FAQ's maybe edition
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FAQ's maybe edition
>Rules databases
>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)
>Forgeworld Book index
>White Dwarves
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>Orks are a shooting race
oh god piss on me
i admire your dedication
You mean Space Orruks?
>Orks love fighting and are at their absolute happiest in a scrap
>Ld 7
>Eldar are a dying race who must preserve their numbers
>Ld 8
Ideally, I'd like GW to release all the armybooks with the Rulebook. like they did way back in the day.
Good point. Yarrick's a Commisar Lord though.
>Chaos Space Marines are liberated of all constraints and fear nothing in the universe
>LD 8
Can someone please give me a torrent of the Battlefleet Gothic: Armada codex? The ones online are for the video game and I want the old tabletop.
Fuck if I'm paying some spaz $150 for one.
so I've found explaining what my aspect warriors can do is actually easier if I start with the theory first, even at tournaments.
Because if I start with 'these guys can do this and then this guy does this' I wind up with people getting weirded out every time I use a special rule.
But if I go 'eldar stats are ws/bs 4, I5, guardsmen', 'exarchs are the characters, they have +1 to everything but s and t', then say 'all aspect warriors are eldar which have specail wargear, each unit has a unique special rule, and the exarch has an additional special rule that only applies to him', then people just ask 'what's his/their special rule' or nod when I say 'his/their special rule is x'.
Except warpspiders. Because their rule is stupid.
inb4 yet another thread do dominted by senstive chickfags and retarded anti-chickenfags arguing.
What were the Eldar gods? Creatures of the warp, like the chaos gods?
So let's say you want to intercept an enemy bomber with your fighter.
First you have to roll-off with your opponent to initiate a dogfight in the first place. Lose the roll-off, no dogfight.
Then you have to win a game of rock-paper-scissors or the bomber can end the engagement and get away.
THEN you can have a go at shooting the thing.
They weren't anything because the Eldar are not real like everything else in 40k.
craft world eldar depend upon extreme discipline in all aspects of their life in order to avoid the call of slaneesh.
Besides, low leadership does not help you preserve your numbers.
Agree on the Ork thing. Their low leadership should only effect things about being organized, or at least not confused. Sticking around to punch things should be easy for them.
Still better than just walloping the damn thing on the table, I guess.
except that they've mentioned there would be addtional stats for fliers, which would make it so those roll offs aren't even.
How good that is, I can't say, but in theory it could work.
Yes. Just, generally less malignant.
Exactly. Like Leadership 6 and Fearless.
Necrons are mindless robots incapable of fear.
LD10 (fluff fearless.)
>Tempestus Scions are the elite of the elites, trained/indoctrinated x10 better than any regular guardsmen
>Ld 7
Full rulebook's filesize is too big to upload here, but is this any use to you?
So Orks have the most varied and collesr models (pirate Orks, pyro Orks, Hard Orks, Stealth Orks, the list goes on) but they suck. Is there anyway to make them counts as that wouldn't ruin their models?
Going by what's written in the Liber Chaotica, they were psychic war constructs that the Eldar created under the guidance of the Old Ones. They were meant to be weapons against the Necrons and C'tan.
As the Old Ones started dying out, the Eldar gradually came to worship these psychic constructs. Eventually, these constructs evolved into Warp Gods.
>Rock-Paper-Scissors: the phase
Just in case you wanted even less interaction between flyers and ground units.
And the dark eldar fleet rules, having made a wild guess on the basis of your image.
Better than nothing, but I was hoping for the full thing. Can't post it somewhere and fudge the link in here?
No they don't, because Orks do not exist.
Might as well mention the rumor stuff user got from a redshirt.
>Wazbom Blastajet
165pts, TL kustom mega-kannon, TL supa shoota, smasha gun, stickbomb flinga (3++ against missiles). Strafing Run.
Can replace the TL kmk for a TL tellyporta megablasta (12" S8 AP2 Heavy1 Large Blast, ID on a 6 to wound) for +15pts. Can replace the stickbombs with a KFF for +30pts.
150pts, icarus stormcannon (S7 AP4 Heavy3; no skyfire or interceptor), TL assault cannon, TL heavy bolter, armored ceramite. Supersonic, Agile. AV 12/11/11
Can replace the icarus with a las-talon (Heavy2 lascannon) for +25, can replace the TL heavy bolters with a typhoon for +20pts, a skyhammer for +5pts or TL lascannons for +15pts.
They really should separate morale and discipline.
Space Marines: High Morale, Very High Discipline
Chaos Marines: High Morale, High to Low (Berserkers, Possessed, later in battle) Discipline
Orks: Morale dependent on Squad Size from low to very high, low Discipline
Eldar: Medium Morale, High Discipline
Tyranids: High Morale, Shit Discipline without Hive Mind, Perfect with
Guard: Medium Morale, Medium Discipline, both increased by different tactics (Preachers, Orders etc)
Tau: slightly below average Morale, slightly above average Discipline
>Tau: slightly below average Morale
Extremely powerful Warp Entities.
Essentially the Eldar Gods are the same as The Emperor, The Chaos Gods, Gork and Mork and so forth.
this is a completely useless sidebar unless I'm missing something. Because I'm not seeing any rules that use these 'combat roles'.
The Eldar gods are exactly like the emperor because neither of them exist.
Why do you disagree?
AFAIK Tau don't do the "we will heroically die to a man" thing when the odds turn against them, but rather actually attempt to disengage. Also, this would be massively buffed by Ethereals.
But what are you supposed to be shooting at with the Wazbom anyway?
Terminators, Battlesuits and vehicles or something?
>Extremely powerful Warp Entities.
>Got obliterated by the birth screams of a newborn god
Does not compute
I don't think I've seen bait this weak in a long long time. Congratulations.
>Space Marines, psycho conditioned, brainwashed soldier of super-human abilities who know no fear
>Ld. 8
>newborn god
That was also extremely powerful and capable of fighting Khorne to a standstill.
>Implying that the Emperor would survive being near the birth of a Chaos god.
There are 'Big Four'-tier powerful warp entities, and there's another tier that's somewhere between Greater Demon and Chaos God. I would say the Eldar gods and the Emprah fall in that tier.
>What is ATSKNF
They got weaken, and being born was one major drug Slaanesh took.
What are you going on about? Is this a new bait?
There's also a BFG thread up right now, which will contain more people who can help with this sort of thing.
>all 4 chaos gods channel their power into horus
>BIG E still shreks him ez while missing half his torso
Thing is, seeing it there with in the same frame as a rhino and a predator, the thing kind of looks "right". It does fit in well with the SM vehicle aesthetic.
And this is how the thread is going to be ruined. Here comes the apocalypse.
>But what are you supposed to be shooting at with the Wazbom anyway?
That'S the million dollar question. No-one knows. The smasha is meant for vehicles, the supa-shoota is for aircraft and kmk is for TEQs; while the tellyporta is multi-purpose (MCs, TEQs, characters, hordes), but thanks to its garbage range has a operational range of 6" to 12" when coupled with the KFF.
>"we will heroically die to a man" thing when the odds turn against them, but rather actually attempt to disengage.
Actually, the Tau do the die heroically thing a lot. One of their suit options is a detonator which was created so one of the squad may blow himself on the enemy to allow his brothers to escape. Their disengagement from unfavourable combat situation isn't due to cowardice, it's due to common sense. In-verse, dumb Imperials think of this as cowardice. Knowledgeable Imperiald do not.
If you want to see Tau bravery in action look no further than the Breacher Teams which are handed plasma shotguns and sent charging into marine filled bunkers and buildings. Getting up close and personal to marines in bloody close range combat.
The Tau should be above average morale and above average discipline.
>implying the Chaos gods didn't want Horus to die to create a stalemate they can feed off of forever
Thankye kindly
black library please go
Why do all you guys hate space wolves?
We have been over this. The Chaos Gods would wreck the Emperor with a thought if he ever got close to them. Also they wanted Horus to fail.
They are circling Terra waiting for him to die so that his soul would come to them and they would then tear him apart.
Because they're gay.
There are no wolves on Fenris
>Their disengagement from unfavourable combat situation isn't due to cowardice, it's due to common sense
Common Sense for them. But you're the general and you need them to tarpit those fucking terminators. I'm not saying they're cowards, I'm saying they tend to be not as fanatic to throw themselves mindlessly at an enemy when the odds are stacked against them as, say, guardsmen.
Yeah but how's that stalemate going for the Chaos Space Marines? Is slavery, daemons eating you because driving your vehicles makes them hungry, and dinosaurs worth it?
If Sisters get a re-release, would we expect it to be a mini-dex in the style of Harlequins/Scions, or a full faction like the Deldar update?
They're big meanies.
Unless an Ethereal is watching of course.
My (basically unfounded) theory continues to be Sisters boxed game and mini-dex, but the crazy dreamer inside me would love a full faction.
>If Sisters get a re-release
You'll get a squatting and you'll like it.
well thats not very nice
>8th ed arrives
>Starter set is SoB vs Tyranids or some shit
>Full blown update like Deldar, a couple new units and plastic everywhere
I mean if SoB are getting updated this year then lets dream big.
>has a operational range of 6" to 12"
Would outflanking it mitigate that in anyway?
Depending on how the KFF works, I think you try and keep it in formation with other flyers, to buff them, and shoot at whatever target presents itself.
are these rules exclusively for the new flyer based game type or are these going to be the new global rules for all flyers in regular 40k?
>The Tau should be above average morale and above average discipline
Not compared to Other factions.
Better discipline and morale than Dark Eldar and AM, certainly.
SOBs will have the same starting point as Harlaquins. Needing everything.
Clamppack for Canonness
Box for at least basic troops, retributiors, dominons. But they may go GK route and make it also cover Seraphims and Celestians.
So 1 box covers 3-5 units.
Exorcists / Immolator dual box
3 boxes gives them a decent mini dex spread.
>mfw Orks still don't have I4
>That'S the million dollar question. No-one knows.
I know: you shoot at whatever you want with it. Smashas might not be efficient TEQ killers, but they still have the Pen and STR to be good at it. I can also say the same for the KMK and vehicles, while the supashoota is clearly a self defense weapon for the dogfight phase that might get a lucky hit on a vehicle or TEQ every now and then.
Its a flier - it moves up to 36"
outflanking it wont change the fact that if it has the KFF and tellyporta blasta it can only shoot things betwen 6" and 12" away.
deldar have decent moral, it's their disicpline that would be low.
>Adeptus Mechanicus
>Low Discipline
What the fuck?
probably higher morale and less discipline than Imperial guard.
>Starter set includes snap-fit battle sisters, a Penitent engine, Seraphim and a Canoness
>Tyranids get a footslogging Hive Tyrant, Gargoyles, multi-part gaunts and a Carnifex
>Includes terrain of a ruined Ecclesiarchy Cathedral
Ì'd say tie it to their succes. Begins Average to Low, goes up Very High as they kill.
I meant Astra Militarum, you dolt.
If I meant Adeptus Mechanicus, I would have said Admech.
> still don't
In 3rd Edition, Orks doubled their Initiative on the Charge. I8 Warbosses were a thing. That said, they didn't have Furious Charge and so it was all at S3. But Choppas used to reduce armour to a 4+ at best.
We need to go back.
So you used AM as an abreviation for the faction generally abrieviated as IG, whilst a faction that has the initials AM exists?
I don't get this meme.
with combat drugs letting it start higher, but at actual low discipline instead of the base slightly below average. Then I'm cool.
>We need to go back
You don't need to tell me
it's a reddit corruption of /pol/ meme.
It's degraded to the funny picture stage.
Well, it's quite simple