Other urls found in this thread:


Alright, here's one.

Thanks, got any more?

Best Wizard has arrived.

Sauce: pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48885411










Not OP, but I really like this one and will probably use it in the future, thanks.

You're welcome, I actually used that one for one of my previous characters.




This is a wizard thread.



>thinking solely in terms of D&D character classes
user, please.

More like this?


I'm thinking about medieval wizards, not your shamanistic bullcrap.

Practically none of the images in this thread are in any way related to medieval concepts of wizards, you atrocious cunt.

Stop being 13.


At the risk of the art style making this look kinda loli-ish, I rather like this one. Maybe use it as a flashback/childhood kind of pic?

I like wizards...in armor...


yeah but look at the OP pic. what kind of wizzes you think he's after? probably more like and less like .


>he never played a savage wizard


>probably more like (You) and less like (You).
I'm posting whatever pictures I can find on my hard drive that I think are relevant. The vast majority of what I've posted is of the variety you're so enthusiastic about, but if I see a magician, I'm posting it in the wizard thread alongside the rest.
If you're so autistically angry about visual archetypes, post some yourself you cretin.

Literally caught same-fagging, lol.

>Literally caught same-fagging, lol.
What the fuck are you talking about? I was demonstrating that I posted the thing he likes and the thing he was angry about.

That girl needs to wash her box


don't you DARE try to (You) me again,...kid.


I'll (You) as often as I damn well please, thanks very much.





I love wizards




Centaur wzrd


Hey kid, wanna spellcast?



All these wizards a pussy

What in the world possessed you to turn that baby into a bones!?

>never paid attention to card art
>always seen from a distance
>god of revels
>thought he was throwing up pick related

Yes, I filter MTG threads because I'm not interested in this game. And?


I thought I had an actual wizards folder but it appears to just be pictures of Richard Stallman and Ol' Dirty Bastard

Dude is jacked

Do they need to show the entirety of the wizard?

"Not what I expected when you said you were magical under the covers but I'll take it."




>What happens when the wizard wears gauntlets of ogre strength.
> inb4 he's not wearing gauntlets, their invisble, to hide the fact he's cheating.


y'all got any more of them gun wizards?




best wizard reporting in

What? Nobody asked if you're interested in Magic. Sorry filtering minimizes your potential (you)s.



My wizard in pathfinder


Please. Just looks like some second-rate Pseudopolis graduate to me...

Found a classic.


Levitating spellbooks go hand in hand with wizard hats.


The one on the right is the actual wizard. You can tell by the hat.


>achtual magick comming trough
>mfw u cannot even into magick
>bet u not even into orgy
>tfw willful act
>tfw muh astral entities






If I was a wizard, I would wear a uniform. Something from the WW2 era or maybe something from the Revolutionary war era.

Please post.

Save for the absence of nails in the eye sockets, he could be a Cleric of Sithrak.

From the thumbnail I was expecting a bare old man leg poking from a sexy side slit in the robe. I am disappointed.

strangely enough but lots of irl ocultists do just that

makes sense, since if you read the actual literature most of what the magician does in half the ritual stuf is dominantly exclaim decrees, orders and comands evoking absolute authority, putting entities in bondage and submission etc

also some of groups just like uniforms for verious 'other reasons'

pic only semirelated

Well, that is a magical symbol.

This would be a pretty neat character concept, an archaeologist who might be old enough to have visited his excavations before they became ruins.