What's a good superhero RPG, Veeky Forums?
What's a good superhero RPG, Veeky Forums?
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Mutants and Masterminds 3e is my favourite jam.
Marvel Heroic works if you want more fluffy experience; but the corporate overlords fucked it by not including a chargen procedure.
Some grognards stick to M&M2e despite it's D&D-esque supplemental bullshit bonanza. Main component, the powers, works pretty much the same tho, so it's easy to learn both.
There's going to be some guys shouting about gurps and champions here soon enough if the thread doesn't die immediately.
Grognards only stick to M&M 2e because it numerically has more splatbooks. The fact is that 3e is the superior system overall, since it greatly improves on many rules and mechanics.
Is there even a system that is generally hated? I lurk in a lot of these threads and usually everyone is pretty chill about everything. Why are there no edition wars and stuff?
Try Champions Complete. I've never tried it but I keep hearing it's better than M&M.
There's always Champions guys hounding how it's the best thing ever and getting objected with no its not...
But really, the superhero systems are too small and these threads too dead most of the time to get a good flamewar going.
Wild Talents is p. cool.
Uses ORE, so that makes for quick task resolution, and you can build pretty much any superpower you can think of.
I would say Mutants and Masterminds but I've also played Aberrant once which is basically oWoD superhero edition.
Have you guys tried it?
Does it have super-speed that functions like vampire Celerity?
>tfw no system where you play as sufjan stevens
But HERO is better. Take your shitty D&D clone elsewhere.
I'm not him. Someone else plays HERO?
I've played it, but remember that Aberrant was made by a gay man with a lot of issues. Every gay character in Aberrant is superhumanly charismatic and virtuous.
The setting IS pretty fun. The main problem is that the big villain, Divis Mal, is basically Magneto except gay (See a pattern?) and in the right.
Savage Worlds with super hero companion
Exalted is superheroes in high fantasy format and it can get downright ridiculous on power levels.
Of course. In fact, I was a speedster character back when I played it.
Which reminds me, I tried doing the same character in M&M and by god super speed is broken in that game. I once cleared a whole military outpost of mooks in a single turn when our team was about to be spotted ("Shit, guard A saw us. Now guard B will see when A slumps to the ground. Now B is seen by C and D. And those guys are seen by a security camera. Oh screw it, I'll just knock everyone out.").
Well, to be honest isn't "super" game supposed to be bit broken? Otherwise you wouldn't feel like being a superhero. Remember that you were just facing mooks, typically mooks are just cannon fodder for superheroes.
Yeah but we are talking about a superhero team. Like, if X-Men dropped down with the Blackbird on Terrorist-Con 2016 only to realize that Jean Grey just melted every bad guys brains as soon as the doors opened.
I outshone other heroes of similar chargen by orders of magnitude.
How? You only get one attack per round no matter how fast you're moving. I mean, I guess it could work if you had a Trail AoE, you bought a lot of extended areas for it, and you fluffed it like a move by attack, but that's about all I can figure.
Or you bought an attack power as a reaction, which it explicitly tells you not to do.
>If you render a minion incapacitated with an attack, you get an immediate extra attack as a free action against another minion within range and adjacent to the previous target’s location. The extra attack is with the same attack and bonus as the first. You can continue using this advantage until you miss or there are no more minions within range of your attack or your last target.
>A second rank in this advantage allows you to attack non-adjacent minion targets, moving between attacks if necessary to do so. You cannot move more than your total speed in the round, regardless of the number of attacks you make. You stop attacking once you miss, run out of movement, or there are no more minions within range of your attack.
The trick was that due to my super speed, my movement range was fucking bonkers and mooks went down with one easy shot.
Ah, got it. That still requires you to be able to take down every single enemy in a single hit, and for them to only be minions. If you meet both of those prerequisites, you're not impressive, you're just a master of taking out trash.
Exactly. It's just that everyone else was like "what the fuck just happened?"
It may not break EVERYTHING, but god damn it renders minions even more useless than they already are.
>Well, to be honest isn't "super" game supposed to be bit broken?
Yes, they are by design including of many a broken thing.
The difference is when a particular broken thing is way too broken.
And owod celerity certainly fucking is. It allows you to spam combat actions at the opposition to turn them into mincemeat.
Now, M&M superspeed works differently.
It does /not/ let you spam and take out any villain.
It however has a way to punch (once) every single enemy within your move distance, and you can very easily have enough to cover the entire enemy base.
For the minions, 90% of the time, one punch is enough.
Supervillains present will however only be slightly miffed.
But you can as well have your telepath cover the entire villain lair with a mind control bubble that will turn every single goon on each other while supervillains are only dazed, or have any other amount of ways to remove the minions from equation.
Thus, it doesn't break the game as much as fucking owod celerity.
Worlds in Peril for PbtA superheroes.
Tried it, and I wasn't super-impressed. It's certainly better than their magic system, but it really kind of feels tacked on.
do you have a pdf to 3e, user? can only find 2e shit.
also OP here, thanks for all the recs guys.
Not the same user but here you go, OP.
thank you, are there any sourcebooks for 3E I should check out?
This desu
Best supers system, arguably one of the better systems in general.
We're using GURPS.
It works.
I've noticed a lot of people recommend Mutants and Masterminds, but I personally like Kenson's newer supers game, ICONS, more. It's very similar, but the mechanics are much simpler and there's more focus on actual roleplay.
Bunp, I would like more options
I've played M&M 2E and looked into 3E. It's good stuff, but it always bothered me that there seems to be so little risk. The system doesn't have much teeth to it.
I understand that the rules are designed to imitate American superhero comics, and superheroes don't die, and even when they do nobody takes it seriously (thanks, Superman.) But still.
Although, 3E has some optional rules regarding damage and death that can add a bit more of an edge, almost like choosing a difficulty setting, but the system wasn't really created with that in mind.
Are any superhero RPGs particularly well-suited to space adventures?
The old school Marvel one is honestly the best one there is.
I only really know Mutants and Masterminds. I'm not sure if "well-suited" is the term I'd use, but it can certainly pull it off. Some of the Gadget Guides might offer a few ideas too.
M&M's rules on interstellar travel are intentionally vague, mind you. They feel that details like the amount of time spent in transit and the kinds of obstacles encountered on the way are best left in the hands of the GM, to decide based on what suits the story.
Actually, a lot of things are like that in M&M....
> Marvel Heroic does not include a chargen procedure.
Not only does the Marvel Heroic book I have on my shelf have a section for making characters, you would have to be rather stupid not to understand how to make them on your own.
Here's the full pile.
Well, what do you want to see?
There's the usual GM guide.
There's books of setting material for which by the way 2e is pretty well-applicable too.
There's books of supervillains for use.
There's books of power and gadget ideas.
There's one published adventure.
>They feel that details like the amount of time spent in transit and the kinds of obstacles encountered on the way are best left in the hands of the GM, to decide based on what suits the story.
That's exactly what they are.
All the dimensional/time/space travel stuff is just "we can go to X whenever plot needs us without having a separate miniadventure to acquire means to do so"
that's why they're so cheap.
As someone who really fucking loves GURPS, nobody who has played a supers game is ever going to suggest it for other people.
If I had to choose between being a Jew in Berlin circa 1941, or running a GURPS super game. I would pick being a Jew in Berlin.
Just dropping by to mention Worlds in Peril. I thought it was really cool. I have grown to dislike superhero systems that actually stat out your powers precisely. Feels like those stupid nerd fights with meaningless numbers thrown around about Goku vs Superman or whatever.
You know how with some pdfs, you can't have more than one page on screen? Like, you can't have the bottom of one page visible along with the top of the next?
Is there a way to change those so that you CAN?
For every PDF?
In the world?
For everyone?
It's the "continuous" page view setting, should be somewhere in your viewer nigga.
The only 3e book that's actually "core" is the Hero's Handbook. Beyond that, the books you should absolutely get are the Gamemaster's Guide, the GM kit so you can quick-build characters, and the Power Profiles and Gadget Guides to give you lots of brainstorming and reference material.
Not in the PDF I got open right now.
Not a word about how many of what dice to spread around, only how to read and understand what pre-written canon statblocks give you.
And suuuuure you can eyeball it, but it's a hassle nonetheless and extremely dumb thing to do in an rpg.
oh shit th e GOOD captain marvel is on the cover o this
That's because any RPG that is truly good will let you be able to play Sufjan in it.
Sentinels of the Multiverse is getting a pnp rpg.
Dunno if its going to be good or not but I really love the card game.