Where do you live, and how does it influence your hobby?
I live in Toronto and it always annoys me how there are 700+ references for Fantasy New York or Fantasy Los Angeles while we got Forever Knight. The rest of the country doesn't even have that
Where do you live, and how does it influence your hobby?
I live in Toronto and it always annoys me how there are 700+ references for Fantasy New York or Fantasy Los Angeles while we got Forever Knight. The rest of the country doesn't even have that
Maybe if you moved out of the Wilderness Encounter table, you could make something different.
Central Minnesota.
It doesn't because I am an adult that does things that I want to do. The only real effects location has on the hobby is population density and if you're not in a shit filled brown country.
You're just a baby who gets ass blasted that they can't be equally represented in things. How about you just make something set in your fucking shitty city.
Typical fucking Canadian wants equal representation but doesn't want to get off their syrup laden ass to go work for it.
Then again, maybe you would have more time to make these books and settings set in Toronto if you didn't have to work 8 jobs to afford your 10 million dollar houses from your chink overlords.
Damn /pol/lack tell us how you really feel.
Maybe you'd have some shit worth looking at to influence your hobby if you didn't live in Minnesota.
t. regards alberto barbosa
I live in Louisiana, so I have to use brush on primer.
South Texas
Most everyone in my town are TCG players and WH40k, and our local Uni has seen a few Edge of the Empire games pop up since Star Wars came out, otherwise active enough to have a single decent FLGS. I haven't experienced much of the local gaming populace though since I don't play Magic, Yugioh, or WH40k, and my tabletop group is pretty good and I've had no cause to look elsewhere for game nights.
Philadelphia here. For a city with so much history not much of it is interesting. Barely even any decent ghost stories or haunted locations for CoC inspiration as far as I know.
>I live in Louisiana, so I have to use brush on primer.
What's the deal with this? Is spray paint in a can banned in LA, or just unavailable in local stores?
>It doesn't because I am an adult
We believe you.
massive amount of humidity, I imagine
Greater Seattle area. Tabletop mecca. It's great.
I also live in Louisiana, can confirm that the air is water. Had to grow gills.
I live in the Pacific Northwest.
Rain, huge semi-organized homeless camps, trees, fog, and spooky-ass forests come up a lot.
There's a reason why Hollywood when they want to film a "scary" series like X-Files or Supernatural ends up filming up here.
Do you game at Cafe Mox? That place is great.
Fuck yeah my cold wet northwestern brother.
So many PNW gamers. I love it. I live right around the corner from Olympic Cards and Comics in Lacey. That place rules.
I'm closer to Mox Boarding House nowadays but I did use to game over there quite a bit.
I always thought it seemed so out of place in Ballard.
Excuse you
VANCOUVER is the city with the 10 million dollar houses and chink overlords.
The idea of mixing beer and Veeky Forums was genius. And the food is pretty good.
Portland OR area reporting in. I should visit you guys sometime.
Yes, brother. Come. Join us.
Because urban Cannukistan isn't terribly interesting.
Humidity makes spray primer go on... crusty. It is a pain in the ass.
Ayyyy, another Toronto user! I've run a shadowrun game set in Toronto, it was cool because you can make your own setting and have references to places all of you know about. Aside from that I mostly just game with people who were my friends before I started Veeky Forums things, so my city doesn't change much.
Weird. I live in Louisiana too. Small world.
I live in an isolated "small town" that doesn't have a traditional games store. The nearest one is a couple towns over. It makes it hard to find anyone interested in my hobbies anywhere except for the internet. Also my house is almost a wifi dead zone for some reason.
>using high property values as an insult
I would but the cost of living is much cheaper a couple hours south. How's the job market up there?
Moved to Boston near the end of last year. Still haven't found a group. Shit sucks
I miss my old group ;_;
Dunno man. I collect that big, green Army welfare check every month.
>Central Minnesota
Northern Minnesota here, I apologize for this guy.
Are you a Cannukistani? Want to set something in your town or city?
>But it's not interesting
Make it interesting. Learn about all the details of the paved-over sections of the city. You know those large un-labelled buildings that you see every now and then? "Utilities and stuff" you argue? "Yes, 'and stuff'" I respond
Nah, bro. I live in the ass swamps of East Texas. AKA, may as well be Louisiana. It's why I'm intimately familiar with "can't spray prime models in the summer" syndrome
Northern Sydney, Aus.
There are a few stores not too far but I need public transport to get to them, so I can't really cart all my 40k armies in unless I want to pay $32/h parking in the city.
My RP campaigns have a pretty heavy focus on boats, trees and racism.
I don't know, the church at 20th and Locust gets pretty creepy when there are no lights on.
Uppsala, Sweden, so I get money from the state for games.
Players are flaky, but overly concerned about lore/roleplaying.
What part? I used to live in the Space Coast. Couldn't find shit for games back then.
Central NJ. I don't check out any game shops in my area, but most tend to cater more to MtG and card game crowds than anything else. I haven't had a problem getting groups of players, between friends from home and college. It's a reasonably small state with a high population density.
I live in Texas.
I have to be selective when running modern settings, as myself and all of my players can easily recognize when RPGs are written by nogunz faggots.
Doesn't matter cause I play with online friends, but for a city of this size, we have a big nerd community. Several gaming stores, one of which runs monthly anime/cosplay club meetings and gaming even more frequently, a Star Wars cosplay group (and Harry Potter...and others, maybe), a recently introduced LARP, the uni has a gaming club, and we even have two competing all-purpose nerd stuff conventions. Kinda nice.
As for setting games here, it wouldn't be even remotely interesting.
It's London but it ain't the one you are thinking of, so
Sealand, Denmark.
Same as and with free education.
Pic related?
And/or, which modern games do gun enthusiasts think get guns right?
I fucking loved that show and may or may not have run a World of Darkness game based around it in the 90s.
I mean, Jesus, it basically was a V:tM forum game come to life anyway.
Montreal reporting
The only canadian city to have a White Wolf splat, and it manages to make the city more bland and boring than it actually is despite being a sabbat splat. It's like the author decided to make it about Toronto or never set foot outside the West Island.
Ubi, having one of its main offices here, plugs it in every game series they make, and being the only part of the country with more than 200 years of colonial history feels good.
There's a reasonable scene.
>as a Canadian, I just want to say
I still love you bro
There's at least one group in Boston who are reliable and local to you.
I ran games for them over toll20.
Actually, Vancouver puts a lot of stuff out and is pretty well known worldwide.
Toronto is, as it was so aptly described to me, "Basically New York without all the stuff"
Seriously, OP you're a fucking faggot whose city only thing of interest was that fat fuck Rob Ford.
Also, Calgary gets surprisingly mentioned a fair bit, as well as Montreal. Mostly thanks to having a decent and the worst hockey teams (respectively) as well as the Calgary Stampede and being French Canada.
Whereas TO is just kind of . . . there, I guess.
Did you mean to imply education isn't free in Sweden?
Northeast Ohio.
All of the game stores that crop up in my city eventually get overtaken by the same crew of douchey MtG players.
It's difficult to find a serious dnd group that doesn't crumble apart after a few sessions.
It hasn't really influenced me more as dissuaded me. Nowadays I look for groups on Roll20 before I go to my LGS.
I just moved to Balersfield.
I have no idea where anything is, or if there's even any groups around.
I know for sure that there's no GW store though, so if there's no shops that sell 40k stuff, I'll just need to order online then.
At least it'll guve me an excue to finally get back to painting. Motivate me, please!
pic was very much related
Mostly we stick to older (80's/90's) stuff since there wasn't a huge focus on being "rules light", or more accurately put "stat lazy".
Also pic related has been very helpful in adding better guns to systems that don't otherwise have them.
>Bakersfield, CA.
Grew up in the sticks in northern MA. Now live near the Quabbin.
If that influences anything it's that there's old dead towns under the lake, everything old and lonely is haunted, and the societies that came before had a problem with madness and inbreeding while simultaneously leaving the foundation for modern academies of knowledge and arcane skill. I don't know if I'd pinpoint living in this region as the cause though, just that it reflects those well.
All my hellish Southern wastes full of terrible people who mostly deserve anything that happens to them are intentionally based on California, however.
Seattle, born and raised, and it doesn't influence me that much because I play online anyways. Every time a work of fiction mentions us I grow in power.
There are 47 non-shit states you could move to, user. Work hard and you can do it!
Dude the homeless people. I feel you. I worked a job where I was outdoors a lot in high school, and the homeless guys would make full on camps under bridges, in the woods, everywhere. And that's not to mention the actual cult that supposedly lived near where I worked. Outside. Walking around. In the forest where I'd seen this Satanist camp. There was a place called the pit stop that a heroin addict runs. There was a car sitting in a road that no one had heard of, but seemingly wasn't too eager to remove. There's that place over in Damascus (Damascus, Oregon, mind) that was actually used by the heaven's gate suicide cult and has underground tunnels and a big fuckin gate and a 20ft statue out in front. And the defunct bridge. Pic related is a picture I took out in the forest. This place is a perfect /x/ honeypot.
So if you're asking what do I use where I live for in games? I'm gonna run Delta Green, that's what.
What are the other 2 states, user?
Southern California reporting in. Literally on the San Bernardino/Riverside border, so it's a lot of dry grass desert pockmarking an urban sprawl that stretches from sea to mountains.
Place feels rural and desolate most days. Gaming stores are distant and niche despite good crowds. And on actual game-stuff I wish there were more desert-themed systems and settings.