By some inexplicable event, you have been hired by Black Library to fix the Space Marine fluff.
What do?
By some inexplicable event, you have been hired by Black Library to fix the Space Marine fluff.
What do?
First of all, increase chapter size massive. Around 10,000 marines per chapter, if not more than that.
>implying there's anything wrong with it
>implying hipster faggots can be trusted with GW's best selling and most popular IP
>implying Black Library can fix anything rather than simply ruining everything
Up the potential recruitment age from 12 to anywhere between 20 and 30 depending on chapter. Recruitment by big burly men putting their seed into abused little boys is way to close to NAMbLA.
First founding chapters are all 10,000 at full strength.
2nd foundings are at 1,000 but own their own homeworlds. Big exception for Black Templars who see themselves as the true inheritors of the legion.
3rd and beyond are at 1,000 and are either nomadic or just live on worlds without owning them.
Chapters are 10,000 strong and they all worship the Emperor as a God by now. Marines need to be hyper-religious fanatics.
Otherwise their fluff is mostly fine.
They fixed the Templars number issue.
Go back to the Rogue Trader days and inject a bit of humour back into it.
They all have 2 foot long dicks that function fully. This is explicitly stated so people can stop asking about it.
the new templar fluff liked by noone
Female space marines.
But sensibly armoured ones. No bare midriffs.
Make them Knight Templars with economic interests and small armies of chapter serfs, human pilots and drivers. Give them more reasons to interact with Imperium and have ties with humanity.
Increase the limit of space marine per chapter to 10.000.
Remove the most nonsensical glands and change it for something more useful.
Space marines are now 6'4, 380 and make you scream like a lady.
Story of squad leader tarkus
What is this shit, Emperor? Palace for ants?
Her black carapace grants 5+. Additionally her now unusable uterus was turned into protective biological implant to better protect internal organs.
That's fucking stupid. Yeah, lets make male Sisters of Battle while we're at it you fucking faggots.
Fuck. You.
> "Fuck. You."
Taking things a bit way too seriously, are we?
I'm all for bringing back the Fraternis Templars.
They could be of dubious lega status like the unofficial armies of the navigators or the PDFs of Shrine Worlds.
The ecclesiarchy has no standing army of men. Just shit loads of bodyguards, property guards and back up riot squads should the Adeptus Arbiters or the local police need them in a neighbourly and good natured way. Totally not an army. Just very well trained and equipped civilians.
Nothing illegal about having a bit of training. It's only sensible in the war torn galaxy. And their gear is all privately bought and what theybuy in their spare time with their cash is their own business. Nothing illegal going on here officer. Nope. Totally within the law.
Female Space Marines that look exactly the same as male ones, as they've been engineered into the agender post-human monstrosity that the God-Emperor of Mankind created, same as all other Marines.
White Scars have the last Jet Bikes not the fucking Dark Angels
But that's actually a really good idea. The space marines are already like angels--they'd be worshipped if the imperial creed weren't so omnipresent. Why not make some uberfrauen?
/r/ing a bigger version of this image.
>Female Space Marines that look exactly the same as male ones
Sounds great. Female Space Marines that look like Blood Angels with shapely armor, nipples and everything.
There are so many simple changes like that, that would straighten out the lore.
Example 2: Space Wolves are Vikings in Space not dog botherers.
Wait, they're down from 6000ish?
Why? What's the point? Flaunting their disregard for the Codex Astartes was part of their thing.
All the surviving or not-dead-yet primarchs come back, grab some chapters and unify them under each own's command, and the primarch leaders form a council answering only to the emperor, and are now in control of every single space marine out there, except the grey faggots.
>pic related
It is known as the third founding, and all the primarchs meet at the golden palace and have each and every space marine under their command swear fealty in front of the golden throne.
user, stop
Go to bed, Joel Schumacher
GW hates snowflakes.
Also it doesn't make sense that the Imperium didn't catch up to the Templar legion building shenanigans.
>their disregard for the Codex Astartes
The thing is Black Templars go overstrength legally. Gorillaman wasn't a fool. Chapters are allowed to recruit more marines during crusades to compensate severe casualties in the future. Since Black Templars are always crusading they ignored this limitation for millenia and significantly raised their numbers over time. GW showed they don't know their own fluff.
Imperium didn't catch Douche Angels legion either
Because it was needless, more a result of fancanon, like GK and SW, and .
To me, there really isn't too much that really needs to be changed.
I'd just bring back more focus on older lore, but then fucktards like the people on Veeky Forums would flip out because it isn't 3/4e lore. Ward pulled from RT and 2e almost verbatim and people had aneurysms.
I would actually like this.
They at least have the propriety to openly display chapter functions, rather than hey we have a bunch of guys under the same label.
The same happened to Huron.
And then they all venture on a great crusade into the eye of terror and are never seen again.
>They at least have the propriety to openly display chapter functions
DA don't have the decency to stay loyal. BT has Grand Marshal, each Crusade is a big Battle Company with one leader.
>and all the primarchs meet at the golden palace and have each and every space marine
Imagine the logistics of this shit. It's dumb.
That isn't an argument.
And I'm speaking of pretenses.
BTs are openly under the singular command of a sole chapter master. That is all the Adeptus Terra would care about.
un yiff the space wolves
>That isn't an argument.
Oh no
>having it make sense
>not having horrible logistics and stupid ceremonies
you are in the wrong setting friend
>hurr hurr dark angels are traitors
It is a meme, and factually false by any and all measures of lore, and you weaken your argument by relying on it as proof of anything.
Now debate with me like a grown up.
I ask you why it's not an argument first. Show me.
>why it's not an argument first
>proven factually false beyond doubt
Or have you not been keeping up on your 40k lore?
>proven factually false beyond doubt
You haven't done that, user. Go on.
So you haven't.
Because if you had been keeping up on 30k, you'd know that Lion was not a traitor, it's on fucking Lexicanum for christssake. But please, keep bleating your (outdated) memes and thinking that is an argument.
Space marines are then renamed to Thunder Warriors after the third founding, and librarians are now called shamans, and the jetbike is mandatory for all spae marines.
>So you haven't.
And again you haven't done anything to defend your claim. Honestly, I'm a bit sad you gave up without a fight. Rubbing faggots who love to squeal "not an argument" in their own pee is fun. Good luck.
Stop making every last book about them. Start making Space marines this incredibly rare force that after ten thousands years have transcended into myth. That they are seen as ACTUAL angels. The common citizen of the imperium believes in them but doesn't know if they are real.
People see statues and stain-glass depictions of these holy vessels of the Emperor's will they see something beyond human ethereal even. So when they finally show up they aren't gleaming polished plates of armor. They are weathered beaten and over maintained. you can see where paint was applied, polished, and reapplied again. They aren't stark and pure in appearance, they have many pouches and accoutrements one would need for battle. Space Marines are just a fragment of a long bygone age.
That when someone finally sees a Space Marine the ideal they had built in their mind is utterly and completely shattered. That Space Marines are real, they are ordinary, yet how they behave and how they live is so beyond human its almost incomprehensible. That when this day finally comes the magic and mystery about Space Marines entirely vanishes from their eyes and they see them for what they truly are. Just an old fighting force steeped in tradition and ceremony.
I like that. You can imagine an old as fuck Space Marine, may be a chaplain may be just a regular marine with a custom skulljob on his helmet and not like they would know the difference, looking down upon a squad of terrified guardsmen who asked him why they don't shine like angels coming out with something like
"We are a failing breed. The age of demi-gods and super soldiers is fading. We were built to claim victory in the Great Crusade and then fall into the dust. Our day is done and we had to carry on and soon we will bleed away. We will be eclipsed by the Greatness of the Guard and lesser but better men and their victories. Maybe this isn't a bad way to go. Maybe we are at peace with this".
I can literally see an Inquisitor trying to investigate the Faternis and being utterly stonewalled by legal red tape, Ecclesiarchy pushback, costs of investigations, and pro-Ecclesiarchy corruption within the Inquisition.
I like that.
But I would make it like the Mechanicus.
The returned primarchs run, as a council, their worlds and fleets semi-independent of the rest of the Imperium.
They send a representative, usually a highly educated and extremely patient serf or unaugmented but respected human of some sort., to the council of the High Lords of Terra much like the Fabricator General of Mars has a chair in that office.
The difference is that the spokesman for the Astartes doesn't rule the astartes, he just represents them and passes on messages of the returned Primarchs.
Also the no-primarch chapters should have a Regent or something rather than submitting to the will of an outsider. Imperial Fists decide at the Feat of Blades, Black Templars officially broke off and send their own, Blood Angels have a vote between Chapter Masters but aren't allowed to vote for anyone in their own chapter.
Increase the size of first founding chapter to 5,000. 10,000 for the space wolves. Also give the Space wolves some successors so that we can have Slavic Space Marines.
Loyalists indeed bomb the homeworld of 1st founding chapters.
Of course.
got you pham
What if it's covered in heretics? You know, like it says it was in the fluff.
I want that grey area in between loyalist, and traitor fluffed out.
Starting with a trilogy of Lught Huron books (the first one about the Babad war).
Renegades, turn-coats, not-quite-loyalist/traitor, pirates, outcasts, kill-squads, death pacts.
I want him collecting Astartes versions of all these under his banner.
Not excusable in the slightest.
Looks more like the DA are getting rid of their only sizable competition.
But then again, team-killing is nothing new in the Dark Angels repertoire of heretical faggotry.
And Dork Angels somehow have the nerve to call Space Wolves team killers
Weep openly.
>Not excusable in the slightest
Get a load of this Inquisitor.
>Looks more like the DA are getting rid of their only sizable competition
Also looks exactly how the fluff described it, the purging of chaos tainted marines. The implication that it may have gone the other way is part of the fun of the chapter/legion though.
He talking about the Dork Angles showing up and attacking Fenris you disobedient cucumber
Wow, you must reaaaally love Dark Angels.
>Gee Captain, should we go down to Fenris and assist our fellow space marines, or even attempt to contact them?
>Nah, lets just blow it all up because that's what loyalists do.
Face it, your chapter of edgy warrior monks are the Alpha Legion 2.0
The only other space marine chapter who has the numbers to threaten them and their secret legion building was the Wolves, how convenient the Dark Edgels show up to start orbital bombardment.
I wouldn't change that much, but make more of a strive for increased character variance and quality, and consistency.
>Space Marines are comparable to Captain America 616, full stop. Unless they're a psyker they're not more powerful than that ballpark, but are given significant room to be powerful and vulnerable.
>Space Marines are made direct copies of the Imperial Knights of the Holy Roman Empire. They have no relation to the rest of the Imperium by organization, they don't answer to the Adeptus Administratum or Adeptus Mechanicus for that matter, and only negotiate with them for resources. The Adeptus Astartes are a wholly autonomous branch of Imperial Government and answer directly to the God-Emperor himself, none else.
>Astartes are both capable of siring families and actively have them depending on the Chapter. While the more pious such as the Black Templars or Dark Angels may staunchly refuse like some Crusader Orders IRL, the other Chapters have no such issues as if anything, removing their stock from the genepool would only make it harder to find genetically compatible recruits. It also grounds them to the Imperium more than the Legions. A Space Marine with a wife and son is more unlikely to turn against the Imperium and betray that blood compared to a demigod so distant from mortal life he can barely even comprehend it.
Oh, well maybe they shouldn't have been a bunch of filthy mutants then.
>reaaaally love Dark Angels
Nah, just like em. Wolfwolves a shit though, can't say it bothers me they got purged a bit.
Have you bitchy dumbasses even read the Warzone Fenris book? The Dark Angels showed up in system specifically to save the Space Wolves and have been fighting alongside them. They're bombarding Fenris because the entire star system is about to turn into a god damn warp storm. DAEMONS are everywhere. Not just cultists or chaos space marines, but Daemons are pouring out across the system, including Greater Daemons such as Bloodthirsters. Normally that'd be cause for Exterminatus.
Plus we know that the Space Wolves are perfectly fine due to the book taking place in the past. Literally nothing will change because of Warzone Fenris as per the timeline, it already happened, Wolves still exist at full strength.
Pretty much this.
On top of that you might write in something to say that chapters that achieve some great victory or are acknowledged to be vital to the defence of their home region may be permitted to increase their numbers to the size of a first founding chapter
A couple of other things i can think of.
1: openly acknowledge that several chapters are descended from renegade chapters or traitor legions but have achieved redemption in the eyes of the Imperium and are particularly zealous in their fight against their fallen brothers.
2: provide some minor details about the 2nd and 11th legions. Nothing about what happened to them, but their specialisations and/or specific mutations so that people can play descendant chapters or fragments of the unknown legions if they so wish.
Space Wolves aren't mutants you anal astronaut.
Are you saying a bunch of people that turn into werewolves aren't mutants?
That's heresy, yo.
Bro they have actual canine DNA in them and turn into fucking werewolves. They're mutants as fuck.
They are mutates not mutants
This is some omega heresy, bara bait and furry bait at the same time! Damn you GW!
See I'm fine with that who recruit from youth thing if they actually play the whole "space marines are child soldiers" thing
Like when brother Kadus is pulled in half by a carnifex his last thoughts aren't that of glory, but his mind and body are overcome with saddness and regret. Hes sad and scared, completely alone. The game is over he wants to go home. He wants to see the family he long forgot. He's done playing soldier. Why isn't anyone there to get him? Its time to go home. Mother? Mother where are you?
you don't see any of that stuff in Space Marine works. At heart thats what they are children playing super soldier. They are children who think they are invincible and thats where the Imperium wants them to stay.
>they think like children
Space Marines are posthuman. They don't think like humans at all, hence their obsession with glory at the cost of life. Space Marines and have killed their own parents without even twitching or feeling anything. Besides maybe joy at the act of killing.
Kinda sounds like child fantasy to me. exaggerated but its there.
When experiencing their parent's death, children tend to break down and cease to function.
Space Marines barely even notice. Or in the case of heresy enjoy it.
the point I was trying to make if "killed their own parents" What child hasn't experienced some kind of hate for their parents at some point in their life.
What child didn't this if glory or a grand adventure
Then what the fuck are you even going on about?
Space Marines have no relation to children. They're living weapons, posthuman complete sociopaths that everybody would find horrifying to know, as one second they're smiling and friendly, the next they're flaying you alive in a Chaplain's cell for heresy.
>What child didn't this if glory or a grand adventure
This is an English board.
>Like when brother Kadus is pulled in half by a carnifex his last thoughts aren't that of glory, but his mind and body are overcome with saddness and regret
Well, it shows he isn't suitable for dreadnought
>Ultramarines have never actually won anything ever. They're fucking losers but elaborate con-artists and always find ways to shimmy-sham and alter their story to make it out like they accomplished the goal.
>The Space Wolves stop being so fucking heretical if they're going to be considered loyalist.
>The Blood Angels have been decreed to have fallen to Khorne by the Inquisition and new evidence would support that like when they bleed bloodletters spawn from their corroded acid wounds.
>Thousand Sons recognized as di'n do'o nu'ffin and whilst controversial among Imperial politics, are not nearly as lambasted as they are in this current cuck canon.
>Relinquishing the 1000 number limit as considering the Horus Heresy had something like 1/3rd of all space marines fall to chaos, it would not make sense to limit their numbers. Each chapter is responsible for taking care of it's own and snuffing out corruption, or the Inquisition will. No need for some senseless bureaucracy that's hard to enforce.
>Space Marines are not bitch-ants to the Adeptus Mechanicus the way other wings of the Imperium of Man are. Whilst astartes do need them, because they are the sons of The Emperor, and the most beloved figures of humanity... Mechanicus does not fuck with them.
Gee i wonder who wrote this post.
>1: openly acknowledge that several chapters are descended from renegade chapters or traitor legions but have achieved redemption in the eyes of the Imperium and are particularly zealous in their fight against their fallen brothers.
This. We need this.
We need a redeemed Night Lords chapter allied to the Adeptus Arbiters, steeped in law and fighting for justice.
I feel like this is obviously where the wh40k fluff needs to evolve as well. Allowing the primarchs to come back, reuiniting the chapters, let it becomes its own true faction and not just some mythical crippled angel shit.
>Redeeming fallen brothers
Then Magnus must cast aside his daemon body and weep at the steps of the throne, only then will the fallen realize what they have done.
I feel that the Blood Ravens or some other Magnus spawned chapter would get along well with the Dark Angels due to love of books.
yes, especially those books deep in the webway.
>repentant magnus' shard leads the blud rehvens
Do you know how long The Lion has had that book for?
If he doesn't get it back in the Black Library soon the late book fines could cripple the Imperial Economy.
Can't argue with trips