Which coins will moon like eth, monero, btc?

Undervalued ones please

Other urls found in this thread:


unironically ARK


>giving your shekkels to frenchies
oh la la


But not for another 12 months or so.

Unironically this.
They already have partnerships guaranteeing $2-10 dividend a year per coin which even at a ultra-conservative silverhead non-speculative dividend yield of a high 5% means OMG is minimum $40 -> $200 with the existing partnerships it has today.


Rory is /ourguy/ and is getting paid in LINK. Big plans in December with many meetings with big stockholders.

Don't bank on some flashy normalfag who found crypto on Reddit a few months ago and decided to branch out from Javascript to make some meme ETH knockoff. Bank on autism which Rory has in spades.

obsidian. buy before december 4th user

ive already got 35k of em

fuck i should have bought more when it was below 1$, fuck me

s-step right up and get yours today!

it's gonna be a b-blast!

this is unironically correct.

>not an ercuck-20 token
>building its own eco system
>uniting blockchains

this shit is a slow and steady type of little guy but once it gets going it will go to $100 easy.


HST is the obvious one

>SAP Partnership
>United Nations paid partnership (ann soon)
>Global NGO Customer with Pilot live early 2018
>MiVote using HS Technology
>Politicians using Horizon State
>Huge pipeline of new paid opportunities
>Larger exchanges
>New CEO soon

all of this was jsut confirmed on an AMA


this gave me the keks! look at this dude


Where 2 cop?

What is this cross chain meme about? What's the benefit of crossing chains?

I agree, just look at the team. If they accomplish what they intend to they'll be bigly.

Dash will hit 10k
No one ever talks about it, yet its climbing fucking rapidly

Everyone too busy shilling POWR, LINK etc

Ripple's a pretty obvious one. In fact I think it's so obvious that you start to second-guess it and think it's too good to be true. Then you let retarded FUD get to you, like retarded ass FUD about market cap and supply and that is NOT how either of those work

Every time I post about Ripple I get trips. What the fuck



etherdelta, cryptopia, kucoin

OC off the oven

Dunno when but NEO
It will be a shitstorm when china unbans cryptos

ETC and LTC I am actually serious

> we will be at $1 per DGB by Nov of 2018 if and only if we stay in the orange triangle. We've touched each side of the ascending triangle twice thus far. Additionally, we will be at $10 in May of 2019

source on pic? Is that fucking Eric Dubay hahah

earth is not a globe

Obsidian (ODN) about to have a huge month of December (app release, marketing push, new exchanges) and 2018, but for now its only on Cryptopia (and HitBTC) so get the sweet entry before normies hop on

Which larger exchanges

Scholarly choices, faggot. Most people don't know what undervalued means, but I see your reading comprehension skills are above the average here.

My two sats:

>Tier 0, literal infinite money

>Tier 1, riskier, but if devs deliver guaranteed exponential gains
LINK, REQ, Zen Protocol, ZeroCoin

>Tier 2, less risky or less exponential gains
SUB, QSP, ARDOR, ZenCash, Ella, WaBi, Raiden, Ripio

>Tier 3, reliable ROI
Cordana, ETH, XMR, LTC (big increase in value after LN implementation), ByteBall

There's still so many I don't know shit about though, embarrassingly enough.

Obsidian. December will be huge for the project. GG if ur not in

It is a well known fact the earth is flat
It is a well known fact Dubay popularized the modern flat earth movement
It is a well known fact Dubay was behind the fork that created ETH and ETC
It is a well known fact that ETC stands for Earth The Convex referring to the convex shape of the dome
Dubay just put in the signal to pump ETC
What are you doing right now?

>100% Backed
>Every tether is always backed 1-to-1, by traditional currency held in our reserves. So 1 USD₮ is always equivalent to 1 USD.

Team didn't want to say until its 100% finalized, but likley binance or bittrex
praying for both

>every answer is different

>not being all in Tether
kek, enjoy chasing pump and dumps while I'm running the money printer full peed

I/O Coin

So wait 3 months and if the platform is good cash out your 350k+ minimum. It’ll be a million by 2019.

I don't know anything about Tether and just had a quick look at their website. So you buy 1 tether. it will always be 1 USD. What's the point?


You swapped fake paper money for fake digital representations of the fate paper money? It’s alright to ride out crashes in if you don’t mind losing btc value but want to keep the $ value.

Ez link

Why would I get this over ODN when IOC has a higher market cap and arguably less promise

Obviously. He was asking for ones people don’t know about. Not LINK (cough or ODN). Like the 3rd coin I own that seems to have very little volume and I’ve only seen mentioned on biz once in the last month... muwhaha. LINK>ODN>secrets though to be honest.

You wouldn’t? You ask very silly questions. ODN = ETH+XMR if they get it working. Top twenty coin easily. LINK will be bigger, likewise, if they get it working.

Fuck me


not fucken NULS piece of shit coin


You can spend ARK as any other coin.


MBRS bitch

Maybe ARK


Severely undervalued with a burn happening on Dec 28th

ada already mooned


>your princess is in another castle

set a sell order for 2.00-2.50, move it all into FUN. thank me later.

>it always be 1 US
kek, stay poor. Go all in on tether or go broke m8

Ethereum Blue

Waves of course!

Unironically MonaCoin

Superior Nippon steel

You’ve never heard of it because you are not Japanese

What's the point in uniting blockchains? Doesn't that just make ARK an ETH competitor without smart contracts?


moon when?????????

That pikachu is busted.

A fucking skateboard.

From top coins IOTA and BCH are the most undervalued

ark you fools

I see LINK has been mentioned several times in this thread, very good, you will all be poor like me very very soon

Honourable allies include

The Patient Mans Fortune





In what time period?

Im banking on lisk, based of what they have coming up in the pipeline

Unleash the Dragon.



Ark especially though.


XLM is probably the most undervalued coin out there.

Decred. Research it. Will have first DAO, probably will be first to have Lightning Network integrated in its wallet, and privacy features coming soon. It's a launching a proposal system today which will allow it to fund marketing, more devs, exchange listing fees, etc. (they currently have around $25 mil to spend at current DCR prices). Very innovative devs. You can also get decent staking returns (around 20%/year currently, but will reduce over time).



No it's WTC you fucktard

btw XMR hasn't mooned fully yet.
should be at least .1 btc in the long run


I looked into decred but didnt like how the developers own a bunch of the coins and have majority tickets

Some say REQ will go parabolic.

The pre-mine was a 4% airdrop (helps distribute the coins, increase decentralization and raise awareness of the project) and 4% to the devs who PAID for it (and since they own coins they have an incentive to work to improve the coin). It's not even remotely similar to a shitty ICO coin which takes 90% of the supply for themselves and sells the other 10%.

I wouldn't get hung up on the word "pre-mine". Is having most of the coins centralized in early adopter GPU mining farms reall that great? The fact is projects need funding or they will most likely die. Also, a pre-mine was necessary because of the PoS/PoW system. Decred's launch may not have been perfect, but it was pretty good in my opinion, and they were honest about it.

Also, Bitcoin essentially has a pre-mine which if of similar size to or bigger than Decred's pre-mine. Why do people give Bitcoin a free pass and complain about other coins having pre-mines? Also, Ethereum has like 80% pre-mine, iirc. You might not like that, but nonetheless it was still a great investment for people who were willing to overlook that fact. And Decred's launch was much fairer than that.

Then there is also the "dev subsidy". This doesn't go into dev's pockets, it belongs to all Decred holders, Decred holders vote on how to spend it. Nothing wrong with this, actually it's part of the appeal of Decred.

Finally, the devs purposely made PoW rewards double that of PoS rewards so that the relative holdings of early adopters would decrease over time.

Monereo is going laces

DNA will get alot of attention shortly:

>New website and branding out today
>35m coin burn today
>Independent research report praising company, out next couple of days (Spero Research). Last time token they listed went 3x
>Sales team around the world
>Paying customers already
>Product launch by Christmas
>CEO international speaker promoting events (festival of genomics, london is next)
>Full net in January

This is going to be such a crazy ride when people start to pay attention to the problem they're solving, and realising they have an actual functioning product with customers already.


QSP. Literally like the big4 but for cryptos. When they eventually partner with one of he big 4 and become a rating agency for cryptos it is going to explode.

>buy Wavoin on ED 12/8
>hodl for a month
>thank me then

ita adam sandler you idiot