Hey, fat/tg/uys. I need a favor. I need you to look after this egg for me. I'm off to fight an octopus that kidnapped the mermaid Queen. See you later
When is it suppose to hatch and kill us all?
I didn't think sea creatures laid eggs like this.
Don't worry. It comes from a friendly sea goo race.
Yeah, my first instinct upon looking at this thing is "I bet that's delicious". Maybe you should find someone else to take care of it. Just for safety's sake.
"Don't worry guys, I'm sure its perfectly harmless, comere little guy"
*egg fumbles from hand and begins to bounce*
Oh, shit, nigga! Whatcha you doin'?!!!!
I can't wait for this to end like one of my animoo entai doojins.
Also autocorrect saw nothing wrong with the above sentence. What have I become Veeky Forums?
So what epic anime is this from
It's from a monster pic. You have to give it love so it can hatch. :3
"Love," you say?
"woah bro, watch out with that egg, it needs LOVE
lemme show you how it's done."
*rubs the egg with a pizza slice*
Rolled 17 + 4 (1d20 + 4)
Let's see that cooking roll for "bitchin' sea omelet"
but would you rather wait till it hatches and make some bitchin sea squid stew?
just my thoughts tho, do what you like bruh
I'd keep it in a warm, mebbe slightly damp place.Perhaps try to talk to it? Totally keep the cats away 'cause they'll try to eat it!
Guys, guys, we've been through this. We won't eat it until it proves itself to be evil.
By the way, the Pizza was cold, I'm not paying for that.
Why not eat it before it can prove to be evil?
Fuck OP, MB, it fell on the floor. I cleaned it up as best I could though.
>No one asking if the Mermaid Queen is attractive
Surely you're not going to all just sit here guarding an egg and let OP woo her instead of you?
>secure the egg with warm towels
What are you? A desperate single?
not even once.
What's this little guy doing here? Why don't I give you something fun to play with? Eh? It won't stick on? Alright, let me get something real quick.
Rolled 8 (1d20)
I'm going to feed it spinach and you guys can't stop me.
>grabs frying pan
Sure OP. Gotcha covered.
Hey, guys. I just got back. Man, that octopus could ink like a bitch. So, how's the lit- Holy shit! What happen?! You guys are monsters!
Wait until that one guy gets his pan then we'll speek.
Also, squidsex?
Oh, come on. it's just a few hairs and sombrero.
We didn't even try to fuck it yet.
user, that's not a squid, that's a kid.
Well, he's a squid now.
YOU are a squid now.
You wouldn't want to do that. The species is particularly...amorous.