New fliers edition
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>White Dwarves
New fliers edition
>Rules databases
>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)
>Forgeworld Book index
>White Dwarves
I want to convert Skaarac into a D Thirster but I don't know if I can justify dropping almost 200 for the model.
It's such a good model too ;_;
That looks dank.
When are the rules going to be leaked is what I want to know.
Dakka talon...
Do we know the load out for either of these?
is 8th edition really coming?!
It's a S1 6+ poison small blast bomb. Shootas for the weapons.
AV10 all around. Open topped.
If it moves it suffers crash and burn on a 4+ too
Ork flyer has a Smasha gun and two tellyporta blasters (not sure if twin-linked) as well as some guns on the back.
Marine one has a stalker autocannon that can get swapped for a 2 shot lascannon, double assault cannons, and heavy bolters to swap for missiles.
It still DOESN'T work against Tau because I use the "I shoot you when you come in nonsense." :^)
it's 20 pts counts as scoring unit while zooming and has a 2+ rerollable cover save.
>cover saves
>7th edition
inb4 people throw a bitch fit about the OP image
inb4 OP tries to defend his forcing his shitty edit
>jinking with ork flier causes it to crash and burn on a 4+
interceptor, it can't be combined with markerlights so it's hitting on 4+, not on all units. and drop the devs out of LoS and use the stupid pin on 3d6 against there crap ld. who cares if you don't have relentless after the first turn, you don't need to hit.
well that's what the 4+ invuln save is for
that's without jinking, jinking turns the invuln save into a 2+ rerollable.
And there is a formation that lets you take up to 6 and they automatically come in on turn 1 and have obsec.
It's the assault squads that would get burned.
Even on a 4+ a Riptide's blam and the XV88s twin linked spam and the Ghostkheels would bruise the assault squads up badly.
Remainder that custodes are better than thousand sons and their witchcraft.
Finally no gay ass chicken
What? Summarizing the arguments that will inevitably occur?
I hate both parties equally, I'm just pointing out what will obviously occur.
Well at 23 points each they're not tough to beat
so you lose the assault squad (boohoo), then make the riptide get pinned on 3d6.
Why people focus on the assault squad is still beyond me. You get to pin two units on 3d6. Riptides aren't fearless.
Told ya
MCs can't go to ground though. Like at all.
1000 Point List
Imperial Fists
+ HQ (140pts) +
Terminator Captain (140pts) [Power Sword, The Primarch's Wrath]
+ Troops (400pts) +
Tactical Squad (200pts) [Plasma Gun, Rhino, 9x Space Marine]
··Space Marine Sergeant [Chainsword, Combi-Plasma]
Tactical Squad (200pts) [Plasma Gun, Rhino, 9x Space Marine]
··Space Marine Sergeant [Chainsword, Combi-Plasma]
+ Fast Attack (35pts) +
Drop Pod (35pts) [Storm Bolter]
+ Heavy Support (425pts) +
Centurion Devastator Squad (210pts)
··Centurion [Hurricane Bolter, Twin-Linked Lascannon]
··Centurion [Hurricane Bolter, Twin-Linked Lascannon]
··Centurion Sergeant [Hurricane Bolter, Twin-Linked Lascannon]
Devastator Squad (215pts) [4x Heavy Bolter, 9x Space Marine]
··Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]
··Space Marine Sergeant [Bolt Pistol, Chainsword]
Any major changes I should make?
I don't want a dogfighting phase. Please tell me air units will remain worthless so I can ignore them
Still think you should be able to jink against markerlights
fuck forgot that bit. admittedly the tau player in our area runs actual non-MC-GC units, so I haven't faced the 'run 8 models at 2000pts' stupidity. Riptides and Ghostkeels show up, but they aren't 50%+ of his points. A decent chance of shutting down crisis shoot deathsquads seems pretty damn powerful.
Personally I think regular Devastator squads are lack luster. Would replace it with a tank or Dreadnought.
Our group did that and it ended up making markerlights irrelevant to the point you'd just take more Dakka.
and having the tau, and only the MC spamming tau, be the only thing not getting shat all over by that formation is shitty.
Being able to basically guarentee a turn 1 assault with the jetbacks doesn't bother me. guarenteed turn 1 grav spam and/or pin two things on 3d6 that can go fuck itself.
I think it should just cost 1 markerlight for every single point of cover you remove. I think that would make the type of cover you're ignoring matter without just making the markerlights themselves pointless.
Is it ok to hope Veeky Forums?
anti flyer and updated buggies please....
Oddly enough, I think the army that would care the least is Tyranids. It has stuff that's either MCs or Fearless, and it's not exactly afraid of getting charged.
Granted, you still have the rest of a Marine list to stomp Nids with easily though.
GW previews should share the inscription with gates to dante's hell.
That's still the old model
It would make them irrelevant, you can still point and delete most vehicles just fine. But the armies reliant on jinks instead of steel aka Dark Eldar would be moderately survivable
nids would care about the formation. Because you're 2 assault squads and 2 devestator squads are scary to nids even without special rules.
I know that, a new buggy model can look the same, its just surprising to see them in the art
I meant we did cover saves in general since jinking is just a cover save.
Yeah but they are separate. IIRC accelerator autocannons ignore jink, but not cover
Is it a legal stipulation that only FW can make SM fliers that don't look like regurgitated shite?
What colours would be good for Nurglite Renegades skin tones?
Paint them like I'd paint Nurgle Daemons?
What's the point of this? It's so redundant with the already existing "light" flier space marines have. Why even take a stormtalon anymore? Why the fuck do the marines need another of something they already have while other armies get shit?
Fuck it im just going to make a space marine army so I can be allowed to have fun in this hobby.
>epicroster has no FW support
Anything better online?
Just use Battlescribe like the rest of us chucklefucks.
Battlescribe, lad.
>fire raptor
>stormtalon/storm hawk
Yeah I'd say so.
Seems like its going to be a 'glass cannon' type thing. It'll be really shooty and cost a lot of points but will AV10 and get shot down the turn it arrives. I guess it depends on how these new flyer rules are going to be.
Yea, yellow's green's white's will all work
Look we may like assault, but we prefer it to be on our terms, not brought right up our asses.
Trying again for feedback on an all comers Tau list to get started with them. Not really expecting any heavier armor at 500 points due to league rules.
500pts Tau Empire CAD
Five man strike team with support turret.
Five man strike team
Three man crisis suit team with x2 missile pods, bonding knife ritual
Three man crisis suit team with burst cannons and flamers, bonding knife ritual. One upgraded to Sas'vre with neuroweb system jammer.
Fast Attack
Five man pathfinder team with one upgraded to Sas'ui.
>GW designers can't make a flyer to save their fucking life
>but FW designers, despite being part of GW, design flyers that look fucking amazing
I don't fucking get it
You know I actually kinda like how silly it looks. I think I'm going to use the stormtalon cockpit though since its own looks gross as hell.
It still looks shit tho
Im so torn between excited and worried about the new Death from Skies.
On one side I'm glad flyers get some love, they havent been THAT useful in a while. On one side they force few new stats on them which invalidates all the FW flyers. And might fuck up the game, making us go all the way back to 6th ed Heldrake-edition.
Oh well. We'll see. Atleast I have my Onagers so I can swat down some turkeys.
as someone who plays tyranids, FMCs are pretty much the only way to win. So this is going to make or break them.
What if the SoB got terminator armor or something similar?
RIP my nigga infernal tetrad, lasted like two months
I don't mind the base model and I like the armoured cockpit, but the entire concept of taking a weapon out of its original placement and mounting it elsewhere (not to mention, in an awful position that doesn't actually make much sense) to mount a different weapon in its original placement is so stupid that I can't for the life of me understand why no one questioned it during the design process.
This has nothing to do with this thread but they should have given SoB centurions instead of SM.
I actually really like this. The armored cockpit reminds me of that of a Dreadnought, and it also gives it a slightly more aerodynamic look. I'm also a sucker for the Stalker style autocannons
Yeah. Jinking just provides a Cover save, not its own special save.
Weapons that ignore Jinking don't ignore other cover saves.
Weapons that have Ignores Cover ignore all Cover Saves, including Jink.
It's an improvement but they couldn't throw out the basic shape of the storm talon and thus it will always look like an angry bumblebee with cannons. They should have scrapped it and gone in the Xiphon/Dark Talon direction.
Best HQ choice for melee space wolves?
>Want to take MoT on my sorcerers for fluff reasons
>MoT restrics them to the garbage Tzeentch table though
>Triplefire Multimeltas
>Torrent H.Flamers
>Avenger Heavy Bolters
I'll allow it.
>>Avenger Heavy Bolters
Dude, those are weapons that have to be mounted on an entire vehicle chassis. It's the 40K equivalent of the A-10's chaingun.
They probably purposely did this and are going to make the Storm Talon a dual kit.
Oh hush you, those are Avenger Mega Bolters. Also Torreht H.flamer is called Inferno Cannon and Triplefire Multimeltas are... whatwheretheycalledagain... cant remember. Anyway! All of them are vehicle mounted weapons. But oversized weapons are cool so SoBturions will have them.
I swear to god this better be more expensive than my Dark Talon and Nephilim Jet fighter. These things are armed to the fucking teeth.
>S6 AP4 8 Rending, S7 AP4 Heavy 4 or S9 Ap2 heavy 2, TL S5 AP 4 Heavy 3 or S7 AP 4 Heavy 3.
Compared to
>S6 AP4 Heavy 5 or S9 AP2 Heavy 1, TL S5 AP 4 Heavy 3, 6 S7 AP3 Missile.
I had some progressive campaign play at 500 pts that had limits on models with 2+ saves, multiple wounds, and AV over 11. I brought an IF 4x HB dev squad and it absolutely tore shit up. It might be worth trying at higher points.
isn't that just two getting started formations, only trading an ethereal for some pathfinders?
What're your opinion on homebrew rules? Assuming both players agree there shouldn't be anything wrong with that?
Friendly reminder that one of these is a Monstrous Creature and other one is a walker.
And that 40k's walker/MC comparison doesnt make any fucking sense at all.
the world is your oyster user
pursue what makes you happy
I don't recommend mixing weapons on a suit or within a squad unless it's for shred overwatch in zone mortals or something, plus your infantry has enough S5 AP5. Dedicate to ignores cover with flamers or frag projectors, maybe give one of the suits a tl fusion blaster and target lock so he can hide behind his squad mates and shoot armor. Lose the bonding knife ritual.
Give the pathfinder Shas'ui (you missed the h both times) a Blacksun filter. Give EMP grenades to one of the strike teams. Maybe the support turret one since they have a bit more cover anyway.
I recommend picking up a piranha and a stealth suit team.
Use the colours, fuck the rules.
Wait a minute, it was that fucking baby carrier that started the whole "good vehicles are actually MCs" thing wasn't it?
Tau can make their drones Jink and GtG at the same time, tho.
And that's relevant to the subject of Pinning tests on Riptides because...?
Indeed. First it was the Baby Carrier and then they made Riptide.
>S6 AP4 8 Rending, S7 AP4 Heavy 4 or S9 Ap2 heavy 2, TL S5 AP 4 Heavy 3 or S7 AP 4 Heavy 3.
You forgot the typhoon missile launcher S8 AP3 heavy 2 or S4 AP6 heavy 2 blast.
Does anyone have the 4E Imperial Guard codex? I can't find it in the archive.
it truly is a thing of beauty
What do you run the Multimelta as these days? Or do you convert it to another weapon?
Would it be possible to make this work as a 1,000 point Tyranid army? It's basically a Living Artillery Node with two Flyrants as backup. I haven't done the wargear yet, kinda unfamiliar tyranids, but the base point cost without upgrades (except the venom cannon necessary for the formation and flyrant wings) is 820.
2x Flyrant
2x Mucolid Spore Cluster
3x Tyranid Warrior - Venom Cannon
3x Biovore
1x Exocrine
Almost yeah. I don't have a lot, and one thing I do have I can't take hammerhead and another I won't this low. Riptide . I basically have the start collecting box, a relatiation cadre box, a pathfinder box, and a hammerhead.
Thanks for the advice, I'll try and work with the points on this. I think I'll just double up on the flamers which would free up 15 points, along with dropping the bonding knife rituals I'll have 21 left over. That'll get me the filter and EMP grenades with 10 points leftover. Any recommendations there? Thanks for the help.
I'm thinking I'll try and find an older battleforce box for what I pick up next. That'll get me the piranha and stealth team along with more crisis suits and another solid troops choice.
I'll pay more attention to spelling shas'ui next time, sorry.
Maybe someday
GW xeno fliers look pretty cool for the most part.
In an extremely casual meta(Harlies, KDK, CSM, Orks), can Death Korps Grienader spam be useful?
>mfw being truly loyal pays off
It always has, battle brother.
Probably fine. Conventional wisdom would say to remove the warriors for either hardier or more spread out points, but you need the Warriors for the artillery node, right? You're at least going the right way with most of your points on flyrants and the rest as support.
Yeah, warriors are needed for the Arty formation.
Yeah, but you'd be better off with regular guardsmen as "spam" and "grenadiers" go as well together as spam and terminators in both numbers and effectiveness.
Riptide kinda made sense as a MC, as suits were infantry and that was a big suit.
Also, a jet pack walker would require new movement rules etc. Where a jetpack MC works within the existing core rules.
Baby Carrier has shit desing. I've seen conversions with a simple front covering/armored cockpit and they look so much better. The Riptide being a 2+ save is bullshit, in addition to being undercost.
Lo..loyalty is its own reward....