Wyverns are more broken than wraithhuard edition
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Wyverns are more broken than wraithhuard edition
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>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)
>Forgeworld Book index
>White Dwarves
>orks are the most war-loving race
I wish I was as dedicated as you user.
>Orks can make anything work with their WAAAAGH! field.
>Can't make a good codex.
Are Tauros worth a look at for IG lists?
How do Flamers fare if you stick them in a Rhino? Can driving a squad across the board with two firing out of the top work reasonably well, or is the range too difficult to manage?
I would rather face a Wraithknight than its point equivalency in Wyverns.
Fight Me.
Calling it now helturkeys will nlsuck no matter what roll they're given.
Wait, what does the new book do to Coldstars? I just modeled one.
The end result for your ass is the same either way.
Why the fuck would Orks have high leadership? They're a god damn rabble of small minded savages. How is it any surprise they are easily thrown into disorder? It's like saying IG should be ld8 because they're all brainwashed into dogmatic loyalty.
Do you believe in new model syndrome Veeky Forums?
I charged a squad of 20 guardsmen + priest with my new bloodthirster.
He in one round of combat from full health.
Hitting on 5s, wounding on 6s, 3+ armour and a 4+ FnP dealt 6 wounds to him with 18 attacks.
What is that, 4-5 Wyverns?
It depends what you have as to how scary that would be really.
They're an attack flier. Hadesdrake was shit anyways. Baledrake is okay, but suffers heavily against enemies that space their dudes.
Nothing at all, FMCs get jack, and the Coldstar is even less than that.
>doesnt even capitilize the Y
how the fuck am I supposed to get my (You)'s when you cant even do that right user
>Why the fuck would Orks have high leadership? They're a god damn rabble of small minded savages
well so are the salamanders and they are ld8
But every faction runs 100+ grots, don't you know? That is why Wyverns and Helldrakes are the best units in the game!
>He in one round of combat from full health.
He died in round round of combat to guardsmen. Granted they were rerolling their to hit and to wound but seriously, what were the chances?
>Heldrakes are attack Flyers
>Can't use the autocannon to take out enemy flyers, can't win dogfights
>Heldrake is a Fighter
>Baleflamer is useless as anti-air, probably can't even function in a dogfight with it
Not to mention there will probably be no new rules to account for Vector strike on it.
The Emperor protects
She looks like a shark.
That disgusting land creature cant compare to Shark-chan
>What are the chances?
New model, lovingly assembled and painted, maybe even a little converted? Around a 100%, I'd say.
>no new rules to account for Vector strike on it.
Vector strike can only hit ground targets or can only hit fighters on a 6+
She can't be a shark, she is not a man. No floppy useless penis, no space sharks.
I was really hoping somone had an edit for that. But why no blush ////
What the hell? You ruined perfection you faggot.
I've got it terminal. Must be going on 6 years now.
Vengeance without an actual sword is worthless
Hatred won't stop a bullet
Trust is the ultimate vulnerability
It is blushing.
>being a memethirster
>being a bitch of Kellogg
Like the Baleflamer template ever hits more than 4 infantry. I space out any vulnerable squads I have, and ignore Heldrakes. You can easily limit a template to 3 hits.
Wyverns are a bit of a bitch. But thats the only above average unit IG has. So I dont begrudge them for it, theres a lot worse out there than a str 4 ignores cover barrage. Especially since Wyverns crumple like paper.
Guys, I'm ready to shelve my Grey Knights and keep them as a display army. I just can't win with them and yesterday I played against Necrons/AdMech (Not even Warconvo/Maniple or Decurion) and got BLASTED. I had to concede on turn 2 because there was no way to win.
My list was 2 Librarians, one of them in a 5 man squad in a Land Raider Crusader along with Malleus Terminator Inquisitor for scout move, non scattering deepstrikes. The other Librarian was in a 10 man Terminator squad that deepstriked in. 2 Dreadknights And in the back I had an imperial bunker with minimal acolyte squads to pad my warp charges and comms relay to re-roll my reserves. Well...I rolled for First to the Fray, great warlord trait, I rolled good psyker powers, I made my scout move and it went downhill from there. My Land Raider which has NEVER gotten to shoot in the 5 games I've used it got haywired and gaussed, the terminators inside got blasted by dunecrawlers, my Dreadknights actually got on the board on the first turn for once, only to have them deal the ONLY casualties that game. 5 Necron Warriors and 5 Skitarri rangers. The Dreadknights were promptly killed, the big 10 man squad couldn't kill a single deathmark, and that game was essentially a waste of my time.
AdMech are an elite army done right, they have all sorts of cool toys and tricks, while Grey Knights are Psyker Space Marines with free power weapons and that's it. I can't even fucking win against Khorne Daemons in casual matches and it makes me sad that' I've invested so much because they've got some great models.
Does that mean fighters can't choose to not use their sky fire anymore either? That'd be pretty great.
I think you missed the last thread...
That's actually an amazing paint job.
/40kg/ is a funny as fuck place to be. I've seen people ACTUALLY saying that it's "WAACfag" or "cheesing" if you play multiple of your best unit in you dex.
If you use x3 Hive Tyrants. You're a WAACfag. If you use x3 Wyverns. You're a WAACfag. If you use x3 Big Mek Gunz (or whatever they're called) you're a WAACfag. If you use x3 squads of Purifiers, you're a WAACfag.
It is. I saved it cause I was jelly. It works well, despite not being "oo blending and shades and stuff". It's a real shame you cannot make colours that Tzeentch produces.
Also, fun fact, lots of women can see more colours than men, but they need to be trained to do it. Wonder why it's only women thou.
Yes l, as a space wolf player with only D day flying carriers this leaves me once again without AA options.
And of course, the fa/tg/uys crying about this are hard done by players only playing fun and fluffy lists, just trying to enjoy the game, not caring about winning at all.
You should get a reclamation legion of Necrons. It has made IG much less scary than when I tricked myself into liking orks :^)
Oh. Wyvern rage? Heldrake rage? I imagine anyone upset about either of these doesnt play too often, cuz theres so much worse than either of these.
That or its the typical thoughtless ranting that we seem to get here on regular basis.
Traded my Necrons for Ork Walkers :^)
In MSU armies in dense terrain, those 4 hits are much more dangerous than they would normally be.
You need more terrain in your life, user.
My personal favourite is the 'tales' of asshole X army players who totally mean the rest of X army players are assholes.
are all terrible.
No, I am on the opposite fence. Last thread I argued that Wyverns are not particularly good because they only hit a few models a turn, to which I got a chorus of "I hit 45 models a turn with mine!!" and "spacing your troops is cheating!"
I was sarcastically referencing those arguments.
Things like the Wyvern are why I, at times, advocate vehicle Orks over infantry heavy, as odd as that sounds.
As much as people scream about there being an overabundance of ways to ruin a vehicles day, I notice it's hardly much better for hordes or infantry heavy lists.
I do a bit. But rage fudge is stronger.
I knew someone with something similar,
the more he raged the worse his dice were.
So to test the limits of his ability to alter probability, I made a list to specifically counter his army.
He raged so fucking bad by turn 4 that
>I wipe a squad of 5 hammer terminators with 10 Tyranid gargoyles, which I just bought
He stopped playing, packed up went home, didn't even touch 40k for months after that.
I don't know exactly the details, for me I would've kept the Dreadknights on the board and T1 shunted up and took out the Haywire (assuming Arc Rifles on AdMech) with their Heavy Incin / Other Gun.
Personally I don't like 10m TDA squads and would've combat squaded.
But I really don't know his list that well, what powers you rolled for, etc.
Though remember GKs get the new Psy powers and Technomancy might of been sweet vs Vehicles (my bane when I played GKs)
Give some more details
>reading the Angels of Death supplement
>damn this is awesome stuff
>ooo awesome, unique relics!
>I can't wait to see Crimson Fists, or even better, Black Templar relics!
And with one fell swoop my hope was crushed like a grot under a Emperor class titan....
Anybody who argues it's good is clearly not a pro like me.
>not running your units in a chevron, 'v' or 'u' formation
I started running my Boyz in Wagons, then my IG player gave literally every squad flamers and every vehicle heavy flamers. Now I either get Cooked Alive or whatever that retarded as fuck rule is, or the wagons get destroyed my melta dropping Vendettas and then the boys get Shrieked, Wyvern'd, or charged and wiped
>Ork Walkers
mfw the DDs were blue and now all the Necron are too
He's the last greater daemon in my collection.
Looking at that makes me wish I wasn't so shit at painting.
Working on a Genestealer Cult list for the heck of it. I am thinking it might look like:
Ghosar Quintus Broodkin formation
Lictor Forest Brood
Broodlord's Hunting Pack
-Trying to figure out how to get a bunch of guardsmen to take positions in here.
The list basically starts all of the melee units within 6 inches of the opponent, and some of them can charge turn 1. The rest charge turn 2, while the shrouded genestealer cult and the guards walk onto the points and begin to dakka things.
If you use 3 maxxed squadrons of wyverns you are a boring WAAC fag.
Lets be real though, Tau seems to attract the worst of the worst. They insist their army is mid-tier, and not a single one of them has ever been WAAC. They all just like the models; and of course the formations are fluffy.
The Tau regulars at my local GW (Scottsdale, AZ)
Dave- terrible person, mercilessly berates the weaker, nerdier guys. Allies in Eldar. Plays powerlists exclusively; constantly calling others cheesy. Even a CSM guy that wanted to use a Fire Raptor.
Dan: pretty cool bro. no Riptides, lots of tanks.
flgs Tau guys:
Ben- literal autist
Alex: magnetized suits, switches out weapons on his suits once he finds out what list hes up against. Powergamer, rules lawyer.
Idk this guysname: young, loud as hell, shouts a lot, complete fucking retard in every way
The effects of failing a leadership test really depends on the situation:
- Orks stop fighting the enemy and shift blame of not winnin' to each other. "BACK TO THE CAMP SO I CAN BASH YER 'EAD IN!"
- In the case of IG, it could be just one or two men in the squad having second thoughts.. unless there there was blamming involved
- Eldar changing their minds to the better part of valor
I want to add some chaos sorcerers to my Necrons using the new formation, but I want them to match the rest of the army. Any idea what would be a good counts as (something not Necron but looks like Necrons).
>"I hit 45 models a turn with mine!!" and "spacing your troops is cheating!"
25 models
And noon said anything even remotely like the latter.
If you feel the need to lie to make your case...
Sorry to hear that friend. What point level are you playing at? You need way more bodies to mitigate the risk of failed reserve rolls, deepstrike scatters, and to force your opponent to have to choose his targets more carefully. As it stands he can easily pick you apart as he has less things to worry about. Maybe try dropping the LR and the bunker for more bodies. If you want a comms relay then just get a defense line. The bunker isn't worth it if that's the only reason you have it. Don't take 10 man termi-squads. It lets your opponents focus fire too much. The only way it's worth it to take more than 5 is a group of 10 paladins with the banner and apothecary for more hits/defense but that is a massive point sink for a single target to be shot at.
tl,dr - Lose the LR and bunker for more bodies to pressure your opponent more. Right now he doesn't even have to worry about target priority.
Man the Keeper of secrets is a POS model.
Can always go Inquisition and use Not!Guardsmen with Bolters @5ppm. Max size 12.
Or just a CAD of IG, with vets and a platoon for troops (or two of either)
>implying taking that much str 4 shooting is waac
Unless you're against a blob army, that would be gimping yourself.
I feel that when people start to tailor like that, the whole argument about things being powerful or not goes out of the window. If you're going to be that guy and tailor your shit to the other player's weaknesses, then itis going to seem OP.
I take two Wyverns in my 1850 TAC list, I would never take more, especially not in response to a particular players list.
S4 shred.
Means anything without T8 or AV will die.
But yes, WAAC is the wrong word, cheesey is better.
If a vehicle in your IG list isn't A: Blamming the everloving fuck out of something, or B: Carrying shit so that THEY may blam the everloving fuck out of something, then something has gone wrong. In all seriousness they're decent but not worth it imo
Naked Iron Warriors maybe?
Sorry, I meant the Exterminator, I get the names confused.
You're better than me. It's pretty cool. One day user....
Even if the rest of the choices are, I dunno, Ogryns and Ratlings? No AT at all?
I like the Tau suits. I don't like the tanks/apcs/flyers. But I've resisted. The problem is, I don't know what to do. I've always wanted to get them. Ah well, it is a shame. To be, fluffy is only one Riptide if the army is cadre level.
a MEQ will still save the wound 2 out of 3 times
When are sisters of battle coming back?
The gw website doesn't even have most of them in stock.
New codex and models soon maybe?
I would say the Lascannon isn't worth it on the Exterminator, especially with the HB sponsons. Leave it with a HB and use it for heavy anti-infantry.
Autocannonon Heavy Weapons team is solid.
Dreadknights landed in front of the Haywire squads, and they did take aim, but it was wayyy to late because the Land Raider Scout moved, opponent ran through cover and got in range and just let loose with the Necrons and the Rangers. The biggest thing that killed me was that I went second. Like, no matter what I was NOT getting a charge on any unit in the first turn. I saw on the official 40k FB page that the new psy powers were for Codex: Space Marines chapters only. If they are, then why the hell is the new stuff on the GK page for GW?
I rolled Daemonology on one and got Sanc, Cleansing Flame, Gate of Infinity, and Purge Soul. Telepathy on the other and got Terrify, Levitation, and Hallucination. It was 2 guys splitting the points on the other side. Necrons was 20 warriors, 3 Tomblades, an Overlord, 10 Deathmarks, 5 Immortals, and a Monolith. Admech was a Dominus, 10 Rangers, 10 Vanguard, 2 Dunecrawlers, 3 Plasma Servitors.
We usually play at 1850. I want to keep my army as "pure" as everyone else's in the groups because we just play casually. They don't even ally and steamroll me most of the time. I like the bunker because it defends whoever's manning the Comm Relay MUCH better than the ADL in my experience. And just to let it be known, the dice ABSOLUTELY hate me. It's rare for an opponent to fail saves against me, like against all fucking odds, they roll 5-6's ALL THE TIME, and while I only need to make 2+'s most of the time, I roll 1's more often than not. I ran the LR because my Draigo isn't quite ready. I hate sounding like a crybaby, but I'm just tired of losing SO FUCKING BADLY every time.
get a box of triarch praetorians and make some cryptek look-alikes with them and deathmark heads
Land raiders are not worth anything in a GK list. To be honest, you actually probably don't even want your dudes in combat that often, unless you're guaranteed to be able to cut your way out. GK aren't marines with power swords, and playing them that way will make you lose. You need to be really fast and really aggressive if you want to accomplish anything. Spam WC, shoot for anything that improves saves or kills enemies. Everything else is pretty much useless. Dreadknights shouldn't deepstrike. Terminators should, pretty much always. Use servo skulls. They have the added benefit of trapping skitarii by cutting off their scout move. Drop in and unload psychic hate. Use purifiers, they can take four special weapons in a squad of ten, then combat squad to give 4WC, a unit of PC, and some other dudes to do other things. Shoot, teleport, gate, and witchfire your way around the board until everything's dead.
don't it's the worst version of the leman russ
it tries to be the jack of all trades and ends up being bad at most things
it shines at ripping up light vehicles but it's not really worth wasting that many points on a russ when HWT autocannons (as part of an infantry or command squad) will do the same job cheaper
Shhhsshhhh, sleep, fair child. Sleep and dream sweetly.
*The* wound yes, then there's all the next.
A single Wyvern can expect to kill 2 MEQ per turn, far more if they aren't ideally spaced, say hiding in cover.
I though that was the nova-cannon version.
Getting a war Hymnn from Ld7 is a crapshoot honestly, that Zealot + Re-roll in CC is delicious though Who the fuck has EVER used the smash hymnn
I know how you feel. The sad thing is, it would be so easy to make BT players happy. All you would need to do is throw us a couple formations and a core formation that works with crusade squads. The command benefit is the old vows. We actually have nearly enough relics in the 4e book to fill a supplement. It would be easy.
What's more offensive is that updating Templars gives them a great opportunity. There hasn't been an Armageddon book in many editions and orks need help something terrible. In one campaign book, they could give the BT players everything they wanted in the first place and un-fuck the ork formations so that they can finally join 7th edition properly. But no, that's apparently too much to ask for. We need more fucking Tau supplements, apparently.
I do use servo skulls, I have problems moving purifiers up the board, and since they can't deep strike, the only way to not footslog them is either a tank or pair them up with a librarian and pray to god I roll Gate for him. Also, not good with abbreviations, what's WC?
Aahhh shit. I thought I read that you went first (but you got First to the Fray)
The book is Codex Space Marines only. EXCEPT the psychic powers which are for All the different colored marines (BA, DA, GK, SW, SM)
Ya going second really hurts. That sucks.
I hate how 1 dimensional GKs are right now. It's why I shelved mine.
But seriously, check out the new powers. They might of helped.
Tell me a happy story about the old days, Papa.
Here's hoping that the rumors of pre-decurion (2014) codexes get formation datasheets. I'd just be happy with a formation that lets me harness on 3+ that doesn't fucking cost 3000+ pts base. While Eldar can do it with like, 200 pts?
WC is warp charge. Purifiers have terrible mobility problems, but they're probably better off not being used as forward troops anyway. If you want, stick them in a razorback. It's not like we have any other lascannons. A lot of your psychic powers are incredible for killing skitarii, as they're pretty much all AP4. Hit as quickly as you can and pray. It's a tough army to play, but far from impossible. Using the new psychic powers will probably help a lot.
Holy cow, Inquisition can get ML1 Psykers for 10 points each? So for 120 points you can get 12 dice and cast 12 powers out of one mob?
Converting SoB's from Mordheim's Sisters of Sigmar didn't run you bankrupt.
>Heldrake is a fighter
>Has Skyfire
So it can't fucking shoot the template at the ground? Will there be 2 variants?
They're brotherhood of psykers so they count as 1 psyker regardless of how many are in the squad.
the minimum cost og a squad you can take to get a psyker is 10 points for the psyker and 8 points for two acolytes.
Oh they are brotherhood of Psykers. Still awesome though.
Exactly why this change is probably going to screw with it. No matter what category they stick it in, it won't fit.
before codex Dinobots there used to be a faction called chaos space marines, which used primarily traitor space marines as troops.
Does anyone have any good stories of the forces of the Mechanicus slaying the enemies of the Omnissiah?
I haven't gotten a chance to play with the new powers yet, but I can practically guarantee that they'll help. Technomancy may not be the best anti-tank, but it's a fuck of a lot better than psycannons and hitting things with force sticks. The prospect of rerolling saves is also pretty wonderful.
I wouldn't bet on it. GW hates us. Why else would they take away half our wargear? Why else would we have to pay for the ML on a dreadnought when the powers it gets are fucking useless? I don't want to pay 25 points for a 6+ invuln on a dreadnought. That's stupid. The last book was an insult. They cut a bunch of shit (some of which needed to go; I was sick of trying to remember who had which grenades) and gave us nothing in return, except for a couple points cuts.