Ever had one of your siblings joining you at the table?
Was it shit or was it fun?
Ever had one of your siblings joining you at the table?
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My twin brother. He never really liked to play but he loved to draw the characters we came up with.
>Family always ragging me about playing RPGs
>Offer to run a capeshit game since comics were big in our house
My little brother was about 13, and he came up with the best damn original hero I've ever seen.
Bee's powers include electrostatic jolts, an ability to sense electric current, flight, and slightly enhanced strength and reflexes.
In order to access his powers, he needs to feel *afraid*. Fight-or-flight doesn't cut it, he needs to be scared. The more terrified he feels, the more powerful he becomes.
In our game, we worked out that every round, he rolled a cumulative will save as he worked himself up into a panic with bad thoughts. If he failed the save, he fell into a blind panic, flying in circles and blasting electricity at random.
I couldn't have been prouder.
Fucking terrible. 3 out of 4 characters he's made are some sort of Goku ripoff, or some other shonen archetype. He regularly tries to strongarm the rest of the party into doing what he wants, and any perceived slight against him by a PC is met with lethal force. He's a worse DM, though. He barely plays RPGs, and yet he still feels compelled to make his own terrible system, and railroads constantly.
No, my sister is a normie and mainly knows D&D as "that game they play on The Big Bang Theory". She says it looks fun, I thought about inviting her but I really don't want her to see the kind of people I hang out with.
My younger brother. He's the only consistently good player in my party.
Please don't post them, I don't want to remember the remake.
my sister. it was pretty shitty and she decided she'd rather stick to computer rpgs
My cool older brother joined and it was the most amazing shit for all of us stupid kids.
Sister was the first person I DM'd for, along with a friend.
Pretty fun, tripped up a few times being a new DM and all, but definitely a game that helped wash out the taste of her previous Pathfinder campaigns, which were terrible and involved shitty people.
Same exact thing. Although he needs to be prodded a bit in order to come out with a character concept, my younger brother is somehow better at both the role and the roll parts of the playing than the experienced characters at the table, and he has been playing for less than two years.
it might be kind of fun to play with my sister but I don't think she could handle my turbosperg friends
I used to play with my older brother when I was introduced, and I introduced my younger sister.
Both times were fun.
Any time my brother or I find ourselves in a prospective game the other is one of the first people we invite to it.
I joined my sister's 4e group after they lost a member. The group only lasted a couple months but it was pretty legit. The DM lived about an hour away so carpooling was pretty great, and we've always been pretty in sync--like, we always kicked ass playing Crystal Chronicles, too.
The only real problem is that we both like to bake and at one session we would up with waaaaaay too much sugar. We tried to coordinate our snacks better after that.
One time I GM'd a one-shot for my little sisters and their friends during a sleepover.
I indulged in their magical realm, they got into it, one of my sisters came out victorious, it was fun.
>my little sisters
>I indulged in their magical realm
I lost most of my reaction images when my laptop crashed, so the closest emotion I've got to "horrified/disgusted" is "angry".
>one of my sisters came
My dad told me he once played dungeons and dragons because I had character sheets out thatci was writing up.
Apparently it was normal to play it with his friends, but then he got over his nerd phase.
He gives me so much shit for having a hobby it's not funny anymore.
Your grades dropped, I bet it was the warhammer game, and not the fact you moved twice, or that new job, or the fact you babysit on top of it.
Your grades went up, it's because you stopped playing those kid games
I tried once but he called me a nerd.
I asked my brother but he asked if it was like lord of the rings or dark souls, we tried a session and he said d&d wasn't for him...
So no, not my family
I had them brainstorming together to come up with the perfect boyfriend, then made him a prince that was locked up in tower and they had to go there and work together to rescue him.
And when that was done a deathmatch between them to determine who would be his princess.
It was fun, you're getting worrried over nothing.
Well, okay, but "magical realm" specifically refers to fetish-bait. You understand the confusion.
My magical realm is full of fairies and hobbits...who has a sick magical realm full of fetish and stuff, that's gross.
My realm also has 1980's vibe to it..
Max powerblast the hotshot with a deathwish gnome sorcerer detective trolls the street with his trusty sidekick
murtagh coalfist a middle aged dwarf who just wants to retire with his wife and 8 kids.who agreed to one final job with his crew.
They are joined by the femme fatale Veronica swiftfingers. The best bard/rogue halfling this side of the world.
And finally the gigantic, domineering, powerful and Just...
Henry Holynights the toughest, meanest, and tallest of the group. But also the softest and holiest of the group as he is the CLERIC. Armed with his mace of deterrence he prefers not to fight but will clear the way his way or no other way
Welcome to Veeky Forums, newfriend. It's a reference to this: gunshowcomic.com
Welcome to the Internet friend. Where nobody can tell if you are being sarcastic..or being serious
>Ever had one of your siblings joining you at the table?
My sisters are normies, so no.
I DMed for my brother, a friend of ours, and my fiance at the time. It was a loose, fast paced game of 3.5 that lasted for about 6 months. His first character was a stupidly charismatic Bard/Barbarian who bluffed, murdered, and dealt fantasy drugs like crazy, but the second was a pretty reserved knight.
My sister is currently a rogue in a Pathfinder game I'm running, but most notably played a horrifying and hilarious gnome druid alongside my parade of ill-fated PCs.
Can storytime some if there's interest
Sure, go for it
I DM'd for my brothers. They wrecked some kobolds and fought a fairly small dragon. At one point, my older brother had skewered a kobold and used it to bludgeon other kobolds to death.
It was fun.
>Ever had one of your siblings joining you at the table?
Yes. First RPG I played was a 2e starter set with my three brothers. Before that we all played Dragonstrike.
Me and my second oldest still play time to time with skype/roll20 groups.
Eeesh, that's pretty bad.
I have a blast playing board games with siblings.
RPGs, I've only ever played with my father, grandfather, and/or non-family.
Grand Theft Aquan, the story of Almyros, or A Tale of Two Crocodiles?
Sister-in-law: LOTR fangirl. Spouts tumblr memes and spends most of the time on tumblr blogging or writing fanfiction.
Little brother: I want to so badly. He and I have always been into creating stories and characters, and by the time I got into table top he was too embarrassed to join me. I still make NPCs that are based on his characters.
Big Brother: Never. He has never been into the game scene (both table top and vidya) beyond COD and Battlefield. Though one time he watched whilr my little brother and I were raiding the red dragon boss of Blackwing Lair on WoW. The guild leader was explaining the fight to new players and everyone was just milling around with the dragon targeted. Big brother got bored and shouted, "FIGHT THE DRAGON!" and hammer fisted little bro's keyboard, hitting the key for Arcane Shot. Screen turned red and yellow and 40 people died.
Truly, he is the hero Orgrimmar deserves.
Cousin: She loves storytelling and is fairly clever, so I imagine it would be fun. I haven't extended an invitation because she's the most argumentative human being I've ever known, and her characters are inspired by sailor moon and inuyasha.
I wish my family was cooler.
Almyros and Bjorn, the barbarian/druid our friend was playing, met in a great clansmoot so chieftans could discuss the encroaching southerners and what turned out to be a railroad. In short order:
>mercy-killed a member of another tribe after giving him a ridiculous dose of some tribal hallucinogenic
>killed the man's brother who discovered them in the tent
>took the brother's cart and donkey to return their bodies to their tribe for a proper burial
>came across the foundations of the new railroad
>"This is why they call it Grey Desert Marching Powder"
>wind up many miles down the road by the temporary tower of the wizard building it via Wall of Stone
>accidentally set the place on fire after encountering oil lamps for the first time
>kill the wizard's cook, kidnap the serving boy, steal the largest, fanciest book in the makeshift study
>"This large block opens and closes, and is very fancy! Bjorn, help me belt it to my back"
>narrowly escape wizard flying back to tower by escaping in a cornfield, plus some lucky rolls on a random spell table after the druid tried to decipher the spell book
>drag serving boy south to the tribe they were searching for, realize they left the cart and bodies back where the railroad foundations began
>kill serving boy out of frustration
>nearly die in an alligator attack I think?
>cross a river and make for the nearest town, a southern settlement, for first aid and local intoxicants
I have enough siblings that we run games for eachother. Because we are egocentric we've made a pantheon with each of us as gods.
>making fools of themselves in front of townsfolk and their "walls" and "pants" and similar frippery
>interrogate the mayor via applied hallucinogenics, watch him play Nightcrawlers around his house until he fell down a secret trapdoor
>"How do we keep people from entering this house?"
>"No one enters a house that's on fire, right?"
>go down the hole, discover a hidden kobold warren, with lots of evidence of embezzlement to fund a private kobold weapon factory
>burn that too, gather shiny things and some potions, leave
>come across a wandering cleric (my fiance at the time) and a monk (another friend, who sometimes dropped in)
>convince them of their innocence and ask them for directions to a less immolated village
>Make it to a new town, destroy it within ten in-game minutes after experimenting with dropping a dozen vials of Alchemist's Fire in the local forge
>Cleric tries to make sense of a coded wizard spellbook
>On the road again
>Intercept a rug merchant with a great deal of fantasy opium
>reasonably barter for it
>haha, no.
>briefly stop in another small town on the way to the Big City, inadvertently kill a local kidnapper/predatory, and then also the guards that came to investigate
>Acquired extremely bloody and broken guard armor
>disguise their way into the capital, unnecessarily
>proceed to carouse, barfight, whore, and imbibe for a few days
>smuggle another serving boy out of his abusive opium den home, turns out to be a young wizard (another friend)
>hear of the grand opening of the new Northern Railroad
>rustle up some makeshift explosives from some gnomes in exchange for a dip in their Hunter S. Thompson-esque backpack
>convince the cleric to blow up the train as they stole the getaway barge
>sail out of town at about 4 miles per hour, absolutely shitfaced and with a hold full of any bystander they could grab and incapacitate on the way to the boat
Is there still interest? It's about to get pretty piratey
Still reading, keep it going
>lose most of their kidnappees to dysentery in the hold and fairly cruel conditions
>clear a small river temple dungeon, mostly in hope of finding someone who could pilot the far better boat moored outside, by making the peasants go in front with torches
>rescue a crewman from a room besieged by giant earwigs, send him back out to safety
>find an ancient dwarven sword on an alter, lots of decorations, quite fancy looking
>keep sailing south on the new boat, stop in a port before hitting the ocean for supplies
>meet suspicious dwarves awaiting the return of their archaeological expedition
>"Oh we found this sword... One small chest of gold and it's yours"
>Sail south, fight some crabs in kelp mats, get super spooked from a tropical island cleric
>Put in at an island that was the top of a giant turtle's head (which they never noticed, despite visiting the island four or five times over many sessions and descriptions)
Reminds me of Artemis Fowl
>rescue hedonistic local fishing magnate from bounty hunter
>briskly trade drugs, experiment, and laze about in town spending money on boat upgrades and gambling
>accept a mission to retrieve a ring for the fishing magnate from an abandoned prison island
>do so, fighting off the ghoulish ex-inmates and a ghost warden
>decide the ring, which granted water breathing (among other things that were never unlocked), was too good to give back
>fishing magnate is easy to convince after realizing Almyros hasn't been wearing it on a finger
>sail further south, to a whole new continent, mostly by accident and the promise of new drugs and spices
>religious city built into cliffs- human sacrifices are scary, let's leave
>trade city built on the walls of a canyon and the mass of moored boats in the lagoon it leads to? Much better
>gamble, deal, pick up new drugs
>convince wizard to make Almyros look less threatening "for better odds in the fight pit"
>nearly die because he forgot to rage
>meanwhile, Bjorn accidentally hires an assassin to kill... Bjorn
>leave in a hurry, abandoning the wizard child and following the coast away
>discover some druids in a pretty muddy town
>finally explicitly told about a geopolitical mindflayer conspiracy, and how the dwarven subplot is about to destroy Bjorn's native mountains
>hightail it back north, for some reason leaving the stolen wizard spellbook with the druid coven
>return to the port where they met the dwarves before
>the sole remaining survivor from the train sabotage/mass kidnapping scheme was given the barge as reward for being a good sport
>has turned it into successful bar and brother, party is distracted from their quest for a few days
>travels north, discovers a town that was taken over by those face-stealing centipede monsters
>have a real bad time, but clear out the hive under the town, limp to the relative safety of elf lands
>on the road they meet a stranger
>Bjorn's assassin
>One failed Sense Motive, Three Hold Person's, and a coup de grace
>Almyros and Rhiannon, the cleric, lay paralyzed and watch Bjorn bleed out on the road, a few feet away
>His body is chopped up and scattered "to make it more accessible to the wildlife, it's what he would have wanted"
Never going to happen. After trying to play a puzzle room with him and his friends, I don't think my brain can take that many hours of illogical leaps and bounds and circular thinking.
How he got a job in intel I will never know.
Whenever we get together I play with my dad and little and brother. It's pretty kick-ass.
My first game of shadowrun was with them.
>Dad GMed. Flipped through the rule book, ignored the shit on availability and point limits.
>I rolled up an elf shaman. College drop out, alcoholic, anarchist, power to the people type. Weak and dumb as bricks but pretty good with magic.
>Brother rolls up dwarf infiltrator/street sam. Takes a chameleon jump suit and the Aries City Master, riot control vehicle as well as shitloads of armour increasing bodyware. He used to be on the Aries payroll, when he "quit" he took some toys with him. He had squatter lifestyle, living out his armoured tuck which he had partially converted into an "authentic" Mexican food stall.
Our characters met when mine tried to stop some sort of mob deal. It ended in a firefight (of course) the little old lady I was trying to rescue pulled a gun on my elf, dwarf shows up to kneecap her. They become bros and head back to elf's place for a couple beers and forgot the whole old lady thing ever happened.
Naturally explosions and car chases ensue.
We had some pretty kick ass games.
>mourn the druid in the elven lands, doesn't get along well with the new elf rogue that's tagging along
>discover the elves have written history dating back to the last mindflayer invasion
>demand training
>eventually make for the mountains again, but first have to cross some hills and a desert
>everyone hates the desert
>slog through sand and nearly die in the heat before reaching the dwarven city
>they're artificially widening an underground crevice to get at mithral/iridium
>actually it's the last straw before a continental shift, but most of the higher up dwarves are enthralled already
>attempt to infiltrate the apartments of one of the top four architects, dressed as his personal guards
>do zero research, discovered almost immediately
>fight their way up and out of the mine, setting the natural gas system the dwarves had been using on fire
>dash across valley under heavy crossbow and ballista fire
>Almyros takes a ballista bolt through the chest, keeping the gate at the end of the valley open so the elf can escape
>make it about a mile before the gas fully explodes
>push for the northern coast, everyone is nearly dead, cleric used all her spells in the escape
>realize the northern port is mostly dwarves, hijack another boat and sail to the closest island to avoid recognition
>"Welcome to Sea Serpent Island, where you can't leave because our hospitality is just so fantastic"
>"No actually it's because the sea serpent, you're stuck here"
>rally the townsfolk, pay to arm them, lead them to the sea cave where it rested
>the cleric directed the militia into firing squads as the barbarian and rogue charged down to meet it in the surf
>both promptly swallowed
>no room for a greatsword, so the rogue had to cut them out with his daggers
>can't deal enough damage to break the "hardness" of stomach (Swallow Whole is weird), both taking crushing and acid damage
>"I lock my arms around the rogue and try use my armor to protect him from the crushing, at least"
>cleric is barely keeping the militia together, but a few dozen crossbowmen and a midlevel cleric can certainly whittle a monster down
>rogue finally crits, takes a few rounds to make the escape artist check to escape the hole he just cut
>he reaches back in to try to help Alymros, aiding another on the escape artist check
My brother looks up across the table, glances at me, then back at him. "I don't grab his hand."
"I died three rounds ago."
They killed the serpent, sailed to another island, and had one session before I left my fiance and the state. I haven't gamed with them since, but I give Bjorn's player advice on DMing sometimes.
It was a pretty good character arc.
That is fucking great
Bubbles > Buttercup > Blossom
my older brother introduced me to 2e DnD. He was a relatively normal guy but the DM was a serious magical realmer and it turned me off of trad gaming for a long time.
like, picture fedora neckbeard milady but in the mid-90s so cargo shorts were kinda normal, only he kept his filled with polyhedric dice, cheetos, and Skoal. And he would not stop spitting into the ashtray (causing jets of fucking ash to go flying all 'round the room) and kept talking about nubile young drow and something something drizzt underdark dualwielding.
Shit taste detected
Sounds like a fun bonding experience, I wish I had that
Literally the other way around dumbass
Also that art makes me feel sad because it looks better than the actual revived show. I'd rather get Teen Titans: PPG edition than the current slew of forced jokes and unfunny gags
I've played with my sister quite a bit. It was nice, and it gave us a reason to argue to play at our place (so that we wouldn't have to walk the 3km to the bus)
My sister is my favorite person to play with.
>tfw playing AD&D with your whole family
Nope, they're both normies.
Yup. Two of them.
It was, though for different reasons on both.
>liking the lanky redhead feminist over the chubby blonde airhead
It's like you want to be cucked
What a boring story
Okay, so when I was a teen playing, my sister was very much not interested, but it's become clear that that was because of the weird nerds that I was playing with. I've now got a much more socially functional/non-creepy group, basically a close female friend in her late 20s, her fiance, the fiance's (gay) brother, the fiance's brother's (female) former roommate, and the close female friend's old art school homegirl.
So, clearly a different sort of group. As such, she's expressed tentative interest in sitting in on a session, especially this summer. My sister's got a chronic illness, so she doesn't work, and in theory this'll be her last semester of schooling. If she's got the energy, she may be interested in playing once every week or two.
We're running Shadowrun right now. Do you guys have any advice on easing her in? She's 26.
26 is pretty late to start cold-turkey, try some one-on-one stuff first
My second group was my family. The entire family, except Mom (because mom is a normie psychopath who takes active offense at everything), until I got kicked out for reporting the psych abuse mom put us through.
Dad is a grognard, and me and my older brother are trained in the style.
We had some fun times in Traveller and 3 D&D games - mostly involving breaking the game economically and then getting hit with problems that lots of money could help with, but fully solve.
I've played more 40k and Necromunda with my little brother than anyone else.
Regardless of your opinions of Filthy Frank, you have to agree that greenscreen video was a good idea:
Filthy Frank is pretty cool, his alter ego is complete shit tho
How is it? I've heard mixed stuff about it
Had my twin brother join
it was fun
I'm 20, he's 12.
Lads and I were playing 40k and he wanted to join.
Someone let him use their IG and the little fucker beat the 'Nid player and then the CSM player.
I'm buying him his own models when he turns 13.
I'm an only child
Buttercup is best
I found to my disgust my brother is that guy.
Are you That GM?
My brother's a wannabe hardass and my sister spends her free time mistreating horses.
>3 girls
>tomboy is the cutest and has the best thighs
DM a game with her and her friends instead
Like in real life, tomboys are the cutest with the best bodies
Yeah. My brother is honestly intolerable to roleplay with. We've done 2, 2-3 session campaigns together and after that I'm done with it.
I just stick to playing board games with him now
>real tomboys
>not complete shit
There's a reason they have trouble getting laid despite being "like one of the boys"
I invited my older brother to join the group I DM'd for. We played together for about three years until the campaign ran its course. It did a lot to fix our strained relationship. We went from actively despising each other to now regularly talking every week or so now that he lives on the other side of the country.
>Henry Holynights
>Max Powerblast
>Veronica Swiftfingers
This sound like the credit roll for a D&D porno...
You despised him and you still invited him to the D&D group you were running? Why?
I DM for my sisters and cousin. It's how I found out the weird shit they're into / like. Not really magical realm, but...
> 16 y/o sister loves to play druids and keeps trying to build a small army of animal companions, tries to befriend every beast we run into
> 18 sister, made a male paladin who's jaded and tired of war but keeps fighting for his warrior God anyway
> 17 y/o (male) cousin, made an edgy warlock, fuck him
My brother has started painting AdMech and joined my Dark Heresy game when he heard there were techpriests in the game. He's easily bored by RPGs though and made his priest attack people and try to suck them off until the PDF hunted him down and killed him. It was kinda funny because it was a one-time thing, but thank goodness he didn't stay in.
We are family and I know he wanted to try his hand at an RPG, basically that simple. It was both of us extending an olive branch that the two of us thankfully accepted.
Tomboys are objectively god-tier, best type of girls out there. The fact that the other girls specifically despise tomboys should tell you all you need to know.
Tomboys aren't real, they're a character archetype made up by writers to get the nerd demographic
Both my sister and my brother have been at our table before. They're mid/late teens and the rest of our group is mostly early/mid 20s with a couple of older players in their 30s and 40s.
My brother has a really big thing for the traditional Sword n' Board warrior and can't understand crossplaying in the slightest. My sister is a fucking natural at any game or role that you throw at her, but prefers to just sit in on the session and snark at events, not taking part herself.
This is pretty close to being my magical realm too so that's ok.
Maybe they're italians
I'm a Quadruplet, so all my siblings are the same age as me (except for an older sibling) and all have joined me at the table at some point.
My Brother is part of my regular playgroup for most things. He is rather challenging sometimes but its usually his idea to get into a new game, so we can't exactly force him out. plus he's a pretty decent DM sometimes.
Sister 1 and I are interested in a lot of the same things, so we get along well enough that games with her can be really fun
Sister 2 has played 1 (one) game with me and it was rough, wouldn't want to do it again, but I wouldn't say no if she really wanted to
Sister 3 is more in love with Boardgames, so a lot of Betrayal at House on the Hill and Catan, being reasonably fun, because we can usually all crowd around it and bond as a family