Can there be autistic orkz? If so, what are they like?
Can there be autistic orkz? If so, what are they like?
Average fa/tg/uy
I'd assume like regular orkz but slightly quieter and harder to distract.
They're not incredibly social as it is.
On the topic of oddboyz, I've always liked the idea of more obscure abilities that are still helpful to the WAAAGH!, like orks who are unusually adept at intelligence work or logistics.
I think that although papaboyz would be widely despised for their bureaucratic ways, they would also be revered for their near-magical ability to actually get munitions to the right place at the right time.
>actually get munitions to the right place at the right time.
>Ork equipment
>Running out of ammo or fuel
Their stuff runs on the power of the orks' belief that it works (as manifested by some kind of psychic field or something). They don't actually need extra ammunition; their guns keep shooting indefinitely as long as there's a magazine in the weapon. Their vehicles work similarly. IIRC there was a story where an ork vehicle broke down, and the boss fixed it by claiming he already filled the tank up.
Aren't they all?
Trukkaboyz, they transport goods for long distances
Brewaz, named for the fungus beer they make, brewaz actually make all ork food and drink
Squig farmers are mentioned in Gorka Morka but I can't remember their orky name.
You's not filled out th propa papas t' believe dis ere gun's got bullets in it. You'll be wantin th Beleef Regulatory Committee, they can get you yer belief fees paid and issues you a belief license.
>Can there be autistic orkz?
I suppose.
>If so, what are they like?
Krumped good.
Let's see
>No social skills
>Extreme obsession with one area or hobby
>No sense of empathy
>Not distressed by any of the above things
Pretty sure just regular orks
Autistic orks are the ones who meet the first three criteria but are very worried about that.
Autistic people (not internet "autistic" people) can be agitated in general but not in some existential way. They don't understand those concepts so why would they worry about it? They get mad because things aren't going their way which is a consequence of their not understanding others, but not understanding people or not forming relationships doesn't bother them because their thinking works just fine in their perspective
noice trips
I think autistic orks would have those problems/qualities that autistic people don't. They're self-aware, socially well-adjusted beings surrounded by crazed psychopaths. Maybe it's just my sleep-deprived brain trying to entertain itself.
>oi ya gits, can't we just be nice to humies for a little bit?
>why are ya always krumpin one another?
>zog off painboy, I'z goin to see a humie doctor. They'll just try to kill me stead of swappin me foot out for a flashlight
The orks that workshop khorne are what orks would call "autistic"
More in the spence of Internet autism instead of actual autism
I think an autistic ork would be similar to an eldar, in which he chooses a path in life with such an intensity it can weird out fellow orks. He can even get hung up on the the mundane like the details of his axe, and refuse to fight unless the axe "looks right" or something along those lines.
But he always believes that his axe doesn't "look right," so it never does, no matter how much he works on it.
Articulate and civilized, by human standards.
All eldar are autists.
We heard it here.
The "it only works with magic meme" is the only thing that works with magic.
I really swear it moved from "mechanicus says it cannot work (like every xeno piece of tech)" to " if they think they are in space, a kill kroozer materializes from thin air"
The one person in this thread who understands how autism works and not just the meme.
Yes, they're called Mekboyz.
The Gretchin are the ones that make food and beer
Snotlings tend squigs and farm fungus
I always thought of it as Ork weapons and equipment being functional, but so poorly-made that they would stick and jam constantly if the psychic force of the Ork's enthusiasm did not "push" the mechanical bits where they needed to go.
Sort of how when you're in a bind and then your car breaks down, and just when it seems that all is lost, you pour all your hopes and dreams into the car one last time - and it turns over.
Only instead of hopes and dreams, it's your burning orky passion for shooting, going fast and krumpin' things.
There are plenty in here