Young Demon Familar Quest 2

Previous: part 2:
Char Sheet:

I can't sleep, I've figured that out by now. It's not like I don't want to be able to lay down and rest and dream, it's just that I'm almost positive this new body of mine simply can't sleep at all. Sighing as I stare up at the seemingly endless sheet of watery and inky black darkness always covering my master's room, since it lacks any windows, and she rarely brings a candle up here anyways, even to read.

Which makes it even more maddening, since I can't tell if it's morning or night, since this castle seems to be constantly awake like me and is constantly echoing with at least one voice, set of footsteps or some other .

But its boringly alive, It feels like when I first woke up, I want to do something, and just enjoy myself. It feels like after I worked the fields for a few hours, except magnified several times over to the point I swear I can almost feel it carving a groove into my skull, a ditch of boredom and dullness!

I whimper and sit up, my wings still wrapped around me as I run my arms over and off of myself as I stand up and continue to stretch, pressing my jaw up with my upper left arm to stop my tongue from rolling out and whipping around like a headless snake.

Alright, that's it, I can't sit around here, or I'm going to lose what little sanity I'm still sure I have. Besides, I'm a little curious as to what this body can do, because Iris said it supposed to be simply better than a normal bloke's, even though I'm half of my old bleeding size now...Well, shouldn't complain, could be a lot worse, should always look on the bright side of things anyways, like mum used to say.

I mean, I never thought I'd actually live in the big castle on the hill, yet alone serve one of the Brausr's own children. Not to mention she's such a sweet and kind girl....sweet.

I shake my head, as invasive and crawling and down right unpleasant thoughts seep into my mind, the kind of thoughts that would get me whipped red back home

I smirk, and flap my wings a bit as I start to walk through the near pitch black room in the rafters and....wait, I can smell food...smells like sausages, pancakes, and fish again. Always with the fish...Still, smells much better than anything I used to cook up back home.

Closing my eyes, I stand still and try to figure out how close all that food is to being done...the fish still smells somewhat raw but...I'm pretty sure that's a rich thing right? Eating raw fish just sort of seems high class for some reason.

I sigh, Can't tell if it's about to be done, but at least I know it's morning. A smile creeps across my lips as Iris snores loudly, flapping her wings as she rolls over in her bed, making the chains clink and rattle.

What do I do?
[] Wake her up to try and train our magic again
[]Go take a quick look in the kitchen
[] try to shake her bed 1d20+strength
[] Use the time it takes for her to wake up to think
[] go get some fresh air in the gardens
[]Realize I've haven't met her whole family yet
[] Flip through that book on demons Alexander brought back a few days ago
[]curl up next to her bed
[] write in

>[] Wake her up to try and train our magic again

>[] Flip through that book on demons Alexander brought back a few days ago
>[] Wake her up to try and train our magic again

>[] Wake her up to try and train our magic again
>[] Flip through that book on demons Alexander brought back a few days ago

>[]curl up next to her bed
>[] Wake her up to try and train our magic again

>[]Go take a quick look in the kitchen
>[]Realize I've haven't met her whole family yet

>[] Flip through that book on demons Alexander brought back a few days ago
>[]curl up next to her bed

>[]curl up next to her bed
>[] Flip through that book on demons Alexander brought back a few days ago

learnin time.

>[] Wake her up to try and train our magic again
>[] Flip through that book on demons Alexander brought back a few days ago

Can't go Archmage without studying

changing to
>[] Flip through that book on demons Alexander brought back a few days ago
>[]curl up next to her bed

[]curl up next to her bed

Just a question OP, can we eventually get gains from rolling well enough times with a certain attribute? Feel free to explain how wrong i am if my interpretation of how the leveling system works is totally wrong.

>[] Wake her up to try and train our magic again
[] Flip through that book on demons Alexander brought back a few days ago

>[] Flip through that book on demons Alexander brought back a few days ago
>[]curl up next to her bed

Delete your old vote then.

This is really a pet peeve of yours isn't it?

>[]Go take a quick look in the kitchen
Let's prove our usefulness as a chef

Well, I can't just leaver her, and I'm pretty sure she'll wake up anyways...not like there's much for me to do without her anyways. Not ever sure if I can go out to the city yet. I walk over to her bed, as close as I can without having to worry about getting smacked on the head by it. I scoot a bit closer, despite myself, and start to feel more at ease, and less like I want to run out of my skin and freak out. I sigh and flop down onto my side, wincing as I hit the hard wooden floor, more because of how cold it is, didn't really hurt at all.

I lay there for awhile, trying to decide what to do with myself until she wakes up, curling and stretching my toes in thought. Nothing comes to fill my head, so I just curl up, trying to stay warm and keep myself calm as I can. And then I see it, about a foot or two away from me, laying on the floor away from the other teetering towers of books and tomes, novels and catalogues of all sorts. Its bound in some sort of rotting leather, that's as red as blood and almost looks like it's just made out of hardened and stretched blood some how.

I look up, and see Iris on the edge of the bed, smiling in her sleep as her ears twitch and she stretches her wing out, rolling back over to the other side with a moan...She must be dreaming. So I best be quite so I don't disturb her.

Crawling close to the ground, I place my hand on the book, seeing carved runes and other...strange things on the cover, and a single bronze clasp holding the strangely sized and cut pages in side. I run my fingers over it, as I pick it up with my spare arms. It opens with a crack as I work my nails under it, and the book, nearly the size of my new body, falls open.

"Greetings" rusted brown words say as they whip along the blank pages, forming a very fancy looking scrawl "If you can read this, the knowledge of those who torment the damned is yours to take, say your question, and I will answer, for I am the tome of hungered knowledge"


"What?" I gasp in quite surprise. I tilt my head, I've never really had the chance to read many books in my old life...but I'm pretty sure books aren't supposed to to write themselves.

"Correct you are" the words reform themselves after a second of swirling around "But I am not written by mortal hands, the digested and consumed remains of demons seven birthed me into existence, and I serve to tell all who can understand my text all they need to know, only those with special sight or of the damned may peer into my pages, so tell me young twisted thing, what secrets do you wish to unlock, for your master....or yourself"

What do I say?
[] Magic, tell me about my magic
[] the Brausr
[]....wait, how were you made again!?
[]....demon? What's a demon
[]A recipe for choclate pie with fish that doesn't taste horrible
[] how are baby mades
[] am I still....myself?
[] is my family okay without me?
[]Why am I so excited all the time?
[] write in
The rolls need to be impressive, so it's rare.

>[] the Brausr
>[] Magic, tell me about my magic

>[] Magic, tell me about my magic
>[] the Brausr
>[]Why am I so excited all the time?

>[] Magic, tell me about my magic
>[] how are baby mades

>[]A recipe for choclate pie with fish that doesn't taste horrible
>[] Magic, tell me about my magic

>[] Magic, tell me about my magic
>[] is my family okay without me?
>[]Why am I so excited all the time?

>[] am I still....myself?
>[]Why am I so excited all the time?
>[] how are baby mades

>[] Magic, tell me about my magic
>[]....demon? What's a demon

>[] the Brausr
>[] Magic, tell me about my magic
>[]....demon? What's a demon
>[]A recipe for choclate pie with fish that doesn't taste horrible
>[]Why am I so excited all the time?

>[] Magic, tell me about my magic
>[]Why am I so excited all the time?

>Do you identify as Male, Female or an Attack Chopper?
>[] Magic, tell me about my magic
>[] the Brausr
>[]A recipe for choclate pie with fish that doesn't taste horrible

>Magic...tell me about magic
>The Brausr
>...demon...what's a demon?
>why am I so excited all the time?
>A recipie for chocolate pie with fish that doesn't taste horrible.
So many, many questions...

>[] Magic, tell me about my magic
>[] the Brausr
>[]....demon? What's a demon
>[] is my family okay without me?
>[]Why am I so excited all the time?

Ooh I also forgot.

>Am I still...myself?

>[] am I still....myself?
>[] is my family okay without me?
>[]Why am I so excited all the time?
and upon explanation
>[]....demon? What's a demon

"Magic!" I shout, and freeze up not even a second later as I realize my mistake. I slowly look over my shoulder, and see Iris shudder and whimper, before she covers her head with her wings, and stops moving again.

I sigh in relief, and run my top right hand through my hair as I turn back to the book, and see that it's page is already filled with text, and I can hear it scrawling more words out far faster than I can read.

"Magic is...well magic, it is hard even for me to explain it beyond that, it is like the air, like the blood coursing through your veins, it just simply is, it always has been, it is dreaming, it is knowledge, it is power" The words say, as I can almost hear a brisk and slightly annoyed but cultured sounding voice in the back of my head "Originally this world had only trace amounts of its own, and was instead filled with"

"I mean my magic, tell me about my magic" I sigh quietly, leaning closer to the book as the page blanks instantly, and the book whips it pages against my face

"Could've said that earlier" A scrawl covers half of the two pages "Well....from your touch I can taste creativity, imagination, the soul of an artist worked down into it's most basic form, it seems yours revolves around your thoughts, namely how creative your mind can be, if you are a fool as I suspect, it is useless, but if you have some spark of brilliance to you...well you are to be envied by many, my reader, as in its most primal form you can create most anything with nary a thought, but it is made of the stuff of dreams"

"Well you don't have to be rude" I huff angrily as I start to turn the rapidly clearing page out of habit

I yelp in pain, as two of my fingers get cut on the edges of the paper, smearing the book crimson....and slightly pink.

"And you do not have to touch me!" My blood spells out, as I hear the words hissed in the back of my head "Cur"


[]....demon? What's a demon
[] Magic, tell me about my magic

>Write in

>Tell me about magic, all kinds of magic, i want to know more!

"Well aren't you just a ball of joy" I mumble angrily to myself as I hear Iris making more noises behind me, like she's going to wake up, blushing as I realize I'm talking to a book, one with an attitude, but still...

"And you are a mewling infant, I have my demands for treatment, and I expect them to be followed, even by kin" the words spell out, some of them a bit fresher looking than the others "Now if you are done complaining, Ask another question, I am being driven to insanity waiting"

"Eeeerghm" Iris yawns, flapping her wings once or twice as I hold the book open.

"Huuuh" She says tiredly, as wind pushes against my back "What are you doing awake so early? oh wait can you actually read it?"

"Unless she is a very good actor, which I find to be the most unlikely possibility, yes she can" The text spells out, as I read it in a very annoyed sigh, as Iris wraps her wings around my shoulders and leans against me, peeking over my shoulder.

She's smiling, very widely, to the point I can see her fangs fully

"Well go on" She says somewhat sternly, shaking me in her grasp "What does it say then, I need to know!"

the words don't change.

What do I do?
[] ask it another question *which one?*
[] You don't want to know, it's really rude actually
[] make something up
[] read what it says
[] you only get excited over books ma..master?
[] try to scoot away
[] scoot closer
[] tell her someone's making breakfast
[] write in

>[] read what it says
>[] you only get excited over books ma..master?

>[] You don't want to know, it's really rude actually
>Glare at it
>[] read what it says
>[] you only get excited over books ma..master?

[] read what it says
[] you only get excited over books ma..master?
[] scoot closer

>[] read what it says
>[] scoot closer

>[] read what it says
>[] you only get excited over books ma..master?

>[] scoot closer
>[] read what it says
>[] you only get excited over books ma..master?

>[]write in: what do you want me to ask it?
>[] you only get excited over books ma..master?

>[] ask it another question *how do I teach her magic*
>[] read what it says
>[] you only get excited over books ma..master?

>Read what it says
>...Do you only get excited over books ma...master?
>Fidgit in place.
>Ask it another question...
>Demon...whats a demon...?

Lets start with a question that we can answer that is simple and doesn't start awkward. Maybe we can do a yhing where we ask something and then she asks something? And back and forth it?

Also, that pie and fish question just leaves me wondering how her home circumstances got her to expiriment with that!


[] ask it another question *which one?*
> The nature of IRIS's magic


Don't tell her the nature of OUR magic unless Iris asks specifically.

Her magic is the same as ours, we and she already know this.

Nice combo, backing this one.

>Demon...whats a demon...?
Also this.

Ah okay. Well i think we should abuse the fuck out of the fact that only we can read the book, even if it is just in little ways, information is power here as a demon slave.

Why would we do that?
Iris isn't our enemy, we don't benefit from her not knowing things.

Changing mine
To this

Uh no, Fuck being a bitch, We like Iris, Plus we're a peasant girl getting to serve the fucking BRAUSER'S family!

I hope at least once we hear somone say "Mien Brauser!"

>>Not getting it

I'm not talking about making shit up or straight up lying, i'm talking about playing the demon game of telling 3/4 truths and leaving out tidbits like a lawyer so that some day that tid bit will SAVE. OUR. ASS.

We want to get free of Iris, not today, not ten years from today maybe, but someday there will be a point where even if we want to be friends with her we don't want to be chained and leashed to her whims, whatever potentially sick things those may be, forever.

I'm just saying, we should look ahead a little bit, and try to help ourselves out of this hellish existence by having some means to do something for ourselves.

>We want to get free of Iris
No, we actually don't.

I turn away, feeling a little embarrassed for several reason, including Iris holding me like this, and the book continuing to insult me like its actually a person instead of a bunch of foul mouthed paper.

I sigh and smile, holding the book up so Iris can see it a bit, and I wince as she digs her claws into my shoulders to get a closer look by looking over me, covering me in her shadow.

I can feel that...feeling starting up again, and I pull my one of my hands away from the book to fidget and rub my fingers together to try and loose some of the energy suddenly rushing through me.

"Unless she is a very good actor, which I find to be the most unlikely possibility, yes she can" I say as polietly and dignified as I can with Iris practically laying on top of me like this.

"Oh....interesting, absolutely fascinating !" She practically purrs, leaning even further on me "So you can actually read this!....garble, unless your just trying to be cute and play around"

"Do you only get excited over books Ma.." I says, suddenly even for me "Master"

"Oh, well that's a sudden question isn't it Mali?" She says, looking down at me in the eyes "Well I guess I don't, I just love reading them more than I do talking to people or...other things really"

"Clearly" the book says, a smug voice giggling in the back of my head

"...Er" Iris says awkwardly as she crawls off of me, as I just sit there in silence, feeling my heart race like a horse "Could you ask it another question, sorry for..laying on you?"

"It's fine" I say happily as I clear my throat, and run my top right hand down the page, chuckling as it fills with some very foul words and...some really unreadable scrawl "...Demon, you said that earlier, what is a demon exactly"

"IMBECILE, IT IS WHAT YOU ARE, AND WHAT I WAS MADE FROM" the book scrawls, turning hot as it starts to drip and almost drool with ink

>We want to get free of Iris,
Uh no, We don't.

> this hellish existence
Oh noes, we need to live in a amazing castle, assisst a nice and friendly girl in her life and get sweet superpowers, the horror

I should have specified more clearly.

I want to be free of Iris eventually.

Other anons may want to be free of Iris eventually.

I believe there will be a point where Iris and the MC's desires will collide and she will want to be free of her.

Just saying, not trying to push my whims on the playerbase, just i hope we don't stay full slave.

And I start to repeat it, in a much calmer, and nicer voice, as Iris kicks her feet out, and stares at it like its and adorable little kitten meowing for attention

"THE TORMENTORS OF SINNERS, ALL SINNERS, MAN, BEAST OR MONSTER, THE DENIZENS OF THE HELLISH PLANE OF EXISTENCE, THOSE WHO FELL FROM GRACE AND WERE CONSUMED BY THEIR DUTIES, YOU ARE AN FOOL BEYOND COMPREHENSION, YOU DENY YOUR PURPOSE, UNDERSTAND ME NOW, YOU'LL NEVER GROW PLAYING DOG TO A MORTAL WITCH AND...Sorry for that, I got a little...riled up I think you mortals would say, but in simplest terms, a demon is a creature from beyond that...well is meant to punish those who sin, and corrupt ones who haven't into sinning, sweet?"

"Its Alive" Iris says with a sly smile, licking her fangs "that's unexpected, and...very exciting ehehehe, still I don't like it's attitude but, I guess I can understand it, being cooped up in bindings all day, not even able to be read, What a shaaame it must be"

"Haaaaa" the book writes out "From a treasured artifact of power to the play thing of a whelp and a half breeded cur, what have I fell to?"

"Oh" Iris says happily pulling my into a quick hug before she pulls away, looking embarrassed "Sorry I just thought, I could thank you like that but...I don't really hug people or"

What do I do?
[] Hug her again
[] Oh don't worry, I liked it
[] get breakfast with her, and meet her siblings
[] bad mouth the book
[] ask it a question
[] toss it away
[] Ask if I can go outside or if I'll be captured by guards or something
[] Try to use our magic *here, in the garden or the kitchen*
[] write in

>[] Hug her again
>[] Oh don't worry, I liked it
>[] get breakfast with her, and meet her siblings

[] get breakfast with her, and meet her siblings
[] bad mouth the book

>[] Hug her again
>[] Oh don't worry, I liked it
>[] get breakfast with her, and meet her siblings

>[] Hug her again
>[] Oh don't worry, I liked it
>[] ask it a question
>Can it help us teach her magic?
>[] Ask if I can go outside or if I'll be captured by guards or something

>[] Hug her again
>[] Oh don't worry, I liked it
>[] get breakfast with her, and meet her siblings

>[] Hug her again
>[] Oh don't worry, I liked it
>[] ask it a question
>Can it help us teach her magic?
>[] Ask if I can go outside or if I'll be captured by guards or something

>[] Hug her again
>[] Oh don't worry, I liked it
>[] get breakfast with her, and meet her siblings
>Can it help us teach her magic?
>[] Ask if I can go outside or if I'll be captured by guards or something

>[] Hug her again
>[] Oh don't worry, I liked it
>[] get breakfast with her, and meet her siblings
>[] Ask if I can go outside or if I'll be captured by guards or something

>Hug her again
>Oh don't worry, I liked it.
>Ask it a question
>Can it help us teach magic
>get breakfast with her, meet the family.

>[] Oh don't worry, I liked it
>[] ask it a question
>Can it help us teach her magic?
>If demons are so great, why are we suppose to waste time tormenting and corrupting mortals?

>[] Hug her again
>[] Oh don't worry, I liked it
>[] get breakfast with her, and meet her siblings

And before she can finish up what she was going to say, I pull her into a hug, or as much as I can, I just end up tugging on her a bit as I hug her with all four of my arms, She freezes, and just sort of sits there awkwardly, before I let go of her, and smile.

"Oh Don't worry about it, I liked it" I say happily, looking up at her as her serious expression cracks just enough for a smile to curl on her lips.

"Oh, well that's good" She says nodding slowly "Not really a hugging person anyways..but I'm glad I at least.."

"OOOooooooooooi!" I hear Her older brother shout from under our "Floor" "Iris, and....demon! Breakfast is done, and I know for certain at least one of you needs to eat, and I should have to say who, hurry up before Mizuki eats all of it"

"Oh, didn't know it was that early" Iris says flatly as she stands up and flaps her wings "though I must've missed it again and..Oh you need to still meet my sisters don't you"

"Yeah I haven't seen them yet" I say happily as I stand up and follow her to the hole leading to the main hallish sort of room "What are they like anyways?"

"Oh they're....unique" She says as she drops out of the floor "don't worry you'll see what I mean soon"

I smile and jump after her, and yet myself fall a bit longer than I should for the whooshing and rising thrill.

I nearly slam into the ground, but manage to land on my feet, a little bit away from Alexander, and Iris.

"You should really get a ladder or something up there" He says calmly as he starts to walk away

"And how would I climb it?" Iris asks, stretching her wings out "I don't have any hands"

"You can climb with your feet, dear sister" Alex says teasingly "I've seen you do it"

"Don't just say that so casually!" Iris shouts, turning a bit red as she flaps her wings about angrily, her glasses nearly falling off as I almost swear I see Alexander smirk.


What do I do?
[] Listen to them fight
[] join in on the conversation
[] get worried
[] Sneak off to the kitchen 1d100
[] Go ahead of them
[] Try and use my magic based on what I read 1d20+potential
[] write in

Might be a 2 parter again, depending on somethings

>[] join in on the conversation
>[] get worried

>[] Listen to them fight
>[] join in on the conversation

Rolled 30 (1d100)

>[] Sneak off to the kitchen 1d100

>[] Listen to them fight

Rolled 68 (1d100)

>[] Listen to them fight
>[] Sneak off to the kitchen 1d100

Rolled 20 (1d20)

>[] Listen to them fight
>[] Try and use my magic based on what I read 1d20+potential

Rolled 19 (1d20)


Rolled 9 (1d20)

>[] Try and use my magic based on what I read 1d20+potential
might as well either second that 20, or kill it.

Rolled 20 (1d20)

Changing to
>[] Listen to them fight
>[] Try and use my magic based on what I read
The dice gods willed it

Rolled 12 (1d20)


Well now

Rolled 3 (1d20)

[] get worried
>[] Try and use my magic based on what I read 1d20+potential

imma ruin that 20 if its the last thing I do!

I want to bully the book!

So from the last thread, there was talk about focusing on Creation magic with some Change magic?
Sounds fun to act defenseless then change into a horrifying beast and creating our own armor and weapons for protection.

>Sounds fun to act defenseless then change into a horrifying beast and creating our own armor and weapons for protection.
While possible, I don't think thats going to be our focus.
More likely we use Creation for the magic music and stuff like that, crowd control etc.
Change is trickier but we'll have to see what it lends itself to.

Anyway, Change is definitly next on our magic list.

>Sounds fun to act defenseless then change into a horrifying beast and creating our own armor and weapons for protection.
Depends if Change transformation gives us better physical stats or not, I imagine if it does only far deeper into the affinity.

"What, it's true" Alexander says coolly, walking down the line of statues with a shrug as he puts his hands into his pockets "You do climb on things like that, you've seen her right little demon?"

"Yes, I know I do, but it's still embarrassing" Iris says angrily as she follows close behind him, wrapping her wings around herself like a flowing coat "and isn't something you can just freely talk about"

"Then why do you do it?" Alex asks, looking back at his sister with the slightest of smiles "if it's so embarrassing"

"Because, it's easier than walking" Iris sighs, looking defeated as she slumps over and sighs "and that's the only reason, it's like instinct at this point"

"Well I'm sorry I brought it up then, I just thought maybe you could use a ladder" Alexander sighs, shaking his head

"I don't want people in my room Alex" Iris says, pouting slightly "I enjoy my solitude thank you very much"

"Well you let the demon up in there" Alex says flatly as they stop just outside a set of double doors with handles shaped like cats in gold, with various designs and carvings, mostly of a woman with long hair and glasses like Iris, set into it with silver

"She's different" Iris says looking back at me.

I smile and stop as they walk into the door. I hear it close after I hear a brief bit of noise, but I don't move, I just raise my my hand, and clench it as I start to try and figure out, what the book meant when it was like the air, or the blood in my veins.

I start to feel a cool burning sensation under the skin of my palm and.
20+4= 24 + crit success = GREAT SUCCESS.

Suddenly it starts to glow golden orange, like someone's holding a flashlight behind it but...more fiery. A golden sort of mist flows out of the center of it and wraps around, various formulas and recipes and other notes floating around it as

[] Surprise
[] Food
[] Joy
[] Iris
[] Home
[] Lusty things
[] think something up
[] write in

That sounds pretty good. Welp time to make a list of music genres and the associated emotions that they evoke!

I wonder if we can make that book lust. I bet it has a huge lust for knowledge...

I was on team Creation, Change, Nature, Void, and Illusion myself. That could be so much fun to work with. Lots of fun potentials.

That said, change to the level you are talking about seems likely to be very high level and may need one of the above cross classes to get qhat you want.

>Sounds fun to act defenseless then change into a horrifying beast and creating our own armor and weapons for protection.
Screw that, We go full FMA style!
>[] Food
>[] Joy

>[] Joy
>[] Iris
>[] Food

>[] Food

>[] Food
>[] Joy
>[] Iris

[] Surprise
[] Joy

>[] Food
>[] Joy

>[] Home

"can you leave the nightlight on mom?" "sure sweety"