Are there any Veeky Forums approved videogames?

Are there any Veeky Forums approved videogames?

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>Dawn of War

Dark Souls and BB are definitely both there.

Any 40k or WH game in general.

>Dark Souls and BB are definitely both there.
No they aren't. Those games are shit.
>Any 40k or WH game in general.
And those games are EXTRA shit

King of Dragon's Pass
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Darkest Dungeon
Sunless Sea

>And those games are EXTRA shit
exactly, that makes them stay close to the source material

Fuck off /virgin we're here to recommend games not shit on them for no reason

Dwarf Fortress goes in without saying. As do all the classic Obsidian RPGs and the original Fallouts. More than a few Sierra and Lucasarts titles too.

I actually just recently finished my first round of Dragon's Dogma and I recommend it highly. I cannot speak for the expansion content in Dark Arisen, though I imagine it's at least on par with the standard postgame.

DDDA improves a lot of the stuff from DD base, assuming you wanted a mega dungeon.

If it was made by Black Isle, Bioware (except the ME series and DA2), CD Projekt Red, or Obsidian, it's at the top of the list.

Beth games are debatably there.

>MLB: The Show 2015
>Call of Duty Black Ops 2
>Grand Theft Auto 2
>Bomberman Legends

Those are about it, you'll see threads about them on here all the time.

Okay, actual nonjoke answers: Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment, the various 40k vidya, Dwarf Fortress, the Souls games, Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines, the Elder Scrolls games (though mostly Morrowind), Fallout 1 and 2, King of Dragon Pass, Dragon's Dogma, and some others I'm definitely forgetting

My list would be:

Dragon's Dogma
Knights of the old Republic 1&2
Dragon Age: Origins
Dark Souls
Maybe Divinity: Original Sin

i started playing dark souls 2 (sins of the first scholar or whatever), and i like the system and the lore but the gameplay is a bit repetitive.

the only way you can find out about new enemies/areas is by trying to fight them/explore but in doing so you always die and then have to slog through a bunch of shit you've already done again. i don't mind hard games but fighting the same guys over and over is kind of monotonous.

i tried to jump from a tree to a ledge because i didn't know if i could make it. i died. so then i had to fight the same twenty guys over again...and i still don't know if i can reach that ledge or not.

No one here plays medieval 2 TW?

Speaking of LucasArts, since we have X-Wing Miniatures, I'd add the X-Wing and TIE Fighter games to the list.

I do but as a representation of medieval warfare it is atrocious.

Legend of Grimrock 1 & 2
Fallout New Vegas
Dungeons of Dredmor
Not mentioning anything that has already been mentioned in this thread.

Dark Souls 2 is an odd one, it improves a lot of things, but also messes up a lot of things, before DS3 came out I played it a bunch cuz of how much better the multiplayer worked than 1.

should i try bloodborn or something? i really can't play ds2 for more than an hour before getting exhausted by the repetition. i really don't mind games where you fail a lot but the time that i am alive in ds2 just isn't very fun? i wish i could get my money back to be honest.

I cannot speak for Veeky Forums, but since I am on Veeky Forums, I will speak for myself.

>Anarchy Online
The only sci-fi mmorpg that was any good.
>Master of Orion 2
The only sci-fi x4 game that was any good.
>Deus Ex
I never played this, but it's sci-fi western rpg, and it's a meme too so why not.
>Half Life 1,2,3
Very good sci-fi FPS. 10/10 nuclear physicist pushing buttons and strollers.
>Dawn of War
Because wh40k is cool as shit, and starcraft is fucking koreaboo shit rts, and sci-fi.
It was pretty good for jrpg, and still sci-fi. I fucking like sci-fi.
>Fallout 1,2
pretty fucking good, sci-fi.
because i love u communist bros, also sci-fi.
>X-COM Ufo Defense, Terror from the Deep, Apocalypse
These are very good tactical sci-fi games, the newer ones are shit and you should kill yourself if you disagree with my opinion.
>Something that's not sci-fi
I wouldn't recommend it.

I've heard bloodborne is pretty good only played a bit at a friends on account of not owning a bloodborne machine, I'd try Dark Souls 3 if you haven't I think it's the best of the Souls series, it is a bit shorter than the other tho.


IMO, Fallout New Vegas
Dragon's Dogma
Most of the Might and Magic games but namely Dark Messiah on grounds of being fun as fuck
Dwarf Fortress, for obvious reasons
X-Com for essentially being Dark Heresy but older than Dark Heresy
You could argue Mass Effect for the setting but not so much for the later games
Balder's Gate, Pillars of Eternity, most isoCRPGS

That's just of the top of my head

New Vegas best NuFallout.
Hope Obsidian does another.

I think I might like FO Power Armor more than 40K power Armour

I like it more too. It looks more realistic, and the pauldrons aren't Warcraft hueg. There is something about the gritty military green design that can just be understood.

>Those games are shit.
some scrub hasn't gotten gud yet

>And those games are EXTRA shit
I don't know, I really liked the chunky semi-in-your-face action in Space Marine

>the only way you can find out about new enemies/areas

no shields in bloodborne worth having, gameplay is WAY MORE aggressive.

I like it too.

>I think it's the best of the Souls series, it is a bit shorter than the other tho.
the mechanics are most certainly.

As, said, DSIII is probably the best in the Souls(discounting Bloodborne here) series, but you really shouldn't play it unless you've played the first Dark Souls. A lot of that 'bestness' comes from the fact that it so beautifully links back to the first game, and a lot will be lost if you haven't played it. It only vaguely references 2, so you won't miss anything by skipping it. The first Dark Souls is far better than DSII, I think you'll enjoy it a lot more.

Seriously though, fuck Bitterblack Isle. Its the very definition of a meatgrinder, with a load of practically unkillable enemies, that weird "kill X amount of creatures to spawn a super monster" mechanic, and some of the most unforgiving level design.

Still fucking awesome though. Wish we were getting a proper sequel.

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is fun. Mostly for the taunts though.

"Are you lost in thought? It must be unfamiliar territory!"

Planescape: Torment
Baldur's Gate I & II
Fallout I & II
TES: Morrowind

I'll probably pick it up. I actually got fucking invested in the quest to kill Grigori in a major way, and every nonmagic class was a blast.

FF6 is waaay better, had better character development, and had you suplex a spooky scary train. SUPLEXING A TRAIN!! FF7 suffers from nostalgia lenses terribly.

I'm sorta a /vr/ faggot here, so good luck finding physical copies of theae games.
>gold box games
>Order of Griffon
>Wastland (2)
> Baulders gate 2
>Escape from Hell
>Ultima series before Pagan.
>Phantasy Star series except for generations of doom
Just to name a few.

I'd agree, but you're probably too hard on FF7. It's still one of the best in the series.

I'd rather play Chrono Trigger, though.

The only magic class I enjoyed was the Magic Knight, because when you can't be areas with spells and that shitty targeting system, you just buff your gear and go on a face-smashing spree.

Good times.

>FF7 suffers from nostalgia lenses terribly.

Does it really? I never played it, but it seems like every time I hear someone talk about it it's always about how shitty and emo the protag is and how everything about the game was the worst thing ever.

Like, I know it has some kind of following weebs?, but I've never heard anyone talk positively about it, so I wouldn't say it suffers from nostalgia goggles.

>0 results

The fuck, Veeky Forums?

good taste user

obvious ones 10/10

I think you still get a free copy of wasteland 1 if you buy wasteland 2 on steam.

I expected to see at least one X3: Albion Prelude in here. I'm a little let down. Shadowrun: Dragonfall's not bad.

Chrono Trigger

fuck dude calm down.
That shit is too real

These and System Shock (2), Deus Ex (1), Jagged Alliance (2), Underrail, Paradox strategy games and Age of Decadence.

All these, I would also add everything ever done by Spiderweb Software (Avernum - Escape from the pit, Avernum II - Crystal Souls & Geneforge 1 in particular)

Demon's Souls is pretty great as an inspirational reference of how to present dark fantasy correct. The atmosphere is top notch, the environments are fantastic, the exposition is on just the right level, the characters are wellrounded, their motivations are interesting and it really does feel like all human civilisation is on the brink of death.

Don't be a sucker and think that Dark Souls does any of this better. Dark Souls is a lot closer to high fantasy than dark fantasy and it doesn't give you a good representation of what the vast world outside the land of the gods is like.

mount and butter

>Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Still the best role playing video game I've ever played.

MDK 2 is still the best game Bioware ever did.

>I've never heard anyone talk positively about it
Dunno where you live, I never hear bad things about it.

outdated rpg list.

Also many TBS, and some RTS

My butter brutha

hell I had a blast with the ranged classes and I almost never play them. That said, I wish it was getting a port to Ps4 as Im a console peasant. With that said anyone else excited about the survival update to Fallout4?

This. It's so much fun.

M&B is great game, but has no Veeky Forums in it

It's a fantasy world, albeit a no magic one, where you take on any role you like with no limitation.
Your proficiency is determined by stats.
The plot is whatever you decide to do, and the response of faction you're interacting with.
The majority of characters are poor, with no fleshing out or depth.
Only a handful of NPC have backstories and they rarely interact with you.
This could only get more Veeky Forums if you rolled dice.

I, too, enjoy hapless Swedish vizard simulator.

>"Crusader Kings"
>0 results
I bet my humble spymaster is behind this

>Dat disgusting Summoner box art

What a disappointing port from the PS2. The story blew my 10 year old mind. Never got around to playing the sequel.

Ur-Quan Masters. Probably the best video game ever created.

Play it for the mods
Third age TW is the best LoTR game.

Call of warhammer is a pretty great tabletop battle game simulator in real time.

I suppose that E.Y.E. it's Veeky Forums.

Oh God, I remember that game. I remember it being like 40k on salvia.

Knights of the Old Republic games
Daggerfall if you can stand it being old and clunky, and Morrowind. Oblivion if your computer is good and you can mod it to hell and back.
Dark Souls if you don't mind dying constantly.
Neverwinter Nights
Baldur's gate
The original Bioshock
That should be a couple hundred hours for you.

Any game where I can shed the blood of 4000 Saxon men?

Get out of here Christopher Lee, you're dead.

>implying you can keep Dracula down

Tifa literally picks up the Weapons one handed and throws them.
She can even pick up a fucking wall and throw it

Fire and Sword is Veeky Forums as fuck

6 7 and 9 are the best imo

Is it wrong that I'm loving the hell out of divinity original sin?

the soon to be released anima gates of memories.

And remember, no magic.

I'd also add Thief: The Dark Project and Dishonored for stealth action plus deepest lore.

Thief 2 and 3 as well.

Dragonfall's story was shit.

I'd recommend XCOM: Enemy Within

I'd add Metal Age, sure, but Deadly Shadows? Ehhhh..the only part of that game I enjoyed was The Shalebridge Cradle.

It's got some bad bits, but it's fun as hell Co-Op.

Fights do sometimes boil down to the same spell combos though, but the Enhanced Edition goes a way to fixing that.

How far are you? I've finished the original release, and just suffered through the Mines of Bullshit, one of the worst areas in the EE (It was just as bad the first time though.)

Fucking AVP2

I disagree. The X-COM: EU and EW series promote the extermination of marginalized species and aggression toward peaceful travelers from outer space.

Man, i love that GitS callback scene with spidertank in the middle of abandoned building.



Darkest Dungeon is basically every WHFRP 2nd Edition campaign ever played.

Would you recommend it!?

FF7 suffers from the fact that it was the first FF on the PS1 and was around just as the internet hit, so for a lot of people it was their first RPG when they were like 11.

As such, they go on and on about it until people got sick of hearing about the damn thing. Add in the fact that because it was a bunch of teen going on about it they did what teens do and look for the edge in everything (we all did it, admit it) and that is what got accepted as fact. In reality, Cloud started off as a moody edgelord but stopped that shit and went back to being the slightly unstable country kid he was for the most part (i.e. whenever Seppy stopped fucking with his brain).
The fact that current Square also seems to have latched onto edgy Cloud rather than 'I'm just now putting my brain back together' Cloud doesn't help.

Now, if you want an edgy protag, then Squall was Emo before Emo was really a thing.

Squall is a massive tryhard, because he thinks that's how to adult.

Literally an edgy teenager.

I mean, not knowing what your tastes are, I dunno. It's overall pretty good, but it has badly designed moments.

Single player in can be bit frustrating to manage the party of four, but only in the rare moments where precise movements matter, like the Mines of Bullshit.

If you've got a coop partner, it shines a lot brighter, since it's almost guaranteed that you'll fudge spells and set each other on fire, or stun each other, or make them unable to hit the enemy in the face because the entire battlefield is covered in flammable poisonous ooze. Crafting is also less tedious, because you can share the workload.

Despite mechanically (right down to the sound affects) being nearly identical to the Souls games, Bloodborne still feels different because thematically it touches upon very different themes and has a strongly different aesthetic.

Dark Souls is way into medieval/late medieval shit and every other character is swathed in sexy looking plate armor, and it's bosses are fantastical creatures. It's dark, but mostly because each game deals with strong apocalyptic themes and without them it would just be a really kickass fantasy adventure.
Bloodborne is a straight-up horror setting, and the monsters are either disturbing because they clearly WERE human once and are now warped versions of themselves or bizarre grotesqueries Lovecraft would write.
I also think Bloodborne has a lot more little touches that you can pick up when you read the lore thanks to it's unified aesthetics; rather then needing to constantly design new areas the generally unified "Gothic city" theme allowed them to liberally sprinkle shitloads of visual hints and cues to everything going on absolutely everywhere that nicely synchronizes with what you slowly pick up as you go.
It's also the only setting I've seen that managed to succeed at both doing Gothic Horror (the fear of humanity's baser side and an exploration of our capacity for sin and self-destruction) and Lovecraftian Horror (fear of the alien and the unknown) without actually having them clash or really feel at odds.

I know, right?

Still bugs me that 7 is getting a remake while 9 is all but forgotten. then again, given current Square, that might be good thing.

I strongly, STRONGLY recommend giving Pathologic a try. It was born out of a table top campaign and a dream, and it's absolutely fantastic. Though at this point, you might want to wait for the remake, which is supposed to be coming out sometimes next year.

Eh, i prefer X:COM 2

It has better and more balanced system than two before it. And troops customization.

But its still cannot beaten that THICK.MEC.HIPS

>Sunless Sea
Not a bad one, but I was never able to get anything beyond the basic ship after 8 hours and gave up after I ran out of fuel, prayed to the gods, and ended up on the island on the far side of the map where you basically an hero.


9 just got a PC port with higher-poly models.

>It has better and more balanced system than two before it.


Besides Long War makes EW superior to XCOM 2.

Hell yeah. Got that shit free off Origin, just a shame they don't have Syndicate Wars.

Syndicate 2013 was fun to play, up until the end of the slums where the story got amazingly predictable. Best feeling flamethrower of any game I've played.

Wait, somebody who actually knows Kohan? Amazing.
The game is fucking awesome, but obscure as fuck.

Original War. Russians, Americans and Arabs going 2 million years into the past to battle over resources. Including crazy Arabian Sheikh's riding mammoths and sabre-toothed cats, early hominid running around with AK-47 or even turned into suicide bombers, and some of the most reactive and choice-filled story ever featured in an RTS.

Oh yeah, and Homeworld is fantastic for it's lore and story, if you like sci-fi and space opera.

>theme allowed them to liberally sprinkle shitloads of visual hints and cues to everything going on absolutely everywhere

Fuck me, I'll say.
>Run around, get a new armor set
>Weird portal thing grabs me putts nowhere
>Head explodes
>Grind for awhile, forget about it.
>Head into Grand Cathedral
>Statues of the thing line the steps up to it, get a bit more freaked out
>Get a bit more Insight
>Keep seeing this REALLY BIG SHADOW on the ground near where it was that sort of fades in and out
>Still can't see it but it's FUCKING THERE, WATCHING ME

>Oh yeah, and Homeworld is fantastic for it's lore and story, if you like sci-fi and space opera.

Is it just me or did the new Battlestar Galactica series basically entirely borrow it's soundtrack from Homeworld?