Quick! You have ten seconds to name the shittiest hipster RPG in existence! Another 10 seconds if you can explain why in a few lines!
Quick! You have ten seconds to name the shittiest hipster RPG in existence! Another 10 seconds if you can explain why...
>I only play it ironically
Dungeon World
F.A.T.A.L. played ironically.
Anal circumference isn't better when ironic
It's shit, and literally just D&D with some houserules, but not hipster.
FATAL played unironically can be fun.
Isn't it almost unplayable, meme character creation aside?
A place to fuck each other.
>Another 10 seconds if you can explain why in a few lines!
It's a game literally about lesbian sex. That's it.
(You) get bonus points for it being /u/shit. Holy hell.
But he's right.
13th Age
It's unnecessarily complicated, feels gamey like 4e, as well the book crams the default setting into everything.
That and it makes the same mistakes as 4e with the same Christmas tree magical item syndrome that 4e had
Engine Heart
It's Dungeon World, but worse.
Eoris essence
it's ridiculous unplayable bullshit but I want it anyway indicating it's hipster as fuck
>ridiculous unplayable bullshit
Isn't it similar to WoD with d20s instead of d10s?
Apocalypse World
>If you and another character have sex...
>I'm a 16 year old fox girl who uses blood magic and can learn spells from eating peoples brains
Dungeons and Dragons
Bad rules and a playerbase that's attracted to it because it's the only P&P they've heard of it.
You poor sweet summer children
You know nothing of the GOLDEN COBRA
>Rose Tattoo is a story-focused scenario about non-conformist characters who are suffering consequences of their live choices. Players are creating their stories, with its rises and falls, which led to the current situation. In each case, the character's story will also consist of some personal, important thing that keeps him on course, represented by his tattoo – an anchor (important thing in life) or a rose (true love).
>The Aftermath explores changes in privilege, power and social expectation due to a short-term physical injury. This mobility impairing injury causes long standing effects social effects, and changes relationships. Using the spoon metaphor, the aftermath explores how one injury changes the lives and relationships of everyone involved.
Take the time and watch someone on the street. Who is that person? Where is she going? What happened in that
person’s past that shaped who she is today? How is she like when she’s talking to her friends? Is there a special moment waiting that will turn her life around? What will she do when she will come of old age?
I remember when I did that, trying to come up with answers about someone I didn’t know, and I got that tingling sensation in my gut as if I was riding a roller coaster. The same feeling I got the nights when I lay back in a field, watched the night sky and wondered how vast the universe really was.
A mundane world.
A peaceful place.
Telling instead of acting.
We do this together.
Break the routines!
A story emerges.
No conflict!
We tell to find out.
No pressure. Relax!
Be aware of each other.
We’re all unique. Nourish that.
Tell the first thing that springs into mind.
If you draw a blank, lean back.
This is what Imagine will do to us.
We’re going to follow several modern, fictive people and give them depth by
both exploring their memories and to see their hopes and wishes come true.
Time and space will disappear as we become immersed in this fiction together. By sharing and contributing to the fiction we will build a fellowship as we create a collective memory. The rest of the text will show how to tell a collaborative story to accomplish this.
Start by presenting your name and then pick one line below and read it out loud. Pass the list around and let everybody do the same thing. Enforce these things in play!
“I promise to …”
“… be open to learn how to appreciate this game.”
“… leave a blank mind of where we’re going.”
“… keep the world ordinary and peaceful.”
“… support the other participants and their ideas.”
“… ask and discuss if I’m unsure of anything.”
It's not unplayable, just has massive rules bloat. It honestly reminds me of playing 3.5
Hipster claiming the popular thing is hipster.
Holy shit we have a winner.
It takes people watching and makes it an unbearable group activity with oddly specific rules and touchy feely nonsense.
>the same Christmas tree magical item syndrome that 4e had
Confirmed for illiterate.
Unbalanced combat (combat maneuvers) , overpowered classes (mage, rogue) and trans iconics.
I mean sheesh if I want to literally get c u c k e d by a game Ill play Depression quest
>So, what'cha playing user?
>Loli elven girl with 3 years old that was raped at 5 years old, it just works. Small anal circumference
>So, how do you attack the evil king?
>Slap him with my oversized dick
Ten seconds? I name "anything by white wolf".
Why: It's a company doused in pretentious hipster and it seeps into all their products. They don't just make *games*, they make *tools for having a conversation about the nature of humanity* blah blah blah.
Confirmed for mongoloid
Shitty game, shitty system, only persists out of having been the first.
Stuck in the public eye, and the go-to choice for hipsters.
People pay money to watch circus freaks
Wow you almost swayed me with that. But White Wolf's clichéd undergrad lit crit douchebaggery actually predates hipsterism by more than a decade.
It's close, but IMO it is clearly Eclipse Phase. A shit tier game for shit tier people. They take a pastiche of ideas that have been done before and which the writers don't understand, then tackon psykers and superpowers. Then wrap it in what has to be the shittiest asshole fanbase I've ever seen.
At least White Wolf did something new.
Unbearably pretentious. It's high school philosophy and "muh deep symbolism" the game. It doesn't even bother to explain its bullshit to the GM because, let's face it, the author can't. It's all ultimately meaningless.
The gimmicky resolution mechanic is sorta neat though.
Vampire: The Masquerade or Requiem.
Magnet for the 'Dark and edgy' types.
Seconding this.
Convoluted as fuck rules, sooo many books, just niche enough to pass as hipster-tier 'before it was cool' bullshit wankery, and its designed to be used for any genre so they can bring it up ALL the time.
how about a LARP literally about knitting circles
Once everyone is happily knitting (or crocheting), and is settled with their tea or cinnamon roll or hot cider, whoever is facilitating this event should begin the discussion of warmth. A complete list of warmth related discussion prompts is at the end of these instructions. The facilitator must begin by sharing what they turn to in times of physical coldness. If I were the first facilitator of this activity, I would share that I love nothing more than my soft purple cat blanket, and drinking hot cider with cinnamon whiskey in it, perhaps while reading a nice fanfiction.
The facilitator will then pass the sheet of warmth related discussion topics to the person sitting next them. This person will read the next question/topic aloud, and then pass it along to the next person, if there is one, and so on and so forth, passing the sheet around in a roughly circular manner. If someone is unable to put down their knitting for fear of losing a stitch, a more confident knitter can hold the sheet in front of them, so that they may read without disturbing their stitches. If someone merely needs a few seconds to finish a
row, be gracious. Allow them to finish before starting the next question.
I'm not sure anyone in here actually knows what hipster means. Calling literally the one single mainstream RPG a hipster one...
Failed thread, except for the people who mentioned Imagine or Eoris Essence.
I'd submit Nobilis myself
Wisher theurgist fatalist
I considered posting that, but I'm not sure it counts, since it was probably satire.
Forgot the description. It is nobilis but more pretentious. Here is an article on it projects.inklesspen.com
I'm biased because I really like Apocalypse World and personally really enjoy sexuality ad romance as themes to be explored in RP, but I never saw this as an issue. Every one of the "specials" is a small, one-line effect, that gives mechanical consequences to one of the most important parts of the human condition. I've seen it work out really interestingly, especially with the Brainer, where the free deep brain scan can reveal important information.
It's not like it tells you to play anything out, and my group has fades-to-black in other systems. I can see it being an issue if people are really immature about it, or awkward about sexuality in general, but I guess it's just not a game to play with people like that.
Time Wizards.
You know exactly why it's hipster.
Sounds cozy
>more people saying Dungeon World than Apocalypse World
>nobody mentioning less popular games by the same people like In A Wicked Age
As an actual RPG hipster who would gargle Vincent Baker's cock given the chance, I am very disappointed in you Veeky Forums
Hipster? Anything by Jenna Moran.
In a Wicked Age and even Poison'd aren't that bad.
Definitely, I like them a lot.
I'm just mad about people posting Dungeon World when Apocalypse World is RIGHT THERE. It makes me think they've only heard of D&D and D&D clones. That's just sad.
This is a thread for shitty games though, so I have no idea what's your problem with it.
I think the best part of this entire thread is discovering what a bunch of anons think hipster means. Shit's hilarious.
My bad. I read the OP wrong. I thought it was for the most hipster game, not the shittiest hipster game.
The base rules aren't convoluted, I read through its core book once and wondered why this meme exists in the first place. If you can play 3.finder you should have no problem with gurps. It's kind of a shame that gurps was made to encompass everything because the game itself is well designed. If it became focused on one genre, meaning no six gorillion advantages to choose from, and dropped a few optional combat rules then it would be lauded desu.
Maybe I can pull a Paizo and do exactly that. I still wonder how they got away with plagiarism.
He's right about dungeon world, it's one of the worst systems.
They looked at what was under "fair use" and took it.
Have some more
The thing about fair use is that it won't protect you from being sued it only saves your ass in court whilst being sued. I guess Paizo had the money to spare to duke it out for a few months in court though.
Nicotine girls.
Open Game Liscence. Paizo wasn't the only group to just release 3.5 over again. Wizard encouraged companies to do so with the OGL.
for my choice i submit wraeththu, the game is utter shit, you even need hipster dice to go with your shitty hipster game, the players who play it won't shut the fuck up about it when you actually find one, and the worst past is people somehow like that shit, i don't get it, its just completely ass no matter the direction you look at it.
It's like a rules lite game only you take all the abstractness and attach overly complicated and unnecessary rules on top of it.
I just came to this thread to thank OP for making me feel good about myself for not being able to answer his challenge if given all the time in the world.
I don't know any hipster games and have never played a shitty rpg.
>Make a playlist of sad lesbian music ahead of time
It's comedy gold though
Oh, it's so much more than that.
Not gonna lie, I actually want to understand this sheet and play a game with it for some reason.
i'mma be honest, but i kind of want to play that because the character sheet looks legitimately good to me.
Arduin Eternal
No one has ever heard of it because their own shitty NDA's prevented them from advertising their own product.
It looks like White-Wolf and Pendragon tried having kids, Only to discover they were related.
>their own shitty NDA's prevented them from advertising their own product.
I need to learn more about this story.
Gonna need a rulebook, mate.
'Hipster' has multiple conflicting definitions
Maybe it's a regional thing? To me hipster = people pretending to ironically enjoy shitty things like PBR and indie music, and ridiculing anyone who earnestly enjoys anything, especially anything popular
IMO the people who said 'playing FATAL ironically' are right
The people who said 'Pathfinder' are hipsters
Is it good, or at least not shit?
There are hipsters within every subculture. They're the ones who are part of the subculture in order to increase their status, rather than because they sincerely enjoy it. (Some may enjoy it, but this is not the *reason* they participate.)
You can recognize these hipsters because they'll always have more merch than you, will always claim to have been into it before you, will feel the need to lecture you on why you don't *really* understand the lore or the art, etc.
In mainstream conversation, "hipsters" are just that, hipsters of the mainstream culture. Their clothes and interests are exaggerated variants of the norm. Dressing casually became common, so they started dressing like bearded mountain men. Vintage fashion became popular, and they grew handlebar mustaches to match their bowties. Shitty beer was the norm, so they found the shittiest beer they could.
The whole "irony" thing came to view because there's no other way to defend choosing to participate in a lifestyle you don't especially enjoy-- they just enjoy the satisfaction of participation, not the content of the lifestyle itself.
Because we definitely need to play a game that actively encourages the GM to be an ass-hat who thinks he's always right, along with a politically correct cyberpunk that insists it's edgy. (So basically Deadpool)
Arduin Eternal was in production around 2007-2009. They had a a ridiculous NDA everyone involved including their playtesters had to sign. Their big plan was to shock the gaming community with a return to this "classic" d&d knockoff.
The NDA prevented even mentioning the name of the product the playtesters were testing, so you had people talking about this big new thing and then not mentioning another word about it. People assumed they were talking about D&D 4rth edition which was in development at the same time.
To make things worse and in an act of supream stupidity or paranoia, their NDA also applied to the publisher, so their own publisher wasn't allowed to advertise until release and it was vague enough that they didn't even bother.
So a "game changing classic" was released without a word and in the middle of WOC's 4rth edition media blitz.
When the fuck does paranoia ever consider itself edgy? It's almost purely supposed to be taken as a joke.
That's what makes it edgy. What's more edgy than >IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO
senpai do you understand what edgy means
user, you have very bad sense of humor
It's good if you're obsessed with charts for everything. The GM guide alone is nearly a thousand pages long.
>taking Paranoia seriously
>politically correct cyberpunk that insists it's edgy. (So basically Deadpool)
>their NDA also applied to the publisher, so their own publisher wasn't allowed to advertise until release
Did they really think they were such hot shit that they wouldn't need to advertise? Was this a willful failure, or the result of supreme stupidity?
Oh wow. You really have no idea what you're talking about.
Politically correct? Edgy? What the fuck are you talking about?
Paranoia is, and always has been, an exercise in McCarthyist absurdism and pitch-black humour. If you're taking it seriously, you're playing the game wrong.
Now that's funny
I guess, they believed DnD nostalgia is such hot shit people will run at them with open arms they
Space Marines learn things by eating people...
Captcha pls
I seriously thought this was a Burning Wheel character sheet for a bit.
Not that it's "the shittiest hipster RPG in existence" or anything, but holy shit is it needlessly convoluted and finicky and full of bad design.
¡Los Magos del Tiempos!*
The Wizards of the Times?
Shit its been a while, theres no s at the end, is there? Fuck.
Yeah. You probably mixed up the rule with adjectives, which are plural when the noun is plural.
>that sheet
Sounds pretty cool, dunno how you'd roleplay that though.
Here's the official Burning Wheel character sheet for long campaigns. You're meant to print it out double-sided and staple it together as a booklet.
It occurs to me that looking at a character sheet is a pretty good way to find out what you're in for.
You'd need the GM to enable you to do it effectively.