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Legendary Weapons and Armor Edition
Tell me about your weapon /pfg/
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Legendary Weapons and Armor Edition
Tell me about your weapon /pfg/
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>Tell me about your weapon /pfg/
It's big and powerful and has a lot of enchantments!
It's masterwork! It's adamantine! Non-magical! We're level 15! But I cast Greater Magic Weapon every morning and use my Magus' arcane pool to enchant it, so I prefer it that way. Recently got a magic artifact sword that I'm not sure what to do with, though.
I use a magic stick. When it has alot of charges, it sprouts small leaves.
I totally didn't steal the idea from Marcille's staff in Dungeon Meshi)
There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Playing a my magic weapon is an amulet I wear around my neck
I want to say that there is a feat that does that, but it's got some limitation to the conditions it can be used in and I don't remember the name.
A Kensai Magus gets to do it by spending an arcane point, though.
It's a +1 Conductive Dagger of Doubling.
>Dwarven Shield-Axe: This heavily-reinforced, top-heavy weapon of exotic dwarven design appears, at first glance, to be similar to a dwarven double waraxe. Unlike that weapon, it seems far heavier and sturdier than most other arms common to its creators. Built to catch blades and turn aside arrows, the shield-axe trades offensive power for defensive strength, making it the weapon of choice of many guards and infantrymen.
>Description: Due to its strange design and lopsided weight, a dwarven shield-axe is an exotic weapon. It acts as a heavy steel shield with shield spikes in every way, except it does slashing damage instead of piercing damage. As normal, it must be enchanted separately as both a weapon and a shield. A Medium character can use a dwarven shield-axe two-handed as a martial weapon, or a Large creature can use it one-handed the same way.
>Racial Affinity: A dwarf treats a dwarven shield-axe as a martial weapon even when using it in one hand.
Splendid taste, friend.
Furious Finish, ain't it? Requires you to be raging, to end the rage, and to be exhausted after doing it. Even immunity to exhaustion doesn't work against it though anons will obviously argue otherwise.
What the fuck is the point of the Dazzled condition?
Am I misunderstanding something?
It's just -1 to attack rolls, right?
Why do people even care about it at all?
Because that -1 can mean the difference between hitting an enemy and whiffing like a shitter.
Penalties are bad. You don't want to take them if you don't have to.
Because roleplaying can make it seem alot worse than a "-1" penalty.
I meant more for players bothering to use shit that dazzles enemies.
I can't imagine how many enemies I'd need to hit with a 1 day long duration dazzling effect for it to be worth even a swift action.
Newbie with a question about animate dead.
I understand how caster level affects the amount of HD available on use and then how to apply them to a base creature. My question pertains to the hard limit on controllable HD. Is this always 4HD per caster level? Can this amount be raised? What effects/feats raise this?
My weapon currently consists of 3 fast zombie giants and 2 bloody skeleton ogres.
TFW when I had a player get dazzled last session and automatically give himself a 10% miss chance until it wore off, even though I never said he had to.
There's some Shelyn-specific feat that auto-dazzles anyone you hit with a polearm. That one's not terrible, although there are probably better things you could be doing with the feat slot, even on a THW build.
Oh. Well, yeah. iirc, Dazzling is only wothwhile as a rider on other shit. You pretty much ignore anything that just dazzles a single target/multiple targets and does nothing else.
>Tell me about your weapon /pfg/
It's a perfectly mundane light mace. Not even masterwork. Sees almost no use in combat.
It's a +2 Anchor (using the stats of a Great Axe)!
It's a kukri made of pure shadow that lives in a tattoo on my character's skin.
It's a Large bastard sword because Amiri is cute and I want her to notice me someday!
>Tell me about your weapon /pfg/
I've got a +3t 'eavy Metal Nichrome Greataxe. Been with me ever since I bought 'er as a Masterwork Greataxe back at level 1.
As a Blaster Sorcerer, how do I keep up in damage with the PoW classes in my party?
These guys are starting to outdo me in terms of AoE now. Forget the single-target, I lost that race 2 levels ago. What can I do? I'm decently well optimized, I think. Crossblooded, got the feats, etc. etc. Any magic items I should look into? I have the basic +4 CHA, Cloak of Resist and Stormlure right now.
+8 Collision Greatsword
>Perfect for charging
>Great for vital strikes
I've only killed a vrock demon and a spectre with it, though. One shot them both. I can deal 37d6+672 (726 with a particular reading) with this baby.
But I'm about to take it up against a CR 45 Sorceress and 3 CR 25 Ravager Spawn. I'll let you know how it goes.
Question Veeky Forums. When it comes to ability scores, how shitty does your setup have to be before you cross the line between "You should change this" and "Change it or get out".
Our healbot cleric had more in con than she did in wis.
I wasn't in the campaign at the time, and I had to tell the GM, 'next level she won't be able to cast those spells'
I know, you can't go above +5, it was a material component in the dungeon. Increased the enhancement bonus BY +5, and ol' Righteous Indignation was a +3 Greatsword at the time.
8-9 is fine, 7 if you know for a fact you can just the player to not let it be a problem.
6 and below? Put your foot down
I had a gnome bard with 5 strength.
We were very concerned he would get hit by some strength damage, which was pretty common in our dungeon.
Blasters have always sorta sucked in Pathfinder. Is there some way to switch to a "support" Sorc of some sort. Caster in Pathfinder are at their most effective when they're giving everyone Haste, Elemental Resistances, Blinding enemies, controlling the Battlefield, ect.
>tfw my first character was a STR 5 Halfling Mysterious Stranger
>this was actively recommended to me by group members and accepted by GM
>and she STILL made the only successful Climb check in the whole campaign before it died
Feels good man.
On a martial
The numbers can shift down some if it's Str on a Caster, and only Str. But you should have some good saves to prevent the drain
In all fairness, he had +14 CHA (due to an artifact necklace with +10 CHA) and I'm insisting on keeping Bestow Grace on him at all times.
pick up the dazing spell metamagic feat, or get a metamagic rod of it. Suddenly you can put out Daze AoEs targetting reflex.
The trick with blasters isn't to get new and better spells. It's to cheese the shit out of your old spells.
aren't you nuclear warlord user? Great news: My GM said I had to re-roll because I was too strong. You did good. I'm also banned from making warlords without warning him first.
Juju oracle has 6 hit die per cl, but only makes juju zombies with animate undead.
The Control Undead Feat uses channel energy uses to control a number of hit dice as well. Intelligent undead can save every day, while non intelligent undead get one save on the casting and stay under your control indefinitely. This HD amount is separate from what animate undead allows. A class with channel energy can take this feat, or a wizard can choose necromancy to get the ability scaling off int. This wizard can only use channel energy for the use of the control undead feat, and is unable to channel negative energy to heal his undead like a cleric would.
The undead master feat allows you to treat your CL as 4 levels higher when animating. I've heard that RAW it doesn't increase your CL that dictates how many you control, only how much you raise. It's apparently useless since you're going to cast desecrate to give them +1 hp per hit die when creating them, and you could make your max amount under those conditions. If your DM says that the feat increases your Caster Level for controllable amounts and not just how many you can raise when casting it's good, otherwise it's not.
The undead lord archtype gets a companion with as many HD as his or her cleric level, but gives up a domain. The flavor and the free feats is desirable, but is a weaker cleric. Who cares you're a tier 1 class anyways.
The amount of hit dice from animate undead is counted separately from the feat Control Undead, which is separate from the Undead Lord's single created companion undead, which is counted separately from the spells that you cast that let you control the undead but not permanently.
Any trick that lets you raise the Caster Level of your spells will work on animate undead, but strictly speaking doesn't serve to increase your actual caster level for the sake of determining how many undead you can control at once. That I am iffy about and personally want to know more about.
Awww, I am.
Did you get a session in, or did he see the concept?
My DM used to have a thing for handing out odd loot.
Once he gave me 5 Scabbards of Vigor + Honing
As part of his houserule, any enhancement bonuses on the scabbard of vigor will stay with the sword based on the duration of the effect.
Needless to say, I have only one masterwork sword, but I have 5 scabbards of Vigor + Honing, each with different situational enhancements based on the encounters he throws at us. (Limning, Vicious, Ghost-Touch, Defending and Guardian)
And at one point, the party barbarian thrust his big, hard, sword into my scabbard.
Oh wow... dazing, a massive -1 penalty to enemies if they fail a save. That'll sure help my team.
Yeah, ignore this user's advice. If you wana build around meta-magic, focus on Maximize Spell, Empower Spell, and Quickened Spell. Most other meta-magic feats aren't worth the level-adjustments and higher casting slots to your spells.
So my GM allows me to play any race with less than 15RP. But after reading through pfsrd, cool stuff like Kitsune and Astamoi doesn't have RP listed.
What do?
That's Dazzling, you moron. Dazing denies them actions for a round. It's a stun that doesn't leave them with the Helpless condition.
>Tell me about your weapon /pfg/
My DM gave me a luck blade with 1 wish left.
I STILL haven't used it to make a wish, since its too goddamn valuable.
>Tell me about your weapon /pfg/?
PsyArm here. Which one?
Calculate it yourself if it isn't there.
Kitsunes weigh in at 10 RP by the way, which is standard PC levels.
> 2016
> Doesn't know the that Daze is not Dazzle
Help me, /pfg/
I rolled a psyarm and I want to maintain Panoply Eruption for several rounds, but doing so requires I expend psionic focus.
Here are 3 issues that needs to be addressed.
1) Are there any good AoO feats to make the most out of Panoply Eruption?
2) Are there any good feats that lets me AoO enemies trying to move in difficult terrain?
3) Are there any methods to have multiple stacking psionic focus so I can spam panoply eruption?
>Are there any methods to have multiple stacking psionic focus so I can spam panoply eruption?
We beat the campaign.
>Scene opens with BBEG Wizard 20/some other class it wasn't relevant 10 setting fire to village, standard stuff, flying above village of level 1 commoners. GM told us it wouldn't be very original.
>commoners can't hit shit with his AC. pcs meet, I ask how high he is.
important: Vertical charges are a houserule, assuming you have a partner to toss you. in laziness, tossing ability is D20+str Feet. can't use it to grab ledges or other stuff, only for actual charges and you take regular fall damage.)
>"about 40 feet up. you can feel he's taunting you from that low"
>me and fighter-user climb on top of building
>GM is smug, mentions boss has boatload of HP and armor class.
> Don't care, have fighter-user launch me. >20str+d20 roll 19 gives me just enough distance.
>I do the thing, roll bucket of Dice. Thank you for lending us that many dice FLGS.
>The lowest I rolled was a single 4. Boss took so much damage that his body was vaporized.
We didn't even finish counting a 5th of the damage before we gave up. GM just declared the campaign was over, we won, and he left. I'm already famous at the nearest 2 game shops.
I considered that, but I thought I can only keep one? And it won't stack with deep focus.
Tell me more about this character build, please
Note to self: Never allow myself to become smug.
THAT is when the dice betray you.
>Vertical charges are a houserule,
Its not a houserule. Its legit in the rules.
In fact, I had a Ravenlord Harbinger based off the Final Fantasy Dragoon
Established Rule: Creatures that fall take 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet fallen, to a maximum of 20d6. Just as characters take damage when they fall more than 10 feet, so too do they take damage when they are hit by falling objects. If an object falls more than 150 feet, it deals double the listed damage. Note that a falling object takes the same amount of damage as it deals.
Theory: If a medium sized creature charges at an enemy while 150ft up in the air, he deals:
1d8[x2] (lance damage) + 20d6[x2] (falling damage momentum) + 3d6[x2] (falling medium sized object) + Other Modifiers such as STR
The creature takes only 46 points of fall damage thanks to Boots of the Cat. The enemy takes an average 180-200 damage.
If he is wearing Rhino Hide armor, he adds an extra 2d6 damage on a successful charge
If he uses any size boosting spells, the falling object damage is adjusted to 4d6 instead if he were large.
If he is treated as though he were mounted (Ex: via being a centaur or any quadruped), he deals x2 damage with the lance instead. (x3 with Spirited Charge, x4 if using Diving Charge, a 3rd party feat from Necromancers of the Northwest.)
deep meditation feat, and psycrystals
Jesus how did we ever miss that this is amazing. How do you charge up by RAW? That one only shows down.
Don't play a sorcerer. Play a wilder.
Not the replier, but I gave him some suggestions about the build.
Essentially, the focus is threefold:
>Get as many flat damage bonuses as you can
>Use Greatsword Battler/ vital strike
>Use Bless Weapon / Cyclops Helm to guarantee a crit
It works much better with mythic vital strike, because the bonus vital strike damage in MVS actually crits.
Smite, duelboost blade of fury/devastating momentum, power attack, high strength and other flat damage bonuses are good ideas. A whetstone and radiant charge/ martial charge or a charge maneuver all add to the damage as well.
I think you meant Deep Focus also...
>Special: You cannot benefit from both Psicrystal Containment and Deep Focus at the same time. If you have both feats, you may only have your psicrystal or your subconscious maintaining psionic focus at any given time.
Reminds me of the one legitimate autist I played with, who rolled a lesbian gnome barbarian with bubblegum pink hair he called "Fizzybitch" with a strength of like 8. He whined about how he wasn't doing any damage come level 3.
Ravenlord. Harbinger.
The only way to charge upwards is to have flight, and obviously there is no falling damage when going upwards.
Was he expecting you to play some sort of retard iaido practioner?
Look at the effects of the Scabbard of Valor.
You get 10 rounds before the enchantment bonus runs out.
How many spells do I get as a cleric? I understand spells per day, but do I just choose from the entire pool, minus alignment restricted ones? Doesn't say on the pfsrd
The point still stands.
>Jesus how did we ever miss that this is amazing
Not really. You don't always have 150ft. of vertical clearing in dungeons and caves.
Does anyone have Ascension Games' Path of Iron PDF on hand that they can toss out? I've only got the playtest document, and they seemed really good; up there with DSP even.
FYI nothing says you can't use your weapon as a mount.
ravenlord just does gloom/curse shit. it can swap with the bird, but that just lets you charge down (via gravity). how do you charge up?
I'm so proud, glad it worked out there. Were you guys meant to win that fight, or was the campaign meant to last longer?
Where does it say you're counted as being mounted if you're a quadruped/centaur?
Being a centaur might be worthwhile.
>it can swap with the bird, but that just lets you charge down (via gravity). how do you charge up?
You tell the raven to stay 150ft up in the air at all times until you need to swap places with him and charge at some poor shmuck.
>Where does it say you're counted as being mounted if you're a quadruped/centaur?
> APL 6
> half the party aren't optimizing their character
> GM thinks it's a good idea to force an enounter with CR13 Lawful Evil NPC to the party.
That's...technically not what that says.
Any reasonable GM would see the obvious, though.
He was just intended to let us see who we were expected to hate. Key words: intended and expected. Both past tense. That was supposed to be the final boss. I assume he would've had henchmen in the finale. But of course, we'll never know.
I like this axe. What does it do, pfg?
It's a dwarven axe. It's shitty because it's badly balanced, it has two blades, you cant choke up behind either blade and various other assorted reasons.
It might be used as an executioners weapon.
Not that guy, but I had a pretty crafty player who actually did an "upward and then downward charge attack"
>Shoes of Lightning Leaping
>Once per day on command, a creature wearing these boots can transform into lightning and move up to 50 feet in a straight line, re-materializing at the far end of the lightning bolt. Creatures in the path of the lightning take 6d6 points of electricity damage and objects take damage as per the lightning bolt spell.
The funny thing about the description, and this bastard noticed it immediately, is that it never specified he can only travel on a linear plane, And so, this guy's who uses PoW by the way, bought these boots, spent several thousand gold to make them activate on a swift action, activates these boots, aims at an adjacent enemy's face, and lightning leaps 50ft. up in the air, only to fall down and finish off with an Iron Axe Kick
>Iron Axe Kick
>The disciple leaps up into the air and raises his leg up to hammer it down in a bone-shattering axe kick. The initiator delivers a potent kick (as anunarmed strike) that inflicts an additional 6d6 points of damage. The target must make a Fortitude save (DC 14 + primary initiation modifier) or bedazed for 1d4 rounds.
Sight to behold, man
By the filename, I can tell that's a Maker's axe. Makers are like if you took a dwarf and made him Large. One of those sections with the grip above or below that circle bit in the centre is the size of a male Maker's hand. It's a onehanded weapon.
How'd that go?
Not him, but I would assume it ended with tea and biscuits, and a friendly game of Parcheesi in the NPC's lair.
Good times.
So everyone knows that bonuses of the same type don't stack.
What happens if you manage to get both a bonus and a penalty of the same type?
Like if you're in race builder and had a -2 racial penalty to STR, but then bought a +2 racial bonus to strength.
Is there any rule stopping you from going with the RAW reading 'They're both racial modifiers so only the highest one applies', and you just apply the +2, negating the negative?
>Pathfinder, because you can do basically anything with it. There are rules for dungeon crawling, kingdom building, gritty combat, running a business, sci-fi technology, naval combat, political intrigue, and pretty soon, horror.
>Honestly, it's not as bad as people say. You can basically run ANY kind of genre with it because there are official books for just about everything.
Is this true, /pfg/?
>With the exception of dodge bonuses, most circumstance bonuses, and racial bonuses, only the better bonus of a given type works.
Ahaha, fuck no.
>Many things
Sure. What are you looking for?
Yes, that's the RAW.
But I'm saying can lead to a -2 and a +2 combining into a +2 rather than a +0.
Which makes me wonder if there are any caveats for mixing bonuses and penalties.
Well, if you're willing to overhaul a lot of shit, yeah you can run almost 'anything' in it, but it may be a lot of work.
Pathfinder works best as 'high' historical fantasy. People who are so skilled with swords that they can fucking carve holes in the spacetime continuum and teleport through them alongside retard strong spellcasters and people with divine sparks etc.
It isn't particularly great for things like horror - because if it has stats you can kill it (or that's the expectation).
Well, wouldn't go so far as to say "ANYTHING"-the system is designed to work in a specific way, and breaking from it can really fuck with things. As for all the stuff you mentioned, there ARE rules for such things, but they are often clunky, broken, or just downright terrible. That said, with a good GM and some fixes, yeah, you could do some off-the-wall shit and have fun with it.
> " you can apply its effect to an attack you make with a greatsword at the end of a charge."
>An the end of the charge?
Does this imply just once per round? Say you had pounce, or was using a maneuver that let you make a full-round attack at the end of a charge.
>>Pathfinder, because you can do basically anything with it. There are rules for dungeon crawling, kingdom building, gritty combat, running a business, sci-fi technology, naval combat, political intrigue, and pretty soon, horror.
>>Honestly, it's not as bad as people say. You can basically run ANY kind of genre with it because there are official books for just about everything.
granted, the corollary is that anything can be done if you have an EXCEPTIONAL GM, but at its base and as a system, its fucked straight from square one of the Core
Especially since the Devs don't even know how to play their own game
And really, there are about of 3pp publishers. 80% are trash, but there are a good number of good ones, or at least decent supplements.
Only the better BONUS. Penalties arent bonuses.
Like said. For example, if you're caught flat-footed, they are unable to add their dex -bonus- to AC.
However, and I always thought this was odd, if you have a negative dex, you still take a penalty. Because it's somehow easier to hit you than someone who isn't moving at all.
>>Pathfinder, because you can do basically anything with it. There are rules for dungeon crawling, kingdom building, gritty combat, running a business, sci-fi technology, naval combat, political intrigue, and pretty soon, horror.
This sounds like the most delusional of Paidrones.
>kingdom building
Economy rules is SHIT
>gritty combat
Several arbitrarily stupid rules for martials to do something other than "I hit it with my sword" while the caster laughs from afar slinging several save-or-die spells is "gritty combat"
>running a business
Profession skill is SHIT. Economy rules are SHIT. Crafting is good but broken
>sci-fi technology
>naval combat
Done fucking terribly, in a world of magic, their ships can all be sunk by a level 2 druid with warp wood.
>political intrigue
Everything Paizo has shat out is SJW rhetoric, including their politics
>and pretty soon, horror.
The only thing horrific about Pathfinder is their writing
I want to marry a jade phoenix mage!
What kind of religious symbol would papa oino have?
Shit sons. And what about ?