40K General

SUPRISE! The new ork stuff is shit edition

>Rules databases


>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)

>Forgeworld Book index

>White Dwarves

>BS 2

>BS 2
>I 2
>any good at anything

Tell me about your warlord or your favorite character in your army 40k General.
What's their name? What's their story? What have they done on the tabletop?

The Iron Knights are an Imperial Fists successor.

>S 3

>T 4

The below isn't 100% confirmed

>Wazbom Blastajet
165pts, TL kustom mega-kannon, TL supa shoota, smasha gun, stickbomb flinga (3++ against missiles). Strafing Run.
Can replace the TL kmk for a TL tellyporta megablasta (12" S8 AP2 Heavy1 Large Blast, ID on a 6 to wound) for +15pts. Can replace the stickbombs with a KFF for +30pts.

150pts, icarus stormcannon (S7 AP4 Heavy3; no skyfire or interceptor), TL assault cannon, TL heavy bolter, armored ceramite. Supersonic, Agile. AV 12/11/11
Can replace the icarus with a las-talon (Heavy2 lascannon) for +25, can replace the TL heavy bolters with a typhoon for +20pts, a skyhammer for +5pts or TL lascannons for +15pts.

>also save best general image for later

Anyone have the coven PDF? It would be appreciated

phew m8s

Indeed they are

Stop shilling your image.

The guys hwo bitch when you make the OP are wrong, but this is blatant shilling. Knock it off.

>Space Marines have literally everything and tons of unit options
>Getting a new flyer

Only the best for the emperor's finest.

>Blood Angels used to be known for their air power

How well do the various start collecting box formations stack up in play against each other? Could you buy, say, Orks and Skitarii as gifts and people could play then against each other with fairly even results?

>implying the emperor was smart
>implying humans arent retards
>Tau made better tech in a fraction of the time and a millionth the population humans have

Just enjoy the fact that removing the chicken and tau face triggers the one user so hard he made nearly 100 posts.

>>Tau made better tech in a fraction of the time and a millionth the population humans have
All that better sure did help the tau stop the ad mech from setting fire to tau space

You're both equally retarded.

It's my image, and I ain't the one posting it, I moved onto the facefree version.

Tau are on what amounts to a technological dead end. The use of AI and computers to assist them in designing machinery is a phase most successful civilizations pass through and then abandon, as it leaves then completely open to the influence of Nurgle. The Tau are in fact doomed, they just are too young to know it.

Can someone explain me the Proof Chicken?

I've been away for a while.

>Ork flier
I like that if it has the tellyporta and KFF, it must fire from 6-12", as otherwise it gives the unit it's shooting at an invulnerable save AGAINST ITS OWN SHOOTING.

Whats the worse army, orks or sisters?

The one which is just the warhammer logo and text?
That one is actually rather good, far better than your other edit.

Orks by far.
Sisters isn't a bad army, just expensive and doesn't get enough support.

>ork flier has a mess of different weapons and gear with different target parameters and range bands, not to mention no clear job
>marine aircraft is an excellent superiority fighter and medium vehicle hunter with comparable wepons
> the marine craft is cheaper and better armored
Orks, ladies and gentlemen.


I'm not an artist, I just do edits with what's available.

it's a /pol/ meme that a certain namefag here detests. Apparently in russia calling someone chicken is equivalent to cunt/fag in the west, a /pol/ thread badmouthing putin apparently got raided by ruskies demanding proof of their claims in broken english and posting images of chickens, hence proof chicken.

It came about when russian totally didnt invade ukraine

Sisters are a pretty decent army despite being woefully out-of-date and barely supported at all.
Orks are overcosted *and* have shit rules.

There is way too much cross contamination with /pol/

Thank you for the explanation, but what it has to do with us?

Carnac, the namefag in question (he posts anonymously but has a very distinctive style) enjoys derailing threads by posting largely out-of-context excerpts from BL/Codex fluff and making extremely bold claims about how if proves X faction is shit or Y faction is better than Z faction or whatever. A few months back, a couple of anons trolled him out of the thread by posting Proofs Chicken images until he threw a tantrum and left in a huff.

Anyone got the chairman's current?

I lost it, and I'd like to get back into 40k

Boy, it's sure great that we can reduce template deviation by subtracting the BS, right?

I see.
Now i get it, thank you.


You can find the old one easily through minimal searching, and I'm told he's still responding to messages sent to the old, with the new for some people. Some say they've had no response in weeks though

Well, you do have Strafing Run, so BS3. For what little it helps.

lol wut, I play orks but doesn't the KFF only apply to allied units? That's so stupid if it doesn't.

I DON'T play orks

When do bloodmaws paint there mouths red? Is it a right of passage? I need to know before I paint them all.

To the user that wanted a 500 admech/skitarii list, a decent choice is a maxed out Dominus maniple, give the Dominus the IWND artifact and keep the Onager near the Dominus so you can heal any boo boos.

Giving rebels a shitload of weapons and professional support staff isn't an invasion. Hell, you can give them mass air support and it still doesn't count.

NATO taught me that.

I would assume the KFF counts as the pilot having it, so that it only counts as a 5+ for the vehicle itself.

I dunno though, RAW gonna RAW, RAI gonna RAI

Sisters can actually compete with even highly optimized mid tier armies.

this is true.when you turn up with troops on the other hand...

>Orks shooting is SO BAD it GIVES the enemy an invulnerable save.
You can't make this shit up!

>stickbomb flinga (3++ against missiles

Shouldn't it be a 5++?

since you're basically shooting down the missile with another weapon and you have bs2.

>I would assume the KFF counts as the pilot having it

You would assume wrong. You don't buy upgrades for the pilot, you buy upgrades for the vehicle. There's absolutely no RAW/RAI clash - the vehicle is the bearer, you cannot embark one vehicle into another, so the bubble extends 6". It's exactly as if you gave a Morkanaut a KFF.

Besides, holy hell, Orks are shit enough as it is right now. Stop trying to weasel them out of something that might, possibly, be plausibly useful.

no, you are flinging a cloud of grenades to explode the missiles. its an orky chaff launcher

>professional support staff

I mentioned it.

The model has the KFF (the embark effect only affects transports), so it is a spread effect, same with the Morkanaut. So, yes, the wazbom might very well give the enemy an invuln against its own shooting.

5++ with a reroll then.

>trying to make orks more shitty
Hi satan


Making a new GK army, would any one be able to give some pointers?

I want to play them shock and awe style. My idea was a psyker Lv3 Librarian with Domina for more powers/better chance to get Gate of Infinity, equipped with a teleport homer, place him in a squad of Paladins with an Apothecary for living

Gate in, deep strike 2-3 GK Termies

And meanwhile have a Knight Crusader to provide cover fire/AA

Ideas or thoughts?

That's actually kinda silly and fun. Really appropriate for orks.

It's a shame that they suck so bad right now so that people will be mad anything being suboptimal instead of appreciating it.

Funny thing is Blast weapons actually improve Orks chance of hitting.

BS2 has a 33% chance of hitting with a non blast.
BS2 has a 36% chance of hitting with a blast. (Scatter dice have a 1/3 for direct hit and a 1/36 to scatter 2", reduced to zero.)

>muh new ceo
>muh facebook faq's
>muh starter boxes
>muh blind faith

Nothing is changing. Same old shit tier game with platinum tier models. But CAD and $30k/year salaries isnt attracting talent.

Can someone explain how it's giving the enemy a invul save? The way I'm reading it it only works if they are within 6" of the flyer.

>you should appreciate being garbage. You exist to entertain your opponents because you picked the npc faction

Having fluffy rules is all well and good but youre supposed to fix fix the trainwreck before you draw smiley faces on it

The gun has a 12 inch range the user was laughing how the flyer needs to be 6-12 to use the gun without giving enemies an invuln against its own shooting

one of the guns that have not had stats relased maybe has a short range.

>> new ceo
>> facebppl faq's
>> new starter boxes
>> blind faith

One of these is not like the other.

That's it chief.
If the flyer with KFF is shooting at something 6" or closer to it will give them a 5++

Hey Veeky Forums,
I posted before asking what sort of Inquisitor I should roll with in my sister blob. Inquisitors in general are fairly restricted to powers, only being able to roll on Pyromancy, Telekinesis, Divination and a shitty version of the Sanctic table.

In the past I just used Coteaz. His rules complimented the unit rather well:
>I've Been Expecting You - This rule works really well in a large unit of ~20 BS4 Bolters. Crisis suits and MEQs simply are unable to deep-strike anywhere within 12" of coteaz without being blown apart immediately.
>Psyker Mastery level 2 - If I plan on rolling divination it works well, giving the unit Prescience, 4++ saves, rending against a single target or Counter-attack and overwatch at full BS. The other 3 powers are useless.
>Psych-out grenades - Reduce the Initiative of Daemons and Psykers to 1 in the first round of combat.

I want to change him out for a psychic grenade-spamming Ordo Xenos Inquisitor with the following:
>Hammerhand - WC1 to upgrade the sisters to S4 in melee. Not as good as GK Hammerhand though.
>Rad grenades - decrease targets toughness by 1 in the first round of combat.
>Psychotroke grenades - roll on a D6 table to determine effects. Similar to 6e hallucination.
>Psych-out grenades - See Coteaz.


I honestly don't know how to feel about the Wazbom Blastajet.
On the one hand, having what is basicaly a ground attack craft that can't actually fly over an enemy without giving them an invuln, is pretty damn orky and quite funny in its stupidity.
On the other hand, orks hardly need any help sucking *more* right now.

5++ with a reroll is very very close to a 3++.

Fuck off Carnac.

There is literally nothing wrong with proofchicken. The absolute only person who has a problem with it, is you.

Check the FAQ for inquisition. They now roll on tables and dont have their own powers anymore.

Is it 40kosher to have my squads all painted different colors?

You mean 4++

>hades fiend

I've always dismissed it because of AV12 and BS3, but the more I think about it, the more I'm thinking it's underrated

>high volume of shots can reliably fuck AV10-12 and even averages a few hull points from AV13 even with BS3
>can reroll pins/wounds once per game
>alright against light infantry too, and has pinning

damage output is good at range

>ignores crew shaken/stunned on 2+

it's got some defenses that make it better than a dread for sure. if this thing was just AV13 it would be pretty damn solid, thinking about fielding one anyway and just having a bunch of rhinos etc rushing forward so that it's a lesser priority. besides AV12 why shouldn't I take a hades fiend?

If youre 12 years old its totally fine.

Depends what army you are playing. CMS or Orks? Absolutely, mercs are common.

Space Marines? Not so much, chapters rarely work together so closely they could be considered the same detatchment.

I don't think I've ever been called carnac before, not sure how to feel about that

But I prefer the unified scheme to that image. All the parts are drawn, no random tau face thrown in. Removal of the chicken gives the image more of an official feel.

>The Tau are in fact doomed
That's the cool part about them.

It's why I have like half my models being drones in any given list. If a unit can have drones, it gets drones.

Makes it a lot more interesting as an "The drones rebel, and are literally everywhere around you, including your leader - and they are the only ones there to protect him, too. Enjoy." kind of scenario.

It is also why I wish the bigger suits had the option of some kind of self-detonating drones on death. Would both give them an actual weakness (think of Shielded Missile drones blowing up in a S7 AP2 blast that doesn't scatter) in that sniping them out would also heavily damage the riptide, and it would give us an additional layer of "If these drones go rogue, we're not just fucked, we are getting raped so hard that it would make a Dark Eldar Archon blush."

>youre supposed to fix fix the trainwreck before you draw smiley faces on it

that's literally what I just said.
>It's a shame that they suck so bad right now so that people will be mad anything being suboptimal instead of appreciating it.
It's a great bit of flavor but seasoning a turd will just make people mad no mater how nice the spice is.

I think the image would be better without your meme chicken, sorry m8

Check the cost too. That is what makes Forgefiend bad.

cost is what makes anything bad

it's 175 points. if it was AV13 that would be reasonable

If you have the models, try the new Black Legion formation with Warpsmith and two fiends. One gets to shoot at BS4 and both get preferred enemy against a single character.

Hades becomes stupid good when it can actually hit with most of the stuff.

The way you wrote it makes you seem snobby about people not enjoying what GW is doing to the orks

A BS 3, 175 point, AV 12, 3 HP walker with two gun arms is undercosted.

Have you looked at any other codex besides the CSM book? Because I have some bad news for you user. What you get for 175 points is very, very bad. Ad in unplayable tier. Hope you like exclusively playing fun/casual games, and still getting monkeystomped.

Are you autist

>you cannot embark one vehicle into another
Not if you are a filthy Gue'la you can't.

It's also close to a 4++, being between them.

Don´t loose hope yet. We still don´t have information about the new "dogfight phase" and the new flyer stat lines and types.

How does one get into 40k these days?

Depends. What armies are you interested in?

Is there some internal theme to it or are they all obviously ebay squads painted by different people at different skill levels?

if it was AV13 it would be bad compared to tau and eldar like everything else. it would be reasonable compared to SM, DE, ork, sisters, and IG vehicles

By playing tabletop simulator.

unless you wanted to get into the hobby for the, you know, hobby aspect of it. Painting, kitbashing, etc



nobody said that

Well, that wasn't my intent and I'm sorry. Y'all deserve better.

We top gun now.