/mtg/ - Standard

Tireless Tracker is my Waifu Edition

Gameday for SOI Saturday, whatchu brewin?

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just ordered this to finish out my deck :3

Also, can anyone help me with the rules here:

Let's say I have one Erdwal Illuminator and 4x Tireless Trackers in play.

If I play a land, and its the first time I'd investigate this turn, how many clues do I get?

5. 2 from the first trigger to resolve (1 from the tracker, one from the Illuminator), 1 from each of the other 3 triggers to resolve.

That's what I figured - but I was curious if all of the Investigates trigger at the same time?

All Trackers' investigate triggers trigger at the same time, but those triggers are put on the stack one after the other (in an order you decide), not parallel to each other. So only one of them resolves first.

They trigger at the same time but, like any triggered ability, they each go on the stack and resolve individually. they don't resolve simultaneously.

Im just returning so I wasn't sure.

planning on taking this to a (fairly casual) game day


planning on replacing hellkites + awakening with dragonmasters.

ulvenwald hydra might also be worth trying. can't really get world breaker sadly.

I have a playset of atarkas command and one foil and one nonfoil kolaghans command

should i sell them before rotation


Just built the most shitty U/G eldrazi deck, give me advice or insults

2x Ulamog
1x Kozilek
1x Reality Smasher
1x Thought-Knot Seer
3x Hedron Crawler
4x Mist Intruder
4x Eldrazi Skyspawner
4x Blisterpod
3x Slip Through Space
3x Abtrusive Interference
3x Ruin in Their Wake
3x Call the Scions
2x Cryptolith Rites
2x Hedron Archive
4x Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
8x Island
8x Forest
4x Wastes

Yep. The little play they will see and the relatively high price they have right and how they are going to go lower and lower until rotation.

Hello everyone, i really liked this brew, but i don't know if it is worth playing it, what do you think, guys?


>Gameday for SOI Saturday, whatchu brewin?
That's what I'm trying to figure out.

I can't decide between Jund Midrange withouit Gitgud Frog and Grixis Control and I'm flipping through which one I want to do last minute. It's not fun.

I've been playing Jund midrange without Gitgud Frog and it's Totally correc to not play gitgud frog.

I'm also super unhappy with basicalyl every list so far so I don't think Jund can be a "thing"

I played G/B Elves and stomped FNM for a couple months before SOI came out, but now my deck just can't deal with anything deal with the new white. Maindeck Archangel of Tithes, Declaration in Stone, and Always Watching (never mind all the little Origins first strikers) all wreck me utterly unless I happen to draw and/or CoCo into my full set of Shamans before it's too late.

Is there anything I can do about this? I can't think of any SOI cards that would be much help, and it's not like I'll be able to build a completely new deck by Saturday...

Duress for the declarations and always watching, languish to put humans down although it hurts your elves just as much. Maybe run more draw enablers like painful truths or ob nixilis?

Im assuming kozilek and ulamog are your finishers - if you are playing green you should use from beyond, at the very least to allow you to draw ulamog or kozile to your hand.

idk, they may drop a bit around rotation time, but they're used more often in modern than in standard, especially Kolaghan's command, making itself a staple in the most expensive modern format deck, i.e. Jund, and Atarka's Command is also a staple for most if not all burn decks, again in modern. Hold on to the foil K-Command if anything.

I run Duress and Eyeblight Massacre in the board, but I never know what to sub out. (Also Gilt-Leaf Winnower, which comes in handy against a whole lot of devks.) Right now I have two each but maybe I should tick it up to three. I have some pretty loose slots in my board anyway.

I could definitely use more draw - anything to get my Shamans faster - but I'm not sure how I would incorporate that into the main deck without tampering with its structure. I've already got four each of CoCo, Elvish Visionary and Sylvan Messenger. I guess maybe I could consider running Seek the Wilds or Oath of Nissa?

I disagree, Gitgud Froggerino has won me plenty of games, where it either was able to dodge most common removal, like Roast, Ultimate Price, Languish, and Grasp, and beat down to game, or grinded out the match. Even had a match, where he stood around for 5 turns, though the opponent kept finding a way to chump, I drew 8 cards off his land ability, giving me so much overwhelming gas that I was able mach card for hard that he threw till I just broke the balance with a shit ton of removal and won from there. Went 4-0 that day.

How about duskwatch recruiter? I know its not an elf but it can give that advantage, and if manages to flip you can cast SoP for 2 mana

I have only one of those but I can slip it in, what would you advise I take out?

What are some good white/green ways to deal with planeswalkers quickly? Or to deal with cards like ultimate price/to the slaughter?

the blink card?

Sell them now, rebuy them when they dip.

where to sell jaces online

Flip Jace or new Jace?


Thinking about taking this to FNM/Gameday tomorrow. Semi competitive, but mostly using shit I have for now. Suggestions welcomed.


I thought it was a dude!

Atarka's Command maybe. Kolaghan's Command absolutely not. Do not sell K-Command. Not only can it be a very easy outlet for Madness(you can target yourself) but it sees lot of play in other formats.

Noob questions

When exactly does damage reset on a creature? After the end of combat step? For example if I block a 2/2 with a 1/1 what is my window to do fatal damage with a 1 damage to creature instant?

If I declare attackers and my opponent then declares no blockers I can then play titans strength or whatever and they can't change their mind right? They have to take all that damage?

You probably don't want blisterpod, you don't have any ways to sac it so you're essentially paying G for a chump blocker and a scion. Play a regular mana dork like lief gilder or deathcap cultivator

damage on a creature is removed at the end of the turn

So I could finish it off with a sorcery in the second main phase?


Okay, and if they dont declare blockers they can't go back on that if i play a buff instant right?

Yes, because choosing not to block moves you into the combat damage phase.

Im thinking about replacing Ulvenwald Mysteries with Town Gossipmonger.

But I also have no other idea of what to put in


Looking for advice on how to deal with low cost burn decks, aggro vampire decks etc.


Tbfh, you really can't do anything. However, you do have swaths of creatures. They won't have enough burn for all of that.

Also, I'm a huge fan of Reflector Mage. it's a human, has 3 toughness and if you're splashing blue, you might as well.

With Tokens, you should put in Westvale Abbey. Always a threat, trust me. Especially with 4x Hanweir!

I really wish Jace's Sanctum wasn't 4CMC, shit would pair nicely with Harness the Storm

any tips on how to work in the present meta?

trying to get into standard from kitchen table, using shit I had lying around but I'm willing to go buy little things

Taken on board. I will work on the mana base and see if I can run blue reliably

I run 3 port towns and 1 island.

Though, I also have 3 cryptolith rites which makes my mana base very efficient with my x2 Nissas

Right now my biggest problem is coming up with a 15 card sideboard.

I'm going to throw in my clip wings, but since I am just returning to magic, my collection isn't very large for standard. It's 99% SOI

give up probably

However if you have, say, 1 Tireless Tracker, 4 Erdwal Illuminator you'd Investigate 5 times. The good thing about Erdwal is that it allows you to Investigate on your opponent's turn, so you can say, cast Exposed Evil / Press for Answers / Confront the Unknown and Investigat an additional 5 times, which makes Confront the Unknown increasingly lethal.

Build a really cheap budget deck like R/W Equipment/Allies or U/R Prowess

if you're running blue just add in 15 counterspells

> duskwatch recruiter
That's... not a bad idea, actually.

Sideboard or main?

Friend wants a budget deck because he lost his deck in rotation.
How's this? The local meta is very casual
Anything to add like Open the Armory or Strength in Arms? I already suggested Always Watching and the R/W painlands.
Again, he's not looking to top, just do somewhat decently.

Actually, wait - how much is the werewolf that draws you cards when an opponent plays instants on your turn?

This guy?
I would main it

Consider adding in reckless bushwhacker

I converted my R/W allies into a R/W Ally equip. It's pretty fun to play - I recommend an angelic captain - equipped with stoneforge masterwork and captain claws, I had her swinging in the air for 24 - not even counting everyone else swinging with doublestrike on the ground.

Yeah, him. I got him mixed together with Duskwatch Recruiter in my head. I feel like he could be decent sideboard tech against burn/control.

Planning on running a friend's build of Jon Finkel's GB Seasons Past deck.

Tried the deck for a bit and it was fine, but I feel like the deck needs another wincon. Any Suggestions?

Gaea's Revenge

Seconding that - reckless bushwacker really helps out with swinging hard.

anybody here play Hex? i've not seen much discussion on the game since the steam release

any ideas on a u/b madness deck?

I have four flip jaces, four recklass scholars, four heirs of falkenrath, four gisa's bidding, three the vampire madness twins, four murderous compulsion a few negates/ broken concentrations one zephyr scribe

those are the corner stones

somebody.. anybody

If you use Knight of the white orchid to bring out canopy vista or other dual plains, do they enter tapped or does it play untapped?

"As Port Town enters the battlefield..."

So, you'd still have to reveal a plains/other mana.

Port Town can't be grabbed by Knight.
It can grab the BFZ lands, and they will enter untapped if you have 2+ basics.

So it still enters tapped. Thats a shame

Read the card.
When you fetch Stream or Vista with Knight, do you have 2 basics out?
Enters untapped
Enters tapped.

Jesus read your cards.

Im the port town dude. I totally misunderstood which lands he was talking about.

But yeah, that's exactly what it would be.

Buimt the Monoblue Brains meme deck. The list is almost the same but replaced 1 grip for one more disperse.

How can I improve the list?

run some adverse conditions, cut some nagging thoughts you need to make sure you don't die before you can get your combo off.

Depends on you meta.

Which ia dominant? Aggro or Control deck? For aggro deck you will hav to main things like Ojutai breath and that instant that taps two creatures and have spell mastery.

Not quite

Everybody gets priority after blockers (or the lack thereof) are declared, but choosing to block isn't something you do when you have priority, it's a decision the game prompts the defending player to make at the beginning of the declare blocks step and THEN everybody gets priority regardless of what decision they make

any thoughts?




Thinking of making an ally-deck for the Gameday this weekend.
Should I go for WR equipment, WBR or BW lifegain?

Pretty happy about this

fuck you

Like some user said, it depends on the meta. Bring tapping effects for control and bring counterspells and sphinx for control matches.

Lucky you, I only got the regular version


>tfw I had neckbeards begging me to trade or sell them my Titi promo

Nice get though if its what you wanted.

so true my mom was pissed when i bought those jaces


Ugh. I hate you. But good draw.
I got a regular. Flipped it for 50$ last week. Got some lands.

I turned a lili, nissa and a nahiri into a jund manabase. It was surprisingly satisfying knowing they were all pulls.

she should be. you spent 200 dollars on slips of cardboard for your little game.

Cut some nagging thoughts. Run only 2 since anticipates is way better and you'll rarely use the madness from nagging thoughts.
Bring try to make space for 2-3 clash of wills. And replace grip of the void for ojutai's breath and send to sleep.

Put some counterspells in sideand and thee artifact from origiins that makes you gain life when casting a spell of a color you'va chosen.

Fucking jaces are over 80$ m8

I played yesterday with that deck. Ended 2-1-1.
Get stuff to stall your enemy and IMO cut 2 blight lands for 2 islands since you want to have islands when casting engul the shore. Keep the mage ring metworks since its the best thing we can have when battling control decks.

Vs control decks, send to sleep works wonders here since you tap their manland for 1 turn,reducing their mana available for the next turn. I get only a couple of them for that match. Mostof the time the one that drops sphinx of last word is the winner.

Sry but I just dont see this meme deck being good enough for even FNMs. Its a pretty bad deck that dies at turn 4-5 cause of lack of removals.

What you bros think of this list? Extremely budget for my first MTGO deck.

Gaea's Revenge, Damnable Pact are good extra alt wincons.

Gaea's Revenge:

Pros: Gaea's Revenge virtually immune to almost all forms of common spot removal being played. Can't be countered.

Cons: Lack of trample can be chump blocked all day and 5 toughness is a bit low for a large creature. Can be stripped with Transgress the Mind in a mirror match.

Damnable Pact:

Pros: Technical CMC of 2 meaning immune to Transgress the Mind, can be used to target self for extra draw if needed and a very easy fireball finisher.

Cons: When used to give self card draw is worse off than Read the Bones for the same mana input. If not used to finish off opponent it can be a liability. Orbs of Warding in mirror match can make it a dead card.

>Eldrazi deck
>Evolving Wilds but no Wastes

Put some Wastes in. Be it one or two you want to be able to have the option of fetching for colourless mana if possible.

What's the best way to store transforming cards? I only have the sleeves that come with the ultra pro toploaders that are clear.

I'm that Rakdos Eldrazi guy who posted here last (?) thread.

Please tell me no one wasted money on my shitbrew

I finally got matched against competent opponents running good decks and got stomped. The deck has way too many bad cards in it.

what brew? List?

I'll post the list I'm updating to

Top-Tier Cards for this deck
4 Eldrazi Mimic
4 Forerunner of Slaughter
4 Matter Reshaper
4 Thought-Knot Seer
4 Reality Smasher
4 Visions of Brutality

Cards I'm iffy about
2 Dust Stalker
4 Asylum Visitor (new)
4 Sin Prodder (new)
2 Spatial Contortion
2 Eldrazi Obligator

22 Lands (4 Corrupted Crossroads, 4 Battlefield Forge, 4 Caves of Koilos, 2 Sea Gate Wreckage, 4 Mountain, 4 Swamp)

Board :
2 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
2 Languish
2 Flaying Tendrils
3 Transgress the Mind
2 To the Slaughter
2 Chandra, Flamecaller
2 Vile Aggregate

Note : I would play Kolaghan's Command if I wasn't being a poorfag about this deck