Lets get pretty.
Starting with painted helmets, and taking requests.
Lets get pretty.
Starting with painted helmets, and taking requests.
Taking non-helmet requests?
I'm looking for gauntlets and gloves. Colourful, ornamented, huge and looking like a punch would hurt.
Can do, mind that all my stuff is real, rather than fantasy stuff.
just a few more helms first
That's what makes it interesting. Pushing the barriers of ridiculousness without going full animu logic is just what I'm looking for.
Last painted helm for now. On to gaunts.
Forgot I had this pic. An art piece by a professional armourer.
I know, right?
More requests?
Not a bad kit technically (all the parts look right), but thats a shitty Varangian. Where's the color?! Medieval people LOVED color.
Drab = real is bullshit.
There was a picture in one of these sorts of threads a good while ago of a heavily embroidered red coat and blunt-tipped sword in a glass museum case, most likely an executioner's gear that I would love to have a copy of.
Can't say I've seen it. Check the archives.
I do have executioner's swords though
I love capital weapons inscriptions.
ich schone niemand- "I spare no one"
English capital axe:
"Gode Helpe Mei" is pretty easy to figure out
anything closer?
It's a blunt tipped sword on a red coat of some sort and in a glass case?
Yeah, it's the sword and the jacket in the case together, the coat was red with really big black/grey embroidery on it.
All the fancy one needs in one helmet
so the jacket was red and the whol pic was mostly red?
>posting shitty paki made repros
Two can play this game,
Back on track
>If doctor Frankenstein was an armour smith.
I have legitmately seen only one practical use of shitty Indian/Pakistani/Chinese armour-like-objects (not even the good costume stuff)
Several reproductions of Lenardo DaVinci's knight-automata have used "wearable display" shit as a quick and relatively cheap way to build the device. Pic related
What even is that.
Proof that we have angered god.
WOW, that's some terrible shit there. Thumbnail looks like someone popped the head off a cheapo knight action figure and put a ken doll head in its place.
Doesn't this seem kind of thick for a battleaxe?
Sad thing is, I have worse. Im just saving it for a rainy day.
Nope, considering its a North Indian horseman's axe, and the head is actually rather small, The blade is only about three and a half inches long.
The idea was to focus the mass on a smaller surface, for defeating armour. Like a pick or hammer. You don't need a wide axe head for combat.
Pic is a similar piece, with a hand to scale.
Did stuff like this exist outside of romanticized art and a couple of richfags?
Yes, and its my favorite subject and style: In Modo Antiquo
Essentially, a huge revival of fashion, culture, literature and design... For Romaboos/Greekaboos. It was obviously especially common in Italy.
While obviously, the style of having brass and gold plating favored the rich, there was much in design that spread through all strata. Its the reason the Corinthian style of barbute exists, and there is a popular shaping of brigandines that emulate the muscled cuirass.
That's what i want to see in a late medieval movie, but always everyone is using dull grey, unshaved and unstyled bears. I have never seen colors and heraldic in a good high orcament movie.
I hate this misconception that in the past everyone just wore grey and white with no hair, beard and clothes styling. The past batlefields were fucking glorious and colorfull
is there a good movie where i can see plumes, bright colors and battles? i don't mind much the era, i'm looking for anything pre contemporary era; it can be gunpowder era, late medieval, early medieval, renaissance, classical, feudalism, fantasy, anything.
>mfw if the multiverse theory is true, there's a universe where Leonardo da Vinci invented the world's first warforged.
>modern LARPers and a single noble's suit
That's the thing though. Is there really enough physical evidence to say it was a common thing on the battlefield?
All these colors! Yesssss.
>is there a good movie where i can see plumes, bright colors and battles?
Sadly, almost all the really historically accurate films tend to not be focused on war. The Advocate (AKA The Hour of the Pig) is probably once of my favorite period dramas ever, but is about a lawyer uncovering a conspiracy.
Its still awesome though. A great portrayal of Law, civilian life, Romani, Jews and mercantile culture in 15thC France.
>>modern LARPers
Reenactors/recreationists, not larpers.
> Is there really enough physical evidence to say it was a common thing on the battlefield?
No, and no one pretends that it did. On the battlefield, it was never as extravagant, but the fashion did persist in small ways. The over-the-top styling are mostly tournament and parade armour, which we have tons of surviving examples.
The guys in the gold plate are recreating a pas d'armes, or tournament of peace. is obviously a practical soldier, but with his harness influenced by the fashion, in the form of his helm.
What your picture (and my picture) is, is an anachronistic representation of popular history. This is incredibly common. I have $5 saying that the men in your pic are some sort of historic or mythological persona. The fashion in art of dressing historic figures in modern clothes, or replacing them wholesale with another figure (i'll post that next) is quite common.
Pic related. Hector, Alexander and Ceasar.
Continuing on the anachronistic representation of popular history, here is a painting of Jesus being brought before Pontius Pilate. Note who is replacing Pilate, and the Roman legionary in Gothic plate.
And to add on about small cultural fashions that affected practical armour, like in , In Modo Antiquo fashion helped propagate the Tabulaccio (based on the Roman oval scuttum) and the Rotella (A dished steel shield similar to the Aspis of the ancient Greeks) into popular use.
I heard you kniggers liked bright colors.
user, everyone liked bright colors
Muh knigga, you heard right.
Requesting: Leather (curboli)torso armor that isn't fantasy shit.
I got your back familia.
Of all the tg/ name fags I want to hate gropey for being a homeless jongleur rennie scum but he is a knowledgable fellow.
Sweet pic but why over the maille I wonder.
>that fucking lion on the helm
More protection. Boiled leather is actually some pretty strong shit. Over maille and a gambeson it'll do a better job at stopping thrusts over a wider surface area than a coat of plate.
Can do.
Got my own place, but if need be, I just return to one of the many gypsy-hives scattered around the world...
Thats fucking fighting words.
I'll own up to the jongleur scum part though.
Reenforcement, dispersing impact over the maille, same as a metal breast plate or CoP.
The kicker is that leather in the required thickness, was actually pretty fucking expensive and woefully unpleasant to produce. One full breast plate of 1/4inch leather is several pairs of shoes worth of soles.
>The kicker is that leather in the required thickness, was actually pretty fucking expensive and woefully unpleasant to produce. One full breast plate of 1/4inch leather is several pairs of shoes worth of soles.
Going by a video Skall put up, I'd say it actually might be better than a COP in some regards, however the main weakness of boiled leather ablative armor is that it fucking breaks. And you can't repair that shit. Whereas if a COP breaks, you just rip the broken plate out and rivet in a new one. Hurrah for modulation.
>ablative armor
Lets not start that bullshit again.
>boiled leather ablative armor is that it fucking breaks
Boiled leather can crack, but boiled leather armour isn't really boiled. Leather as a treated stand alone armour was typically wax or lacquer imbued, and still has some flex.
Further more, pretty much all surviving leather armour is of the wax/lacquer form. There are a few pieces of simple water boiled, but the material was expensive, and if you're spending that money, its more likely to be processed better. Pic related.
InB4 Leather was peasant armour. It wasn't.
>tg name fags
I can only name like 2 or 3
Isn't he Cajun too? I can't hate a fellow coonass.
I don't mean that it -can-crack. I mean that there's no way to repair leather armor once it gets severely damaged like a hauberk or COP can. You have to put down a lot of money for another piece, and as you said that shit was expensive given the amount of leather it could consume.
Where about you from?
The same can be said for plate, but at the same time, if you get to the point where the leather is split, you have more pressing things to worry about than getting your leather repaired.
while Tepes was a symbol of freedom, nationalism, and christian resistance in Eastern Europe, in Western Europe tracts demonized him. Especially in Germany since they fucking betrayed him to the Ottomans so they could make peace.
Always too much armour in these threads. Suggesting beaty things.
>Where about you from?
Evangeline parish
>Evangeline parish
No shit? I got a cousin in Basile. New Orleans Parish myself.
>Suggesting beaty things.
Oui, beaux
This one makes me giggle
That can't be what I think it is.......
Probably! The file name might clarify.
Shameless sharing my favorite bashy bit. Its done better than my polearm!
Ayyyy got a grandmother in Basile. My dad is no doubt bullshitting, but according to him there's a great uncle who killed a man with a punch and then single-handedly carried the bell up the town's cathedral as a convict when it was being constructed.
Either I'm retarded or things work differently when you're browsing on a phone
nice smasher and bashed btw
Basher* damn phone
Skallagrim is a fucking faggot.
His wife does look suspiciously like a man.
...knowing what that filename means O.O'
The closest Hollywood ever got was Camelot the Musical. I am fucking serious.
So, Gropey, what exactly WAS boiled leather? I know it was not as simple as just tossing a bit of hide into a pot of water, but I've heard, like, fifty different versions of the process. How the heck did it work?
Machines Da Vinci built or planned:
>mechanical lion
>mechanical man
>flying machine
Unfinished, tanned leather on its own is naturally a "thirsty" material, and seeks to absorb water. The tanning process leaves the collagen of the skin in a suspended state, that when repeatedly dipped in boiling water and cooled, will harden the leather into a near plastic like consistency. This will eventually crack and split, but is possible. This can also be done with oils like neatsfoot or vegetable, but is generally the same in the end.
More commonly, the leather is formed and shaped, and then repeatedly dipped or coated with boiling hide glue, wax or lacquer, which is readily absorbed and fills in the pores f the leather, creating as plasticized, yet somewhat flexible product. Its pretty much garaunteed, that if a historic text mentioned boiled leather, this is the process used.
Pic related: Ooooold work of mine, using boiling hide/hoof glue. Those sloppy wings and the uneven stitching make me twitch, but they are tough as nails.
Someone built a smaller scale, fully fuctioning Da Vinci tank for SCA combat.
I wish I could share the video link, but Veeky Forums thinks its spam.
King arthur from 1960.
Say what you will of 60's cinema, they at least tried to make the past colourful.