RPGs with Uglies

DnD group has ended up with friend's obnoxious, attention seeking hamplanet girlfriend a la pic related.

Want to stay in this group which is otherwise good; any ideas on how to deal with this without being a dick?

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Pavlovian conditioning using skittles.
If she does something good, give it a skittle.
Do not attempt to feed it something without sugar.
It may merely agitate it and cause it to stampede.

Deal with it.
Don't be a dick.


Or we can try this because he saw it in the Big Bang Theory so it must work on nerds in real life, right?

Sounds like the ugly and hamplanet part aren't your problem, user. Easiest solution to your problem is just to let this phase run its course by not feeding her ego and letting her leave of her own accord once she gets bored.

How do you get rid of bad behaviors?

Yeah I got that far, the deal with it is what needs figuring out

Pretty much the best answer your gonna get. Inless the entire group gets sick of her and throws her out, your options are either deal with it and play or walk.

Honestly find a group without women. In 20+ years of playing rpgs promiscuously I can say with some confidence that 75% of females who do rpgs are attention seeking, low self-esteem "nerd girls" who are toxic and ruin the experience for all.

If you cant find a better group, find something better to do with your time

>I can say with some confidence that 75% of females who do rpgs are attention seeking, low self-esteem "nerd girls" who are toxic and ruin the experience for all.

Honestly that describes about 50% of the male RPG players I've met so far

the only solution is to bring a hotter chick in and shame the fat one out. Every adventuring party needs a healer or someone to make food.

It does work in real life, if you're being subtle. The entire education system is based off of it (Albeit in an extremely long term sense, thus why it doesn't really work in that example...)

I'm sorry for your loss in advance.

>good group
>group members condone single member deciding to let an unsuitable significant other join without consulting group first.

You're not in a good group then m8.

You're not wrong but it's still more often the case with females than males.

Not in my experience. Guys are worst then girls on average in the rpg groups I have been.

Then again you and I are not a large enough sample anyway.

Those are better odds.

I mean its kinda just the female nerd thing in general. For whatever reason, there are more guys are earnestly into nerdy shit. Yeah there's plenty of autists and other horrendous examples of the human race, but at least they tend to actually dig the underlying thing.

On the other hand its a very small group of women who are earnestly into the underlying thing. Rather, soooo many of them are just disgusting sexual pariahs looking among the dregs of male society who a) have low enough standards to fuck them and b) have low enough self esteem to lavish praise upon them and treat them like princesses

>Yeah I got that far, the deal with it is what needs figuring out

have you tried being less assburgled?

I have never actually seen the type of girl nerd you just described. And I played with a lor of girls (about 1/3 of the people I played with were girls).

The only actual girl I know that fits your description doesn't play rpgs.

In my travel I've had it closer to 20%. Maybe I'm blessed with good fortune or maybe I just pick my groups carefully.

I have 2 females in my game and they both play great, you're just unlucky.

Nah.. i'm an rpg gamer snce 1978. Oldfag... i've had lots of female players over the years. Even married one. I've had exactly 1 that was a problem and she was convinced to try it by her bf who was one of our group mates when she warned him she had no interest. We've had other girls join for exactly the same reason but they DID have interest and they did fine.

I generally feel like the idiots who do most of the comlaining about girls infiltrating their He Man Women Haters Clubs are likely the cause of the problems they're experiencing, anyway... including OP.

Or just young. Oldfag here too, and my experience with female players has been good like yours too.

Big difference though in that we lived in the pre-SJW era. The types of godawful tumblr types I see LGSes these days make me get why young whippersnappers might lose interest in rpg-gals

Hadn't considered that.

FWIW, I have twin daughters I'm bringing up as gamers. One absolutely loves fantasy, scifi (well... so much as Star Wars soul be considered such) and superhero genres ore than the other but they're both good gsmers. My son is a great tactician and planner in our gakes, too. Family game night has been awesome since they all hit 10+ in age.

My typing sucks on my tablet when i'm in bed and my wife is pressed up against my back so i'm trying not to wake her...

I hope one day I have a loving gaming family like you, user. Until then -

OP, talk to her in a non-threatening situation (that means "when you're alone"). Ask her if she's having fun and likes the game. If she's nice about it, just tell her there's been this thing on your mind, that she does X. She might perceive it in one way, but you do it in another, can she see why that would be annoying?

If she starts talking shit, you drop shit on her in a non-aggressive way: "I haven't been having that much fun either, and it's mainly because you do X."

Good luck.

> first actual advice on thread that provides solution

Take a break from roleplaying and do something relaxing like fishing or cycling. Maybe learn a new skill, I dunno.

OP, you haven't mentioned anything actually bad outside the player existing, so you are automatically the shitlord until you provide proof otherwise.
That said, either sit at the table, play and have fun, or back your shit up and leave.

Between the layers of fat, my penis plunged into unknown depths...

Hitherto this solitary darkness hath been exploreth not by man, nor beast, mayhaps not even by its keeper. A surprised, and vulnerable gaping void met my expedition, an unforgiving maw, though damp and warm, I did not feel caressed, nor the comfort of walls, and despaired at the loss of any sense of direction.

Yet soon, my short descent into madness ended, for the very blubbery encirclings collapsed around me, and I was trapped, and at the mercy of the dungeon's keeper. The ground shook beneath the frontier, rumblings and terror of long forgotten mythos awakening, and soon I found that I was drowning, my breath lost in unholy waters, viscous and foul smelling.

Unable to escape, I battled the beast of the keeper with all my might. Principles and compromises were meaningless in face of such a foe, my taste forever corrupted by the dungeon's sacrifice. There was no hope in sight, no redemption, and so I ordered the final assault, releasing my precious people to the dungeon holds.

The keeper, satisfied for now, quaked in relentless mutterings of apostasy, and as the folds came creeping back, I stepped back and surveyed the war effort. Many lives were lost that day, and lo, never had I wept for my discretions, but looking back, I promised myself never to return to this plane.

>OP's pic related

> "How do I coexist peacefully with women I'm not attracted to?"

>not telling fat people to stop straining the health system
Energy In - Energy Out

it's that simple people.

>obnoxious, attention seeking
Not OP but those two bad "traits" have destroyed many good groups before.

Plus, he asked for tips to deal with the situation, not how to remove the landwhale you idiot.

>One guy have 2 females on his game

>the other tens of thousands should be just the same!

You are a strong wizard.

it's funny how subjective they are, too

maybe the rest of the group doesn't share OP's opinion.

1. Find a new group

2. Deal with it

3. Be very subtly antagonistic if you can and remain mild mannered overall

Step 1 : Go to the Gym
Step 2 : buy tank tops
Step 3 : Smile to her, she'll wet herself at the simple sight of your delts
Step 4 : Fuck the Girlfriend

It's strange, in ten years of gaming I have encountered the opposite, even LARPing (probably because I avoid the personal oog drama there).

My first group was pretty split on the gender divide, one who is an amazing GM usually plays male characters to avoid problems they have had in the past with that guys.

They seem more story focused an intent, an the only one who was really a drama and attention whore was my ex wife, and even she got better at table etiquette.

Honestly it's the quality of people you associate with, I've played with big girls who play small beautiful characters. I've played with pretty girls who play intentionally ugly brutes. And everything in between.

The moral is, play with friends. Also, other people don't owe you their appearance. Some people are fat, some people are skinny, some people are ugly, some people are beautiful, and some people have BO.

BO person is usually a problem, be it a function of their biology or hygene. If hygene, they can correct being gross.

Are you implying you've played in 75% of every single game on the planet that had women in them, including those that were running at the same time? Jesus Christmas dude that's hardcore.

I fucking can't believe I found a use for this reaction image!

Also, what's with all the fat people, dudes included, dying their hair unnatural colors? Do they honestly think it'll distract from the obvious?

You can thank tumblr for that

But the thread title makes it seem like it's the ugliness that's the real problem. Not to mention the inclusion of a picture of the girl in question.

This honestly feels like OP is trying to get a fat hate thread started.

>without being a dick

Too late.

But why?

You know how little boys sometimes bully girls they like because they don't understand how to express their feelings otherwise?

Well, manchild isn't just a word.

I think implying OP wants to fuck the hambeast in question is pushing it.

You're a hero

Learn to fucking read.

>The moment you start critiquing other people is the moment you become a dick

I guess we should just smile and nod along with her?

Could you keep immersion with a thing like that around?

100% this. It seems most of the problems people have with their groups on Veeky Forums come from bad group selection. Being a DM isn't just putting the story together and playing the monsters. Its also about making sure the group of people you bring to the table will actually enjoy eachother's company. When I'm setting up games I don't bring Hunter, an extreme racist, and Tyrone the token black friend to the same table. I also don't throw in newcomers like OP described without first making sure that they will work with the other players both IC and OoC.

>fat hate

>been playing the same game for two years now with mostly the same people
>god-tier GM, huge world, great players who are character driven and actually play people with emotions, goals, love, and loss

>join evil campaign
>wonderful Asmodeus cult serving a high level cleric
>dismantling a good nation that hunted Asmodeus worshipers to near extinction
>fun DM
>awesome rules (Kirthfinder)
>no lolrandum derails

>starting as a player in a campaign with my nigga
>he's a Danish guy from across the sea who loves to voice act, is pretty great at it, and makes awesome Victorian fantasy where lands are blanketed in darkness and evil things lurk amidst the shadows

>living the dream.wav

Sorry, fa/tg/uys
I don't know that feel.

Landwhales tend to be vile people, user.

Better tell the fat hate threads all over Veeky Forums and /b/ (often literally titled "Fat Hate") that they should go to Tumblr.

You should go back to Tumblr if you give a shit.

Fat hate threads are boring and not Veeky Forums related.

So stop bringing them up, lardass.

> any ideas on how to deal with this without being a dick?
Be aggressive. B-E aggressive.

>Normal functioning adult answer
Wait until she actually does something objectionable, then discuss with other members of the group, most importantly the GM using complete sentences and full arguments.

>Veeky Forums answer
Immediately begin sabotaging group from the inside. Complain on Veeky Forums in two weeks when your friends no longer want to talk to you. Make a REEEE sound when you inevitably get kicked out of your group

>tfw a player has a disability that slows the game down (stammering, ADHD, anxiety, etc.)
>it severely diminishes the quality of the game but there's nothing anyone can (or will) do about it

I personally would not go to a game where I had to sit in a room with someone that disgusting for several hours.

Just find another group. It's not your fault (or theirs either) that they have a disability. I know it's awkward to say anything about it, but if you cannot enjoy a game, then you just can't.

I know, it's like finding a pot of gold, with four-leaf clovers and a unicorn

Does Hamplanet shower and bathe herself adequately enough to avoid BO?

If No -> That's your angle for trying to get her out of the game. Intense BO is one of the few things everyone dislikes and nobody can ignore.

If Yes -> Dunno. Maybe you'll just have to tolerate her.

Why does your bro have a hamGF tho?
Maybe if you can find a way to separate the two he'll solve the problem for you.

Is she doing anything disruptive to the group? If so, treat her like you'd treat any other disruptive player.

If she's not, what's the problem?

I've gamed with a lot of chicks and they're not really any different from dudes.

I don't think kicking people out of a group is the solution.

I'm thinking, How would I like it if I got kicked out of a group, for racism or perversion or autism or whatever?

I wouldn't like it

So thus I think kicking people out of groups is a bad idea. Even if they're tumblr.

The one exception tho is if the person is banhappy and wants to ban things they don't like. Then you have to be pragmatic about it, banning them will lead to less bans overall.

The way I see it, if women can get free attention and praise and people doing things for them, then I don't blame them for taking it.

The fault lies in the white knights, betas, and anti-sexists that'll put up with womens' behaviour even when they aren't being helpful or fun.
There's not even any self-interest there.
I'd understand entirely why you'd defend and be nice to a girl if she is being helpful and nice to you. That's just good sense.
But why do ppl defend and be nice to people who are actively ruining the fun?

Warning coloration.

All women suck in rp groups, just deal with her being shitty for your friend till she quits.

This has a Veeky Forums solution and a real world solution. Which do you want? Half the solutions here are not really useful. Forcing them to brake up or being manipulative just causes more problems. If it's her looks, nothing you can really do but leave.

>I'd hit that, though the hair is the first sign there is a problem.

Fat hate threads are great anyways, and can very easily be Veeky Forums related.

Wait... Is she not wearing a bra? Can we get an X-ray to be sure?

You're correct, no need for someone to x-ray that.

>Wanting an X-ray of a great unclean one

Not sure if Nurgle or Slaanesh worship.

what the fuck

Maybe a little of both, but definitely Slaanesh


>I'd hit that, though the hair is the first sign there is a problem.

Amen to that.

I never understood why people dye their hair, except when it grays because you are growing old and don't want to look old. Your natural hair color will always suit you best, unless you are some freak accident of nature.



I thought that was a man with a wig on at first. Might still be.

Anyway, you can be a dick just be subtle about it. Nothing trolls women harder than nuance cause they think they're the only ones that can do it.

FOR EXAMPLE what edition are you playing? Cause if you're playing Pathfinder oh this is so easy... just claim whatever bullshit she's playing is OP in your experience, and don't outright tell her she can't play it, just have her feel completely out of control.

Offer her some shitty third party class no player would be caught dead with. She's playing Magus? Offer her "the spellblade" or "archon".

Tweek her archetype if any and make it blatantly worse.

Have your monsters save-or-sucks target her but act like it's random. Roll dice and every one in a while target someone else but just make it up and than when convenient target her.

By the end of two sessions she will be so aggravated she will either quit or have to make a new character sheet because she ended up dying. And you know she's going to cry to her cuck boyfriend so just tell him "I wasn't singling her out, you saw it man... I rolled dice to determine who monsters attacked, I offered her alternative class features, I'm trying my best to be friendly to her."

But you're not.
Never be with a woman.

Why is this shit even on Veeky Forums?

It's not even advice on cheesing the character optimization or something like that.
It's just plain people complaining about their inability of solving their social interaction problems without consulting or bragging about it on the anonymous Taiwanese movies board.

How is this shit Veeky Forums? How are incessant complaints and passive-aggressive insults even remotely related to Veeky Forums? How are they any different from asking for dating advice or bragging about the party you were invited to?
You aren't discussing the game, you are discussing people instead, and the worst thing is, you aren't even discussing anything of worth, you are just complaining and gossiping.

If you want to discuss your social relationships and inability to defuse social situations on your own, do it anywhere but here.

I'm here for celebrating, discussing and criticizing my hobby, not some random-ass people's blog.
Storytimes at least entertain me, and people there people discuss their IN-GAME RELATIONSHIPS, NOT THEIR OUT-OF-GAME SUPERFICIAL BULLSHIT.

If you can't discuss the hobby, and can only discuss people, why the fuck are you even here?
I despise people like you. You are like a gossiping hound, who constantly talks about celebrity actors' private lifes and scandals surrounding them, but when it comes to discussing actual movies they starred in - you can't say anything for shit.
You're not here for the hobby, you're here for gossip-mongering and insulting people behind their backs.

You could've prevented this, Veeky Forums. But instead you chose to enable these pricks who can do nothing but bitch, complain and discuss the shortcomings of the others', contributing absolutely nothing to the actual Veeky Forums discussion.


I'm out of this thread.

She's like 300 pounds.

>I don't understand this extremely common occurrence. My disinterest must be because I'm normal and everyone else is weird.

Bright colors are attractive. It's not very complicated.

I find unnatural hair color exotic and erotic even though those who wear them sometimes turn out to be toxic attention whores and drama lamas of any weight or gender.

I'm talking about sex not marriage.

Poisonous Dart Frogs. The bright color warns you that they are poisonous. There is another frog that looks like it but not poisonous. Still not worth the chance in most cases.

Has she played a session yet?

If she has, the other players probably want her out too, bring it up with them.

As far as I can tell she has not done anything and op is just retarded.

As a fat guy (270lbs) I don't understand why anyone would date a fat person.

She's hot

It's their fetish.

Here's the rule of unnatural hair colors: The brighter the shade, the worse the person.

People with darker, less distracting colors are okay sometimes.

It's almost as if socially competent people can find each other, and help the marginally socially competent people fit in.

I guess.

Maybe fat women have it better off.

I'd probably be confused as fuck if a healthy woman was interested in me though, I don't see how anyone could find someone 110 pounds overweight attractive.

Well, I'm married to a woman who is fatter than me, quite a bit so. She's more like 80 pounds overweight.

I picked her because out of the 10 girls or so that I ever dated or got serious with she was the most fun, the smartest, and Veeky Forumsest. The fat is a minus but everyone has flaws. I drink too much (not every day but more often than I should) which to me is around the same tier of bad.

Develop yourself and have confidence; some people will automatically shut you down but there's plenty of interesting people out there who won't.

>friend's obnoxious, attention seeking hamplanet girlfriend

you could have just said girlfriend, anyone who isn't a fedora-wearing whiteknight faggot knows any woman feigning interest in Veeky Forums stuff will be obnoxious and attention-seeking
