>The Goblin race cannot be enslaved
>The Goblin race cannot be enslaved
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depends on the setting
Meme la answer.
it depends on the setting if it depends on the setting though.
Who says they can't?
Space goblins are instinctively deferential to authority.
>The Goblin race wants to be enslaved
Resist authority even at their own peril. Frequent infighting. Used to parasitic lifestyle, can't do any productive work and when left with nothing to leech on will rapidly self-destruct.
Ever wondered why nobody enslaved gypsies?
because slavery is wrong, user
and goblins can sing
but they will be conquerors!
I believe that there was a setting with dragons as masters and goblins as slave class.
Because they can blow themselves up at will.
>Ever wondered why nobody enslaved gypsies?
Educate yourself.
If they fall into despair, they die. Enslaving them sends them spiraling into depression, so you just end up with a huge amount of dead gobbos.
Honestly, I love that Veeky Forums has a custom phrase for 'first!'
Instinctive, blind, steadfast belief in reincarnation, leaving them content to lash out suicidally rather than endure slavery, as they know they'll just respawn.
Goblins are chaotic and anarchic to such a ridiculous degree that they will find ways to kill themselves once enslaved rather than submitting to another being's will.
Living conditions are so profoundly terrible under the rule of the Goblin Kings that your average Goblin welcomes enslavement by other races as a form of upward mobility.
Little fuckers keep disappearing. They ain't even trying to escape, it just isn't in their nature for them to stick around.
Dear god that was a hamfisted book.
because they are the chosen ones
They're the ones that do the enslaving: they're too weak, and lack the attention span to do menial labours themselves.
They're small and weak and will die off before you get your investment's worth. Not worth the effort of trying to capture them alive.
They're chaotic, anarchic, breed like rabbits, and if one of them gets the bright idea to rebel,suddenly all of them do. You could get maybe one generation out of them at most before they started burning and breaking everything. And that's being charitable.
They are like kids with ADD. Trying to make them slaves is like making the ADD kids human, to much of a hassle.
Totally using that.
They die too quickly.
The goblin race is extinct.
Because they reproduce too quickly to be documented.You'll count up your slaves one month and by the next you'll have another fifty, by the next month they're full grown.Leave them for a year and you've got a few hundred more slaves, and the new births keep rising in number. Slowly, you'll not be able to count them any more, and then they'll start stealing or fleeing. Then, you'll wake up bound, the sheer weight of the horde keeping your guards from fighting back.
As the goblins has become a continental superpower, anyone with the ambition to enslave the goblin race will fail miserably.
They don't sell well, they're small, weak and stupid. Not worth enslaving.
Because I'm not going to let my people march into the same hands that tormented them for ages.
Whenever Prachett is trying to get a message across he's hamfisted as fuck.
Jingo had sequences where it was just utter shit.