Character Deaths

Post how your latest dead character died.
>Elias Brown "Gun-Man: The Man With a Gun"
>Sacrificed himself inorder to prevent an injustice style dystopia hell from happening

> Character deaths
> That image

It was his character portrait, so topical as well I suppose.

Theodore [last name not yet written], traveling polymath and devout scholar of Avacyn

Punched and bitten to death by Edgar Markov (I don't play MtG, but the DM assured us he's one of the most powerful vampires in the setting), after his party suffered from repeated bouts of retardation while trying to rescue a runaway noble from his house.

Did they try and pick a fight with him or something instead of getting away with the noble?

I've never killed a PC. I'm scared they'll be mad. What do I do Veeky Forumssama?

I have yet to experience character death in any way short of the current campaign falling to pieces. None of my GMs have any balls.

Roll your dice in the open. If the dice say that they die, then they fucking die, and you have no means of fudging. It gets easier after your first.

It's best to get it across to the players that you don't have somesort of vandetta against them, the dice roll how they want to roll.

He got hit with a deathcurse from a defeated foe: Said curse rendered him constipated, eventually killing him.

Crazy obease evil insane cleric rapes stable boy, 15 sessions later stableboy is captured prince forced ro slavery. Raped a prince of the kingdom i helped secure the throne for. Worth.

>Did they try and pick a fight with him or something instead of getting away with the noble?

Yes and no. Our paladin and druid brutally trash-talked him to his face in the middle of his manor (even tried to intimidate him), after he had handed us a large sum of money. After that, we picked up the noble and were almost out of the house in relative peace. I wanted to leave through the front door, but a servant in the house recommended we visit the garden for some unspecified reason, so the party did that over my suggestion. Edgar flew down from a balcony like the opening to a boss-fight. My party decided to try and fight him instead of running.... so it was a TPK that we all saw coming.

Yes, my party is retarded (yes, I mean all of you). Yes, most of us did die. We have a habit of letting our enemies herd us into obvious traps.

He rolled a 1 for investigating the mansion the princess bestowed upon him for his efforts in saving her life.

He walked backwards through a doorway leading to the afterlife, by accident.

The mansion used to belong to a cleric of the god of death.

I'm trying to remember if it's known on Innistrad that Edgar Markov is the OG father of all vampires. Hell, even if his given name isn't known, he's still a MARKOV in MARKOV MANOR, home of the MARKOV CLAN OF VAMPIRES.

Does suicide count? My last character was an alchemist/medic for an adventurer group. Our leader and a bunch of innocent people died because my character got fucked up and tried to save treat people while combat was going on, getting herself captured by the enemy and fail-cascading the entire encounter.

She ultimately survived the encounter, but then in a haze of shellshock mixed up a bunch of a sedatives and swallowed them because the idea of sleeping forever sounded appealing after that. I was hoping one of the other players would have caught on to what happened and tried to get her to vomit up the sedatives or get some sort of antidote, but I wasn't that lucky. Between that and a failed Fort save, death. Oh well, shit happens in war I guess.

I have been posting here since Veeky Forums was made and I haven't played a single tabletop game.

I recently finished a session of DH that I actually storytime here on Veeky Forums.

Our squad leader, a guardsmen named Sarge, finally bit the bullet.

You and me both brother.
You and me both.

> Downtail, a rather ragged and contrary rabbit.
> Swore he knew magic, and was privy to secrets from beyond the veil.
> Turns out he did know magic, but not as well as he should have.

Has anyone ever had a GM insist on running a mash-up between Bunnies and Burrows, Mouse Guard, and Call of Cthulhu?

The Humans are gone but their artifacts remain. You are rabbits trapped in a land of sadistic puzzles and mysterious rules. "Magic" is getting the old artifacts to work that change the rules. You're using the Burning Wheel system.

Turns out we were rabbits born and raised in a testing facility that had been abandoned due to a war. Various animals were trapped, expired, or roaming for us to avoid, fight, or aid. We were trying to discover what had happened and why the food and water had stopped.

I played a rabbit with slightly increased intelligence who was working on deciphering runes / using "magic". I ended up locking myself in a room and starving to death because none of the other rabbits knew how to open the door from the control panel and I couldn't reach the keypad.

Either god tier trolling by Shoggy, or shit tier trolling by someone else.

>This crate seems fine, i think i will...
And that's how nothing was left of my 100% American Beef character.

>Ceivudd Black-Eye
>he died doing what he loved best: wrestling plane-rending eldritch abominations to death while being engulfed in flames, in front of Notre Dame de Paris


Short days ago we lived

>Zachary Mason, firefighter
>Got punched in the gut by a teammate, had flaming shades looking like his parents fall on him and then a vampire made of darkness ate him alive


System was a tweaked VtR, in France, 1870s
He was a gangrel, woken after centuries of torpor, celt-berserker dedicated to the Circle of the Crone
The party was fighting a freemasonic society who was using geomancy and monuments to unmake the fabric of reality itself. The entire plan conveniently rested on the power of a single very evil BBEG with Domination out the ass and literally running on the geomantic power of the city of Paris.
After many scenarii, intrigues and wrestlings of eldritch abominations, we managed to weaken him and confront him personally, in the physical and astral plane as well as in his own mind (don't fucking try to mind-rape the elder Malkavian's mind). Shit was pretty whack and he started opening portals for abominations à la beasts of Paradox from Mage the Ascension.
Somehow we had to stall until sunrise for his ritual to be broken, while dealing with the interdimensional nuisances.
We were all controlling two characters because we had played 2 different arcs separately and the groups met in the end (it was pretty nifty of the GM), so I sent Ceivudd to fuck them up. At this point he could transform into a bear, go into berserk rage and then go into vampire frenezy. All the while stacked on all physical disciplines.
He managed to put an unspecified large number of them back where they came from, if not further and died when the sun rose on Notre Dame, taking the last one in the blaze of fire engulfing his millenium-old carcass while the other characters disappeared in the sewers.
He wasn't the only casualty, but one of the ballsiest and I am really grateful to the DM for his end.

Last confirmed dead character died peacefully in his bed, surrounded by relatives and underlings.
Now our new PCs have to deal with resulting power struggle within the Mafia and try to find my old PC's missing presumably dead heir.

Legacy campaigns are fun.

That is brilliant.

>Post how your latest dead character died.
no one showed up

>another body added to the pile of neglected PC's

>Post how your latest dead character died.
The players showed up.

Forever GM and the closest thing I get to PCs is NPCs that I'm terrified into making into DMPCs.

*terrified OF making into DMPCs.

RAY CHIBA, lead guitarist of Max Fire, aka WALTER ISAAC: SPACE PIRATE

Somehow his absurd amounts of bluff and bravado saw him become captain of a starship and envoy to a gang of road warriors looking to free their planet.

Sadly his lack of combat skills meant he didn't see the megacorp ninja assassin until she lobotomised him with a point blank shotgun blast.

>mfw elias was an npc in our game
>he died of a betrayal
>was shot by the platoon leader
>we saw him run out of the forest but it was too late for him
>the birds were already in the air

felt dawn, saw sunset glow

>Your Elias is betrayed by an Npc
>My Elias betrays a bunch of major Npcs for the greater good

Is there such thing as an inverse law where if something exists there will be a complete opposite of it?
>i guess rule 63 counts in a way

Weird shit just happens I suppose.

Maddok Dregurt perished in flames of Tzeentch-worshipping humie.
He was boring anyways, so I made a weirdboy. Now I have an excuse to meme FUS RO WAAGH and vomit fire at gits.

>Playing Elf fighter.
>Other PC's are all humans who have decided they collectively hate elves and only tolerate me because I'm good at hitting stuff.
>By Fourth level I realise my character has been surpassed in the role of "hit things with sword" by Cavalier PC, who is tougher, does more damage, and has almost equal chance to hit.
>My character is now a side-character at best in combat, and out of combat his lack of skills means he can't do anything except wait for the next fight and listen to other PC's insulting him for being an Elf who never does anything interesting or useful.
>Want to make new character, so current character joins Elven terrorist group and tries to assassinate former comrades as well as two dwarf nobles.
>Charges them and manages to take one dwarf noble down to negative hit points, before being knocked unconscious myself by Cavalier PC.
>Unconscious and dying Elf promptly receives coup-de-grade from PC who claims to be Neutral Good.
>Make new, more interesting character: Tiefling Gunslinger.

>Claims to be Neutral Good
Are you implying that a good alignment is incompatible with killing a traitor who almost killed one of your comrades?

Maybe I should have expanded that the PC in question not only killed a traitor, but killed said traitor while they were unconscious, bleeding to death anyway, and then followed up by remarking that any excuse to kill elves meant it was a good day, and then parading the head around to the public and helping to instigate a dwarven war of genocide against the elves.
For a party that claimed to be good, they really weren't playing to type. This attitude saw a sudden reversal a few sessions later, when the PC assisted in the massacre of 19 dwarves to protect a troll which they had taken a liking to (even though said troll had proven himself to be dangerous) because "it was the right thing to do".

Killing any elf is an universally good act. Stop whining, you knife-ear lover, your shitty race deserves anything done to it.

>Shot in the back, literally, then decapitated

She was betrayed by the rest of the party and the government. She thought she was going on a routine mission to eliminate terrorists, but because of a recommendation by one of the other characters, who when questioned by the setting's equivalent of SEELE, implied that anyone who knew about this black ops hit on a secret traitor to the organization should be "taken care of", she was betrayed.

>be a teen girl with superpowers that give me superior intelligence and the ability to control gravity, really good at CQC despite being a tiny girl because I fight like Bazett
>be deployed to Dejima with long-time partner (NPC) in order to take out a terrorist cell
>think he's a creepy fucking serial killer and have been wanting to get reassigned for a long time
>told by commanding officer, also another player (not sure if he was in on it), this is the last mission I'll have to do with him
>set up sniper nest for partner, across the street from the building where the terrorists supposedly are
>infiltrate building, burst into the room with terrorists
>no terrorists
>sniper fire aimed at me comes in from across the street, duck out of the room for cover
>mowed the fuck down by turret mounted cannons from the entryway
>can't die just from that, get ready to resurrect
>partner shows up before I can, cuts my throat to keep me put down, then slowly decapitates me with a pocketknife

>This Is DoubleCross

Says the pig-fucking, incestuous, beer-soaked beard-on-legs who grunts instead of talking a proper language, and lacks even two brain cells to rub together if the topic of conversation is anything except axes, hammers, or ale.
Elf master race, you Dorf peasant.

>mfw i'm not even dorf
>mfw the first response of elfaggot is angry spittle-filled outburst
You guys don't really HAVE to prove you're the worst race, you know that?
This, too, is why elf genocide is always justified.

What a Dick.

Not my character, but we had a pretty good one less session.

> Party is on the run from the government of our China-ish country because we found out too much while investigating a murder. Also arson and theft, but that's only on one of our guys.

> While escaping the country, stop at a large town to steal an anti-magic sword.

> Theft goes great, but arson guy decides to kidnap the governess of the town for no reason.

> Use dimension walking to escape up north, but overshoot destination by a country mile, end up in forest, pursued by a shit-ton of guards and what is basically a Ringwraith.

> Temporarily avoid them, start making our way towards the capital to meet a benefactor.

>Stop off a town after riding all night, rest for a bit. But the guards find us (obviously). Town's full of cool guys who won't sell us out, siege happens, we get fucked up pretty bad sans our ranger-guy.

> Just as we think we're safe, cue Ringwraith and his knight boyfriends rolling into town.

> Our Mage, on 1HP after the last battle, says fuck it and charges them. As he meets the Ringwraith, overloads himself with magic and fucking explodes for 50 d6.

> Knights are wiped out, Ringwraith loses his horse but damn is he pissed. Guess what fucker, so are we.

> Kick the shit out of him with anti-magic sword and ludicrous amounts of punching.

> Find what's left of the Mage, now just dust.

Dude basically pulled a Caesar Zeppeli to save us and the town, and will be mourned appropriately. Funny thing was that the GM didn't plan any of it, thought we'd just book it out of town at the first sight of trouble.

Eh, it's all in the nature of the game, I just wish one of them did me in instead of my partner, because one of my character's major plot arcs was trying to break her unhealthy relationship (he taught her a lot but was a really controlling sadist, who enjoyed torturing his targets) with him. Dying by his hand in that way was pretty much the worst thing I could have imagined for that character.

On the other hand it was executed well as a story arc and made everyone more emotionally invested in the campaign.