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and now I play pathfinder
This thread isn't doing so good.
Fucking burp fetishists.
Aren't these the lyrics to an Outkast song?
fax machine to text via speech program
>bumps thread he hates
>to literaly shitpost
In your honor, faggot-kun, I'll try finding new pictures for this thread
Veeky Forums makes a movie
>it has all the flexibility of a newborn sea cucumber
Where are those hentai dialogue pictures when you need them?
Who is this artist.
They look... REALLY familiar.
I think it's Rocio. They're the usual artist for Spinnerette.
Is that legal?
Underrated Post.
>Australian Power
Every time.
I want more Elf sex in films
It's legal, but frowned upon. Relying on it will keep you out of the running for the highest ranks.
Yes but it's looked down upon.
It's looked down upon because it's not a proper victory.
That guy is pretty good, he didn't crush it.
This is especially true in games like Rifts where initiative changes every round.
Is that a footballer or rugby player?
He's not feigning a wound, so it's a rugby player.
He might just be british. A lot of Englands failures on a national level can be levelled at a) Our inability to dive convincingly, b) Our inability to give sufficient fucks to FIFA for their liking and c) The game no longer really allows us to win by breaking the other guys legs.
Man, we used to break those legs so good.
He's wearing shin guards so he's a soccer player or some other sportsman that wears armour.
I hope that guy got kicked out.
Shinkaigyo no Anko-san
It's cute slice of life about mermaids
Isn't that the story where a guy is forced to marry a mermaid and her father is a yakuza gang boss?
mfw after a long second I get it.
I don't. Explain?
There are no guys in this story so far so I don't think that's the one.
No, that's that other one. It's on Netflix if you're looking for it.
it's a movie, i don't see how it's tg related
quite a few other posts in this thread that aren't though
That reminds me I never finished that game. Finished all the others missions in Harder mode tho.
Already?? This was just last night's game.
FWIW, Mets won.
You should post the one where he tries the same thing on a bigger guy and gets rekt instead.
its a movie about two "magicians" (as in show magician).
One aquires a machine that actually clones him so he kills the clone each time he preforms the crowd pleasing trick.
The Illusionist was better.
>so he kills the clone each time he preforms the crowd pleasing trick
not quite
he uses the clone machine for a 'teleportation' trick, the one who performs the trick drops into a container of water and drowns while the clone takes over the act; this is why the mario who gets the cherry is the one that jumps off the cliff and not the clone
Was pretty cool to.
The Prestige for me.
Oh, Captain Feminism.
To be fair, in this Hercules really doesn't like his father and being told he is being just like him was enough to get him to cut it out.
In that panel she is clearly implying that Zeus isn't a "drunken assaulter of women" though.
I kek'd
Sauce on this? For research, of course.
Pants are too long. He plays soccer. Source: Played Soccer, now Play Rugby.