post japanese character art
3 swords, but only 1 sheathe??
Reminder that Nexon fucking sucks and any IP touched by them dies a horrible death.
Which sucks because sometimes the games made by them are kinda nice.
Sun Wukong is actually the monkey king's Chinese name. His Japanese name? Son Gokuu.
I know, I just posted anything vaguely Asian that I had in my folder. Nothing specifically Japanese.
OP, that guy was a fucking faggot and you know it. He was a fucking DMPC
Atlantica Online had a nice thing going, wish it was a actual vidya instead of a skinner's box.
>implying Okami isn't the pinnacle of the ps2 generation
Who doesn't know this in the current year? Apart from people who don't know sun wukong at all, of course.
>implying Reimu could afford that outfit
What do you think is essential in a kitchen sink asian setting?
Samurai, Monks, Shinobi, and associated iconic weapons, a Bushido code, HONORABARU, massed infantry, passive-aggressive dickishness from pansy, limp-wristed officials, and a whole bucketload of mysticism, a heavy dose of spiritualism, and mythical entities.
Nice art and all, but Reimu still a shit.
If we're doing Japan, isolation for flavor? There be a point where some guy is hiding from the officials or something.
If this is generic "kitchen sink" asian setting, we need to throw in wuxia and koreaboo as well.
I only played okami on the wii. It seemed like the kind of game that would be with a stick