Can someone recommend an rpg that does not have humans, elves, or dwarves in it?

Can someone recommend an rpg that does not have humans, elves, or dwarves in it?

I am wanting a new system like this but I may settle for disallowing those races from one of the other systems I have.


I will look into it.

Anything else?

Iron claw
Golden Sky Stories

Does golden sky stories have humans in it?

I think I have seen iron claw before. It may be what I am looking for.


Engine Heart

Engine heart may go over well with the group. CATastrophe was already shot down.

Well, golden sky stories doesn't have PLAYABLE humans. They're all NPCs

Yes, but you don't play them. You generally help them through life.

If I use golden sky stories I will just refluff the human element.



I'm not sure, but I don't think Low Lives for Savage Worlds has humans


I assume OP is still looking for a fantasy game, otherwise we could fill this thread with thousands of rpgs.

Can you explain why you are disallowing those races?

I think it was called "Mechanical Dream".

Faery's Tale Deluxe
Bunnies & Burrows
Mouse Guard
The Secret of the Cats

I guess technically Eclipse Phase, depending on how stringently you enforce the "human" category.

Ah, add Kobolds Ate My Baby to that list, as well.


I've never played it but Talislanta bills itself as "the game without elves."

Good luck getting any consensus from anyone over which edition to use