Age of Chaos is a "gift" edition
All non-Stormcast novels are nice.
Age of Chaos is a "gift" edition
All non-Stormcast novels are nice.
remove sigmarines
More Stormcast
Archaon is literally posing there rather than bothering to fight. What a glorious motherfucker.
No, I'm not carnac. I'm just a sucker for some classy mid-battle posing.
TheInsider has been exposed for the liar he is and can't stand behind his comments. Never doubt Hastings ever again.
TheInsider. • an hour ago
I have already tried to post today, I'm waiting to see if Natfka has the good grace to allow it.
I never said AoS was selling as well as 40k, but it is doing better the WFB this comes from the horses mouth.
I never attacked WFB fan's,or any other fans.
Go and read my posts in the other threads and see for yourselves.
To those of you who have taken my words and corrupted them to suit your own agenda, you are the very people that ruin the community, why you have done this is beyond me and is simply disgusting.
Hastings has no way of knowing GW financials that simply is nonsense.
Nor does anyone else, apart from the CEO and a few heads of department's.
Thanks to those who have acted like decent people, and I will say this the future looks good.
Wait and see!
I'll probably not be posting here again as the amount of abuse I have suffered for telling the truth is not worth it.
Thanks for all the fish!
Hastings is our only true prophet.
Well him and Sadpanda.
>"AoS has overtaken WFB and is up there with 40k for sales and interest."
>"I never said AoS was selling as well as 40k, but it is doing better the WFB this comes from the horses mouth."
>"The term "Up There" is a way of saying getting better like "getting up there". I was under a tight time line when I made those posts."
There's a little bit of easing off having written the first post in a way that could imply sales match 40k, but I wouldn't say he's admitted to being a liar.
the point is: rumors are rumors.
Expecially regarding sales, if you really think aos is outselling 40k(and i for one like aos)you are delusional.
I still hope the rumor about narrative campaign beign focused on warlords is still true because its an interesting idea.
>I'll probably not be posting here again as the amount of abuse I have suffered for telling the truth is not worth it.
Damage control: The post
Much like mmo loot drama, lol.
The thing is theInsider predicted points and aside from the sales thing, which is one sentence that seems almost throwaway the rest is entirely plausible.
Tbh sounds like both of them have no clue about sales.
>Tbh sounds like both of them have no clue about sales.
Maybe, but you have to admit Stormcasts not selling is a lot easier to swallow than them doing just as well (or "up there") as Space Marines!
There's no maybe, ifs or buts. Zero stormcast kits were amongst the top28 last year at GW, while several Sm, and even CSM kits placed on the list.
Sure I'm not saying that but he's been right in the past and nitpicking one thing doesn't mean the rest is necessarily wrong.
>The thing is theInsider predicted points and aside from the sales thing
Pretty much everyone was expecting the arrival of a point system down the road
The real thing with "TheInsider" is that it looked so much like GW trying to convince the fans the ship is not sinking it's not even funny.
We'll see if he's right about brets and TK doing a comeback tho.
There's no way Stormcasts are selling as well as Space Marines
I think they are doing better than most of WHFB was, though. That's just the impression I get in my local scene.
Until a few months ago everyone was saying points would never happen.
Mind counting the number of people asking for points before the reveal of the announcement on their facebook page?
So what do you guys think will be in the Flesh Eater Death Battletome next week ?
>Mind counting the number of people asking for points before the reveal of the announcement on their facebook page?
Asking for them and saying they are definitely coming are different things entirely.
How competitive/viable is a fluffy savage orc army (assuming clash comp)?
isn't it the 3rd time you ask that in the AoS general ?
Anyway it's pretty viable, but much better if you add a couple of Arachnaroks. Forest goblin also fit the "savage" theme really well.
Quite fine if you use 4-5 Stonehorns and a few Arachnaroks.
Kind sirs, please, tell me does novel "Warbeast" spoil anything from campaingbooks or is it unrelated story as "Call of Archaon"?
Asked it the first time last thread and only reply was a troll so tried again.
I'd prefer to keep it orcs only.. Maybe ogres too - but I can deal with arachnaroks
Cool shit
Speaking of trolls, Grab a box of river trolls and grab two bodies off a bits seller and you got 5 whole motherfukn trolls.
If I was a betting man I'd say we'll see a handful of Stormcasts kits in their best selling end of year list for this year of 2016
I could have sworn I replied to that...
A fluffy orc list will do good. Really, what part of orc fluff are you going for? What is the movie in your mind that your looking to make?
Quite fortunate then that you aren't a betting man. Stay that way for your own sake.
I've seen way more people use stormcast miniatures as 40k conversion fodder than as what they were intended for though.
That is of course just from the perspective of my personal bubble.
Everything Works In Age Of Sigmar!
Savage orks + Arachnarok will make a good force, if want to expand later you can add water trolls or Big ogre monsters like the thundertusk, they literally rape heavily armored force and that's the only struggle with savage orcs.
That's right, and the reason why people like Serabro, Slaanesh Bro, or Butthurt Beastmen Bro can have a sense of success in this system.
Finished a Bastiladon
Sorry about the bad photo, I still need to make a proper lightbox
Not sure if you're phrasing that as a positive or negative...
How much do the feds pay your bitch ass to fuck up 4chins? Seriously. I can't wait till your fuckass job gets outsourced to bots entirely and you can suck another marketing firms cock you smug shit.
Just end it.
Looks amazing, I love the patterns on top.
Not really any movie or anything in particular. The new orc shaman release I think looks great for a savage orc shaman, but just basically want to paint up a frenzied savage orc horde covered in tattoos etc, don't really like the aesthetic of black orcs and goblins though so would like to keep it as much savage orcs as possible.. Spider riders and arachnaroks I could live with though
Here's a shot from the other side
How do bretonnians perform in clash comp?
Age of Sigmar General
>Just end it.
Generally are quite strong.
That's fine...humm...Sounds like you have the makings of a good theme here, and it is a bit strong my only concern for you would be to consider what to add just in case of heavy armor. I'm not too familiar with the Destruction Alliance so...I can't give you much advice. Just that you may want 1 or two things with rend -1 or -2. Just in case your going against a heavy armor army like the Start Collecting Chaos box. Otherwise you should be fine with what you described.
>WHFB fans bullying people for posting rumors
Literal goober gate level of retardation.
Huh? First time I hear of this. I like Ghouls so cautiously optimistic.
We've found Butthurt Beastmen Bro boys!
>not interested in the truth, only muh feelings
So, looking for my second force next to beastmen. So far I am interested in these 3: Clan Pestilens, Wanderer or Undead with a focus on Skeletons. Out of those which would have the most interesting gameplay? Beastmen are pretty much get into melee and hope minotaurs can clean up at some point, so I am looking for something a little different.
Repostin' :
Hey guys i'm looking to build a combined fyreslayer/dispossessed force and was wondering is there any synergy between the two?
So far i can only find abilities that specifically target each sub faction rather than Duardin as a whole. Have I missed something? Or is all the synergy self contained in each sub faction?
guy's quite pathetic desu
Did fantasy fans really attack the guy for posting a rumor? Serious question: How fucking butthurt are these people? How can ones jimmies be so rustled over a fucking tabletop?
>How can ones jimmies be so rustled over a fucking tabletop?
Ask the Age of Sigmarians who had a meltdown when point system was announced
Other than a few faggots posting "Oh noes, AoS is perfect the way it is plz no points" I have seen nothing of AoS player other than them welcoming the play options.
Yeah but that died down a lot in a day.
A year later these Jimmies are still rustled to levels pleasing to Khorne. I'm not saying a lot of us didn't hit this level, I'm saying we came down from it.
Not really, more like 40k fans started to ridicule and mock him when he said AoS sells as much as 40k, which is frankly understandable, because it's is quite clearly delusional.
Were your jimmies rusteled because of the point announcement? Why? It is simply another way of play and nothing stops you from playing the way you play right now.
I was miffed, because just a day ago I defended not having points. I got over it in...10 minutes. At which point I reached indifferent. It's optional so didn't care.
I think the thread where the announcement was posted went from Blood Thirster to High Elf Phoenix King (Sipping Tea and writing tranquil Haiku) in about an hour or less.
Wanderer might be good, unique playstyle might tie in on beastmen nature theme.
Sure, but who plays unbound 40k or narrative WHFB. There were rules for that for years. Some people were just worried they'll get forced to play with points because no matter how much GW plasters 'OPTIONAL' over it everyone will gravitate to it. I'm ambivalent personally. I'll see how they handle it.
Might stay that way till new dwarf book
>fluffy savage orc
The battalion in legacy compendium is quite good and fluffy, +1A at 1st charge, and +1, literally 5+ to ignore wound. Savage ork is quite good, when you equip them with bow and choppa, don't forget the big stabba, and 20 model per unit if you can effort; boar boyz just go for wizard hunting.
You need some artillery, rock lobba, doom diver, thundertusk, pick anything that fit your theme, and budget(skip failcast if you can).
Holy shit, just saw the new Orcs, they look amazing. that is all. Shame the new Megaboss is already sold out.
It's Duardin faggot.
WHFB fan are so retarded they can't even remember a simple name.
>any synergy between the two
They, actually most order have minimal synergy cross faction, so just take whatever that fit your theme. In other side, Chaos gain tons of synergy across faction, no suprise they beat Order in Age of Myths.
Nice try, fucker. Next time you will tell me that Sepharons are Seraphons or some other bullshit like that, right?
It is incredible how easy is to trigger aosfags. Not even a challenge anymore.
All Lizardmen now have long silver hair and one wing.
Unless it's a Dark Elf Dreadlord (works on anything Keyworded Order), I agree to a point.
Most of my "cross faction" is any Chaos Knight, Any Chaos Warriors, and my Slaaneshi lords are "any mortal Slaanesh" but we aren't super amazing end all of end all synergy with everything either.
Pic very related to your posts.
Not my fault if you just can't even troll properly
Is it just the salt coming from the Ork Megaboss already being sold out ?
What does it feel like having the proof that AoS outsell WHFB ?
>Is it just the salt coming from the Ork Megaboss already being sold out ?
Wow you weren't kidding.
Fantasy Grognards on suicide watch confirmed.
Yeah, hopefully gw don't adopt the scgt idea of restricting greater alliance force org in matched play.
I mean chaos player brings skarbrand in a pestilence nurgle list, why the fuck can't I run my WoC with Skellingtons?
Hoping they keep that shit unrestricted...
>I mean chaos player brings skarbrand in a pestilence nurgle list, why the fuck can't I run my WoC with Skellingtons?
I mean if they keep the synergy quite restricted it's barely even OP.
Age of Sigmar actually sold out of something. A first for the system. Thank all the 40k Ork players for this. Maybe next time give Sigmarines real bolters and powerfists and they'll actually sell. :^)
Exactly. I want to forge some serious narrative.
Just kill yourself, m8
So AoS Sales so strong they even cannibalize 40K ? wow. GW really nailed AoS then.
>So AoS Sales so strong they even cannibalize 40K ?
Dat google translation lmao.
Yes, they couldn't get SM players to buy their cheap knock offs Stormcasts but Ork players who haven't had a new kit in a decade run after these megaboss kit. Good job. :^)
Glad we agree that AoS hit all the marks WHFB missed to stay alive.
Yes, we are agreed that AoS 'fans' aren't buying anything and its all 40k players with armies neglected by GW buying stuff. :^)
Why do you guys keep replying to these shitposters
For you.
These niggas never learn.
At this point, however, I find it kind of ridiculous and amazing at the same time that people can continue to shitpost the way they do and do it in such a concise manner that they are ontime around 10am EST. Shit baffles me.
On a shittier note, I just got my Deathrattle army squared away but shit's gonna take me at least 3 weeks to assemble and give a basic paintjob to play with. Damn Skellingtons.
Don't you mean Aelf? :^)
They have none in the way of keywords. All of their abilities only effect their own sub-faction.
Because shitposting is over half of the content of these threads anyway?
>New Orruk Release, New Boardgame announcement, Points announced
>People still shitpost
Yeah, its been rough the past several threads.
Trust me he deserves it. Dude made up bullshit, then tried to damage control and accused people of "twisting his words" before throwing his buggies out of the pram and fuckig off.
Also, from personal experience on the site, the dude is the most passive aggressive dipshit ever on the site. He fuckibg nails that point where he says stuff to piss you off yet if you reply you'll probably get banned for reasons (banning works weird there).
In short, he's a cunt.
So anyone there has got the cabagge rider yet?
And the people who keep posting lies about AoS anything other than a sales disaster are not shitposting?
Hell yesterday one of you delusional morons compared GW not bothering to put in any way to balance game to being unplugged from the god damn Matrix. As if GW finally realising that releasing an unfinished game was a terrible idea was going to ruin the gaming experience.
They did. Gordrakk is the firstbkrn literal son of Gork and Mork, the origin of all the new greenskins.
He's a Primarch. An Ork Primarch.
Godamn there were a lot of errors in my post.
Instead of buggies I meant to say toys. Don't know how that happened.
Hypothetically speaking, and I am asking an honest question here, what would happen if AOS didn't pick up and continued to tank?
Would GW do an AOS End Times? If so what would they look like?
What would come next?
I like AOS as a disclaimer.