BFG General


>Where can I find the rules?

>What the FUCK? What rules books do I actually need? (embed)
(Short version: 2007 edition of the rulebook, 2010 Update, and Armada)
Revised is a set of fan-rules, written almost entirely by a Dark Eldar player. It shows.

>Where can I find physical miniatures to use/proxy with? (embed) (But we always need more - Feel free to chip in with others you've found in-thread)
Also looking for more non-GW minis suitable for running boarding party games.

>Paper ship Proxies:

>Boarding action rules
See the physical models link for some appropriate options for Navy troops

>Tactics and strategy resources for tabletop
Marine Tactica underway.
AdMech tactica: (embed)

>BFG:Armada beta is now live
>Battleflee/tg/othic Steam Group

>user is hosting a campaign, you can find the forums and info here:

Other urls found in this thread:

first for living in hope that someday people will link to the previous thread.

Alright, thanks user.

hold out for space marines, their ships are going to be even more brawly than Imperial Navy but with shorter overall range.

Good thing everything pierces their armour. Hope they don't pay too many points for it.

For those who play/ed the tabletop game, does every 40k race get represented?

As far as races that haven't yet been introduced I know there's Space Marine and Necron fleets, but I'm not sure about Tau and Tyranids. Plus Dark Eldar are sort of included anyway considering that the Eldar in game are 'Eldar Corsairs' rather than Craftworld Eldar.

I'm more worried about the lack of choice for the space marines. They have 2 ship classes and that's basically it. Unless we get crazy customisation options, similar to the orks they could be fairly easy to counter.

>upgrade navigational shields on my chaos light cruisers
>hyped for some asteroid shenanigans
>next game is on a barren map with only one tiny asteroid field and one tiny gas cloud

There are tabletop fleets, or at least partial fleets for basically all the standard races.

>play chaos they said
>they have the best long range weaponry they said

Holly fuck, lances are fucking USELESS. Orks and IN just don't give a single shit about what I can throw at them and then they rape my ass in close range because my ships seem to be made of wet cardboard.

How do I git gud with chaos ?

>play against chaos
>he takes the direct route to me
>straight through the asteroid field
>without navigational shields

The battle was basically over before it even started, I don't know that he was thinking. Didn't warp out either but instead had his whole fleet wrecked.

You don't let them get close.
Protip: lances travel through stasis bombs without any hindrance.

by not letting IN and Orks get close enough to slice through your paper armor

Is it worth it to max Mechanicus/Navigator/Troops vs Slaves and Gunners?

So I beat the campaign and Failbadon only took three Blackstone Fortresses. Did I do something right?

Not Sisters of Battle.

Besides don't rely exclusively on lances. Get a fucking Canage (or Slaughter) and use those macrobatteries to strip shields. You want your lance-boats spending their time busting hull armor with their armor-ignoring attacks, not waste their low-ish DPS agianst shields.

He manages to keep two in the official storyline.

I know, one of the three he captured was destroyed in my game. It's that he didn't even touch the other 3 in the campaign. I know the official story says that they were destroyed. But that didn't happen

But macrocannons require to get up close to be effective. Thus negating the range advantage and exposing my ships. Heard chaos carriers are not bad but they suffer the same problem imo.
I can't find a good balance in my fleet comp to have an optimal fire power.

Carnage's Macro-cannons have an excellent range. 9k.

No, not really. Carnage with a targetting matrix can effectively batter down shields from 9-12k out.

Despoiler or Desolator?


It's like a worse version of Eldar. Maybe they'll be able to borrow IN ships to fill in the gaps.

You aren't even allowed a proper army what makes you think you get to have a navy?

So, are all escorts meant to be 2km in size? Are there smaller ships for planetary defence?

>playing as orks
>level 3
>matched against level 8 voidstalker
>taunt and kill it with light cruisers

You mean on the planet itself?

Escorts typically range from 900m (destroyers) to 1.5km (heavy frigates). There are smaller system ships (although system defence ships tend to be comparable in size to at least small escorts because they need to carry weapons big enough to threathen proper starships), but warp drives are so huge that you can't really have one on anything smaller than 800m or so (the Viper-class scout sloop, which is the smallest warp-capable ship in the Imperial Navy). Although the Inquisition and Officio Assainorum are rumoured to have much smaller warp-capable ships built around extremely rare and difficult to built archeotech warp drives.

Dat's da way!

Why does everything bigger than an escort have a teleportarium anyway? I thought those things are rare

because the game modes require them to all have them.

They all had them in the TT.

I wonder, is teleporting technology within the reach of the Tau? If not, what will replace lighting strike and teleporting bombs?

Big ass guns.

Funny note to make : they technically can't warp out either in the fluff.

At least in the TT the can't do hit and run but that might be because Tau are awful at boarding style stuff in general.

>successfully boarding anything ever
Not counting Kais, of course.

Crisis Voidsuits. And... Riptide Voidsuits.

Wonder what happens to Tau ships that "get lost in the warp".

XV46 Vanguard Void Suit. Basically a Tau Terminator Voidsuit but with a jetpack. Burst cannons, flamers, fusion guns, and build-in electroshocks, grav-repulsors and photon grenades. There is also the Coldstar which, apparently, can't be detected by the Augur Array.

Lewd things

Nothing. They will just miscalculate the exit point or demons will have difficulty to glimpse them.

>What are Tau boarding mechs?

That's why you employ Kroot Spheres, Gue'la!

Corsairs aren't the same as Dark Eldar. They're their own distinct faction. In a nutshell they're somewhere between CWE and Deldar. The corsairs in BFG seem to lean way closer to CWE with them getting craftworld bonuses.

are those a thing? wouldn't a ships tight corridors be an issue?

See this one.

They were made for Deathwatch. Although I don't think they ever got a model. There's also Coldstar.

This is a ship multiple kilometers long. There's going to be plenty of passageways large enough for a battlesuit.

Sometimes dreads get used too so some ships must be large enough

Tips vs high level Eldar?

I can wreck them until they start bringing that BB. I've tried chain taunting the thing.

It seems like well played Eldar are insanely boring to fight.

>Impetuous Ascension
A more aptly named ship I have never seen.

if you're ork, paint your fleet red and use traktor kannonz to komedik effekt

Mai new waifu, 10/10 would get blammed by

Grab a Dauntless with the stationary sensor and apply it directly to the elf. Then use a taunt to stasis bomb it. After you land the stasis bomb, initiate Operation Elf Slave Wat Do. If you can't make it to boarding range before the bomb breaks, chuck another or use torpedoes.

>It seems like well played Eldar are insanely boring to fight.

This. I was against an Eldar player earlier and all he did was dance around firing off torpedoes as he went. After 5 minutes I just warped all my ships out. As long as they stay beyond 9k range there's nothing you can do against them.

>get a styx out of position
>he's absolutely caught up between me and my mate
>stasis field in front of him, already used jump to get out of torpedos
>does a full stop
>a gothic rams it from one side as a tyrant does the same on the other side at the exact same spot
>mfw traitors getting absolutely eviscerated

it was glorious, should have taken a screenshot

Yeah at least VS orks, chaos or IN I at least feel like I've had good fight when I loose.

>for Eldar to have a good time, no one else can.

As a veteran elfdar and having won 40+ games straight I switched over to the Orks.

I've won 11 games in a row so far, half of them against eldar.

If you don't take taunt, you're a fool. I bring light cruisers and just spam taunt. Ever 120 seconds another poor eldar cruiser is gone. I end up getting away with light losses, the eldar get super fucked with 4-5 taunts in a row.

Oh wise and venerable elf scum. Is it possible to beat Eldar without taunt? I'm trying not to use the skill but it seems like its necessary evil.

Using taunt requires them to get within 9k range. Sure, it's going to happen eventually, but I'm not willing to spend 20 minutes bored out of my mind when I could fit 3 fun battles in that time.

I'm happy I am still in the low level range where everyone plays Ork or IN.

Taunt is almost necessary. Any good Eldar Ork matchup will have the Eldar use their speed boost after the alpha strike. Using taunt either before or after the boost generally ends a cruiser. If you're playing carrier eldar then taunt is a requirement. Bombs are fairly effective but I would generally just scoot my fleet away and kite the imps/orks/chaos until my damaged fleet was back in service.

Occassionally a random nova may get a light cruiser. But if you're firing from long range you fucked up.

Are Battleships useless?

I like my Retribution

You can skip the cutscenes. Just go into this folder:
>C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Battlefleet Gothic Armada\BattleFleetGothic\Content\Movies\Splashscreens
And rename all the movies to something else. Then they won't play on start up.

Almost always I combine it with a kitted out initiation cruiser, extra burn, micro warp jump. Catch an eldar, reel it in and watch the rest of the fleet panic trying to save it.

You need to learn how to catch them. I've had at least 100+ games where people just warped out of frustration after 3 minutes. If you can't decisively corner the smelldar it's the fault of your play style. At 5 minutes you should have a decisive engagement.

I am no fucking bad at this game

I love my Despoiler. It's just so fucking handy in all situations, and surprisingly mobile with the Tzeentch favour, sensors, and MWJ.

Realistically it's pretty useless because of its horrible mobility and actually pretty unimpressive durability.

The only battleship that's completely practical is the Voidstalker. Despoilers are okay too.

The retribution is fantastic heavily armoured broadside spewing death brick when it's upgraded.

Just play eldar then. Line up, shoot pulse, 180 flip, dash. Repeat as necessary.

Imperial Navy for life!

Oh also...

Don't spam frigates. I saw way too many people doing this. Cruiser skills kill Eldar, mobs will just get targeted at their weak points, kited and picked apart through pulsar strikes.

If you're a Kunin' Ork you keep your front toward enemy and make your 75 armor work for you. Cluster your cruisers to act as a bomber screen dropping back your lead cruiser to the rear and continue leapfrogging and dropping skills and zap cannon shots until the puny knife ears scream mercy.

welcome to the scrub club. i lost 13 solo skirmishes on normal in a row.

Is the right answer.

Now the question user, is what are you doing wrong?

I have more problems with Orks than with Eldar. (Chaos)

I feel you brother. These greenskins just don't want to die to my macrocannon barrages and once they are upclose, it get messy real fast;

Do like the elves and lance the bitch.


Playing IN

Don't underestimate the Dauntless. It's one of the most flexible ships in the game and it's got a nice balance between speed/durability, especially with the right upgrades

Are Chaos captains Space Marines or mere cultists?

They'd be space marines most of the time, or potentially traitor imperial captains.

Don't you talk about my retty like that you minmaxing whore

I would assume Chaos is going to keep really talented captains around, one way or another.

So the captains will get some kind of upgrade sooner or later if they perform well enough.

If you don't have something to counter eldar mobility you'll get wrecked most of the time.

It's possible to run a single voidstalker down with specialized dauntlesses (shield transferring, shield reinforcing admech ones with maneuver gauge upgrade works well) and ram them to death.

Chaos shit, either two cruisers or light cruisers with marks of slaanesh and propulsion upgrades can also do the same thing, multiple nova cannons can also be a issue.

>BG is so fucking buggy even the discussion forms on steam are bugged and won't let you post now.

>the official story says that they were destroyed
They spontaneously explode when he retreats. It's not known whether Abaddon did it using the Eye of Night as a remote-detonator, or it might have been the Eldar somehow, or even the Deceiver himself.

At any rate, Abaddon had two and they showed up during the 13th Black Crusade.

The first attacked Cadia, helping to bombard the surface. It was again assaulted by a combined Human-Eldar alliance, who managed to get the Farseer Eldrad Ulthran onboard to try and seize control. But he found there was a portion of Slaanesh themself possessing the psychic circuits, so his body exploded and he got stuck in the fortress with them. Then a buttload of Necrons attacked it as well, forcing it to retreat into the Eye.

The second was wandering around with the Terminus Est, and again got gang-jumped by Necrons. No mention as to whether it survived.

what vidya game be that

Also a single widowmaker will save your life.

Chaos is pretty big on infighting, backstabbing, rule of the strong, and outright self-destructive tendencies.

>discussion forms on steam
>won't let you post
And nothing of value was lost.

I'll simulate the steam forum for you
>hackers hacking me with hacks
>how do I play this game
>eldar nerf when
>crash on launch on my Croatian built laptop I bought in 1997
>voidstalker wtf
>pulses op nerf
>my amd powered toaster cant run this game
>lag on 56k dial up
>Nerf eldar battleship
>campaign videos too loud

It's just as fast as the other imperial ships except dauntless and escorts, with thruster upgrade it's just as maneuverably as well
The broadsides are pretty scary and it has really good range

Trying to report a bug.
>wil i got DLC
>ching-chong nip-nong
>y are there no women captains
>dis gaem is bat
>my feet hurt

Got to instead, no sane person cares about steam forums and it's unlikely the poor pajeet who has to read your report will understand it.

For its cost you're better of with two cruisers in my opinion.

I like taking it when I'm playing with a friend who uses carriers or support ships because it directs attention to it and can take a lot of damage still while forcing the enemy to stay out of range

Yeah I'm not doing all that to report a bug