/YHVH/the Great Will shattered him into pieces which became other demons because...supreme demon overlord. Apparently in the game Abel has the same level cap as YHVH in SMT 2, to boot.
And before you ask the game does not clarify how he got along with Lucifer, but clearly he didn't think much of him considering he didn't give a crap about the lockdown either way.
Dresden Files (if you're a changeling with the Multiple Choice capstone and have a good Sidhe lineage) and Gargoyles (Fae Blooded).
Not sure and I might be wrong, but from what I understand the YHVHs you interact with in individual SMT games are part of the Great Will in the sense that organs are part of a human-the Will doesn't usually take a personal interest in them (and it's a plot point it DOES finally get mad at YHVH's shit in Final), it just sort of lets them manage the infinite multiverses on their own initiative.
And SMT 1 YHVH is a bit of an Old Testament hardass. In Nocturne Kagutsuchi, another aspect, said the Great Will once allowed free will to flourish and it led only to doom and ruin. So presumably, from his point of view you're about to screw things up for Him.
No idea, but it's implied the following is a smaller scale version of it
Xelor from Wakfu
You could have stopped this.
>use the TTGL clause to grant a Grimm spiral energy once every ten years
What else can we do. Grant it chakra?
So, just to be clear, this is is acceptable as an alternative to the Stand Supplement?
Thank you.
It suffices, but good luck trying to build a good stand ability from some of the shit that wiki links to.
I kid ye not, apparently 'running and then sliding under obstacles' is a FUCKING SUPERPOWER.
Basically you can do whatever you want as long as you don't make up something like Gold Experience Requiem, Made in Heaven (which only worked because of Dio's bone and Pucci's specific Stand ability) or Love Train (which is powered by Jesus anyway)
I rolled this, and think it's pretty good:
Stand Name: Right Wing Death Squad
Stand Ability: [Almighty Absorbing Replication](powerlisting.wikia.com
Power - B
Speed - C
Range - B
Durability - E
Precision - A
Potential - B
Pretty good for a first roll?
See and read the post again.
Eh. Not fabulous enough.
I refuse to get involved in Stand Powerlevel Arguments.
You do realise that site lists powers like Double Omnipotence far beyond the scope of any canon Stand right?
Yeah. About that. If the power has the word almighty in it, Omnipotence is in the Associated Powers, and the page image is destroying the universe, it might be a bit much.
No seriously it's not as bad as some would make it out to be. It's usually all about compatibility. All Stands buffer than GER or King Crimson that defy that convention had an external, separate factor facillitating their development to that level.
Read my spoilers.
Not that user, but how's this?
Stand Name: Godzilla
Stand Ability: [Foreign Material Manipulation](powerlisting.wikia.com
Power - A
Speed - A
Range - B
Durability - C
Precision - A
Potential - D
Description: The ability to manipulate material not of the normal familiarity, this can include material of extra-dimensional origins, from different planets, originate from a divine plane, etc. Can be sometimes confused with some forms of Dark Matter Manipulation and other occasions Aether Manipulation. The user can create and control foreign material that does not exist in the familiar world. For example, being able to generate and control supernatural matter that can be used to i.e: defy physics or...
Meh, I'll keep it. I'm fairly self limiting anyways. I'm not planning on becoming God or whatever just by being handed power. That's not fun for me, at least. I'll use this for reality warpers or ghosts or something, if I have to fight some.
Go ahead. Your chain, your fun.
Personally I find making custom powers actually helped somebody put one together which was all themed around language - specifically starting with Dovazul more fun, but it can be a pain in the ass. Go with what's good for you.
If Somefaggit is here I have a couple questions about the shapeshifter perks from Gunnerkrigg Court:
First, could we use it as a sort of bootstrapped healing factor to shapeshift our wounds close or to regrow severed limbs?
Second, can we transform into something like a swarm of wasps or does every part need to be physically connected?
Where can i get anti causality science? Trying to make Gungir with science.
Getting a spark in Girl Genius would probably help you
The capstone booster one definitely lets you do both of those, doing the wound closing with the non boosted version might cost you more blood at first, but can be a handy way to close wounds when you lack normal methods. As for the fully connected body parts so long as things are roughly close together direct... Connection or contact is not entirely necessary, though it is advised. This does mean the perk lets you do helsing style, 'blood back into my body' healing. Or just have some floating hands. If you are a swarm of bees though and some fly off then the smallest group dies. Not gonna say specific distances because the nature of that perk makes things weird, but if people cannot tell it is a swarm of bees it stops metaphysically holding those parts of you together.
I would limit it to a specific foreign material it does a specific thing balanced for the JoJo universe, also the stats are a little high aren't they?
Neat, thanks.
To be fair, I just rolled the stats. I couldn't really manipulate them. But yeah, probably should limit the foreign material. What do you recommend?
>parrotting ideas from people who know better than you without understanding them
Mage Adept (Jupiter) (900cp)
Male, 20yo
•Alchemy Knowledge (800cp)
•Elemental Adept (Jupiter) (650cp)
•Cruel Rain (350cp)
•Light Adept (-250cp)
•Gold (-300cp) - 2000gp
•Silent Protagonist (-100cp)
•Mimic Curse (0cp)
It would seem that I'm one again unable to talk. To make matters worse it would seem that every chest I come across is actually a mimic. Most aren't too hard to deal with, some require bit more effort. Apparently the world has gone through a dramatic change since just a few decade ago, luckily I wasn't around for that.
I didn't do much in terms against the main plot of this setting. I didn't feel the need to chase after Dark Adepts and the crazy stuff that goes on. I just personally explored as much the world I could. I hope my next trip is more eventful than this one.
Anyone know a good low power jump filled with jerks I can make better by being a bigger jerk?
You don't even know what an anti-causality weapon actually does, do you?
Blood Roar
He thinks it means the laws or reality cannot bully him anymore.
well think of a good fictional substance not available in a jump,cavorite for example imagine trapping someone in a net made of antigravity material. Imagine wrist and ankle bands of antigravity material helping you move things.
I literally don't know what or who you're talking about, I had looked up that universe myself in order to formulate my plan for the young justice jump.
I thought they were purely scientific conceptual weapons judging by what I read on the wiki and what it says on the jump.
I never said that.
RWBY, though you'd have to be a pretty big "jerk", and by jerk I mean a threat big enough to put Cinder and Salem's keikaku on hold.
That works.
I frankly couldn't care less what new horror you're about to unleash, but your pathetic attempt to start multiplayer bullshit has been neither forgotten nor forgiven.
I don't expect to be anytime soon but what does that have to do with anything happening now?
...you're really going to ask people to put the dots together for you? You are not known for your good ideas. ASA brought up Blazblue last thread in commenting on the probability tech stuff. You are, however, known for stealing ideas from other people for the sole purpose of petty oneupmanship.
Make sense?
listen I don't know what he's doing. I see his images I scroll down past them. Nothing that guy posts does anything but upset me.
How deadly is irradiated food and water to humans? Just curious about how likely I might die of Rad poisoning in Fallout.
I have a question about the Specialist perk tree in Evangelion (which I heard allows the construction of Angels/Evangeions)
Does anyone know if the things you create are default loyal to you? Or how you essentially make them post jump without the orange tang? Are they like mass production EVA's? Can I make angels rivaling the stronger ones seen in the show?
If I make an EVA do the companions I have pilot them have to have mental issues?
I envy him, then. I wish we all upsetted you that much and enough to leave for good.
You mean, just regular radiation? From what I understand it's a gradual thing-you don't instantly die but over the course of days or weeks the leukemia and stuff like teeth and hair falling out sets in, and based on the nuclear engineers that sometimes frequent these threads a bomb's fallout is apparently much worse than a reactor's fallout? Since Fallout is the aftermath of a nuclear war I imagine it'd be pretty intense
But then again you don't inevitably die of it in the game of course and there's medicines everywhere for it so it's hard to say where game mechanics end and actual setting lethality beings, really
So-so. Unless you're drinking ultra irradiated water or eating fish, you should be fine for the ten years in jump.
Riddled with cancer, yes, but also alive.
It's not a dick measuring competition. just because ASA said it last thread doesn't mean someone else can't mention it.
I know bancho doesn't have the best ideas sometimes, but you give him more shit than he deserves sometimes. Even he has sense enough to pass over the namefags he doesn't like, and he doesn't have the privilege of just filtering ASA, like you can. Just get over it, your salt isn't necessary or welcome.
It's pretty bad, depending on where you're going. Any prolonged exposure and you're going to want some resistance, whether it be rad-x or a resistance perk.
Every 200 rads give you an additional penalty from radiation poisoning. At 1000 rads you die. Radiated water gives 16 rads. Radiated food depends on the item, but it's usually much lower. Radiation isn't too hard to get rid of if you're careful, too. So make sure you've got clean water and you can ignore food issues, mostly.
Definitely not angels, just evangelions-and they needed bits of Adam to make the latter. If they could make angels they wouldn't have needed pilots.
No, they go berserk and that's why you need to wield metal on them/inside them, to keep them restrained.
You need the orange tang so-you probably gotta steal the Adam embryo to make more.
Hard to say; the MP series seems to run on more advanced systems than the regular EVA units considering they get up from being butchered with no problems.
You definitely can't make angels though.
And probably, it's kind of needed to synchronise with the things.
You had to have been there. He was much worse in the past, and drove off some people he didn't like.
really? The only people I didn't like are ASA and Val and they're both still here.
Been here since 238. I know how bad he is.
stop, you're just going to make things worse.
The things you create are definitely NOT loyal to you by default. You'll need to lobotomize them and lock them in cybernetic restraint suits just to keep them from killing you. They're honestly the worst idea for minions you could get. LCL is probably not required, though you'll need some sort of Angelic biomatter to clone them from. And you could make stronger ones, but I wouldn't risk it. And yeah, trauma is required unless you can come up with a much better control system. They're controlled by the souls of murdered mothers, if they're not piloted by their traumatized children they won't work. The base technology requires trauma.
Is it that I can't make angels with those perks alone and that I would need more science and Spirit/magic perks to make them? Or that it's not possibke flat out?
The metaphysical biology perk says I get the foundational knowledge to understand even angels and can manipulate the mechanics of the soul easier. So I assumed at least, later, much later in my chain, an angel should be possible.
The reason I asked if theres loyalty is because, well, thankfully theres a perk that guarentee's it for things that I bring to life or create myself called Shapers Authority from Evo search for eden.
I'd go with it just not being those perks alone. It would give the foundation, as the perk says, but to make something that powerful is going to take a lot of research on your own.
Yeah, definitely take that, then. Evangelions you create will know you're responsible for their existence, and they will not be happy with you.
Wait, what? I was hoping to create the eva's conciousness I can make a concious speel via necromancy from geneforge or maybe at least make those hulking ultra titans as host for my AI companion. If it involves literally harvesting mothers souls and shit I'll skip out on it, trying to be a Lawful Good jumper not a fucking monster.
Conscious Spell*
Well, you might be able to make a soul on your own. Even if you can, though, the Eva will still hate you. Theirs is a horrible existence. Maybe you could make a masochistic soul and that would work, but otherwise there's really no way to make an Evangelion without torturing someone. Your best bet is to create something entirely different starting from the same base science and branching off through independent research.
Why do you hate ASA? He's a voice of reason in this community, which is a freaking rare thing.
Didn't you say you're not delusional and understand the concept of people not being the same as their jumpers?
Not that user, but it's important to note that the Eva and the mother are two different beings. While the mother may be in control of the body, the Eva itself has a limited sentience, given that Unit 01 absorbed Yui. So it's possible they might be sentient themselves. Also important to note is that Rei 1 is in Unit 00, or at least that's the theory given she has no real mother, so clones might count too.
yeah but he gets away with so much like being a multi-verse that wears another multi-verse as armor, no one else would ever try that because of the sheer amount of wank involved.
Well also keep in mind a lot of those cybernetics and the 'Host the mother's soul' bit were control functions so the Eva didn't just go crazy and shit. So who's to say you need to do the same thing?
Now granted, SOMETHING needs to control them; the thing that separates Evas and Angels are that Evas are made without souls, so they're expressed via DNA. Plugging in a soul isn't going to instantly make it go berserk unless you're like, trying to rip out parts of its spine and stuff to put a cockpit in it.
>not delusional
Welcome to community favoritism.
He also explains himself. He's one of the few who takes the different fundamental realities thing about science seriously instead of just wanking it away.
What, are seriously just salty you don't get to be the strongest jumper? He's a nice guy otherwise.
Is there any point in making an Evangelion at that point?
Or is making a giant brainless monster capable of AT shaping require the whole 'I have no soul and I must scream'. Not to mention their diet.
Definitely gonna go that route, I just wanted cool hulkin titans. I never wanted sad I have no mouth and I must scream souls trapped in the shell of a cool looking mecha.
Probably gonna synthesize some vague being via crystal womb and my own personal device called the "Crucible" which was designed to allow unparalleled biological manipulation. I should be able to try and understand the basic of their weird biologies to create some cool monsters thanks to med-bio tinker shard and bioculptor shard
What are you even talking about?
Very true, and something I should have elaborated on. The reason why being the soul in an Eva is so awful is partly because of that feral Angelic sentience dwelling in it with you.
>He also explains himself
What? No he doesn't, have you read his pastebins?
He just throws a bunch of terms together and assumes because it's him, they work to 50000% effectiveness and catapult him with no repercussions. I may not like bancho and I don't like how he acts, but don't go saying that guy's without fault.
Well it involves being honest with ourselves for one.
It basically breaks down to one being the community sweetheart and the other being the redhead stepchild. You can probably assign names from there.
There...IS a way around that, actually. The Mass Produced Evangelions had two major differences between them and the piloted Evas: One, each possessed an S2 engine and a core, which not even Unit 01 had. This is why Asuka(And then Shinji and Asuka in the manga) couldn't kill them, the cores were still intact. Secondly, each had a more advanced Dummy Plug System, based around mentally retarded clones of Kaworu/Tabris, giving them a full Angel's sentience compared to even a normal Eva, though one that could be controlled. If you could replicate those, it might be possible.
I legit don't remeber any "assumes because it's him" in them. You'll have to be more specific.
Oh boy. More namefag and personality drama.
Blame Tera.
He used to post pastebins in the thread and chat, dude. Multiple times. Wouldn't someone have called him out if he did make some oversight along those lines?
People have. People are right now and yet you see the result. Most people just stopped bothering to point out the problems after a while.
>He just throws a bunch of terms together and assumes because it's him, they work to 50000% effectiveness and catapult him with no repercussions
This doesn't sound like a very specific set of issues, user. I looked over the archives for threads with the pastebins linked in them, I genuinely do not see much feedback in them at all.
I thought Red was the community sweetheart. Or is she the 'red'-headed stepchild? Didn't she used to post pastebins for her projects, actually?
...have you seen what happens when someone does that? People start bitching and throwing tantrums about bullying and "nerfs" and start coddling the other party. Of course no one's going to critique ASA, they'd risk turning the thread into another salt mine.
No I blame you fucks for propagating it. Whenever Tera doesn't start shit by himself, it's always an user starting shit for / against him. Doesn't matter which personality, there's always several anons starting drama in or against their name.
Actually, I tried to call him out on going too far past what a Changeling Contract was capable of with a 'Contract of Perfection.'
His fanclub ate me alive.
Hmm, that helps out, but it still would weigh heavily on my heart to create mentally retarded clones of something just to fulfill my own prerogative.
The only time I ever did something close to that was create a really large Terraformar johj-like army via Blessing of Rahab to act as Skitter's attackforce. And even then, I HAD to do that, to make an army to millions wouldn't die in the Apokolyps drawback
I found the relevant thread. He did say he'd tone it down, dude.
This thread is off to a flying start I see.
I think you're missing the point of the post. While he may have changed things, the mere fact that someone pointed it out made them get attacked by his fans. Why would anyone want to point out problems again if they just get attacked for it?
Normal Evangelions have cores, user. You can see it in the scenes when their armor's been stripped off. The reason that the MP Evas didn't go down easily is because of the Dummy Plug. No pilot to receive feedback from the damage means they can take full advantage of their Angel-derived biology. Asuka wasn't fighting to destroy the cores because she assumed her opponents had pilots, and so could be taken down with sufficient trauma to the machine killing them. Also, the MP Evas probably still have souls in them. An Eva without a soul is non-viable and self-destructs. Maybe SEELE solved that problem, but I doubt it. What's nine more murdered women to them?
Moooving on.
Assuming I've got Ensoul from Cardcaptor Sakura, the Abyssal Semblance from RWBY, some magic nodes I can place here and there to anchor ley lines to, and ye olde soul-transplanting instructions from Nechronica..
Would I be able to essentially "awaken" said magic nodes, allowing them to manage the flow of energy /and/ produce Grimm themed after themselves in times of need? Or would I need Metaphysical Biology from NGE, too?
Pic actually unrelated.
Didn't someone say they were thinking of doing Enter the Gungeon? I just want to know how's things coming along?