EDH/Commander General

Elder dragon edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.


>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

Any legendary or elder dragons that y'all run as commanders?

Other urls found in this thread:


I like Rith the awakener but I don't know if he's good enough to be played as the commander.

1. Rith is not an Elder Dragon.
2. Rith is female.
3. Rith is fucking boss as shit. Go run her right now.

For real, Rith's actually a house. She hits hard (+1 power and she's 3HKOing people), she shits out tokens like they're going out of style, and she has great colors. You can't really go too wrong with a Rith deck. Even Rith goodstuff is pretty much fine.

I'm considering running OG Nicol Bolas, reading the book and everything.

What are the best value cards in sultai colors?

I don't like any of the elder dragons because upkeep costs are stupid

But they have great art, bolas in particular, and bolas actually has an ability that almost matches its ridiculous mana cost and upkeep, unlike the other ones

Don't even know how to begin answering this question

>Any legendary or elder dragons that y'all run as commanders?
I've run all of the Elders at some point and currently run Nicol Bolas. I've also run all of the wedge and shard dragons before as well, to varying degrees of success:

Bolas: Grixis control, he's a finisher, it's a sweet deck.
Chromium: Esper goodstuff, he didn't matter.
Palladia-Mors: Naya goodstuff, she didn't matter
Arcades Sabboth: Bant goodstuff, he super didn't matter
Vaevictis Asmadi: Jund voltron, he was the primary kill (4 mana+double strike instagibs someone); it was alright, but a little samey. Took it apart after about 2 months.

Crosis: Grixis control, he was a great tool, but he made too many enemies with mono-color decks.
Dromar: Esper goodstuff, the bounce sucks (hits himself too much)
Rith: Naya token swarm, she was sweet, though Hazazon is likely better.
Treva: Bant goodstuff, she didn't matter much.
Darigaaz: Jund goodstuff, he was solid but unexciting, just a fat guy.

Intet: RUG goodstuff+some top deck manipulation; she was solid
Numot: USA land destruction, Numot didn't make friends; had a lot of fun though
Teneb: Junk reanimator, he was solid
Vorosh: BUG voltron(?), mostly goodstuff, but voltroning out was sweet
Oros: Dega goodstuff, Oros himself was shit, deck was fun though

Way too many, youll have to be a bit more specific.

For dragons, Ive made a Dromoka, the Eternal deck. Im a fag for +1/+1 counters, so it didnt take much convincing.

For Elder dragons, Ive had my eye on Ojutai, although all the builds Ive seen for him have been pretty bland.

Basicly, what im trying to do is recurring cards over and over out of my graveyard. So far my deck is ramp, removal, combo and combo protection, so I have around 15 card slots left which I need to win the game with. Im mainly looking for good value cards, cards that generally 2-1 or are an immediate threat to remove.


Meme cards
praetors, eldrazi, extra turn spells, genesis wave, board wipes

looks fun, post trostani deck if you can please

Sadly, I can't. I don't have anything on tappedout, because I hate using it. It's pretty standard though, kinda shitty actually. Won a game recently involving Phyrexian Processor, Illusionist's Bracers, and Trostani though, which was sweet.

Seems like a useless ability in edh

She's a ramp spell. It's just r/g beats, but she guarantees a four drop on turn 3 every game, which is surprisingly solid.

>I don't want to play a commander I like because I can't auto win with it.

Go back to playing Prossh.


my fuckin nigga. What route did you go with her? I made a worse rafiq voltron deck

Creatureless control, with a knowledge pool/rule of law/helix pinnacle kill. It also runs azor's elocutors and divine intervention, for giggles.

Hey edh general, what is your favorite interactive commander?

Pic related

what's considered to be an "interactive" commander?

i was actually just getting together a deck with this guy, got any sweet tech you wanna share? of course Geth's Grimoire is a no-brainer, and I put in a bunch more discard like Syphon Mind and Hymn as well as a bunch of Fleshbag effects and the specters that make you discard. Combined with Liliana's Caress and Megrim it does quite a bit of damage.

Ones that don't just win by casting and combo. Ones that win by affecting other people's cards.

Personally I like Lin Sivvi. She's a neat toolbox commander that requires some outside the box thinking.

More interaction with the players than cards, but I dig Tasigur for the politic games I can play for removal or counterspells while avoiding the UGx bullshit that can be done so easily with him.

Whenever I play interactive commanders my group complains. Everyone just wants to jerk off

Tasigur political control a best. I have a problem closing out games, though.

Play Hermit Druid or Ad Nauseam, then.

How do I build an Iona deck that will control the game effectively? Once Iona is down, the fate's kind of sealed for a player or two, but getting to that point seems difficult since you're stuck hardcasting her.

Hatebears doesn't seem very viable since EDH is much more explosive than other formats. Is the best way to go about it just to jam mana rocks into the deck and play huge fatties as quickly as possible, With Luminarch Ascension to help keep me alive?

EDHrec shows that most people run the big angels, with a couple smaller drops like Mirran Crusader.

Or should I drop that all together and go B/W for stuff like Ashen Rider and a lot of recursion? I've heard white is a weak mono color in commander, but it's my favorite color to play in other formats.

Mono white is the weakest color identity.

Iona is better in a BW reanimator shell. Going black also gets you a lot of other goodies, like tutors and card draw.

Who would be an effective B/W commander for reanimator? I know Teysa, Orzhov Scion is a great commander in general since she can go infinite, but she's not particularly tied to reanimation.

I know some commanders aren't "Build Around", but are there stand out reanimator commanders?

In B/W? No, not really. You could run someone inoffensive, like Selenia or the original Ghost Council, which would probably be your safest bet honestly.

Athreos or Ayli. They don't directly lend themselves to the strategy of pooping out big creatures before you could ramp into them, but Athreos could theoretically help you get small value creatures back if you play with an idiot who don't like paying life and Ayli is a decent value commander. Honestly, BW, while a solid combination, has terrible commanders. Karador is probably the right commander.

That said, unless you're just dead set on playing Iona, BUG is probably the best color combo for reanimator.

Bug and Abzan are pretty even in my opinion

Bug has more options to get stuff into your graveyard, Abzan has more options to get stuff out and also arguably better reanimating targets but thats debatable

If I Rings of Brieghthearth is on my field and I attach Illusionist Bracers to a creature and pay to activate that creatures ability, THEN pay the extra 2 to duplicate the ability being cast could I potentially quadruple the ability being cast?

No that triples it

Activate ability -1-
Copied by bracers -2-
Copied by bright hearth -3-

Ah ok, so I would want another two mana to spend to quadruple it. Thank you Ashnod's Altar.

Rings of bright hearth is a triggered ability, not an activated ability, you may only pay 2 mana to copy an ability once for each time that ability is activated

To quadruple your activated ability your best bet is to clone the rings

Ok so tripling the ability is the most I could do at a time?


Have 5 B/U mana
Have 3 Fae on the field
Have Ashnod's Altar, Illusionist's Bracers, Brighthearth Rings on the field

Pay 1 B/U and Sac 2 Fae for 4 mana then sac another to trigger Rings ability. Opponent pulls 4 of the color chosen and I end up with 4 Fae.

Let that stack resolve.

Pay another 1 B/U Sac 3 Fae for 6 mana then another to trigger Rings again. etc.

Basically repeating over and over. I'm assuming that's pretty much how Oona blows away a deck when those circumstances are on the field right?

Yeah but that's REALLY stretching it.

You could do wirse for colorless

That... really is among the best RW has to offer. Damn the color combo's commanders all suck.

Love it

Everyone's favorite teenage necromancer (except for the people who like flip liliana)? She's probably not strong, but I have a soft spot


Does she work well when most people have much bigger numbers? I've seen a 60-card casual deck themed around her that's pretty good, but I'm not sure it would be a house in EDH

I don't care if everyone hates her, she's the best

I feel like there has got to be a better choice for WB. Like, he's not terrible but was there really no one else?

Fuck that noise.

>Kozilek 1.0
Probably the best Eldrazi commander? He's not much fun but I guess you don't have a lot of options

Dull as a bag of hammers. Did you do something interesting with her, or just get big and beat face like every other Jenara? Gonna call that one a loss without more info.

8.5/11 good selection.

I'm confused, are you talking about Rings triggering from Altar?

As long as you keep hitting enough of the color you choose that works, might be more difficult against tricolor but you can build up mana by cycling through the combo targeting the mono colored player or even yourself if that works with your decklist

I'm talking about using altar's ability to sac a faerie to pay for Ring's trigger until I'm out of color to pay for it.

I'm hoping Phyrexian Altar will help with that problem providing I tutor for it.

Idk why everybody is sleeping on Karlov

He has his own deck and strategy, you can't simply choose a different black white commander and have that commander lead his deck

I was referring to the color you name when you activate oona, but you reminded me that the combo needs colored mana to carry on

Rate, also give advice on my 6th commander pl0x.

post list you woman

yeah that's why I started with saying I only had 5 colored mana to use until the combo had to run out. With how many times the combo will multiply though the deck I'm drying up should be absolutely dissipated by that point though.

In the event that Phyrxian altar and Ashnod altar are on the field though the combo can be repeated infinitely.


My buddy plays Karlov and he's a monster.

In what world is exiling shit a bad thing for a commander to have. And life gain is the easiest

Well fuck me I guess I'll pick up the WB deck sometime. I felt Meren was the only thing worth having this wave but we shall see.

Xenagod is linear and predictable but surprisingly super fun. Xenagod -> Atarka -> Seize the Day -> Seize the Day flashback is just absolutely bananas.

Karlov's hilarious, the only reason I didn't build him is because I wanted Cleric tribal more, and Ayli fills that void.

Same with my group only I'm not the one that gets complained to even though I play some form of a stax deck. It's fucking ridiculous sometimes because some of the bitching is so god damn hypocritical. "X from of combo is fine. Y form of combo is bad. Land destruction is wrong. Sway of the Stars et. al. are fine."

Sway of the stars is banned for being stupid

A lot of cards like that are stupid. I doubt all of them are banned. Just because something is on the banlist doesn't mean your group can't agree otherwise.

100 cards isn't enough. I want to build mono red burn, but have it viable in 3, 4 person matches, so I'm trying to stuff burn, enters the battlefield and hurts spells like wars form and Purphoros, damage doubles, and goblins.

It seems so straight forward but I can't get it to jive. Too much goblin effects, not enough actual goblin producers. Get that worked out, now it's a goblin deck, so I rewrite it, now it's just burn that will run out of gas.

I can't build the simplest fucking color, I'm getting my autism so flared up.

I'm in the same boat. I disassembled a fully functional xenagos deck to try and make a dimir reanimation deck of some variety, before realizing that I really want to make a golgari beatdown with fancy blue creatures. In the end I just said fuck it and built a giest of saint traft deck with equipment and card draw because I'm not very creative.

Me neither, my favorite edh deck is Kemba equip. I have so little experience balancing this shit.

I just love fatties so much. I have so many fatties and all I want to do is find the most efficient way to play them all at the same time. Then I get salty when people beat me down too hard early game while I'm setting up my janky techs and tutors. Magic is a cruel mistress.

Evan pls go

Start with Purph as your commander, that reduces variance and ensures that your goblins have etb damage, then since you're in mono red you geg to use Caged Sun, Gauntlet of Power, Extraplanar Lens and Gauntlet of Might. I would avoid damage doublers unless you're killing the turn that you cast them since you can easily die before your next turn. With mana doublers you can include a few burn spells Comet Storm, Banefire and a few more Fireball effects. Price Of Progress, Stranglehold, Blood Moon and Magus of the Moon are all staples in mono-r as well. Goblin Assault is a pretty good token generator with a negligible downside since Purph gets you value from them anyways. Purph's little brother Impact Tremors is also great. Effects like Sulphuric Vortex can be good as well. Burning of Xinye and Wildfire and awesome wipes that help keep big mana decks down. Jokulhaups is a no brainer and it's worth noting that Purph survives it as well. Sorry it this is a bit hard to read, on my phone and I just wrote down my thoughts as they came to me.

Do you happen to have that Niv-Mizzet deck list?

any good card shops in granada hills, CA for edh? ive got some shitty decks i want to play, meren toolbox, sigarda angel beaters, geth discard, and prossh token army

(although i need help with geth, im not sure how much i should lean into the discard abilities

It wasn't hard to read, it was very helpful. I was trying to force flip Chandra as my commander, but what can I say? Purphoros is clearly what I want, I have no argument other than he's not pretty. Bye Chandra

If you're really up for some hot jank in monored, you could toss some of that out and go for mono-red superfriend burn.

Mono red super friend burn sounds like my favorite deck I haven't played

Can I get some opinions on my janky combat trigger deck? Tappedout never has any opinions on it anymore....


Very casual battlecruiser meta I play in so huge CMC isn't as much an issue as it seems

If you really wanna force Chandra then the best route is probably using Dual Casting. I feel like theres probably something clever to be done with Savage Beating, Dual Casting and Chandra as well.
Cast Savage Beating for combat step
Response to untap trigger tap to copy
Tap to copy again
First copy resolves untapping chandra
Tap chandra to copy one of the ones still on the stack
Ad Nauseam

The gods were a mistake

They're balanced at best, unplayable at worst. I'd say they were successful.

What happened?

They're pretty fun

How? Assuming you don't miss a land drop?

Not him, but Waste Not is a no brainer as well, as well as Words of Waste

Well, you COULD run strionic resonator to copy the rings trigger :^)

Yeah I thought about that but jesus I'm already tutoring enough to get all that other stuff set up you know? I have a spare one I can put in once the decks made to see how I could make it work but I'd feeling like I might as well be playing some sort of building simulator trying to fetch for all of those artifacts.

Nah that's dumb cuz you have to pay another 2 mana

Instead you strionic resonate the bracers ability

Well, it seems okay for casual meta, can't really say anything about it, since everything is meta-dependant. If I knew what kinds of games you have there, I probably could say something.
It's just that your curve bothers me like hell, and synergy is off. Guess I just don't like battlecruiser magic or just turning creatures sideways.

Well, true. And then you can rings the resonator. Sculpting steel and mirrorworks are a must, so you can have at least 6 copies of bracers equipped.
And of course I assume that this is magical christmasland with snowstorm of mana.

***Purph was a mistake

>Synergy is off

I've always thought that was one of the strongest parts of the deck, even one or two key things out is pretty winmore

>Rage Reflection and Necropolis Reagent
>Raving Dead with Quietus Spike and Double Strike for life gain nerds
>Scourge of the Throne + Rage Reflection
>Doublestriking Wrexial
>Doublestriking Ink-Eyes
>Lots of hexproof/shroud so the above creatures can hit

The meta is pretty casual, lots of big spells and big creatures, and it's been working real well and I'm having fun with it, but I don't get a lot of opinions on it is all.

>mfw I imprinted a Phyrexian Metamorph into a Prototype Portal.

How exactly does scourge of the throne combo with rage reflection?


Make 6th commander Marchesa.

Empty Throne is around the corner and I guarantee she'll get some good stuff to go with her.

Also, wouldn't hurt to have another 3 color deck

Could someone help me with cuts for my tasigur list or any cheap staples im missing? Deck is mostly whatever i had laying around. Any help is appreciated. tappedout.net/mtg-decks/26-04-16-tasigur-edh/

Well more for whatever else is on the battlefield to take advantage of two double striking combats, or at the very least swinging for a whole lot of damage in the air

I've had a double striking, hexproof Wrexial with two combats before. It's what makes me like my deck so much.

I was just going to ask how to into politics with tasigur as well. Right now my next deck is either him or mimeoplasm and politics seems more interesting.

Politics are for pussy foot groups who cry when they lose.

I play this one on cock all the time, once people realize what it is they are usually pleasantly surprised


So Im currently running a Xaihou Dun, The One Eyed Deck, and I'm Currently running the following combo:

Creature denial Hide

Lethal Vapors + Pithing Needle : This is one of the best creature locks in the deck. Play Pithing Needle naming Lethal Vapors leaving your opponents unable to skip their turn to get rid of Lethal Vapors.

But I've notice a GIGANTIC flaw in this combo...

Lethal Vapors + Pithing Needle

Since Pithing Needle doesn't allow the activated mana abilites, this combo would not work. According to TWOC:

"Activated abilities include a colon and are written in the form [cost]: [effect]. Triggered abilities and static abilities of the named card work normally."

becuase Lethal Vapors's ability is: :Destroy Lethal Vapors. You skip your next turn. Any player may play this ability.

It is technically a mana ability. So, unfortunately, this combination doesn't work.


Lethal Vapors's Activated ability does not respond to the effect of Pithing Needle, because TWOC clearly states that triggered and static abilities are not affected by Pithing Needle's ability.

SO, in short, and to be curt, Pithing Needle, when used on Lethal Vapors does absolutely nothing. I love the deck and keep finding new combos every time I mess with it, but this combo specifically occurred to me, and after a bit of research, it seems to be a somewhat common misconception.

This deck is HEAVILY reliant on combos like this one, and there are MANY MANY more to discover, but I am having a hard time finding definite win cons in it. This creature denial was a combo that I have been using and was a pretty brutal shutdown, but now that I can't rely on it, I'm not even sure if I should use Pithing Needle in this deck.

The deck's goal is control, but I'm just not sure If Pithing Needle fits anymore... If it doesn't, what do you suggest I add to replace it? Especially a card that might combo well with Lethal Vapors.

Also, obviously, I'd like everyone who sees this to check out my deck, and its you like it postively upvote it, blah blah

but what I'm looking for more than upvotes and recognition, is how to make this deck as combination fluid as possible, and I want to be a master of playing this deck. Really get to know it inside and out... So if you do happen to experiment with it, or stumble upon a combo that I haven't found yet and listed in the description, then I would appreciate it greatly if you commented on the deck's page, this thread, or even PMed me to let me see the combo.

Thankyou greatly to anyone that helps, and if there's anyone who needs help with a deck, let me know. I'm very good at constructing Mono-Black decks, so especially ask me if you have questions about that.

Sorry for a gigantic post. Pics related


Mana abilities are those that produce mana, e.g. sol ring, lands, ashnod's altar, etc. Lethal vapors does not produce mana you dumb-dumb.

pithing needle DOES do something to vapors ya dingus, it stops it's ACTIVATED ABILITY from being used.

reading comprehension is lost on Veeky Forums it seems



Well it's true in my experience anyways. I prefer the games to just be "kill everyone but yourself", games go quicker, people cry way less. The decks even seem to be crafted better

Building BUG. Wanna make it as horrific in appearance and theme as possible. Would Mimeoplasm Lovecraft stuff work? Or Damia voodoo fun?

Each meta is different.

Just use Mimeoplasm yeah and check out the Horror Tribal section in edhrec. I say a good bit of recs from that page fit what you want.

Oona is pretty much finished. Still only slightly skeptical about it probably because I'm not used to playing blue and I'm not used to control.

Decided to retire Kaalia because I never really used her and she had plenty of other valuable parts I could use for my other decks. Most notably lands to use in my future Aurelia and Grixis Zombie deck.

I revisited my Grixis Zombie deck and realize now I probably could piece that together but I'm going to hold back and wait still to see what Eldritch Moon drops. I feel that there may be something good I can still give to make the deck better. Probably a new Lilliana Planeswalker which I'm going to guess will drop for the set.

I also realize now that I really enjoy tribal decks and tokens. Does that make me bad/boring?

This post is copypasted from a Tappedout page.
